Resolution 1995-373 RBSOLUTIOR .0. '5-~ REPOLUTIOK OF THB BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 01' COLLIER COt1l1'1'Y, PLORIDA CONSENTIliIG '1'0 THB TRUSI'D AJm ASSIGJIXD'! OF CABLB '1'ELBVISIOR J'V"CJaSB J'JtOX COLOn CULBVZSIOR OF FLORIDA, A D1'1 'lSIaR OJ' DOVIDDCB JOO'RJlAL COHPAJrY '1'0 C011TI...TAL CABLBVISIOJf, BC. WBEREAU, Colony Cablevision ot Florida ("Colony") owns, operates ant maintains cable television systems in Collier County, Florida purf':uant to the Franchise Agreement bet.ween Palmer Broadcastin. r Company and CO.~.lier County dated. 'une 20, 1967, as a.ended, the Franchise Aqre~ment between Marco Island Cablevision COrp. and CrJllier county da',ed June 6, 1967, t:"1e Franchise Agreement b~tween Palmer Co}amunications, Incor~orated and Collier COunty ett~ctive as ot Marc~ 24, 1987 and the ~Tanchise Fee Settlement Agreement dated December 17, 1991, all as assigned to COlony (collectively the "Colony Franchise A91 .ements"); and WHEREAS, purG\.~ant to S 'lction 17.13 ot Col.Lier County Ordinance No. 88-90 and 47 ,'.S.C. 537, COlony l'las requested the consent ot the Board ot Co\. 'lty COIDIlis.ioners t.o the transter and . -~ ,: , . j ~ .. ,. ~ ~ i assignment ct its cable telavision tranchise and the Colony Franchise Agreement. to Continental Cablevisio~, Inc., a Delaware Corporation ("Continental"); and WHEREAS, Providence J("lrnal Company and C t)ntinental have entered intll an Amended an.\ Restated Agreemen', and Plan ot Merger dated as ot November 18, l' ~4 (the "Agreement"", subject to, among other considerations, any xequired approval ot the Franchise Authority w:.th respect thereto; and ~ . ;,~ i~ f~;~ ;(~ r ; "..,z' ':'~ .,j. ,. :~ .,~;)" .,t'. .~.' .!t' WHBREA~, in connectio~ with the merger a~'l other transactions (the "Transf.iction") contemplated by the Agreement, the franchise held by Colony will be assigned to King Broadclsting Company which, in t\.rn, will immediately transter the franchise to (1) Colony Communications, Inc., a wholly owned s~bsidiary ot Providence 'rournal Company which, as a result ot the Transaction, will becom6 a wholly owned subsidiary of Cont~nental, or (ii) :I~ :I:'~; , j:~ <, '1:1', 't"i ~';'" :,1.' '"'iff I ,~~ !t~. ,1,# li;' Continental directly as a result of the IIl8rger of King Broadcasting Company into Continental which is also part of the ~_ - ~ i.It _:):~,~ Transaction; and 'T'\ WBERBAn, Colony and Continental have submitted a transter ;~ application and required fee to the Oftice of the County Manager; and 'J<,,~ .~ .:~ .,Ii! :1] ~J . WllERBAJ, the Board is satistied of the legal, technoloqical, tinancial,and ownerShip data concerning the qualifications ot Continental' and " ';1 'Z,j "_'"1~ ~). .~ ,~j .:.t~ ":1 'i ~;i. 1fJIBRBAB, Continental h,.s agrllled to comply with all provisions of Collier ,;ounty Ordinance No. 88':'90, as amen:led; and 1fJIBRZAS, the Board of ~ounty Commissioner~ has considered the proposed t~ansfer and assigr=ent request and h~s tound no reasonable cause to deny consent to the transfer and assignment.. .1i~' 'fA!. "'iIii ,4[,<) ;,~ ,!,,>,~ ., <t- o o~~ " ,~~ .,;~ ': " If OW , TBDD'ORB, SB IT. REBOLVBD BY 'I'D sorm' OF COtnrrY ,:.~ Ii!: :~~ ,: , .. ''!' "'1 I ,";"J with all provisions of Collier, County Ordinan(;!, No. 8S-90, as,~) o~ aaended, except franchise fee calculations, whJ.ch will be governed' ;r. :r ~::::::::::;:::~ :::n~:::~:~::::~e ~:r:::::: :: P8yl I p..,- . COJDaSSIOJrBRS OJ' COLLIER COTJJrrY, FLORIDA, that;: 1. The Board hereby c. Insents to the tram;fer and assignment ot the Colony Franchise Acp. .!ements to Continer. t:al, . or its SUbsidiary. 2. The Boar~ acknowledges Continental's agreement to comply still owing when the County completes its currlnt internal audit by the Cler},.. o~ Courts, Internal Audit Divisiotl, for the years 1991 to pres ent, however, ':C)ntinental is not waiving the right to review said audit report and to object to .i.~'lculations or . , J. errors contained therein. , 4 . By consenting to and agreeing to accE"t this. transter and,. assignnent, neither the Cou~ty nor Continental waives.any rights either may .ave under tedel'~l, state, local le'J or the Colony ... .....1 . '':'(''.. ~ JUN 2 0 I9IJ Franchise Agreements. 5. Ttis Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. This Resolution adopted this d.P day of ~I ____ , v 1995, attel' motion, second and aajority vote tavoring the same. ...t" " "'. ATTEST: " DWIGHT"~!. I.ROCK, CLERK .- .>-)~(J(..VJL'. By. .. : HFAIbJ974. .~",'