Resolution 1995-348 1 RESOLUTION NO. 95-~8 2 RESOLUTION PROVIDING ADDITIONS TO THE 1995 MANDATORY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL 3 SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLL PURSUANT TO COLLIER COU"TY ORDltlANCE NO. 90-30, AS 4 AMENDED. 5 W1fER~AS, the Board of County Co.missioners ot Collier County, 6 Florida, ~dopted Colli.r County Ordinance No. 90-30 on April 10, 7 1990, and such Ordinanc. i. re~'erred to a. the "Colli.t County · Mandatory Solid Waste Collect!tn and D~sposal Services Jrdinance"; 9 and 10 WH~~S, the Board of Cou ,ty COII.is.ioner. adopted Ordinanc. 11 "0. 91-36 on May 14, 1991, Ord'nance No. 93-47 on July :!7, 1993, 12 and Ordin3nce no. 93-60 on August 24, 1993, amending Or Hnance flo. 13 90-30; and 14 WHEREAS, Section Fitte.n ot said ordinance, as am~,~ed, 15 provide. that when it shall appear that the special ast: "ssment 16 aight have been i.posed under' his Ordinanc. against arN 17 resid.ntial unit, but such uni: was omitted trom the ap~ropriate 18 special assessllent roll, the B \,lrd may, by Resolution, impose the 19 applicable ~p.cial a..e....nt ',r the s.rvice year in which such 20 error is discov.red and also t~r. the prior two s.rvice years; and 21 WHEREAS, Statt have id.ntifi.d r..id.ntial units t~at w.re 22 oaitted fro. the 1995 mandatory .oUd waste collection ;)nd 23 disposal services sp.cial a.s..sm.nt roll; and 24 WHEREAS, a Certificate of :orr.ction for each ot t:,ose 25 r.sidential units that are .UbjllCt to addition to the E!,lecial 26 Ass.....nt Itoll for the 1995 51 Ivice year pursuant to CI lUer 27 County Ordinance No. 90-30, as 'mended, has been tiled in the 28 ottice ot the Clerk; and 29 WJIERF.Af", there are attached hereto and incorporate(l horein 30 as "Attach".t1t Nu.ber 1", a list identifying tho.. resid'mtial 31 unit. per p'operty l.d. number ilnd the number ot residential units 32 ~.reon added to the .pecial a....ssllent roll. 33 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOT.vm BY TIlE BOARD OF COUt-';'i'Y 1 .. ~1IIl , nnn., ,I)nO ! J U .. .. 6 f! ",\1. 1 COIVIISSI')NERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 2 1. The Chairaan is authorized to execute the Certiticates of 3 Correcti')n for each ot the residential units identifil~d on 4 AttaC~lt Nuaber 1 and such residential units are hereby added to 5 ~. SoU '\ Waste Collection alii Disposal Services SpecJ. al 6 As......nt Roll for the 1995 nervice tear pursuant to ordinance 7 .0. 90-](', a. a.ended, and tl1:lt these unit. shall i...:diately be 8 billed b., the Collier County 'loUd Wa.te Department fDr the 1995 9 Service rear. 10 2. The Clerk i. hereby (,rdered and directed to (-,read this 11 Resolution in tull a~ng the minute. of this meeting tor permanent 12 record. 13 3. This Resolution shall become ettect! ve i_ed, "tely upon 14 it. adoption. ~j . l~L "', . This Re.olution adopted; his ~day ot .. f,., . . . , ,'... if.. after 'aotion, second and aaje dty vote. .. .. " " .. . " .. '.~.. .. ~,~_" ~ . "4, . , ;" ~ 1;....:-\~:~ ',. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOtlERS ., ";" to, DNICH'r.B. PROCK, CLERX COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA . '.. 1." . e'., e e . . ..' 'It... .-.-._.'# ':i.-' "" ~.....,..-: ";,'. J"'. ~. "', . t ......, : :').e ~".19:'" .., >. '.. ~ .. ". '. ~.., . ~ ..... . " ",_.; '~::..:t:J.1.."~ ,. ~'7~(l, . . -.20, , " .. "~o,,"::'-: , :tApproVed as to fora and '. . ..':.~l';',legal .utticlency: . ,10..' .. )" _. . _. "'," 4 l' ' '....:22 I '" II....,. .." , 1995 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 12 33 - _l'_......,<:>;"...,,",._~""___"'l'ill""'_"':"",e<_.""''''';_''''''______..___'".,,_.', Jure - I .,. AftACIDfE1I1' 1UKBEB. 1 BY-1995 DISTl.IC'1' BUHBEB. 1 :QY 25, 1995 PACE 1 01' 1 BUHBU '.'1 WITS +1 tltOPDTY ID N'DHBEI :,.2840260006 .,..1' .-. ~ aOOK IJDO PAGt 210