Resolution 1995-416 RESOLUTION N ,l'~" ,.;" .y RESOLUTION OF THE BOARO>.~, COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER" , AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF, ONAL WATER SYSTEM) IMPACT FEES, REGIONAL S, SYSTEM IMPACT PEES, LIBRARY SYSTEM I~ 'I' ' FEES, PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES'ACT FEES, ROAD IMPACT FEES, EMERGENcY,:;' .... CAL SERVICES SYSTEM It.fPACT FEES AND EDUCATIO 'I FACILITIES SYSTEM IMPACT FEES FOR ONE HOUS~;to BE CONSTRUCTED BY IMMOKALEE HABITAT FOR fruIA}UTi, INC. ON LOT 9, BLOCK 5, NAPLES MANOR "SION, NAPr.ES, F:L.ORIDA. WHEREAS ,recognized and attempted to :-t:' address th.J lack ot adequate and;, ordable housing tor moderate, low, and ~'ery-Iow income househo in the County and the neecS tor creati .'e and innovative prs to assilt in the provision ot such housing by includ :Lng s~ I proviso ons in the Collier County Gro"lfth Management J lan,.~ uding: at lective 1. 4, policy 1.4.1; objective 1.5, pol~.cy 1.,5", policy 1.5.5, policy objectLve 2.1, polIcy 1.5.3, policy 1.5.4, 1.6, policy 1.6.3; 2.1.2, policy 2.1.3, policy 2.1.5, And policy 2.1.6 ot the Housing E1emen".; and WHEREAS, Collier County has received funl~ing pursuant to the state Housing' Initiative' Partnership PrO'jram set forth in Section 420.907 et. .eQ., Florida statute. and Chapter 91-31., Florida Administrative Code; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Collier C, unty Ordinance No. 93-19, the County is authorized to use tunc~ 1ng tram the State Housing Initiatives Partl' 'rship [SHIP] prog"am tor waivers of Collier COUdty impact tees and WHEREAS, Immokalee Ht >itat tor Humanity, Inc. is seeking a waiver ot impact tees; and WHEREAI, Immokalee Habitat tor Humanity, Inc. will construct one (1) thr.!e-bedroom unit (the "Dwelling Uni':") on Lot 9, Block 5, Naples Manor Extension, Naples, Florida which is proposed to sell tor Forty six Thousa,ld Five Hundred DoUars ($46,500.00): and &Oil.. nrn ~w ?R? ~11' .l;i,,~.i :.f"i .~ . ~~ t i, , Jl " ~'j ~ t:, . :~ .+,-/'" income household, and WHEREAS, the Dwell in9 Uni 11 be owned by a very low WHEREAS, Mr. Charles Executive Vice President ot submitted to the County ng Application dated May 26, the construction of a house t Immoka1ee Habitat for Humanity~" ,;"~~ Manager's 1995 tor a waiver ot impact on Lot 9, Block 5, Naples copy ot Sh id application is tension, Naples, Florida, a in the Housing and Urban Improvemen~ Department; and WHERE.\S, in accordance 3.04 ot the Regional Ordinance No. 90-86, as Impact Fee amended; 3ection 3.04 of the Ordin mce No. 88-97, as and RecJ lational Facilities 88-96, as amended; SectIon Ordinance No. 92-22, as Med! ',:al Services System 91-71~ as amended;' arid ..,r':'~ cilities System Impact Fee amended i an applicant mlly .""1, " .::,,' waiver; and '( Inc. has qualified tollcr,1 ing representations Water System Impact Fee amended; Section 3.04 ot ordinance, Ordinance No. !'0-87 i Library S~! stem Impact Fe. l Ordl amended; Section 4.05 Impact Fee Ordinance, 3 . 04 ot the Road amended; Section Impact Fee Ordinance,. 01' !inane::: , ~ -'~i , Section 3.05 of the Ordinance, Ordinance No. obtain a waiver ot impact WHEREAS, Immoka1ee Habitat! tor an impact fee made by Immoka1ee Habitat Inc. : A. T'le Dwelling Un: ~ owned 1 '.1 a tirst-time home buyer. ':1>,1,' owned by a household, wi t~:t:A 1'::';\'f_':iJ<;:f~;~l.'.:,': ' hat ten~ is definecStn Irthe ~.;; I~~C1: Fee' orcSin~~6~tl' ~:;i~~g.) i~'1~. ..,. . , . '.'.'.'.'~,'j~:i~"'.if..'l.."I'~..'.','r:;.1.";';' : ~ }, _ _ " -.iff.;,l: tr;~ ";""1' _ - _;,~: - \~-':-~ hase the unIt must be 'with' . ..... ' "J :'t " -W'~I' ;": j. - _~; ",:: !~r~ delines established '.lhtfie', ii " :"j:tj(,Y Impact Fee Ordinances . " B. The Dwelling Unit shal1 1",,;:J ,- ~\t V Jry low income levell'" A'Jpendices to t1ttl \ , the monthly pa~'mt to", ~"r~i;" the attordable ltDusin Appendices ",~" "J,:',: The Dwelling U~itt'.hal~~ the Homestead of the owner. The Dwelling U~i~' shal'~):~: amain affordable for fifteen (15) years trot. ,the~\ the certificate of occupancy i :lll~~'j is issued .i'l ';~~';~ NOW, THEREFORE, BEl I'r RESO~VED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIONL'RS OF COLLIER;~CO~TY, ~RIDA, that: ~t ':~l; f(. ",' The Board of county Commissioners hereby authorizes the county Manaqer t~ issueA,n Authorization for waiver of l'~," ~,mpact fees to Immokale. Habitat for Humanity, Inc. for c. D. 1. '~~") I ne (1) house which s~al1 be constructed on Lot 9, l. ,lock 5, Naples Manor Extension, Naples, Collier rounty, Florida. ~' i::','j) 2. Upon receipt b) the ~ousing and Urban Improvement '!h"; " irector of an origin purchase contract signed by Jmmokalee Habita~ tor H~nity, Inc and the Purchaser, or other dOcUJI'I\.ntati~1 acceptab. e to the coun~y ,'.~t~. Attorney, the Board County Commissioners hereby authorizes the paymen'iH by Call! er County ot the kj,:!", fees trom the Atto:; dab1e Housinq Trust "~\: .'!',,(,: in th!~~tollowing lmounts for the one ';~:' !)uilt on; Lot 9, Bl,)ck 5, Naples Manor following impact Fund,' Fund (191), (1) house to be ~'!.f'"A' '!i<:~" " Extension, Napl<<,", Flo~~da by IJnIIlokalee Habitat tor Humanity, Inc. f'-'-,", /;0 A. Library Impact Fee~;:i' ..',r Road Impact Feew:,,: 1,379.00 $ 180.52 B. ;{",', C. Parks and ~ creational Facilit es Impact Fee: 14.00 o E, (1) Commun.ty Par (2) Regional Park EMS Impact Fee Educational Facilit _8 System :,r~t:i:. ':\' Impact Fee~f: Water Impact Fee ,I; <:l:.-:'i~':' .'1~V nrn f'4~}?~" $ 1,778.00 900.00 399.00 179.00 F. G. Sewer IJllpact Fee Total Impact Fees 1,340.00 $ 6,169.52 3. The payment of impact;i!fees by Collier County is subject i'if to the execution and recordation of an Aftordable .:iousing Agreement tor payment of Collier County Impact Fees between the property owner and/or purchaser and .:he County. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote tavorlng same. '.. " ":"""'''''~':'t''~' '~ ... . /It ,. J. ~ ,", D~TED.~ ' " ~ .... , ~ . ,~ :." ..' /. . "'~...:, ~ . '. , AmtnES'" ". . " . . ;'-'0': .&0.... ~.., ,.. .~ ~;J ~. t: DWIGH1' E. .~ (~6CK, Clerk .. "" .. ,... .. .. ,ot' ... ':., (' ,': .#. "~ '. .,,'.~" '. "',. , . .' ..,:... tOO '. ~ ._ ..... ",". ~ . .... ""'. ',. ." " t .'" ': ,I ..:' '\, . . ~lt\' .. .. "" I .'" . . ..../., '"."t,"'" ~ .... ":-', " ;::i::App~~:ved;..fls 'to torm and :, :.l.ga~~:.utficiency: ,,' '.,'.. 'f . ~h4c;jL~ Assistant County Attorney dol: 1S2 ,..,.,..