Resolution 1995-351 ,",un - u ~ RESOLUTION NO. 95-~ A RE$OLOTION APPROVING SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR CERTAIN ACCOUN'l'S THAT HAVE PAID IN FULL THE 1993 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES SPECtAL ASSESSHEN'I'S. WHEREAS, l?Ursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as aaended, the Board ot County commissioners on september 20, 1994 adopted Resolu~ion No. 94-694 authorizinq the recordinq ot notices of liens for t~e delinquent solid waste collection and disposal .ervices speclll assessments f')r 1993; and WHEREAS, Collier County CI)~dinance No. 90-30, as amended, require. the l'<>ard to approve !:.y Resolution and r'lcord in the Official Records a satistaction ot Lien on all ac~ounts that have been paid in r.ull. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that p': C'suant to Collier county Ordinance No. 90-30, ag amended, the Boare. recognizes full payaent and receipt of the 19! J Service Year SoH d Waste COllection and Disposal spech l Assessment tor tl,t1 tollowinq accounts numbered below, subs<<quent to the adoption of Resolution No. 94-694, whereupon a lien had been recorded on real property pertaininq to the accounts identitied herein. '1'11'1 satistactions of Lien attached hereto referencinq the accounts identified herein are hereby appJ eved and the C. sirman is hereby a!. :horized to siqn on behalt of tbe Board ot Cow '~y C011UDissioners, ~~d the Clerk is directed to record this Resol~~ion and these Sati~Jtactions of Lien individually in the otticial records of Collier C~unty: Account ~.. 3735 Account ~~. 3926 Account N,.. 4608 Account No. 5047 Account No. 7508 Account No. 10715 Account Ne. 11484 Account Ne.. 14012 Account No. 17365 Account No. 17491 Account No. 17637 Account N . 18733 Account fi I. 24798 Account NI. 25399 Account No. 28516 1 , ~