Resolution 1995-377 RESOLUTION NO. 95-377 REJOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF HELmERS TO THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA PRIVATE IKOUSTRY COUNCIL, INC., SERVICE DELIVERY AR~ 120. WHEREAS, the Job Training Partnership Act requires that the local elected otticials appoint members to the Private Industry Council trom I. slate nominated by the local ChaJnbers ot Commerce and other ag.ncies required to be represented on the Private Industry Counc 11; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the 1983 agTeement be tween the County eo..issions ot Collier, Charlc':te, Hendry and Gla;!es Counties, the Collier County Board ot County Commissioners was designated as the appointing agency tor the Pr ivate Industry CO\Llcil tor Service Delivery Area #20 which includes COllier, CharJotte, Hendry and Glades counties; and WHEREAS, the Private Ir.Sustry Council im composed ot 22 aeabers representing the pr ~ vate sector, edu(;ation, organized labor, rehabilitation tacilit.es, community based organizations, economic devele,pment and public emplOYment service; and WHEREAS, the Executive Director of the touthwest Florida Private Industry Council is requesting appointluents of ten (10) aeJDbers to fill vacancies on ~ .\is board; and WHEREAS, nominations f. r appointments t:'", the Southwest. Florida Private Industry Cou::il JTPA Service t)livery Area 120 have been received by the Executive Director fJt the Southwest. Florida PrivatI! Industry Council JTPA Service Oc..livery Area #20; and WHEREAS, ~he Executive Director has recommended to the Board ot County Commissioners appoi.ntment ot 10 meJD1~ars to fill the vacancies. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ')1' COLLIER COUJi, 1'Y, FLORIDA, that. the Board hereby contirms the appointment .,t .eabers under the fOllowing categories: 1. The tollowing .embers are hereby appointed to the SOUthwest Florida Private IndustrY Council JTPA Service Delivery Area #20 tor terms of three years" said terms to expire on June 30, 1998: Naples Axea Chaaber of Co...rce: J. R. Humphrey willie Anthony Melinda Riddle Florida I~..partaent of Labor and Employment security: Hendry O.unty School Board: Shelter tor Abused Women~ Charlott:.-> County Chamber of COJIIJIlerce: George Krahn Syl\'ester Humphrey MarJlyn Petska Don Ashley Frat:" Dooli ty 2. Ter~ Shipe is herehl appointed to the Southwest Florida Private Industry Council JTPA Service Delivery Area #20 for a term ot two years, said ten to expire on June 30, 19~'7. 3. Tim McLaughlin i. hereby appointed 1:0 the Southwest Florida Private Industry for ,". term of 1 year, s1:1d term t.o expire June 30, 1996. This Res()lu~ion adopted after motion, second and majority I vote. ........'..'.1,. , . DAzeo:" Jun.. 20,' 1995 .'" #;1 , ~ .......: .. .' . . . . --', i t' ATTEsT: ' >~. . ......"" ./; DwtGHT E" B~~~~." CLERK . .. : ~. : ... .. I · .... : : I : .. - . . : ..... .. . .. .. .' '.; .. ~ '. "'.. '. .." ~ ...... ! .. ';/, s. ......... .'.. .#4',~'''' "1 .. ." .. r "'..... . .' Aj)pro.vad"a8 to tona and legal 8utticiel\CY: ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY:, ~ BY'~ . ~E'1"l'YE . 'l'THEWS, IRMAN ~~~~ !Cennet 8. CUyl County Attorney 11/1'I. II) ./tn/5900 IJ .' I q,/ ., ---;iMII'.W,", ~ Jl""'"',,~,,,,',_"",i.I'''''~' """'''''''_''___''''-_'~_"'''__''''''''''_''_'''''''''''''''' '., '!" ....-' ~.-' , :Yf.f ,....; ^'