Resolution 1995-350 JUN - 6 1995 RESOLUTION NO. 95- 350 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND APPROVING THE EXPENDI'lURE OF COUNTY FUNDS FOR COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC ASSISTANCE LINE, KANDU, ACTIVITIES AND FINDING AND DECLARING THAT SAID EXPENDITURES ARE AUTHORI2:ED AS SERVING A VALID PUBLIC PURPOSE. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has proclaimed that it is Collier County Government's goal to provide the best service and assistance to members of the community; and WHEREAS, a Public Assistance Line (PAL) YAHDU has been developed to pre vide service and assistance; and WHEREAS, expenditures in the form of ac'vertising and promotional ma':erials are in::urred to providl' the Public Assistance Line: and WHEREAe, Collier Count " Ordinance No. 8i -5 allows for expenditures ot County fundf.. to enhance COt,nty employee productiVity, and to promote and engender good will toward County government within the community, provided that the Board of County Commissioners adopts or has adopted ar. implementing resolution setting forth tt ~ specific purpr ses ot the expenditures; and WHEREAS, on Hay 17 1994 the Boar';! of County Commissioners proclaimed Collier County'S Public Assistance Line, KANDU, is available to serve the citizens of Collier County; and WHEREAS, during fiscal year 1994-95, costs in the approximate amount of Three Thousand Dollars ($:,,000.00) were incurred for advertising and promotional materials; and WHEREAS, costs will continue to be incurred for advertising and ':)romotional ma'. !rials in the fut ,re while the Collier County Pu~lic Assistance Line is in operati~n; and WHEREAs, the Collier County Clerk of Courts has conterred with the County Attorney's Office regarcling the need ,tor claritication about the specific expenditures~or KANDU and whether such expelditures are a valid public purpose, even if the expenditures are lOt covered by the exact expenditcre categories set torth in Ordi.usnce No. 87-5. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOl RD OF COUNTY OOHM7SSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. ExpEnditures in t.he amount of Th::-ee Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) for the Collier County Govel"nment Public Assistance Line, KANDU, proclai'1led to be in operation by the Board ot County ommissioners 0:-, May 17, 1994, hereby found by the Board to Ber e a valid pub" ic purpose and are ratified and approved. The specific expendJ tures ratified and approved are Three Thousand Dc I.lars ($3,000.('0). The Board her'1'>y authorizes disbursemerlt of approximately Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) to pay for said expenditures. 2. Th.. Board further finds that for future operation ~;~:,of the Collier I:ounty Government Public Assistance Line, KANDU, ~;; expenditure. tOt' advertising ~nd promotional materials serve the valid public purpose ot providing the best service and assistance toaembers of t'le Community and tor those reasons are approved . ...., for the continuinq operation ot the Public As!'istance Line, ";,,,lCABDO. The Board hereby authorizes disbursement. of budgeted .J:.'(;,:". funda to pay ,tOl said expenditur'1s. . This resolution adop~ed after motion, second and majority vote tl.vorinq same. JUN - 6 1995 '. . '.;i""'~ t.....:... .~.:..~" ~. ;".,,,. "'n~ 4. Jr~.~" .... ,-, ~...4t' " ..' 4 ...' l_."~:"'-j .. ...I"':J~"-'" ,~.~...... " ". .lI._, t'." ~J..., ",,:~'" ';.if:A1>Rroved~a.'lto"lorm and ~...,.,.,;~.,..;~.~leq.a" utfi~ien.cy:. .7 ,t~:,,~ . ,i' '~a' '!i~t,>'.' '. . .' . " ,.'., 0 Maf.;ikh -- Assistant County .:\.ttorney