Resolution 1995-456 RESOLUTION 95-45' RESOLUTION O~ THB BOARD O~ COOHTY COKMISSIOHBRS, COLLIn COtJJITY, PLORIDA'i; APPROVING GR.A.NT APPLlCATIOH POR USB OP"CATEGORY C TOURIST DBVELOPHEHT TAX RBVBHtJES POR EXHIBITIOH OP KEY MARCO CAT AT THB COLLIBR comwr MUSEtJX AlII) WAIVING TEB GUIDELlnS WHICH REQUIRB A 50% CONTRIBUTION AlII) MAKE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EXPENDITURES INELIGIBLE. WHEREAS, the Marco Island Chapter-Collier County Historical Society (the "Historical Society") applied to the Tourist Development (ouncil and the Board ot County Commissioners for a grant of Category C fundfl in the amount of Sixt~ six Thousand Five Hundred Sixteen and 00/100 Dollars ($66,516.00) to fund expenses for an exhibition 01 the Key Marco Cat at the Collier County Museul'; WHEREAS, the local quidelines require a 50% in-kind or cash contribution toward the event which has not beer: provided in the Historical Society'S budget; WHEREAS, the Historical Society has raised: 3,484.00 for the Key Marco Cat exhibition; antI WHEREAS, the local guide: lnes do not allow ","penditures for capital improvements; WHEREAS, i:.lthough the dit:play is scheduled for November through May, it is anticipated that increased exposure of Collier County will result from this exhibition; WHEREAS, it is expected that out-ot-county \tsitors will be attracted to f. he Collier Cou ty Museum; WHEREAS, it is expected 'lat hotel/motel or :::ampground nights will be generated from allocc.tion ot TOC funds; WHEREAS, the County has agreed to be the Spc.1sor of the exhibition si" ce the Key Marco Cat will be locat.3d at the Collier County Museum, and WHEREAS, the Historical Society has represented that it will continue its fund-raising eff.:)rts and reimburse '::he County with the funds collected. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COOHTY COKMISSIONERS that: 1. A Grant of Categor~ C funds in the amo~~t ot $66,516.00 ~ -1~ I "It . , :~ to fund expenses for an exhibition ot the Key Marco Cat, according to the Budget attached to this Resolution, is hereby approved, sUbject to the provisions of this Resolution. 2. The County shall act as applicant on behalf of the Historical Society for the exhibition of the Key Marco Cat and all vendors shall be paid directly trom the County. 3. The proposed exhibition ot the Key Marco Cat is primarily fo}' the purpose of furthering the advancement, improvement l:nd promotion of tourism. 4. The 50% cash contribution or in-kind contribution is hereby waiveci. 5. The ineligibility 01 expenditures for capital improvements is hereby waive,. 6. The application for the exhibition of 1 he Key Marco Cat is deemed in full satisfaction of all of the TDC guidelines and requirements. 7. The Collier County Museum shall delivel: to the Collier County Board of County Commi: sioners on a monthly basis a sum equal to lOa% of admission c, .arges collected, L any, for the vieWing of th:;; Key Marco Cat exhibition, and such amounts up to $66,516.00, less amounts reimbursed by the Historical Society pursuant to paragraph 8, shall be, deposited int,,1 the Category C Tourist Development Tax fund. a. The Poard acknotorled 'es that the Histor' cal Society has agreed to con~inue its fund- aising efforts for the exhibition of the Key Marco Cat and haEI agi eed to reimburse the County's Category C Tourist Development Tax Fund with furds collected. DATED: Augus: a, 1995 ",,:~: ;,~,' ,., '" '" " ATTEST: '. " DWIGHT E. 'BROCK~ Clerk ~ -'" --:}~~_ <;2). ~" " 'proved as' to. :form and ~f,fJt:enCY: " . , :.. -: 'iAJ/j - H d F. Ash In .' Assistant County Attorney HFAIbIIOl41 BOARD OF COUNTY CO~SSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY.. ~% ,'!'THEWS, a rman tYf? r - ? - 41:') .l" ~) t:? ,., ,