Resolution 1995-372 JUN 2 0 1995 RESOLVTIOR .0. 95-372 RESOLUTION SUPPLEMENTING AND AMENDING A RESOI.:JTION ENTITLED: -RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR CONS1ROCTION, RECONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION OF ~)ADS AND RELATED FACILITIES AND THE RESURFACING OF ROADS IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORl'")A; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT EXCEI;f.>ING $6,000, 000 :;~ MPROVEMENT REVENUE '30NDS TO FINANCE THE COST 'l'JiEREOF; AND PROVIDIN.:; FOR THE FAYJ1EHT OF THE Pt~INCIPAL OF AND INT~mEST ON SrJ,:H BONDS FROM T~IE SEVENTH CF..NT GAfi'. TAX ALLOC ATED TO COLLIER fOUNTY, ~LO.RIDA, PUR~JUANT TO LA1f, AND THE NINTH CENT GAS TAX IMPOS!~ BY THE COUNTY; - AUTHORIZ .:NG THE REFUNDING 0:' ALL OF THE COUNTY's OUTtj!ANDING COLLIER COJNTY, FLORIDA ROAD IMPROVEM!JfT REVENUE BONDS, SBRIES 1986; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $6,000,000 COLLIER COUNTY, FLORID~ ROAD IMPROVEMENT REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS, S'~IES 1995; AUTHORIZING A NEGOTIATED SALE OF SAID BONDS, DELEGATING CEIttAIN AUTHORITY TC. THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR FOR THE AUTHORIZA jlION, EXECUTION AND DELIVER ~. OF A PURCHASE CONtRACT WITH RESPECT THERETO, AND THE APPROVAL 0 t-" THE TERMs AND DETAILS O} SAID BONDS; APPOI~TING THE PAYING AGENT AND J'roISTRAR FOR SAID BONDS; AUTHOR:ZIHG THE EXEct lION AND DELIVERY OF AN ESCROW DEPOSIT AGREEJiENT AND APPOINTING AN ESCROW AGENT; AUTHORIZING THE DISTRIBUTION OF A PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT AND THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN OFP.: CIAL STATEMENT WITH RESPECT THERETO; AND PROV:( DING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. .B IT RESOLVED BY THB BOARD OP COON'l'Y COHHISSlr~lERS OF COLLIER covnr, FLORIDA: 8BC'lIOR 1. that: FINDINGS. .t is hereby found a~d determined (A) On Junu 10, 1980, the Board of County COJlU'~lssioners (the wBoard-) of CO..lier County, Florida (the -COl.' nty") adopted Resolution No. 8"-114, the title to which is stated ..n the title of tbi. 8Upplellenta'l resolution, "oS supple.ented by Resolution No. 80-173 adopted by the Board on Sf~'ptellber 3, 1980 and ReSOlution No. 8'-225 adopted by the Board on Hovember 20, 1986 (collectively, the -Resolution-), tor the purposes described therein. (B) Pursuan, to the ReSOlution, the County i8s\ ed its Collier County, Florida Hoad Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 1986 (the ~nt)lr non ~Ir:r 7~ JUN 2 0 II! .Seri.. 1986 Honds") on December 11, 1986 in the agqregate principal aJIOUn.t of $6,520,000. (C) The County has determined to refund all of the outatanding Seties 1986 Bonds (the "aefunded Bonds") in order to achieve debt s~rvic. savings for the County. (D) The Resolution provides for the issuance of Additional Parity ObliCJat!,ons for the ref'lnding of the Refullded Bonds upon ..eting cert.air~ requirements s.'~ forth in the Reso lution. (E) Therf. io hereby authcl;:,ized the payment a1d retunding of the Refunded Honds, all in 'che JDanner as provided by this auppl...ntal r""solution. For the payment and r(!.funding of the Refunded Bonds, the County shall, as provided herelr'l, deposit part of the proceed. derived trOll ':he sale of the C..untY'8 Collier County, Florid).. Road Improvement Refunding Revenu,!I>~ Bonds, Series 1995 (the .Seri.s 1995 Bonds") in a special escr~1 deposit trust fund, to purChase direct U.s. Treasury obligations (the "Federal Securities.) which shall be sufficient, together lith investment earninq. therefrom and a cash deposit, to pay the R. funded Bonds as the saae become due and payable or are redeemed pr.i '')r to maturity, all as provided herein and the hll!reinafter describe.: Escrow Deposit A9r....nt. (P) The County deems it t.) be in its best irlterest to issue ita Series 1995 Bonds to returu. the Refunded BondI 4 (G) Due tl;' the potentii 1 volatility of the market for Obligations 8uch as the Series 1995 Bonds and the complexity of the transactions relating to such Series 1995 Bonds, it is in the best intereat of the County to sell the Series 19 15 Bonds by a nevotiated sale, allowing the County to enter thi~ market at the IIOst advantageous time, rather than at a specified llllvertised date, thereby permitting the County to obtain the best pOl,sible price and inter.st rate for the Series lr15 Bonds. (8) The Ct/&1nty anticipat""1 receiving a favol"lble commitment for bond insurance and a favol .\ble offer to purc.ase the Series 1995 Bonds trOll Merrill Lynch' ','0. (the "Underwritt:"), all within the par..eters set forth hereir. (I) Inasmuch as the Board will not meet for. several weeks after the date hereof and desires to complete tl'e transactions conte.plated he,~eby prior to its next meeting j t the herein- described paraffaters are cor-plied with, the County hereby deteraines to d. legate the awa::\~ of the Series 1995 Bonds to the COUnty AdJainistrator within such parameters. (J) The covenants, pledge. and conditions in the Resolution .hall be applicahle to the Seri~s 1995 Bonds herein authorized and .aid Series 1995 Bonds shall be on a parity with and rank equally a. to the lien on and source and security for paymE'llt from the Gas ? Taxe. (as deflned in the Resolution), and shall constitute .Obligations- .ithin the meaning ot the Resolution. (X) The a.solution provide. that the Series 1995 Bonda shall _tare on ncb <lates and in such amount., shall bear such rates of interest, .ball be payable in such places, shall be subject to such red-.ption prO\'isions and contain such other terms and details as ahall be detel .iried by supplemental resolution .tdopted by the ,Board; and it is now appropriate that the Board determine such teras and detaJls through the delegation described herein. (L) Upon advice of the Fi\"\ancial Advisor and Bond Counsel of the I..uer, it is desirable te, amend the Resolu1. ion in certain re.pects. (M) Sect!l,on 16 of the R. solution authorize.; adoption of a suppl...ntal resolution which amends the ResoltJtion with the consent of the holders of 66-2j3' or more in agqr~qate principal UIOWlt of out.tanding Obligations which are af..:ected by such _~nta. (M) '1'be holders of the Series 1995 Bonds represent over "-2/3' in aqqreqate principal amount of Obligation,. outstandinq at the tille the amendJIents provided in this 8uppleme'ltal resolution take eftect. 'l'ha holders of th, series 1995 Bonds shall be deemed to have consented to such ameno 'Ients. 8BC'1IOJI 2. DUIBITIOl ~J. When used in tt. is supplemental resolution, the teras defined in the Resolution shall have the .-aninqs therein stated, exc pt as such definitions may be hereinafter amended and defined. "bor~i.ation ID.tal1aeDta" shall mean the amounts hereby established for the mandatory redemption of Term E~lnds. "Son4 COUD.el" shall mean Nabors, Giblin' Hic):,arson, P.A., or any other attorney at law or firm of attorneys of nationally recognized standing in mattel pertaining to tJ.e federal tax exaption of int'trest on obligat '.ons issued by stat,. 1 and political llUb4ivisions, ani duly admitted to practice law be1 ')re the highest court. of any state of the Unit.,: states of America "Son4bo14er.," "Bolder" or "registered ovnera" or any similar tera, shall mean any Person wh~ shall be the regi~tered owner of any series 1995 rond or Obligations as provided in the registration books of the CO~1ty. "Chairaan" shall mean the Chairman of the Board of County' eo.ai..ioners of the County, or his or her designee. "Clerk" shall liGan the Clerk of the BOT~rd of County eo.aissioners of the County, or such other Person .18 may be duly authorized to aci: on his or her behalf. 3 " v ,~ iik- of Hev YO::-TC:::t. ~geJlt/" "paying A~ent" Ja~~s~~:lt~:l..r" shall mea~ Pln~id~ . -Insurer" shall .ean, with respect to the Series 1995 Bonds, .uch .unicipal bond insurance company who issues a commitment to insure the Se~ies 1995 Bonds with a quoted in,Jurance premium ,....ting the coneSi tions set forth in Section 6 herrlof. ~ioipa'.. BoD4 Iuurance t>>oliCJ" shall mean a municipal new bond inaurance policy issued by the Insurer wh....ch insures the payunt of the principal of an~t interest on the Se:,'ies 1995 Bonds, wen due. "oatstaD4~gH when used "ith reference to '~::he Series 1995 . ~ and a. of any particular date, shall describe all Series 1995 BoneSs theretof~re and thereupol' being authenticatf.d and delivered .xcept, (1) any Series 1995 Bond in lieu of which another Series 1995 Bond or other Bonds have been issued und4r aqreement to replace lost, stolen, mutilated or destroyed Series 1995 Bonds under the Resolution, (2) any Series 1995 Bond sUlrendered by the Bolder thereof in exchange for another Series 19!5 Bond or other ~ under the Resolution, (3) Series 1995 Bonds deemed to have been paid pursuant to Section 21 of the Resolution! and (4) Series 1995 ~ cancelled after pur'::1ase in the open WIcket or because of pay.ent at or redemption pr:.,r to maturity. ".ersoD" shall ..an at individual, a corporation, a partnership, an association, a joint stock company, a trust, any unincorporated organization or qovernmental entity. ....deaptioD t>>rice" shall mean, with respect to any Series 1995 Bond or portion thereof, the principal amount or r,)rtion thereof, pla the applicable premium, if any, payable '.~rpon redemption thereof pursuant to such Series 1995 Bond or the P'lsolution. "S.ri.. 19'5 BODds" shall Jlean the county's ::ollier County, Florida Road IJtl)rov81llent Refu ,:fing Revenue Bondl' t Series 1995, is.ued pursuant to the provisic :)8 of the Resoluti( 11. "'l.ra BODds" shall mean t a Series 1995 Bondb maturinCJ on a stated date, which are subJ1ct to mandatory redemption by Aaortization Installment as set forth herein. 8ZC'lIOX 3. AU'l'BORITY POR THIS RBSOLt;',fION. This suppl...ntal re,.olution is adopted pursuant to th., provisions of the Act. SBC'!IOJr ... AOTBORIJATI ~JH OJ' RBl'mtDIXG. The County hereby authorizes the refunding of the Refunded Bonds p'.lrsuant to the tarJIs of the Resolution and '~.he hereinafter deucribed Escrow Deposit Agreement. 4 ,... ........ ,. '~10J1 5. AUTBORIZATIOR UD D2SCR.IP!I(j1f OP ftB SDIES 1111 BOJIDS. Th':"l county hereb"J authorizes the issuance of a Series of Bonds in t'le aqqreqate pr incipal amount of not exceeding $6,000,000, to be known as the "Collier county, Florida Road Iaprov..-nt Ra!unding Revenue Bonds, Series 1995," for the principal purpc.&e of refunding the Refunded Bonds. The agqregate p~incipal aaoun~: of Series 1995 Bonds to be issued Jr'ursuant to the Reaolution ahall be determined by the County Adminis trator provided .uch aggregate ~rincipal amount does not exceed $~,OOO,OOO. The Series 1995 Bon,Ja shall be datell as of July 1, 199~; or such other date as deterained by the County Administrator, sh~ll be issued in the fora of ful~.y registered Bor,'!s in the denominat: on of $5,000 or any integral .u:.tiple thereof, sllall be numbered cor>secutively from one upward in (.rder of maturity preceded by the le':ter "R", shall bear interest frOJl the dated date, payable seJti-annually, on Deceaber 1 and June 1 of ea -:h year (the "Int.,arest Dates"), co.aencing on December 1, 1995. Interest on the Series 1995 Bonds shall be payable by check or draft of the Paying Agent, made payable to and mail~d to the Holder in whose name such SOnd shall be regiatered a'\. the close of busin.._ on the date which shall be the fifteenth .Say (whether or not a business day) of the calendar month next precedinq the Interest Date, or, at the requ. st and expense of 'Iuch Holder, by bank vire transfer to the accoul;t of such Holder. ~;rincipal of the Saries 1995 Bonds is payablt! to the register~d Holder upon presentation, when due, at the, '!signated corporate trust office of the Paying Agent. The princip~l of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on ~he Series 199! Bonds are payable in lawful money of the United St.at.s of America. Th. Series 1995 Bonds shall bear interest at such rates and yields, sha II mature on June 1 of each of the y :~ars and in the principal amounts corresponding to such years, and shall have such redaption provisions as determined by the Countl Administrator, subject to the conditions set 'orth in Section 6 hereof. All of , the teras of th~ Series 1995 B ~ds will be includE 1 in a Purchase Contract which .r.i1all be in sub.... tantially the form .1ttached hereto and Jlade a part "ereof as Exhib t A (the "Purchase ""ontract"). The county Administrator is hereby ,1uthorized to exect:t:e the Purchase COntract in SUbstantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A vith such modifications as he ~eems appropriate up~n satisfaction of the conditions described in Section 6 hereof. SZC1'IOJf ,. CONDITIOBS TO BXECUTIOJf OP PUl'f:BASE CONTRACT. Tbe Purchase '~ontract shall not be executed by the County AdIIinistrator u .til such time ':'IS all of the following conditions have been satisl~ led: (A) Receipt by the County Administratr.,r of a written offer to pnrchase the Sex les 1995 Bonds by i:he Underwriter substantially in the form of the Purchase Co '\tract attache.) hereto as Exhibit A, said offer to provide fl)r, among other . ..* .lVI' , U ~J "noS ...,..., tiling., (1) not exceeding $6,000,000 aggregate principal aaount of Series 1995 Bonds, (ii) an underwritinq discount (includin~ aanaqement fee and all expenses) not in excess of .80t of tt,. par amount of the Series 1995 Bonds, (iii) a true ~rest. (:ost of not more than 6.00' per annum, (iv) the aaturit.ies of the Series 1995 Bonds, with the final maturity being not later than 16 years from the date ot issuance of the S.ri.s 1955 Bonds, and (v) presant value debt service savings of at lea~t 8.00'. (B) With respect to any redemption te~.~ for the Series 1995 Bond., the first call date may be no later.' than ten years frOll the ~ated date of t:le Series 1995 Bon is and no call pr_iUII uy exce.d 2' of the par amount of tha':, portion of the Serie. 19 .l5 Bonds to bf~ redeemed. Term Bonds may be ..tabli.ht" with such AJlor~,~ization Ir.stallmen';'s as the County Adainistrutor deems approlriate. (C) Receipt by the C..unty Administrator of a disclosure .t:at....nt, includinq a t..uth-in-bondinq sta =ement, of the Und.rwriter dated the date of the Purchase Contract and co.plyinq with Section 218.385, Florida Stat~tes. (D) Receipt by the County Administrator ,ot a commitment (the -Insurance Commitment") from the Insur4 r to issue its Municipal f.ond Insurance J,licy tor an insur&:1ce premium not exceedinq .60' of the tot;: 1 debt service on t:he Series 1995 Bonds and which co_itment contains such termu and conditions .. are acceptable to the County Administra1 :',r , the County Att.orney and Bond Counsel. Upon satisfaction of all -,,,he requirem.nts set forth in this Section 6, t~e County Administrator is authorized to execute and deliv.r the Purchase Contract containing terms cO=')lyinq with the provi.ions of this Section 6. The Board shall rati.',! by resolution the t.ras of the Series 1995 Bonds approved by the County AdJainistrator providing the conditions containecl in Section 6 h.reof are satisfied. To th,. extent the Insurance Commitment requir.s any modifications, ch, Iges, amendments or supplements to th. Resolution, ~e Board shal~., in its sole disc f'etion, approve 8Uch aodificat:'.ons, chanqes, amendments or .upplements by aubsequent. resolution, provid'ng the conditions contained in Section 6 hereof are satlsfied, 8BCfIOJI 7. REDEKP'1'IOR PROVISIONS. The Se',~ies 1995 Bonds aay be r.d....d prior to their respective maturities from any IIOneys legally I vailable therefor, upon notice as ;:'rovided in the ReSOlution, upoi" the terms and provisions as det trmined by the County AdJIinistr'jtor subject to the conditions contalned in Section , bereof. SZC1'IOJf 8. IXECUTIOR OP SERIES 1995 BOBJ)'d. The Series 1995 Bond. .hall be executed ill the name of the c.'ounty with the 6 aOOK 000 par,[ 78 . ..nual or facsJ aile signature of the Chairman and the official seal of the COUnty shall be imprinted thereon, attested and countersigned t,'ith the unual or facsimile signature of the Clerk. In ca.. any on'. or aore of the officers who shall have siqned or sealed any of the Series 1995 Bonds or whose facsimile signature shall appear thereon shall cease to be such officer of the County before the Se::i.s 1995 Bonds so sign.d and sealed have been actually sold and delivered, such Series 1195 Bonds may nevertheless bt. sold and delivered as herein provided and may be isauecS- as if the Person who sicpled or sealed such S'lriea 1995 Bonds bad not ceased to hold such of.eice. Any Series 1995 Bond may be signed and sealed on behalf of t:he County by such P ,rson who at the actual tiJle of the execution c'~! such Series 1995 Sond shall hold Use proper off;, ce of the County, although at the di'tte of such Bond such Person 1Ia:' not have held Luch office or may J,ot have been so authorized. '1be County may ac opt and use tor su;:h purposes the facsi.ile sign,\tures of any sur.h Persons who shal) have held such offices at anJ title after t".e date of the ac ,'ption of this wppl...ntal r~solution, notwithstanding that eith~r or both shall have ceased to hold such office at the time the Series 1995 Bonds shall be actually sold and delivered. 8BC1'IOJI ,. AO'1'BDTICATIOR. No Series 19. 5 Bond shall be .ecured undor the Resolution or entitled to the benefit of the Resolution or shall be valid or Obligatory tor an~ purpose unless there shall be aanually ender'sed on such Seri':s 1995 Bond a certificate ot authentication b't the Registrar or .....ch other entity as JlaY be approved by the =ounty tor such r:urpose. Such certificate on any Series 199~ Bond shall be con(~lusive evidence that such Bond has been duly au'henticated and delivered under the Resolution. The form ot such Ct rtiticate shall be substantially in the fora providud in Section 17 hereof. 8BC1'IOJI 10. TEMPORARY BONDS. Unti 1 the d,. f ini ti ve Series 1995 Bonds are issued, the County may execute, in 'the same manner as is provided in Section 8 hereof, and deliver, upon authentication by the Registrar pursuant to Sectivn 9 hereof, in lieu of definitive Serles 19! Bonds, but sUbje.::t to the same provisions, lim:,tations and c1..'lditions as the d.'~initive Series 1995 Bonds, exc\!pt as to the 'enominations there ','f, one or more taporary Seriea 1995 Bonds f nbstantially of th.! tenor of the definitive Series 1995 Bonds in lieu of whlch such temporary Series 1995 Bond or Series 1995 Bo, ids are issued, in denominations authorized by the County by SUbsequent resolution, and with such oaissions, insertions and variations as may be appropriate to teaporary Series 1995 Bonds. The County, at its owr~ expense, shall prepare and exe.~te definitive Series 1995 Bonds, which shall be authenticated 1'{ the Registr" r. Upon the surl ender of such tellpOrary Serie.l 1995 Bonds for exchange, the Registrar, without cha~e to the Hulder thereof, ~;hall deliver in exchange therefor definitive Series 1995 Bonds, of the same aggr,qate principal allOW1t and Ilaturity as the telDpo":'ary Series 1995 Borl/1s surrendered. Until so exchanq8d, the temportiry Series 1995 Bonr.!.s shall in all lOOK 0130 PAq 79 respects be f!:ntitled to the sam. benefits and security as definitive Series 1995 Bonds issued pursuant to the Resolution. All tnporary f,eri.s 1995 Bonds surrendered in exchange for another teaporary Seri~s 1995 Bond or Series 1995 Bonds or for a definitive Series 1995 Botd or Series 1995 Bonds shall be forthwith cancelled by the Reqi.tr~r. .~IOJI 1~.. 8DIZS 1"5 BOJfDS KU'lILA'l'BD, Dl1S'l'ROYBD, 8TOLD OK LOft. In ct~se any Series 1995 Bond shall becot.e mutilated, or be de.troyed, stolen or lost, the County may, in its discretion, iSIN8 and cSel:. ver, and the Rfgistrar .hall auth~!nticate, a new Berie. 1995 BoncS of like tC:10r alll the Seriel 1995 Bond so IlUtilated, de.troyed, stolen or lost, in exchange imd substitution for such IlUtila\ted Series 1995 i~ond upon surrender and cancellation of such IlUtilat'.ed Series 1995 i.:ond or in lieu of Itnd. substitution for the Seri.. 1995 Bond destr~yed, stolan or lOft, and upon the Holder furnishinq the County and the Registra~': proof of his ownership theJ:/.tof and satisfactory indemnity and complying with such other reasonable requlatil1ns and conditions l s the County or the RecJistrar may prescribe and paying such expenses as the County and the Registrar may incur. All Series 1995 Bondq so surrendered or otherwise substituted shall be cancelled by th,. Registrar. If any of the Series 1995 Bonds shall have matured or be about to aature, instead of issuing a substitute Series 1995 Bond, the COunty aay pay the same or cau:e the Series 1995 ~ond to be paid, upon being indemnified as afort'laid, and if such SL'ries 1995 Bonds be lost, stolen or destroyed, \,.ithout surrender tr"ereof. Any such duplicate Series 1995 Bonds issued pursuant to this Section 11 sh'ill constitute original, additional contractual obligations on ~h9 part of th~ County whether or not the lost, .tolen or d.stl'oyed Series 1995 Bond be at any time found by anyone, and such duplicate Series 1995 Bond shall be entitled to equal and proportionate benefits and rights as to lien on the Gas Taxas to the same extent as all other Series 19~5 Bonds issued under the Resolution. 8BC'lIOR 12. Ilt1'ERCJDUfGl . JJILITY, DGO'l'IABILI'rr AND TRANSFER. Series 1995 Bor~'s, upon surr.rlder thereof at th-:l office of the Reqistrarwith a written instru Bnt of transfer satisfactory to the Reqistrar, duly executed by the : folder thereof or h.' s attorney duly authorized in writinq, may, at " ne option of the HOlder thereOf, be exchanged for an equal aggrega ce principal amount of registered Series 1995 Bonds of the maturity of any other authorized denoainations. The Series t995 Bonds issued under the Resolut: on shall be and bave all the q ,.alities and irl'ddents of negotiable instruments under the law me ~chant and the t:niform Commercial Code of the State of Florida, subject to the proviJions for registration and transfu contained in the Resolution and in the Series 1995 :~onds. So long a. any of the Series 1995 BOl.ds shall remain O\\tstanding, the 8 n""n nn JUN 2 0 1995 .. County shall ..aintain and koep, at the office of the Registrar, books for the J:egistration and transfer of the Series 1995 Bonds. The transl.er of any Series 1995 Bond shall be registered only upon the book. of the County, at the office of the Registrar, under such reasonabl~ regulations as the County may p%escribe, by the Holder thereof in person or by his attorney dul"( authorized in writing upon surrender thereof toqether with a wrAtten instrument of transfer t. atisfactory to the Registrar dul y executed and CJUaranteed by t~he Holder or his duly authorized att orney . Upon the re<Jistration or transfer of any' such Series 1995 Hond, the County .hall issue, 'Ind cause to be authenticated, in ,.~he name of the transferea a nt'.v Series 1995 Bend or Series 1995 B,:mds of the same aqqreqate prin~ipal amount and maturity as the SUi' rendered Series 1995 Bond. The County, the l{egistrar and any {,'aying Agent or fiduciary of tv,. County may dee". and treat the Per".,n in whose name any outstandin-l Series 1995 Bon'i shall be registere 'J upon the books of the COUnty as the absolute owner of such Series 1995 Bond, whether such Series 1995 Bond shall be overdue ~r not, tor the purpose ot receiving payment ot, or on account 01, the principal of, redemption premium, it any, and interest on I;uch Series 1995 Bond and tor all other purposes, and all such pa~,ents so made to any such Holder or upon his or'.er shall be valid i."nd effectual to satisfy and discharge the liab\lity upon such SerJes 1995 Bond to tha extent of the BWI or sums ,}O paid and neither. the County nor tha Registrar nor any Paying Aq~nt or other fiducia~y of the County shall be affected by any notic' to the contrary. The Regist~ar., in any ca,. where it is not also the Paying Agent in res~ec~ to any Series 1995 Bonds, forthwith (A) following the fifteenth day prior to an interest payment date for such Bonds; (B) following the fifteenth day next preceding tJ il date of first aailing of notice of redemption of any Series 199=, Bonds; and (C) at any other time as reasonably requested by the l~aying Agent of such Series 1995 Bonds, certif" and furnish to s\;'<::h Paying Agent the naaes, addresses and hole ngs of Bondholder!. and any other relevant infot'll':.'tion reflect8<~ in the registrat., "n books. Any Paying Agent of any fully regi. ';ered Series 1995 B '.ne! shall effect payaent of inte%est on such Ser as 1995 Bonds by maIling a check to the Holder entitled thereto ( . may, in lieu thl:reof, upon the request and at the expense of s~ch Holder, transmit such payment by bank vire transfer for the account of such Holder. In all cas,s in whlch the privilege of exchan~ing Series 1995 Bonc:bJ or the trlllsfer of Series 1995 Bonds shall be registered, the County shall e:,ecute and the Registrar shall authenticate and deliver such Selles 1995 Bonds ~ 11 accordance with the provisions of the Resolution. Execution of S. ries 1995 Bonds by the Chairman and Clerk for purposes of exchanging, replacing or ,egistering the transfer at Series 1995 Bonds may occur at the time of the original delivery of thn Series 1995 Bonds. All Seri es 1995 Bond~ surrendered in any such exchanges or registration 01 transfer shall be held by the Registrar in safekeepinq until (.' irected by the County to be cancelled by the Registrar. For every such exchange or re<JistratioJ',' of trans:t:er, the County or the Reqistrar may make a charge su:t:fiuient to reimburse it tor any tax, fee, expense or otber CJovernJl8J~tal charge required to be paid with respect to such excbanqe or req istration of transfer. The County and the Registrar aball not be obligated to make any such exchange or transfer of any Series 1995 B~ds during the fi:t:teen (15) days next preceding an Interut Date "n the Series 1995 Bonds, or, in t:he case of any propoaed recS8III.tion of Series 1995 Bonds, then, for the Series 1995 Bonds .abject to redemption, during the fifteen (15) days next preceding the date of the first mailing of !\otice of such redellption and continuing until such redemption date. SZCfIOJI 1'. 8ILZCTIOR cr, SDIBS 1995 BOJlDS TO BI RZDBBHED. The Series 19S '5 Bonds shall l~. rede81lled only irl the principal uount of $5,OlO each and interral multiples therf::>f. The County shall, at lea.~ forty-five (45} days prior to the redemption date (unle.s a shorter tille peri, d shall be satiSfactory to the Registrar but in no event less than thirty-:t:ive (~:)) days) notify the Registrar of such redempti,n date and of the principal amount of Series 1995 Bonds to be redeemed. For purposes of any red-.ption of 1... than all of the OUtstanding Seri,s 1995 Bonds of a single aaturity, the particular Series 1995 Bond'" or portions of Series 1995 Bonds to be redeemed shall be selectEd not more than torty-five (45) and not less than thirty-five (35: days prior to the redemption date by the Req_strar from the out~tandinCJ Series 1995 Bonds of the maturity or r.lturities designat~',1 by the County or, it not so designated, by t;Jch other method a~;. the Registrar ahall deem fair and approprit ".e and which may p:covide for the .election for redemption of Ser, IS 1995 Bonds or portions of Series 1995 Bonds in principal amount of $5,000 and integral multiples thereof. If less than all of the Outstanding Series :995 Bonds of a aingle aaturity are to be redeemed, the Registral shall promptly notify the County and Paying Agent (if the Regis~rar is not the Paying Agent for such Series 1995 Bonds) in writir.~ of the Series 1995 Bonds or portions of Serier 1995 Bonds selected for redemption and, in the cas. of any Bond s, ~ected for partial .:edemption, the principal amount thereof to be ':edeemed. SBC1'Iotf 14. BOTIC! OP RZDEKP'lIOH. Nc ':.ice of such redeaption, which shall specif1' the Series 1995 BOJ.,d or Bonds (or portions thereof) to be rede'.ed and the date and place for radeaption, shall be given by the Registrar on behalf of the COUnty, and (A) ilhall be filed with the Paying Agent of such Series 1995 Bonds and f') shall bemalledfirstclass.post:lgeprepaid.at least thirty (3C J days prior to the redemption date to all Holders ot Series 1995 '~ond. to be re.jeemed at their addresses as they appear on the r~gistration boo):.. kept by the Registrar as of the . date of mailing of such notica. Failure to mail notice to tho Holders ot the Series 1995 Bonds to be redeemed, or any defect 10 800K 000 PA~r 82 ~.',j;o ..'c~'" to \,I tV oJ oJ th.r.in, shall not affect the proceedings for redemption of Series 1995 Bonds as to which no such failure or defect has occurred. Each notice of redemption shall state: (1) the CUSIP numbers of all Series 1995 Bonds being redeemed, (2) the original issue date of such Saries 1995 Bonds, (3) the maturity date and rate of inter.st borne- by each Bond being redeemed, (4) the redemption dat., (5) the ltedemption Price, (6) the date on which such notice 1. aai1ed, (7) if le.s than all OUtstanding Serie1 1995 Bonds are 'to be red....,~, the certifiCl.te number (and, ir. the case of a partial redeap~ion of any Bond, the principal amount) of each Bond to be redened, (S) that on SUC~i redemption date tit are shall become due and payabl" upon each Bond to be redeemed the 1-tedemption Price ther.ot, or thr, Redemption Pri~:. of the specified portions of the principal ther.'lof in the case )f Series 1995 Bond";. to be redeemed in part only, toqether with interest accrued thereon to the red-.ption dat,.l, and that from :'.nd after such date ..nterest thereon sball cease to accrue and be p~yable, and (9) that the Series 1995 Bonds to be redeemed, whether as a whole or in part, are to be .urrandered tor payment ot the Redemption Price at the designated office of the Registrar at an address specified. Wi thin sixty (60) days of the date ot --edemption, the Registrar shall give a secon(. notice of redempr..ion by mailing another copy of the redemption notice to the regi:tered owners of Sarie. 1995 Bonds called for :: ademption but which have not been presented for payment within t ~1irty (30) days af1-,3r the date set for rede.ption. In addition t? the mailing of the notice described above, each notice of reeSeJD}..tion and payment of the redemption price shall meet the following requirement; provided, however, f:he failure to provide such further notice of redemption or to '.:omply with the 't.naa of this paragraph shall not in any marl:'ler defeat the effectiveness of a call for redemption if notice t;",ereof is given as prescribed above: Each further notice of redemption sh ,11 be sent by certified mail or overnig t delivery service or telecopy to all reqisterod securities tepositories then ifS the buslness of holding substantial amount . of obligations of types compriSing the Series 1995 Bonds l~uch depositories now being The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, Midwest Securities Trust Company, Chicago, Illinois a.,d Philadelphia Depository Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pennsi'lvania) and to four or mo~. e national information services which disseminate notices of l,repayment or r. iemption of obligatlons such as the Series 19~5 Bonds (such information services now being Financial J:nformation, In::.' S "Daily Called Bond Service," Jersey City, Hew Jersey, Kenny Information St.'rvices "Called Bond Service, - New York, New York, Moody'. "Municipal and Government,~ New York, Hew York and Standard' Poor's "Called Bond Record," New York, Ne~ York). nl-t~ '"' n' SZCfIOJI 11',. JlEJ)EHP1'IOJI OF PORTIO.S OF SDtES 1"5 BOGS. Any Seri.. 199!. Bonc:1 which ill to be redeemec:1 only in part shall be aurrendered at any place of paymentspecitied in the notice of redaption (with due endorsement by, or written instrument of . transter in for.. satistactory to the Registrar duly executed. by the Bolder thereot or bis attorney duly authorized in writing) and the County shall ..''Xecute and the Registrar shall authenticate and. ,deliver to the Holder of such Series 1995 Bond, ~ithout service charge, a new Series 1995 Bond or Bonds, of the sarle interest rate and llaturity, ,~J.nd of any authOl~ized denomination ;1S requested by ;. such HOlder, in an aggreqate principal amount e lUal to and in " '. exchange tor tbe unredeemed pOJ:1:.ion ot the principi:.l of the Series II~.':' 1'95 Bonda .0 ':.urrendered. ijiJI>'" I. ":;/. 8:1C110Jl 1ft. PAYKD'l' OF U1>BDIED SDlES 1"5 BOWS. Notice ,.;~;:>..." of radaption having been qivI n substantially 8S aforesaid, the fi~": Seri.s 1995 Bonds or port i onf.. of Series 1995 Bonds so to be I;.;:..B....~:.... ~s/>,..radaaed sball, on the redelllpt1nn date, become due and payable at :\!it\:'., the Rad.-ption Price therein specified, and from and after such .. ..... .. date (unless the County shall default in the ")ayment of the If'<, Re4..ption Price) such Series 1995 Bonds or portio!"; of Series 1995 ,l( Bonds sball cease to bear interest. Upon surrende.l of such Series . 1'95 Bond. tor radnption in accordance wi th sa. d notice, such Seri.. 1995 80n48 shall be pa.d by tbe Registr~: and/or Paying ~ Aqent: at: the appropriate RedelDJ' ~ion Price, plus a,'crued interest. ~ Each check or other transfer otfunds issued by the Paying Agent to pay the Redemption Price of Sel ies 1995 Bonds beinCl redeemed shall bear the CUSIP number or numb~rs of such Series 1995 Bonds and identify the payt\ents applicabl J to each CUSIP number. All Series 1995 Bonds which have been r<<.deemed shall be cancelled by the Registrar an~ shall not be reissued. SZCfIOJI 17. FORM OJ' SERIES 1995 BOWS. 'ine text of the Seri.. 1995 Bonds shall be 1n substantially the fol.t~ owing form with nch OIIissions, insertions and variations as ma 'Y be necessary and/or desirable and approved tr' the Chairman or thc~ Clerk prior to the issuance thereof (which acessity and/or d,sirability and approval shall ~)8 presumed ~ such officer's e:'l!cution of the Seri.. 1995 Bon'!s and the Couty' s delivery of . he Series 1995 Bonds to the purchaser or purc} 1,1sers thereof): JUN 2 0 1995 12 UJrI'fBD IDH.I CW AXDICA snD CW J'I.OJtIDA COLLID counr, :rr.oJlIDA aoAD ~ JlDOXDUCI R&vUlJ.I BOJID, SDIU 1..5 '; %ntare.t Rate Maturity Date Date of original Issue COSIP . " . , '-. .~iatered Bolder: .~: .. . ,.,"'~': Principal AIIou..'1t: ~. ~/:_'__jc'+v-:'<__~._, "j;: ,;' i Collier County, Plorida, a political 8ubdivia..on of the state of Florida (th. -county.), for value received, helaby promises to pay, solely frca th. Gas Tax" (as defined in A:he hereinafter d..cribecS Resolution), to the )\ eqistered Holder it,ttntified above, 'OJ: regiatered assigns as her.intl tter provided, on tne Maturity Date identified above, the Principa1 Alaount identified ,',bove and to pay inter.at on auch Principal AJaoutt from the Date or Oriqinal I.sue identified abov~ or froa the . at recent interest payment date to 'Vbich intereat l,as been paid at the Interest Rat. identified above on Deceaber 1 ard June 1 of each year commencing December 1, 1995 'until .uch Principal AJaount shall have been paid, except as the proviaions hereinafter set forth with respect to Jtldemption prior :,to ..turity uy be or become applicable hereto. SUch Principal Amount and .il'lterest and the preI~ium, if any, on this Bond are payable in any cc . n or currency of tb t United States of Aaerica which, on the respecl. Lve dates of payJrlen;: thereOf, shall be leqal tender 'for the payment of public and privi 'te debts. Such ,Principal AJloun'G and the pra -lUJI, if any, on '('his Bond, are payable, upon presentation and . unender hereof, at the desiqnated :corporate trust office of " J',', , as Paying Agent. Payment of each installment of . intereat shall ~ aade to the Person in whose name l:his Bond shall r~~~ ~ regiatered on the reqistration boots of the Count~, maintained by '." . -, · , as R~"'istrar, at the olose of buaine;,a on the date which shall be the fifteenth day .J (vbether or not'. a business d,IY) of the calendar month' next \"'~l"ececling each interest paYJIent date and shall be paid by a check ~~~-.;:;"/'~ < 13 1001 l]eO 'AC.t. 85 i',l", .. , , 's ::,,~i~ i,'\" ':1 '.,., .,..1 .:;; :~;- , :'\1l l'f~ ~ " or draft of SUl~ Payinq Aqent mailed to such Regietered Holder at the address api'.arinq on sucb reqistration books or, at the request and expense of such Registered Holder, by bank wire transfer tor ,the account of such Holder. 'l'bi. Bond is one of an authorized issue of Bonds in the aqqreqat. pri~~ipal amount of $ (the "Bonds") of like date, tenor anG effect, except .. to reqistered h~lder, principal AIIOUnt, aaturity date, interest rate, denoJDinat!.,on and number, i.ned to ref\; ,ld cartain outstandinq indebtadnesm of the County under the authority ot and in ft.ll cOJD:)liance with Lhe Constitution and laws of the State of Florid,!, particularly Chap :er 125, Florida Statutes, 8ect:'c,.na 206.60, 206.87 and 336.021, Florida statutes, and other appl:cable provisionh of law (collectivf:ly, the "Act"), and Resolution No. 80-114 of tJ.e County adopted OJ; June 10, 1980, a. aaended and supplemented (~. -ReSOlution"), aJi~ is subject to all the teras ~nd conditions o~ the Resolution. Thi. Bond and the interest hereon are payable froJD and secured by a lien upon and a pledge of the Gas Taxes (as detined in the ReSOlution). IT IS EXPRESSLY AGREED BY THE REGISTERED HOLl ER OF THIS BOND THAT THE FULL FA 1TH AND CREDIT C F THE COUNTY, THE S' ATE OF FLORIDA, OR AMY POLITICAL SUBDIVISION O~ AGENCY THEREOF, AR:~ NOT PLEDGED TO '1'HB PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL or, PREMIUM, IF ANY, AND INTEREST ON THIS BOND AND THAT SUCH HOLD~R SHALL NEVER HAvr:: THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE OR COMPEL THE EXERCISE .)P ANY TAXING POWEU OF THE COUNTY, '1'HB STATE OF FLORIDA, OR AHl POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OR AGENCY THEREOF, TO THE PAYMENT OF SUlK PRIHCIPAL, PREMIUM, IF ANY, AND INTEREST. T""rlIS BOND AND THE OBLIGATION EVIDENCED HEREBY SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE A LIEN UPON ANY PROPERTY OF THE COtNTY, BUT SHALL CONSTITUTE A LIEN ONLY ON, AND SHALL BE PAYABLE E OLELY FROM, THE GAS TAXES. THE COUNTY MAY ISSUE ADDITIONAL OBLIGJ1':~IONS ON PARITY WITH THE BONDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THI RESOLUTION. Neither the members of th Board of County C.~issioners of the COunty nor ttny Person eXf~l:utinq th1s Bond t. .,all be liable personally here'"jn or be subj. ':t to any person2.. liability or accountability by reason ot tht issuance hereof. The County has established a book-entJ~Y system of reqi.tration for the Bonds. Except as specifi :ally provided otherwise in the ReSOlution, an agent will hold this Bond on behalf of the beneficia , owner hereof. By acceptance of a '7:onf irmation of purchas., delivc';:y or transfer, the beneticial owner ot this Bond &ball be deeJDed:o have agreed t~ such arrangement. The transfer of this Bond 1. registrable in accordance with 'tile teras of the Resolution only upon the books of I.. he County kept for tha~ purpose at the designated corporate trust office ot the Registrar by thf' Reg istered He Ider hereof in pel'son or by his attorney duly authorized in writing, upon the surl:,ender of this 14 .. Bond together "ith a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the RecJistrar duly executed by the Registered Holder or his attorney duly authorized in writing, and thereupon a new Bond or Bonda in the sa.. agqregate principal amount shall be issued to the ,. tranafere. in exchange therefor, and upon the payment of the charqes, if an~(, therein prescribed. For every f.;uch exchange or registration OJ~ transfer, the County or the Registrar may make a Charge sufficient to reimburse it for any tax, fee, expense or other governae' 'ta 1 charge requJ red to be paid with respect to such exchanqe or re:Jistration of tr,lnsfer. The Bonds are issuable in the lona of fully registered Bords. "!'he County, t Ie Registrar and any Paying Age.lt aay treat th~ Registered Holder of this Bond as the abtlolute (>~mer hereof for all purposes, whet \ler or not this Bond .hall be /'.werdue, and sha.'.1 not: be affected by any notice to the contrary. The County and the Reqistrar shall :i'ot be obligated to u.ke any e"ehanqe or tranaf'.lr of the Bonds dUl in9 the fifteen (15) day. next preceding an interest: payment date or, in the case of any proposed redemption of the Bonds, then, for the Bonds .ubject to redemption, durinq the fifteen (15) days next preceding the date of the first mailing of notice of such redemption and continuing until the redemption date. (INSERT REDEJ..~ION PROVISIONS) RecSeaption of this Bond u~'.~er the preceding paragraphs shall be aade as provided in the Re. tlution upon notice given by first class aail sent 4t least th1rt~ (30) days prior to the redemption date to the Registered Holder hereof at the address shown on the registration books mainta1ned by the Registrar; provided, however, that failure to mail notice to the Registered Holde." hereof, or any defect therein, shall not affect the validity of ~:he proceedings for recSaption of other Bonds as to which no such f,\ilure or defect bas occurred. In the event that less than the full principal ..ount hereof shall have been c: \led for redemption. the Registered Holder hereof sh:tll surrender t.lis Bond in eXchang( for one or more Bonds in an ag~iregate princip:',l amount equal to the unredeemed portion of princ;ipal, as provi..ftd in the Resolutic.:l. The County made various a.~ndments to the Resolution pursuant to its Resolution Ho. aClopted on _, 1995. Such . ..endaents include a provision perm1tting th~ issuance of Mctitional Parit.y Obligations (as defined in the rtesolution) for refunding purpe lea without certifying as to co','erage of debt .ervice on Obli~' ttions (as defined in the Resolutie n) from the Gas ~ Taxe.. Reference to the Resolution and any and a II resolutions .upple..ntal thereto and modifi-:ations and amendments thereof and to the Act i. made for a description of the pledg'.'; and covenants ..curing this BOI.d, the nature, lJanner and extent ot: enforcement ot 111; .uCb pledge ann covenants, and the rights, duties, immunities and ob1i9a~ion. of ~he county. It i. hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and thinqs re.{Uired to exi.t, to happen and to be performed precedent to ar.K! in the is.uance of this Bond, exis'~, have happened and have been perfoned, in r8CJU1ar and due fo:t'1U and time as required by the 1avs and C:Ons~itu~ion of the state of Florida 'applicable the. -.to, and that the issuance of the Bonds does not violate any constitutional or .t~t~~ory 1imitationu or provisions. , ':$::~~':'<;":;? This Bond shall not be:V~'lid or become obl.;.gatory for any purpo.e until '{he certificate' (",f authentication he.reon shall have "bean signed by the Registrar. D WIDEBI 1t1lDEOr, the. Board of County C.J1lUDissioners of Collier County, Florida has i_dUed ~his Bond and has caused the .... to be executed by the aanual or facsimile signature of its Chairaan and by the manual or facsimile signature of the Clerk of .the Board of County C01IIJDissioners and its off! ~ial seal or a ;r fac.iaile thereof to be affixed or reproduced here( 1, all as of the Date of original Issue. ,! 'LLlER COtJ'JiTY, PLOl~ [DA . t.oairman Clerk JUN 2 0 _ CBRTIl'lCAT. OJ' A1JDJDr.r%CATIO. Thi. Bond is one of the Bones. of the Issue describacS in the itbin-..ntiont'.d Resolution. .' i..eqiatrar 8y: Authorized Siqnatory It' BOOK 0110 PAGE 89 >- ~ 17 JUN 2 0 IS! s. "h'",t' Unl.ss tJd.. certiticate i." pre.ented by an authorized repre.entativ. of The Depo.itory Trust company to the County or ita agent for r.gistration of transfer, exchange or payment, and any certificate i.sued is registered in the name of Cede , Co. or 'neb other nu.. as requasteeS by the authorized representative of The Depo.itory Tru.t Company anet any payment is made to Cede' Co., In TRANSFER, l-LEDGE OR OTHER USB HEREOF.POR VALUE OR OTHERWISE BY OR TO ANY PERSON IS WRONGFUL since the registered owner hereOf, Cede , Co., ha'J an interest berein. .as.:tGDD'1 WOJl vu,U1J IlZCZIVUJ, the undersigned sellu, assiqns and .. trAMfer. unto Insert SOcial Security or Ot1;er Identifying Number ot Assignee (Name and Addre.s ot As.ignee) the within Bond and does ht~eby irr.vocably constitute and appoint . , as attorneys to register the transfer of the said Bond on the books kept for "'. registration thereof with fu" 1 power of substitution in the pr..i.... guaranteed: .cnICBI Siqnat.ure JDust be guaranteed by an insti tution Vblcb is a participant in the 'Securitie. Transfer Agent Medallion Program (STAMP) or .i.llar program. NOTICE: The signature to this assignment must correspond with the name of ~he Registered Holder as it arpears upon the face of the "ithin Bond in every particular, without al teration or enlargement or any change wh~tever and the Social Securi~y or other identifying n~'aber of such assignee must bl supplied. ,~ JUN"" '. ,.....~ , ". 2 0 1J95~ '.i;, i~,~~;~'t . '}d ft. following pbbrevIationa, wen used. in the inscription on the face or the vi'thin Bond, ahall be construed as though they vere written out in full accordiD9 toapp11cabl. lavs or regulations: j~ti~""';~,'~!.;';,,:, " '~'?:1?:,',;.If!'" " ' "'. TEH - a. jC'int tenants vitb right of .w:v;. vor.hlp and not: ,aa tenants in c, DOn (CUst. ) er unifora Transfers to Minors Act of (Stat.l) Additional abbreviations, 'y also be used th<<\lqh not in list .. 8ZCfIOJI 18. BOOX-DTJlY. Notwithstanding the provisions set forth in Section 12 hereof, the Series 1995 ,Bonds shall be . initially i..u~)d in the fona of a separate single certificated fully reqisterrd Series 1995 Bond for each of the maturities of the Serie. 1995 Bonds. Upon initial issuance, the ownership of each such Sarie. 19~ 5 Bond shall be registered in the registration books kept. by the R8f;,J istrar in the nu. of Cede , Co., at; nominee of The Depo.itory Tru It Company ("OTC"). Except as pl'ovided in this Section, all of the outstanding series 1995 30nds shall be registered in~ne registration books kept by the registrar in the nue of cecsa , Co., as n01line. "f OTC. As long as the Series 1995 ,',- Bonds shall be registered in the name of Cede , c. '., all payments of interest on the Series 1995 Bonds shall be mace by the Paying Ac)ent. by checl or draft or b)\ vire transfer to Cede , Co., as HoleSer of the .,i.ri.s 1995 BoncS.~,. With res~.ct to Serie. 1995 Bonds reqlstered in the registration !YAks kept by th..'eCJistrar in the naD [1 of Cede' co., as noainee of DTC, the County, the Registrar and the PayinCJ Agent shall have no responsibility or obligation to any participant in the ore book-entry program or to any indir~ct participant (collectively, a "Participant-). Without limiting the immediately precedinq sentence, the County, the Registrar and ,:he Paying Agent shall have no r~sponsibility or obligation with re -;pect to (A) the accuracy of the records of DTC, Cede' Co. or any .r'articipant with . raspect to any ownership intere:lt on the Series 19S';; Bonds, (B) the delivery to any Participant or ! ny other Person otl~er than a Series 1995 Bondholder, as shown in-he reqistration be ,;)ks kept by the Registrar, of any notice with respect to the Serles 1995 Bonds, includinq any i~otice. of redeJ )tion, or (C) the payment to any Participant or any other P~rson, other than a Series 1995 Bondholder, as shown in the registration books kept by the Registrar, of any amount with respect to principaJ of, redemption pr_iUJI, if any, or interest on the Series 1995 BOI.ds. The County, the Registrar and the Paying Agent may treat a~:d consider the Person in whose name each Bond i. registered in 1:he registration books kept by the Reg1strar a" the Holder and at1'iolute owner of such Series 1995 Bond for th, purpose of paymen: of principal, rade1lption preJ.,lum, if any, ,'.nd interest with :'espect to such Series 1995 BonJ, for the purp,se of giving notic's of redemption and other aatters with respe~ to such Series 19S5 Bond, for the purpose ot registerinq transfe, s with respect to such Series 1995 Bond, and for all other purpcses whatsoever. The Paying Agent shall pay all princ1pal of, redemption preJDiuJl, if any, and interest on the Series 1995 Bonds only to or upon the order of the respective Hold !rs, as shown in the registration b'7oks kept by the Registrar, or their respective attorneys duly authorized in writ.ing, as pre'i1ded herein al'd all such payments shall be valid ancS affective to fully aat.isfy and discharge the County's obllqations with respect to payment of principal, redemption pr_iUJI, if any, and interest on the Series 199.5 Bonds to the extent of the SUlD or sums so pa:ld. No Person other than a Holder, a. shown in the registration l~ooks kept by the R,!qistrar, shall 20 n('tO Of) f< receive a cert1ficated Series 1995 Bond evidencing the obligation of the County tl) uke payments of principal, redemption premium, if any, and inter.at pursuant to the provisions hereof. Upon delivery by DTC to the county ot written notice to the etfect that DTe has deterained to ~ubstitute a new nominae in place of Cede' Co., and .ubject to the provisions herein with respect to transfers during the 15 day. ne~~ preceding an Interest Date or mailing of notice of .....' .... redeaption, th,_ words -Cede , Co.. in the Resolutio'1 shall refer to ii>,c;,"~! neb nev noair: ee ot DTC; and upon receipt of such notice, the ~f~:p~:> County shall ptOllptly deliver a copy of the same to the Registrar ~;~ and the Paying Agent. ",,, ,f~~'? I. Upon (A) z.ceipt by the COimty o~ written not. .ce from DTe (i) ~ the eff.ct ~at a continuation of the requireuant that all of \ the OUtatandin<; Seri.. 1995 BODl. be re9i.~.red in ':h. r.9ia~ra~ion i boob k.pt by '~.h. R.gistrar in the noe of Cede , co., as nominee I;~ of DTC, i. not in the best intele.t of the beneficilll owners of the Ilt Series 1995 Bonds or (ii) to the effect that [)';'C is unable or "", unwilling to discharge its r.sponsibilities ant: no substitute ~~0 depository willinq to undertake the functions of I)'l'C hereunder can ~li' I be found which is willing and able to undertake such functions upon ~ reasonable and customary terms, or (B) determinatic, by the County, ~;, in it. sole discretion, that such book-entry 'Jnly system is burdensoJle to the County, the Series 1995 Bonds shull no lonqer be restricted to bQinq register.d in the r.gistratic:1 books kept by the Registrar ir~ the name of c..... , Co., as nomineo of DTe, but may be reqist.red in whatever name "r names Holders sha 11 designate, in accordance with the provisions nereof. In such event, the County shall issu. and the Registral shall authenticat-J, transfer and exchange Series 1995 Bonds of :-.lke principal amount and maturity, in denoaination~ of $5,000 or a ~ integral multiple thereof to the Bolders th.reo'~ in accordance with the provisions of the Resolution. The toregoing notwithstanding, until such time as participation in the book-entry only system is dJscontinued, the . provisions set forth in the Letter ot Representat.:i.on executed by . tile County and the Registrar and delivered to r.'rc in order to . induce DTC to act as securities depository tor '}:.he Series 1995 Bonds shall apply to the paymf t of principal of .1nd interest on the Series 1995 Bonds. ~ ~~. i 'f1'.~ " ~1 ''',(, SEC'lIOR 19. APPLICATIO: ' OF SERIES 1995 BOK'I PROCEEDS. The proceeds derived from the sale of the Series 1995 Bonds shall be applied by the County simultanc .~usly with the deli"ery thereof as follows: CA) An am, unt equal to the accrued interest, .; f any, shall be deposited to tht Sinking Fund and shall be used to '~ay interest on the Series 1995 Bonds due on D~~ember 1, 1995. (8) A sutticient amount of Series 1995 Bond proceeds, together with other legally aVdllable moneys, shall be deposited irrevocably in trust in an .sr.row deposit trust fund under the teras and provisions ot the Escrow Deposit Agreeme!lt and shall be 21 . ""If nnn p!rr Q1 .. ,'~ '4:, ~ i 'i!' invested in Ftc'tteral Securities in the manner set forth in the Escrow Deposit Agreement, which investments shall mature at such ~i..s and in "~ch amounts .. shall be sufficient, toqether with cash deposits, to pay the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on the Refunded Bonds as the same mature and become due and payabl.': or are redened prior to maturity. (C) The 1811aining Series 1995 Bond proceeds r;;hall be applied to the payaent of the pr81llium of any Municipal Bond Insurance POlicy or poliries applicable to the Series 1995 Bnnds or reserves .stablished th"refor and to t.he payment of costs and expenses relating to tho issuance of thu Seri.s 1995 Bonds. 8ZCfIOJI 2~:. HAlfDATOay jlEJ)EKPTIOR OJ' TE1Ut: BOHDS. On a parity with an I at the time m(,'."eys deposited in the Sinkinq Fund are used for ~~e payment of principal and interest due and payable on the Series 1995 Bonds during the current Fiscal Year pursuant to the Resolution, such moneys sha ~l also be used to r.t!tire Term Bonds through the payment ot AIlorti,ation Installments for Term Bonds which shall become due and payable during such Fiscal Year. The COUnty shall endeavor to purchase or rp'lee. Term Bonds then outstanding at the most advantageous price .obtainable with reasonable diligence, such price not to exceed the '~edemption Price of such Tara Bonds which wou1t be payable on the next redemption date to the registered owners o!' such Term Bonds it such Term Bonds abould be called for redempti"tl on such date. 1/0 such purchase ahall be ..de by the County w. ":hin the period of forty-five (45) day. t..ediately preceding an~ payment date on which such Term Bonds are sUbj':l.:t to call fOl redemption except from moneys in excess of the arlounts set asidet or deposited for the redemption of Tara Bonds. As soon as practicable after the 45th day preceding the due date of any such Amortization Installment, ':he County shall proceed to call for redemption on such due date, :IY giving notice aa provided in the Resolution, such Term Bonds i~ such amount as aba1l be necessary to complete the retirement of the unsatisfied balance of such Amort1zat10n I"stallment. 8ZC1'IO. 21, PRELIMIHU ": OFJ'ICIAL 8TATEKEl. ~~. The use and distribution of the preliminar Official Statement which shall be in substantially the form att t,ched hereto as Exl-:1bit B, by the Underwriter for the purpose of offering the Series 1995 Bonds for .a1. i. hereby authorized and ratified. When complf::ted, the County AdJIiniatrator is hereby authorized to deem the Pre1'c.minary Official stateaent -final,- as of the date thereof, within the meaning of paragraph (b)(ll of SEC Rule 15c2-12. ezc.rIO. 22. OFFICIAL 8'tATEMD'I. SUbject in all respects to the satisfactio.l of the conditions set forth in Section 6 hereof, the for., terms and provisions ~f the Official Statement, relatinq to the Series 1995 Bonds, shall be substantially ,1S set forth in the Pre1i.inary Official Stat_lint. The Chairman and the Clerk are bereby authorize d and directed 1'.0 execute and de1ivnr said Official 22 non n. F :; ,.... - -- .......... State.ent in tbe name and on behalf ot the County, and thereupon to cause such Off Lcial statement to be delivered tu the Underwriter with such ch~nqes, a.en~nts, modifications, omissions and additions as rsay be approved by said Chairman. Said Official Stat...nt, including any such changes, amendments, modifications, OIIissions and additions as approved by the Chairman, and the inforaation cOi,tained therein are hereby authorized to be used in ~~nnection wit~ the sale of the Serie. 1995 Bonds to the public. Execution by tt.. Chairman of the Official statement. shall be deemed to be conclusive evidence of approval of such cha~ges. SBClIOJI 21. UPOI1fTHJ,ft 01' PAYIXa AGElrI ABD REGISTRAR. The County hereby designates ~'e Registrar and Paylnq Agent as the RacJistrar and :~'ayinq Agent for ~~e series 1995 BonCt.. The Chairman and the Clerk are hereby auth.~'rized to enter into any aqreement which aay be ~.cessary to efte:t the transactions contemplated by this Section 23 and the Resol'ltion. .ECTIO. 2... AOTHORIZA~.IOR TO EXECOTB esCROW DEPOSIT aGJlBEKER'l. The County hereby authorizes and directs the Chairman and Clerk to execute an Escrow Deposit Agreeme~t (the "Escrow Deposit Aqreement") and to deliver the Escrow Depo'lit Agreement to the Escrow Agent, which is hereby appointed "s escrow aqent thereunder (the "Escrow Agent"). All of the pll)visions of the Escrow Deposit ,'greement when' xecuted and delivel"!d by the County as authorized herein and wh'~n duly authorize'l, executed and deliv.red by the Escrow Agent, flhall be deemed to be a part of this supple.ental resolution as f\ l~ly and to the Sa:',8 extent as if incorporated verbatim herein, and the Escrow Deposit Agreement shall be in sUb::Jtantially the 1 )rm of the Escrow Deposit Aqreement attached heretl) as Exhibit .:; with such changes, amendments, ~ifications, omissions and additions, includinq the date of such Escrow Deposit Agre.ment, as may be approved be, the Chairman. Execution by the Chairman of the Escrow Deposit A~ 't.eement shall be d...ed to be conclusive evidence of approval of s~ch changes. SEC1'IOX 25. 'l'RA!fSPER 0". HONEYS ABD ELIHIKA.TIOH OF RESERVB SOBACCOuns. The Refunded Bon J will be refunded ~'~rOJD proceeds of the S.ri.. 199! Bonds and fro.,' other legally ava ..lable moneys of the County. Mor eys on deposit n the Sinking Fund '1stablished with respect to the Refunded Bonds~hall be disposed 0:' as follows: (A) Moneys on deposit il.. Reserve Subaccount~ A and Reserve SUbaccount B, if any, 1n an amount equal to the max imuJD annual debt ..rvice for th 1 Series 1995 Bonds shall be reluoved from such SUbaccounts ant' shall be retained in the Reserve .\ccount for the benefit of the ~:eries 1995 Bon"'s. (8) Exces.J moneys on de:;osit in Reserve Subaccount A and Reserve Subaccount B, if any, ~hall be transferre4 to the escrow deposit trust fund established under the Escrow Devosit Aqreement. 23 ,... ,.,. - '. ~, ~{,~ 1:':~ ~~, 't-j.i ~; ,'t' ~~ ;J~ r~ ~':. ,~ f".' " ~ JUN 2 0 1995 ee) Any moneys remaining in the Sinking Fund after the dispositions S4~.t forth in Sub.ections 25 (A) and (B) hereof shall be transferred to the escrow deposit trust fund established under the Eacrov Deposit Aqreement. Si.ultane~Nsly with the disposition described in Subsection 25(8) hereof, 'eserve Subaccount A and Reserve Su~~ccount B shall be eliainated. SZCfI01I 2'.. Kl1JtICIPAL aOBD IRSURU1CB POLl ,:1' . Subj ect in all respects to the sati.fact~on of the conditions set forth in Section 6 hereof, and subject further to the Board's subsequent approval of an',' modifications, changes, amendmenb. or supplements required by th"1 Insurance C01IUD:.tment to be made to the Resolution, the County her.by authorizes t he payment of the )'Jrincipal of and interest on the Series 1995 1\onds to be insurer~ pursuant to a Municipal Bonc;~ Insurance POll cy issued by the Insurer. Upon satisfaction of the conditions contained in~he immediately preceding sentence, the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and instruments necess~ry to cause the Insurer to insure the Series 1995 Bonds. szcr:I02I 27. Me LBftD OF RBPRESD'1'AT%ONS. Subject in all respects to the satisfaction of the conditions set forth in Section 6 hereof, the County AdJDinistr.\ tor is hereby authcl:ized to execute the DTC Letter of Representatic~, in substantially t.he form attached hereto as Exhibit D. SJ:CnOR 21. AHEBDKERT ~O SBCTI01f 13C OF '!'BB RBSOLUTION. Section 13C of th~ Resolution is hereby amended to include a new paragraph wl:ich shall read as follows: ev) In the event any Additional Parity Obliqi :ions are issued for the purpose of refunding any Obligations then ,)utstanding, the conditions of Section 13C(2)(i) above shall not apply, provided that the issuance of such Additional Parity Ok1liqations shall result in a reduction of a9grf ate debt service. SZC1'IOR 2 II . ADDITION C; )lEW SECTION 22 TO THB RESOLUTION. The Resolution :LS hereby amende -:1 to include a new S)lction 22, which shall read as follows: SECTION 22. REBATE FUND. The County covenants and agrees to establish wi~h a bank or trust company in the S~ate of Florida, Which i. eligitle under the laws of such state to receive county funds, a fund 1',0 be known a. the .Collier Count.', Florida Road IlIprove.ent Rev.mue Bond Rebate Fund" (the "Rebate ..rund"). Amounts on deposit in t.ae Rebate Fund ld1all be held in trust by the County and used solely to make requ ;,red rebates to the United States (except to the extent the sa.e may be transferred to the County) and the holders of Obligations ~hall have no right to have the same applied for deb": service on the Obligations. ro\:" any series of Obligations for which the rebate requirements of SL~ction 148 (f) of 24 , (A) aaki;"\C1 a determination in accordance wi tl; the Code ot the I'''if. c,..,i.i aaount requirec'1 to be deposited in the Rebate Fun~; ,l;1~:' (8) depo;.iting the amount deterllined in clauu (A) above into ~' '. the Rebate Fund; I (e) payi/\q on the dates and in the manner required by the Code to the Us'ited states Tr.~.ury from the Reba~e Fund and any ,:, other legally '"vailable moneys at the County such "lDIounts as shall r~;;~"i; be required by the Code to be rebated to thc~ United states 1'~.tD'1're.-:; ::Ping euch records ot the determinatiolts made pursuant ~?~ ~o this Section 22 as shall be required by the Code, as well as I.....:... . evidence of the fair .arket value of any investment 1 purchased with m proceeds of the Obligations. ~ ~ . .... ~ ,:.<,:..:. ~t ~, ~: ~~:' ~ ~ !,~ the Internal I'evenue Code ot 1986, as amended, (inClUding all United States Treasury requlations thereto, the .Code-) are applicable, the County aqrees to undertake all actions required of It in its arbitrage certificate related to such series ot Obligations, inclUding, but not limited to: The provis1ons of the abc-ve-described arbit::age certificate aay be uaended without the COJI:Jent of any holder, credit bank or insurer of Obl1gations from til~ I to time as shall be necessary, in the opinion of bond counsel, t:, comply with the provisions of the COde. 8ZCTIO. 3 f). ADDITIOll O,i" IJD 8BCTIO. 23 TO TBB RBSOLUTIOJl. The Resolution :.s hereby amended to include a new Section 23, which sball read as follows: SECTION 23. FEDERAL INCOME TAX COVENANTS ,: TAXABLE BONDS. (A) The County covenants with the holders of each series of Obligations (other than taxable Obligations), that 1t shall not use the proceeds of such series ( ~ Obligations in any manner which vould cause th, interest on .... ch series of Obli,. ltions to be or beCOJle includab le in gross in, /)lIe for purposes O' federal income taxation. (8) The County covenants with the holders of each series of Obligations (other than taxable Obligations) that neither the COUnty nor any Person under its control or directi~n will make any us. of the pre ceeds of such series of Obligations (or amounts de8lMld to be p'(,oceeds under the Code) in any maJ':',er which would cau.. such serf':s of Obligation.I to be -arbitrage b)nds. within the ..aninq ot the Code and neith-er the County nor any other Person shall do any act or tail to do any act which would cause the lntere.t on such series of Obligations to beCO.,'t includable 1n vros. incOJIe tor purposes of fr-deral incolDe taxat.ton. 25 ... ... -."" , (C) The l:ounty hereby covenants with the holders ot each .eries of Obligltions (other than taxable Obligations) that it will coaply with al~ provisions of the Code necessary to maintain the exclusion of interest on the Obligations from gross income for purpose. of fec'aral income taxation, including, in particular, the payaent of any aaount required to be rebated to t~e u.s. Treasury pursuant to tha: Code. (D) The rounty may, if it so elects, issue on., or more series of taxable Ob't.igations the intere.t on which j.B (or may be) includable in the gros. income of th~ holder thereot tor federal incOlMl taxatior. purpose., so lar:g as each Obligatio" of such series states in the t ,ldy thereof that interest payable th1!reOn is (or may be) subject ~,.J federal incOlD'" taxation and prclvided that the issuance ther~of will not csuse the interest on any other Obligations thp.retotore issued' ,ereunder to be or bttcome subject to federal incOJle taxation. The covenants set fortfl in paragraphs (A), (B) and (e) above shall no~ apply to any taxal,le Obligations. SzcrI01I 31. RATIFICATION BY BOARD. The Bo \rd shall rat.ify by .ubsequent resolution all actions of the Coun.l Administrator .'f relating to the determination of the final t.erms ard details of the Series 1995 Bonds so long as ell of t.he conditic:1S set forth in Section 6 hereof are satisfi,..:S. To the extenf. the Insurance C~i taent requires any modi~" ications, changes, amendments or suppl_ents to the Resoluti011, the Board shall, in i t.s sole discretion, approve such modi ~~ications, changes amendments or .uppl..enta by subsequent re~olution so long as all of the conditions set f~rth in Sectioi 6 hereof are satisfied. Szc.rIOJI 32. SECOJIDUY HARKft DISCLOSURB. The County hereby covenants and agrees that, in order t.o provide fer compliance by the County with the secondary market disclosure l~equirements of Rule 15c2-12 of the Securit.y and Exchange Commissi'.)n (the "Rule"), it will comply with and carry out all of the pruvisions of the Cont.inuing Disclosure Certific:~e to be exocuted b~~ the County and dated the date ~f delivery of ne Series 1995 Bon':s, as it may be a.ended froa tiLl" to time in ac' ,rdance with the te :ms thereof (the -Disclosure Cer:lficate"). ~l Disclosure Certi"icate shall be SUbstantially ln the form atta hed hereto as Exhi:,it E with such changes, amendment s , modi fica ( 10ns, omissions and additions as .hall be approved by the Co~nty Administrator who is hereby authorized to execute and deliver such Certificate. Not.withstanding any other provislon of the Resolution, failure of the County t.o cc mply with such Disclosure Certificf,te shall not be considered an " vent of defaul~ under the Resolu ;ion; provided, bowever, any SeJ les 1995 Bondholder may take sucb actions as may be nece.aary and al'propriate, including seeking mandate or specific perforaanc8 by court order, t.o ~ause the County to comply with its obligations under this Section 33. SZCfIOR 33. GElfBRAL AU'!'tORITY. Subject in all respects to ~e satisfaction of the conditions in Section 6 hereof, the 26 "UN 2 U 1WJ '" .zcnOJl :~'5. UJ'ZC!lV. 1)1.1'.. This Resolution shall become .ffe=ive l-ecfiately upon ita adoption; provided modifications to the Re~lution shall take ettect siault&neously with the issuance of the Seri.. :;,995 Bond.. ,il';,~} >>&aBED ~, ADOPTED in regular ....ion this 2cth day ot June, tt5. UOUD 01' COtT.l'.rl C>>OaSSIOB.us OF "~OLLID COUII'!I, I'LOJ'.IDA ~.~=* Board of County form ~:~n1.lL~ ~ ~ L ~~.. ~ty Attorney "7 ':l ~ ";:1 'Ii ;~ '~~ ,,: