Resolution 1995-379 '\i;:~ RESOLUTION HO. 95-379 A RESOL'rrION ORDERING AND CALLING A REFERENDUM ELECTIO," BY KAIL BALLOT TO BB HELD ON SEPTEKBER 26, 1995, WITHIN COLLIER COUNTY '1'0 DB'1'ERMINB IF '!'HE QUALIFIED ELECTORS APPROVB AN ADDITIONAL ONE PERCENT LOCAL G;)VERNMENT INFRAS'l'RUC'l'URE DISCRETIONARY SALES SURTAX 'rOR A PERIOD NOT '1'0 EXCEED NINE KON'.l'HS, COMMENC {NG JANUARY 1, 1996 AND ENDING SE:P'1'EMBER 30, 1996, If') FUND A SECOND GORDON RIVER BRIDGE. WHEREAS, ~he Board of County Commissioners on June 20, 1995 adopted Collie,:, County Ordinance No. 95-43, which provides for an additional one percent local government infrastructure discretionary sale. surtax to i~ collected from January 1, 1996 to September 30, 1996; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Sect ion 212.055(2), Flc.dda Statutes, and Collier Cvunty Ordinance !'~. 95-43, such one ~.rcent local government infrastructur. discretionary sales surtax levy is subject to referendum approval by a majority VOtf of the qualified electors or Collier County voting in a referendwn election to levy such additional on. percent s,lles tax to fund thfl project costs for the construction of a sec;nd Gordon River br;\'-1ge; and WHEREAS, '.:he project cos . for a second Gordon River bridge include all de$ign, engineering, land acquisition and related fees and costs, permitting and construction of a secO'.d Gordon River bridge, including the design and engineering cos':s incurred after the adoption of Collier Count Ordinance No. ~\2 (June 20, 1995) but prior to J'lnuary 1, 1996; and WHEREAS, the Board of Cc nty Commissioners I:.f Collier County, Florida, finds it to be in the best interests of the citizens of COllier County to call a referendum election. NOW, TH~ ZFORE, BE IT RE :'OLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUN'~, FLORIDA, that: SBCTION ONE. ~EFERBNDUH ELEC.~ON CALLED. A referendum election be and is hereby ordered and called to be held on September 26, 1995 by mail ballot for the purpose of submitting to the qualified ....ctor. of Collier County the question of wl.ether the levy of an additional one percent local ;il ",> ~~'..1 J ,7 ., 7i '{;i ~; h>~~ 'If ~t~ ~~' ?", .'ll' ,i~~: :: "S '.:J .f <l~. I,.~ ,.::/ :~, "1" :t' ".~1 .~ ~t*?; 'i .;:.r: .~ >i," ...:;0;.' ';li:;~ ~j f <~ i 1S ,/fI;.!.'" .'';' ,-,(; if ~ J~/: ,~" ..., t'~:-"':' " ;i .~ " .!t' ~ , :r" .Ii,\ _ 4""'1.'~~ government infrastructure surtax shall be approved. SBC'l'XOlf 'l'WO. PERSONS Zlf'l'XTLBn TO VOTE. The persons entitled to vote in the referendum election shall be all the qu~lified electors residing within Collier County, Florida. 82C'l'IOlf THREE,_ KAXL BALLOT AND ELECTION OFFXCXALS~ The eleci'ion shall be held by mail ballot wi thin Collier County as a countY-Wide election. Themail ballot referendum election shall be conducted by election officialt appointed by the Supervisor of Elections pursu~nt to applicable g~neral law. SBCTION FOUR. FORM 01' THE BA1.L2:L., A. The J7'ail ballot to bf' used in said refenmdum election shall be in SUbstantially the following form: OFFICIAL BALLOT REFERENDUM ELECTION ON AN ADDITIONAL ONE PERCENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFRJ S'l'RUC'l'URE DISCRETI(.'NARY SURTAX (SALES TAX) Shall an additional one ~Int surtax (sales 1:.tx) pursuant to Ordinance No 95-43 be levied in Collier County for a per, :Xi of 9 months, cOlUllencing on January 1, 1996 and eJ,ding on September 30, 1996, to iund the project costs for the design, engineering, construction and related cost. ~f a second Gordon River bridge? FOR the One Cent Sales Tax ",~ AGAINST :he One Cent Sales rax B. The Sl',pervisor of El, :tions shall inclul '. on all mail ballots such instructions to ' )ters as are necessary. SZCTXON FIVE. NOTICE OF ELECTION. The Clerk of this Board shall publish a not! ~:e of the referendum ele'"tion by mail bt. llot in the Naples Daily News, a newspaper of general circulatj,n published in Collier County, Florida. There shall be at le,sst thirty (30) daY~J notice of said election, with publication to be made at least twice, once in the fifth week and once in the third week prior to tht week in which the referendum election is to ~e held. Said notice shall be in substantially' .he following t Jrm: fi'~ i" JUN 2 0 1995 NOTICE OF REFERENDUM ELECTION BY HAIL BALLO'r NOTICE I~ HEREBY GIVEN, that a referendum election by mail ballot will ~J held on Septamber 26, 1995, in Collier County, Florida, to dQtermine if the qualified electors residing within Collier Count;f approve an additional one percent local government infrastructure discretionary sales surtax to be levied for a period of 9 munths, commencincl January 1, 1996 ar.d ending on September 30, 1996 to fund th,,, project costs for the construction of a second Gt,rdon River bridle. Project costs ehall include design and engineering costs..ncurred after adop1' ion of Ordinance No. 95-43 (June 20, 1995) but prior to the effect.ive date of the additional one percent local government infrast~ cture discretion~ry sales surtax (January 1, 1996). The election shall be c01ducted by election officials appointed by the Supervisor 0: Elections pursuant to applicable general law. hll qualified electors reSiding within Collier County may votl by mail ballot in said referendum election. Absentee voting may be permitted upon compliance with applicable provisions of general law. '-~'l DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BY: Deputy Clerk This Resolution adopted 'his ~ day of ~.;.q <<.:-/ after motion, second and majority vote. *' ....:.., "'I . .' . '/, ATTEsT:"," "'. .', DWrGHT" E I: 'BROC::, CLERK -,. ,'... '-:'. ~ ,,'" ". < ';;':.;.')" : -.....). . . ", ". ~" : f' . ..~ :4:; ji+'L&~P'-:>~e , . ... '\ .,: .... . ." ... ~ Approved as.to form and legal:~utt1ciency: .. , . , 1995 BOARD OF COUNTY C('KMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, n ORIDA BY: ~~~l./L -Xl J YB · )A'l'TI':EIIS, CHAIRIIAN " "W1W_,_,",~,,,",,,,,",,,"'''',''_'i,,,,,,,,_...,..__..,"...,,",,,<,,,,,,._"",,,,,,,",,"",..~'...",",,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,~,,"..".,,,,",",",,~.~