Resolution 1995-356 "UN - 6 1995 RESOLUTION NO. 95 -356 A RL:SOLUTlON PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOSmON AND COLLECTION OF A LOCAL OPTION FEE FOR PROVISION OF ENHANCED EMERGENCY "911" TELEPHONE SERVICE AND EQUIPMENT WHER~::;, Section 365.171(13), Florida Statutes, provides tflat a county may impose I,,~:~ ,lor charges for "911" service and equipment to be paid by local exchange subscribers on an >i: ,,~,~~.'.,,<r-'-,-}: fandivtdual exchange bash at a rate not to exceed fifty cents ($.50) per moron per access line; and ~. ..' I H~i"i }fapproprlate and in furthf'~i'8nce of public health, ;afety and welfare to asses ';if a fee for the enhanced !~}::' . . . '~;.-~11. telephone service availability in Collier Co~:nty. ~~::~:,1: WHEREA!:\, The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, deems it NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY ""-'0 r ~,CO.MlSSIONERS OF COWER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. Pursuant to Section 365.1"'1 (13), Aorida Statutes, thu re is hereby imposed against local exchange subscribers a local opti" i fee for the provision of erlhance "911" emergency ,telephone service and equipment in Collier Colrty. This fee shall be adjusted annually to cover , dowable expenses as de'JCribed in Section 36b.171(13(a)(6), Florida Statutes. For the periOd of September 30, 1995 through September 30, 1996, the fee will be $ .37 c 'nts per subscriber per ,access Bne per month. 2. The County requests that ' 1e telephone company (ex( hange telephone service provider) providing enhanc':ed "911" service anc '!quipment to Collier Courr J collect from its IUbsctIbets within Collier County, the local optic: I fee assessed by this Resolution and remit those fee. to Colier County. 3. Sak telephone company, pursuant to Section 365.17'i ~13)(c). Florida StaMes. ~ retain as an admlnist,ative fee an amount .)1 one percent (1%) of the total "911" fees actually COllected by said telephone company. " lOOK 000 PAGE 132 JUN - 61995 4. M..mey in reserve is being carried forward to provide for capital improvements ;;,<;~~ in Section 365.171(13)(a)(3), Florida Statutes. Additi~.)nal money from fiscal year 1995 tf"nwenues to be added t'J the total reserves shall not exceed ten percent (1'3%) of such fees billed for 1994 fiscal year. The cumulative reserves are to pay for projected expansion and replacement , ,,' .' 'f:of,E911 equipment and service features descri~ed in Section 365.171(a)(13)(6), Florida Statutes. AI i~carry forward reserves fihaU be administered in accordance with Section 3IJ5.171(a)(13), Florida ,~!('~t ,,-" , Statutes. This Resolution adopted after mo 'Jon, second and majority vote for adoption. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. . . '. ., ... .. . .. ~ . .. . ~ . Approved as to fonn and legal sufficiency: ,~~~ C ~ Thomas C. Palmer , Assistant County Attomey - "MIf nnn r,.,...11l~