Resolution 1995-458 aata: · 196837foR: 2092 fG: 0444 CUD to m IO&D uCOIDa 11 ~. OnICIU UCOID. of caum conn, n corIII .... InllOrrICI 5T1 non 11/22/n It 11:'111 mGft.. DIOCI, CUD t~ c8 ~ II! mo RBSOLOTIOX HO. IS- 4 58 uem 31.5' RESOLUTION FOR PETITION AV 95-009 TO VACATE A 25 FOOT ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY KNOWN AS EARL STREET AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF NAPLES GROVES AND TRUex CO.' S LITTLE FARMS NO.2, AS REC~RDED IN PlAT BOOK 1, PAGE 27, OF THE PUBT,IC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 336.09 and 336.10, Florida Statutes, Davld B. Bruns as agent for owners, Ivy Jean Nebus, James P. Nebus and IEC Rental, Inp., does hereby request the vacation of 20 25 foot road dght-I)f-way, known as Earl street located on a P"Iortion of the p',at of Naples Grove I and Truck Co.'s Li ttle Farms No.2, as recorlled in Plat Book 1, Page 27, of the Public Records of Collier Cou,ty, Florida 1 and WHEREAS, the Board has this day held a public hearing to consider vacating a portion of said plat as mor~ fully doscribed below, and notice of said public hearing to vacate was qiven as required by law1 and WHEREAS, the granting I e the vacation wi ~.l not adversely affect the o~':lership or ri., ht of convenient access of other property owners. WHEREAS, the vacation and abandonment 'If the 25 foot right-ot-way known as Earl Ftreet located on ,} portion of the plat of Naple1 Groves and ruck Co's Little Farms NO.2, as recorded in Plat Book 1, 1 ilge 27, of the P, blic Records of Collier County, Florida, woul.1 benefit the genercl public welfare and is in the best interest of the public .: n the following particulars: 1. The teneral public .Jill benefit from the dedication of right-ot-way on the North Road corridor. NOW, THErEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the fOllowing be and is hereby vacated: See Exl lbit "Bn attach.'Jd to and incorpora::ed herein BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of Cou:"lty Commissioners at Collier Co .nty, Florida, that the road rigb to-of-way easement more particularly described in Exhibit "A" at' ;,lched hereto and incorporated herein OR: 2092 PG: 0445 JUG - 8 1995 f the I:p?a~men? i. hereby accepted a. easement for the road right-of-way easement vacated hereupon. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk i. hereby directed to record this Rusolution in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida and to make proper notatiohs of this vacation on said plat. . , This res, Jlution adopted ' " .. '/ " f . 'vote.t#Vor~ng same. " ..'. r"j' ", , . ....<~~~t6; 'f/fj.'r .: :; AT1':.i::ST: ' ' ~ ~: Ql'tZGHT ~. BRQc ,;K, Clerk ~~y;:'~: " " ~ /')A " .:,'--:-7~'U";'> ..~ ". 1"-< . ' .' motion, second and majority ~ .t.. ti; ! ( { t ~ ( , '.~ i. f.. ~, J ~ .~ ~.