Resolution 1995-358 "'''It I oJ ......- RESOLUTION 95-~ RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RELATING TO A REQUEST BY WILLIAM T. HIGGS OF THE POWER CORPORATION TO PLACE FILL MATERIAL ON PROPERTY HEREAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Lugislature of tho State of Florida in Chapter 125, lorida Statutes, h.~s conferred on all counties in Florida the power to . , ..tablish, coordina1:e and enforce zoning and such business regulations are necessary to,- the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant t',ereto has adopted Land .. ',I. evelopment Code CC,'dinance 91-102, as amended) which ;~'estricts v'~ !lpecific site work such as grading .,md filling lots un".il such time , i bat applicable bul1ding permits have been issued; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has acknowledged that a loilding permit tor site construction has not been iss',ed to the Power :orporation; and WHEREAS, the Power Corporation has agreed to remove all exotic " ~egetation from the subject tracts; and WHEREAS, the Bc~rd of County CJmmissioners has found that a pUblic benefit will result from the removal of exotic vegetation, filling of '.ne site, re-vegetation of the sitei and WHEREAS, the Board of County commissioners has fO'4nd no t"'Dvironmental or wililife concerns m the upland portj Ins ot the ,.' subject property, and further acknc,'ledged the Power {lrporation has work authorization:rom other applicable regulatory j..triscUctionsi HOW THEREFORE I, E IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COON'i'Y COMMISSIONERS :t Collier County, Ilorida, that: The written request of william T. Higgs of the POHer Corporation ~ill portions of the property leqally described as: Opland areas of Tracts 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in wiggins Bay, Phase I, Plat and 90 of the Public Records of Coll..er County, J lorida is hereby a. proved subject ~o the following co~ditions: ",.."" ,....-. .: .._ ~ I'" . .,: I., ~, ,. l):" ~...f,.;; I~, , .:. ';" '...: '(}6 ~jI, . ".,.;~ ':"#.J.. ".~'''''.., . "':'\ ..r . ,l'to<l#.- , ATTEST: . /_':"~:'( :3'~J'~' J)Wl:GHT'.E. BROa(~~ERK . ." .. "". " ".~::-,:Jtf;: :,qF~;~:f;'~~~~r-4. e ~. ;~~ ."/;;.. ",:~ :,>. " ,.;' '. . .'., ~"f ,~ ~". ;.5-' ~ :., ~: '.t '. ... .; , .'..... " !.'.,'. '.':, " ',,~ ...,. .E..'''...."..' -. '",......... APPRC>Vi;p'";,:~S~TO"FORY AND LmAfo SllFFl:C7ENCY: "" C'lfA ~. _If A sJ'l! ""- HEIDI F. AsliTOR ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY JUN 1 3 1995 ''',.~ Prior to the placement of fill on the Wiggins Bay, Phase I property, the applicant shall submit a detailed description of the till and site work activity including a plan indicating fill placement locations and depths, surface water management improvements and perimeter landscaping, including transplanting schedule, for r.eview and approval to Collier County. The permittee :;hall post a bond or an irrevocable letter of credit in the amount ~f $35,000.00 to insure that the final grading and re-vegetation of the property meets County standards consistent with Section of the Land Development code. The filling of this property and the subsequent seeding and landscape buffer shall be completed within six months of execution ot this resolution. A County vegetation removal permit shall be issue I prior to removal of exotic vegetation fz:om the property. Ho constructic n of any buildin'J or structure shall. be performed without a building permit purs~ant to Section 2.7.6 ot the Collier County Land Development Code. Except as provided herein, no other site work, rei30val of protected vegetation, grading, improvement of property or construction of any type may be commenced prior t, the issuance of a building permit where the development proposed .~'equires a building permit under the Land Development Code C':. applicable County regulations. This Resolution adopted after :lotion, second and vote. -"i."'KP"..._.,.................