Resolution 1995-346 RESOLUTION NO. 95- ~46 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATi~ OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORD.1.NCE \fITH ORDINANCE 91-47. ,;0; "'; WHBREAS, as pro'/ided in Ordinan'.:e 91-47, the direct: costs of tement of certain nuisances, including prescribed adninistrative ~ ',' ..t:~!incurred by the County, shall :b~! assessed against.Juch property; .\<, .. .~:k . w. ;(,'~ ~r;< i, ''iJ.,' WHBREAS, the coat thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calCulated and reported to the Board of County Commissi,ners, together f, ~ha, description of said parcel; ar.d "';;(,1',.,: 'j <:~f'" ;:>\"WHBREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding Ligation upon the property against which made until p id; and ~~~JmBRBAS, the assessment shall become due and payab".e thirty (30) tysafter the mailing of Notice of \ssessment after which interest l:illl accrue at a rate of twelve pel'.:,:"ent (12.0%) per an':~um on any . {~id portion thereof. ROlf, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ::.y THE BOARD OF COOATY SSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLO .IDA, that the property described :tollows, and having been abated 0: a public nuisance after due and . "". ~,notlce thet"eof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed . ollowing costs of such abatement, to wit: ," ' ~i" ,""1 .>~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: COST: Lot 7, Bloc1: 100, GOLDEN GATE, $260.00 Unit 3, acc.rding to the plat thereof rec (,rded in Plat Book ';., Page 101, P 'blic Records of COllier County, Flo -:ida. :i '~.l ; JtUBJlBNCB I ':,..50118-01S '35999760002 ..;: , . ~{!h- Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of asseFsment of lien ,l;JJAI owner or owner n of the above described property, and if such r~_fails to pay su;:h assessment wJ.thin thirty (30) days hereof, a RlUed copy of thi. Resolution sMll be filed in the Office of the .~&Jc('ofCourts, in and for Collier ('ounty, Florida, to constitute a .~against such property according to law, unless suet. direction is by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. -''1 <~ " ~ JUN - 6 m second and majority vote. ."i.. "':. ~ -. _;1