Resolution 1995-500 'j,;. :.,', '.,'1' :','\ RESOLUTION NO. 95- .... 500.' ".~; . f}/..,' . ',' '. ::, :-"~~~Lr ~~7~F~~:',:~~1~~~,:'; .c~{,;. . V" '.: _ ."c'~' ~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNT~.~' :,~~;, ' COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY,":' FLORIDA,. i'~~f' AUTHORIZING WAIVER OF LIBRARY,~ S~STEMIMPACT ..?:rrf' FEES, PARKS AND RECREATIONAL""FACILITIES IMPACT ":,'.'] FEES, . ROAD IMPACT FEES" EMERGENC~ MEDICAL f;~:':b'~~~~~~~~E;~~~i~~~~p~~~:~~~~~~~~N~~E HOUSE TO .. r~l~'C ,. =~m~~~~m~~h~:.~~~i~i:~~~Tl'T "'~\~Ji WHEREAS, Collier County has recognized and attempted to .~,', . ';, ~:, .' ~'. I .~t~ddress the lack of adequate and affordable housing for moderate, ;j:'" "\~',"':r'~, , ~~{.;..~.}~f " and very- low income hous':lholds in.. the Coun~;y ,and the need ~f,,~~~::r : creative . and innovati v~ p', o9'ram~J~,~~~:\ist j n. the' provis ~on ;~~~\')':'~f such housJ.1:.g by includJ.ng several provJ.sions J.n the CollJ.er ii(~~>~~unty Growth Management Plan, includi'ng:,objectLve 1. 4, policy \~;j\i, ' ,~. ; . ~~l' 1:.4.1; objective 1. 5, policy 1. 5.2, policy 1. 5.3, policy 1. 5.4, {:~ "'-.' :;;; . t: policy 1.5.5, policy 1.5.6; objective 1.6, policy 1.6.3; ~;;~; ct~jective 2 ~ 1, policy 2.1.1, policy 2.1. 2, ,'polie'!. 2.1.3, policy ~\.;y,;;. ". . ~~;">;" 1~t~:"'2;~'1.5, and ,policy 2.1.6 of th'e H~usin'g EI~~~nt; arId ~i' . " ,:;", ; . ',(:;{' , '.. WHEREAS, Collier County h ls,Creceived' funding pursuant to the '~r ;",';'.' ,~~;, <~~:i!~3 ~~l;;:::~~:~.;~',',.;. .:~ ~~~tl~i;' state Housing Initiatives ~ rtnershi~' Program s~t forth in ~,<' . I 1'; ':'~l;";: Section 420.90? et. seq., Florida statutes and Chapter 91-37, Administrative Code; and!:, ; .::~, ' , ~,'.' WHEREAS, in accordance with Collier Count}' Ordinance No. . 93';'19, the County is author!:' 1d to use funding from the State Initiat ives Partnersh P (SHIP] Program Eor waivers of County impact fees; an WHEREAS, Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc. is seeking a ~i~ . WHEREAS, I,;.rnokalee Habitaf. for Humanity', Inc. will construct (1) three"bedroom unit t the "D~elling' Unit") on Lot 6, .,~~ , ,~,:i~,'!~ ,~r"'<'::".,.~,~Jq', ,,;i Highlands Habitat Subdivision, Immok"l~,e)which'::::,is to ';:P')', h\/.': .":~ji' , .; .',i;!i~'!;'>~W:~:,t;::')y: 1 ;..': . ',' '., " )'...~':sefl for. For~y-six .,Thousand;;i.'.\Fiv~~JiUI}drEld:;:,., .ollarl., ($46,500.00) i ',' . ':'.,.~....,.. "~' ''', .'>rl" .,.~t''''..-:!''..'',J,v;'''1l~''r , ' ,hK;::;a~~); ~!<~i ':";.,~::.,~~!.~'~~sti}t~:(,'~'\l:, ,"" .,ifit . ,'~.flf: ,,~'~~hl'~j,:, ~. . . ,.:;'\. WHEREA.S~,:i. t'te Dwelling Vnit;' ~~ll"j~~~';fiR~r?h~7"e,~ by, a:, very low' ,;,r.:, ., MI~~;~"'r7~;~I.t~jir' ,. householl which is req- tired' tc(. invest a minimum of five ....: \ "<', .C1;;~" Mnv nnn ~!~r~l7:; hundred (500) hours of "Sweat Equity" before it obtains title to the house; and ~, ~. WHER~S, Hr.. Charles C. Smith, Vice President of Immokalee \:l":t' ~ Habitat for Humanity, Inc., submitted to the Office of Housing '~'and Urban Improvement an Affordable Housing Application dated August 23,1995 for a waiver of impact fees for the construction of a house'on Lot 6, Highlands Habitat Subdivision, Immokalee, a copy of said lpplication is on file in the Housing and Urban Improvement Det'artment; and WHEREAS, in accordance \dth Section 3.04 of the Library System Impa;:t Fee ordinance, Ordinance No. 88-~ 7, as amended; Section 4.05 c~ the Parks and Recreational Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance, Ordinance No. 88-9L, as amended; Section 3.04 of the 'Road Impact Fee Ordinance, 0rdinance No. 92-21, as amended; Section 3.05 of the Emergency Medical Services System Impact Fee Ordinance, Ordinance No. 91-71, as amended; and Section 3.05 of the Educational Facilities System Impact Fee Ordinance, Ordinance No. 92-33, as amended; an appl cant may obtain a ~Taiver of impact fees by qualifying for a waive.; and, WHEREAS, IrJrnokalee Habita.: for Humanity, Inc. has qualified for an impact fee waiver based, upon the following representations made by Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: ~Tt~' A. The Dwelling Unit s}-1all be sold" to a first-time home buyer .. B. The Dwelling Unit sl <Ill be sold to a h )usehold with a very low income lev(:l as that term is defined in the Appendices to the respective Impact Fee Ordinances and the m':.nthly payment to purchase the unit must be within the affordable hous:.ng guidelines established in the Appendices to the respective Impact Fee)rdinances. Dwelling Unit shall be the Homestead of the owner. Dwelling Unit shall remain afforda~le for fifteen (15) years from the date the certificate of occupancy is. is ued. C. The ,:,.,. D. The n .... ,.., $~::~' ~~, ;~~~;~'~: \isj?,:: " ,Jflli." , ~:->\,~(t ':;j).;, ;~.:!~ '~~~\t " "'~ ''lP;r '~'~'~"~':, :,it\i..., ;:r~.~ ~!~!r.;,;~ ~;.', '~J;:', 'It'~ '~" ~. '1!}: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED B~ THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER CO~~TY, FLO~IDA., that: 1. The Board of County Commissioners hereby authorizes the County Manager to issue an Authorization for waiver of impact fees to one (1) house , ,.,>: (},~ ",\~~;~ Immokalee Habitat,for Humanity, Inc. for . , t~\~::~:! i," '. "",i;;:~'i;:~,~(~~" t?:,tr; which shall be 'constructed on Lot 6, : ~i Highlands Habitat Subdivis'ion Counl;y, Florida. Immokalee, Collier 2. Upon receipt by Housing and Urban Development DirEl~tor of an agr.~'ement for waiver of impact fees sign~d by Immokalee :!iabitat for HumanHy, Inc., and/or the ~:)Urchaser, or ot'ler documentation a:ceptable to the County Attorney, tLe Board of Count:' Commissioners hereby authorizes the payment by Collier County of the following impact fees from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Fund (191), in the following ammlnts for the one (1) house to be b,lllt on Lot 6, Hi(Jhlands Habitat SUbdivision, Immoklllee by Immokalet9 Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: A. Library Impact Fee $ B. Road Impact Fee " C. Parks and Recreational Facilities Impact Fee: (1) Community arks (2) Regional P rks 180.52 1,379.00 399.00 179.00 D. EMS Impact Fee 14.00 E. ~ducational Facilities System Cmpact Fee $ 1.778.00 Total Impact.,Fens 'L $ 3,929.52 ;l"" ,':7 ;, :,~:;'~~h. '~:4';," ".l~::;t 3. The payment of imp'act: fees ,by Collier C\)unty is subject '::;,:!Jt '" r',", " "'~:i'~:5 :\":;.~t~/ to the executioll,i~,~nd reco,rdation of an Affordable " '.::~;Z;'I;~~) 1:.},:, ';:'~ll.<i Housing: Agreement,;for paymen County Impact ! :d " ::'''ij~'~1. Fees between the ;'pr()perty,.owne purchaser and y, . 't f( . ;.,!;:~;;,:~~".,:. the C ounty .n~i~~: ;', , I'~:\ " ','{t' ~i ,!,.'., . ,<,,,,~,j.... '~"..' :;'~'i:'i>1 ,':".' motion, .~ vote favoring same. This Resolution adopted after DATED: SEP 1 ? 1995 , ,; J,.' ATTEST:';, DWIGHT E. 'BROC1{, Clerk . \of,; ,.' /, , ~'. :~: 'J:,~-~:o/r - ~xf).(!, ". . ," . .. "". .. '/' . .. ;i':" " . .' \\ App~~t,;ed ~'a~)'to form and legal sUfficiency: ~~1~ ~ssistant Coum':y Attorney doe213 BOARD OF COUNTY COLLIER COUNT~, , , "'.... second and majority COMMISSIONERS F:~ TTHEHS, CHAIRMAN . '" I.J~J 'f'I;"" ,,,,I, ;~ '-~ '\i,J:~"~ ~j." .'j,.,,!,'it.' ',:\';~ -''':1 "4 .,~ ;~ i~ );~,: ""'" ,:~ '.l . . ~,~. ':\{.,:" '$1 , :!? ".,0 ,,' ..~ :t'J~ ".,t~..{: ,'~ ,\ -,', . ;:. .;."~,~~ .,i:ft; .~~ '. ,~: :':7~,~: :'V~' ,Ji , ; ""if ~~.. <r;l :,~ !'U: ~*'~f ~, tr..ifo ;,~ ';~~