Resolution 1995-447 .,',?"'~"'.'."'.'.". .'.... >~~:}~ I,' ~ .-~v~":, '. ,);, . '',f':,:'' ~ .,. ...." I~.j:';.': ;{:-, : -~f..", I~.-t.:' .J ~~ ~I, 't".';.."."'. ..... ":.' .~'~~- ~~;:r' , '~?~ ,~. ~j;,;.:r:.... ;rr:, ,{ ., f; g;r ~;., , I'~:;-; >>:: !;,':'\' ; , - -, . ft..,,:<< -.....,.' , ;1"'/' I"':' , ;;", ... ,.. RESOLUTION NO. 95-'. 447 ~t- 1 ,~; ~! A REsor ,UTIOR OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDlNG FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE AllATEMBNT OP PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDInANCE 91-47. :~ ~,~ J or' J .!' WHEREAS, as provided in ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of cert~in nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by .he County, shal" be assessed againr't such property; and ~' ;1 1 1" .~: "; ! WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to eich parcel shall be calculated and re,X)rted to the BOlrd of County Commilsioners, together with a descriptic 1:1 of said parcel. and WHEREAS, sue.:1 assessment sha, 1 be a legal, vali,., and binding obligation upon the property agai,ist which made unti.. paid; and WHEREAS, the ~ssessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion th~reof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL\i :0 BY THE BOARD OF ,OUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, . 'LaRIDA, that the 1= :operty described as follows, and having been abatt ,I of a public nuisa ~;ce after due and proper notice thereof to the OWDf" of said property, is hereby assessed the following cost 9 of such abatt! lent, to wit: :'1 ;, :~.l J ~ -j d "jl r ~ .i."'I'.' ,., . , ;j .-,;l L NAHB s LEGAL D.SCRIPTIOH~ COSTs William B Berner 2106 S 9th St Bt Loui., MO 63104 Lot 19 Block 362 of Marco r,;lach $245.00 Unit BLBVBN a Buhdivi.ion "'lcordJ.ng to the Plat thereof, r.cordf~ in Plat Book 6, Page 80-86, of the Public Record. )f Collier Coun ty, :'lorida . ;1 ,Ii ~ ~4 l 1 ~ ,1"11. -~\ ef' . 50420-017 .57932040000 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a. to the owner or owners of the above des~ owner fails to pa1' such assessment with certified copy of this Resolution shall Clerk of Courts,n and for Collier Co lien against such property accorf. Lng to' stayed by this BOe;.rd upon appeal,f the, otice of aRsessmant of lien ed proper~y, and if such thirty (301 days hereof, a -filed in:he Office of the I Plorida, to constitute a W, unless 3uch direction i9 ',sessment of the owner. ~ ~ ,. ',:~;'lIt: AU6 - 8.1995 :;i :i ;,....,;" ~'lt;:.J .'tb.' , 0,,;-, :if:t;', 'l;'''''''. '!'I~'('."~; 'DATED~~.~ Resoluti on adopted after moti~.;BIf~second and majority vote. ~ ?~ . ,..p' ~UG, - 3 1995 <,'~{~ ~ji(;.;; A~T.:..', BOARD OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~:.: ,~~9HT E.' aRO~, ':. (~LERK COLLI~ C~~, FI,ORIDA, ..( , ':\~.'>?~,QL- BY:.~~7l2~~ 'CIlAI~ ~-ARPROVEO AS. 'to'ovO,rIM .","/ ; lj~.~:f~CY' . f"Of '" . ,.. ---- . Jtt:...A<ENNETH B. CUYLER' , ;1r COUNTY ATTORNEY , ~ f. , ,I II 'j CSce 11 - 1/94 JJ '-, J " ~ 1 ;1 ;~ .lj :1 ;..,. ;' .~ !~ 1 ., ~/ Jt' , !l,,' t"1J:f.~ )\</" >,~~",' " ,;;.( -' ~' i~J ::,~'~: ~. , -'~',~ ~; ~..,.. i~ ; \../;