Resolution 1995-405 "'. ;,..~...,~",..."~,,, ',.~" l',,~.';~':~' , '~"~:~ -" .. "~-' i""I' I,}.', . Jt';~ ~,~ 't. .,~ ,/i.' :4'. ~1 .'~ 'Y ~ .iil ~ RESOLUTION NO. 95- 405 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVItING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE }!'BATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOISANC2, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as ?rovided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by :he County, shall be assesaed again.Jt such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the COunty as to eich parcel shall be calculated and reported to the BClrd of County Cormni,sioners, together with a description of said parcel' and WHEREAS, SU( h assessment sha U be a legal, vali I and binding obligation upon tne property against which made unti. paid; and WHEREAS, thf.~ assessment shall. become due and pa/able thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0t) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF '~UNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, fl'LORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abate i of a public nuisa: Ice after due and proper notice thereof to the owne,' of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatf.~nt, to wit: HAMB I LBGAL DI :CRIP'1'%OH I COSTt Miranda Xelendo. , Avatar Prop IDa POBox 523000 Miami, PL 33152 LOT 26, BLOCK 18~, UHXT 6, PART 81100.00 1, GOLDDl GAD CIT".t Sl7BDIVI9IOH, according to the plat there ;.f recorded tD Plat Book 9 at i age(s) 2 of the Publio Reoords of "ollier County, '~lorida. UPBRBN~ t 50126-022 .3i371040006 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of absessment of lien to the owner or owners of the aboie described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Courts, i1 and for Collier County, Florida, to constitute a lien against such llroperty according to law, unless l'uch direction is stayed by this Boa:d upon appeal,.. f the assessment ot the owner. n,," -4n_ ,I' :,." JUL 2 5 . ;: This Resolution adopted DATED: second and majority vote. JUl 2 51995 , . '" ~ ... ~I .:' , " APPROVED AS TO i'(~RM ~1~rr}C~RR. CY: JiJAtt' (Jlli( .L- B. CUYLEr COO<<rY ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/94 .