Resolution 1995-357 .IV,. 1 ~ 1995 RESOLUTION NO. 95-357 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THOSE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN YACHT HARBOR DRIVE (A PORTION OF THE WINDSTAR PLAT), RELEAS! OF THE MAINTENANCE SECURITY, AND ACCEPTING THE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ROADWAY, DRAINA!.E, WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS THAT ARE NOT REQUIR ED TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. WHEREAS, t~e Board ot County Commissioners ot Collier County, Florida, on April 7, 1986, approved the plat of Windstar for recording; and WHEREAS, t'lle developer has constructed and ma lntained the roac:!way, drainage, water and se;ter im:t>rovements in accordance with the approved pl ans and specitic:ltions and as requi:ed by the Land Develop1llent CCX-..' (Collier Count~, Ordinance No. 91-102, as amended); and the utilitJ.s Standards and Procedures Ordinan.:::e (Collier County Ordinance No. 88-76, as amended), and WHEREAS, t.be developer has. now requested fina l. acceptance of ,the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvement3 and release of bis maintenance security; and WHEREAS, the Compliance Services Section of Plvelopment Services Department has inspected the roadway, drzl ;l.nage, water and sewer improvements and is recolll1lending acceptance ',f said facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESe ~NED BY THE BOARD (IF COUNTY '''$. COHMISSIONERS OF COLLIER CO~.. FLORIDA, that fir ill acceptance be ;:'~ granted for those roadway, draJ'lage, water and sewer improvements ~.;q.1n Yacht Harbor ~ive, and aut! Jrize the Clerk to release the :5iJ' aaintenance .e~'rity. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the C,unty accept the future maintenance and other attendant costs for Ole roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements that are net; required to be maintained by the homeowners association. This Resolution adopted al ;er motion, second ,nd majority vote favoring same. " , "':.... .~.~.~~L~~~..~...~... ' ." ..,r..,... o.(tt ~1jr~" : ;;"DATE:.~J.~"'uOe';l3,. 1995 ".'.~~ '..~. . . .- ::, 'A.A.4~.&:.:~.f}I'....';: ~ - .i ~.\, DWIGHT . E/' BRoex Clerk . ., . '. . "L'f.'~ ...... ",., . . ...",,') ".'a.'. S.. .1'.,;, I .,.... / ~:: ~';;;iii~~,~:C~~ Yr ~ ;:p,(2, :~j::-, r-: '..:;~,:,~;,,~. ... :''1 .fJ.-........'~-i:~t... \ ,.' , :',: -:".r.~...:. ';~lo...\'. " ~i.. .~._~l-t~lJ ~,......./~~.'~,\,,,-., .....:,. "4' .....~\ Approved as to fJrm and legal sufficiency: " tkl. 14.: } A~ ~. Ashton Assistant Colli. r: County AttornltY BOARD OF COUN' '!Y COLLIER CO dC('!.""7-1