Resolution 1995-438 USOLU'l'IOH HO. 95- 438 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND APPROVING THE EXPENDITURE OF COUNTY FUNDS FOR PREVIOUS AND P't1'.l't1RE AWARDS AND RECOGNITION PLAQUES EXPENDITURES AND DECLARING THAT SAID EXPENDITURES ARE AUTHORIZED AS SERVING A VALID PUBLIC PURPOSE. WHEREAS, the Board ot County Commissioners periodically conters awar~s, recognition plaques and other items to a variety ot communit~' groups and individuals to reccC]nize outstanding achievementF and/or contribotions ot said individuals and groups to Collier County: and WHEREAS, the conferring ot said awards, r !cognition plaques and other items to individu~ls and groups se~es to promote and engender gol..><1 will toward c-;.unty government wi >,hin the community and to show the Board of County Commissioners' appreciation tor the outstanding achievements and/or contI ibutions to the community made by individuals and groups; and WHEREAS, the tollowin categorieo of expenditures are periodic,ally incurred: trc. ~lhies, awards, rec..1gnition documents and certitic~tes and plaque. : and WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 87-5 allows tor expenditures ot County tunds to enhance County employee prOductivity, and to promote and engender good ~ill toward County government w1.thin the COJll1 mlty, encourage ncreased employee responsiveness to the neec' and requeots ot the citizens and residents of the County, .md to provide inl.:entives for the attaining ot these goals provided the Joard of County Commissionerr; adopts or has adopted an imples,enting resolution setting fort! the specific ~Ilrposes of the expenditures; and WHEREAS, on June 13, 1995, the Board ot COl'nty Commissioners incurred expenditures in th,! approximate amouilt of One Hundred Ninety-Five Dollars ($195.00) for plaques 1:0 recognize the tOllowing Girls Fast Pitch Softball Teams: the Naples High SChool Golde I Eagles Girls ,"ast Pitch Softball Team who won the 1995 Class IV A State Ch ,mpionship1 the Bat ron Collier High - , - School Cougars Girls Past Pitch Softball Team which won the 1995 Class V A State Championship and the st. John Neumann Celtics Girls Fast Pitch Sottball Team which won the 1995 Class II A State Runner-Up Title: and WHEREAS , the Board ot County Commissioners shall, periodically, in the tuture, confer awards and recognition plaques anc' other items on individuals and community groups for their outs';anding achievements and/or contributions to Collier County 1 ant' WHEREAS, the Collier I,ounty Clerk of CC'1rts has conferred with the County Attorne'l's Office regard ,ng the need for :" clarificat..on about the 81'ecific expenditure:'l for previous and tuture individual and groulJ awards, recognitic.'I' plaques and other items, and whether such expenditures are a valid public purpose, even it the expenditures are not covered by t~e exact expenditure categories set forth in Ordinance No. 87-5. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ]' RESOLVED BY THY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER C 'nfrY, FLORIDA, that: 1. Th" expenditures in the approximate amount ot One Hundred Ninety-Five Dollars ($195.00) for plaques to recognize the outstanding contributions of th~ Naples Illgh, Barron Collier High and st. John Neumann High Girls Fast p. tch Softball Teams are hereby 'ound by the Bo rd to serve a valir' public purpose and are ratifieu and approved. 2. The Board hereby :uthorizes disburs8ll1ent ot One Hundred NinetY~Five Dollars ($195.00) to pay for such expenditures. 3. Th" Board hereby further t indt that trophies, awards, rec1qnition docume:lts, certificates and plaques and other items to be conferred ~n the future by the Board, upon individuals and groups :for outstanding a-::hievements and/or contributions to Collier County, serve a vali il public purpose by promoting llnd engendering good will toward county government within the :ommunity and el,couraging other inc'ividuals and groups to be outstanding citizen. ot Collier County. For those reasons, - 2 - . '.i j. ,,'t_ said expenc:'.itures are approved tor future individual and group trohies, awards, recognition,documents, certiticates, plaques and other items. The Board hereby authorizes dishursement ot monies in the amClunt of Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00) each fiscal year to pay tor said expenditures. This Rc'solution adopted attei- motion, sf.!cond and majority vote tavoring same. DA'l'BD:,. .~,'S-- .' \, . "'" .' ,A'l"I'EST:, ,,', DWIGHT E;'.,BROClC, Clerk AUG - 1 1995 " ~~r +.,;' ,*4 ':/ :: ~ l~ .~ i~ "'.:!~ "":v" j i~. .~ ~J ',~ .li ~ .~ ,f,: ~ I .11 . '!. .~ .J . ..i ,'.. , , ,,~'f~~~' ~"JfJ(, . ~ .. .. . . ,."pproVed . a~""to form and legal sufficiency: ~~_.~ ~.ar7 <... - famiro Maftll Lch k "- Assista~t County Atto~ey IM/c.l5867