Resolution 1995-342 HAY 2 3. ., RESOLUTION NO. 95-342 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE: REAPPOINTMENT OF DAVID PFAFF TO THE DISTRIcr EIGHT ALCOHOL, DRUG ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. WHEREAS, the District Eight Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Planning Council was created pursuant to the provisions ot Section 394.715, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Board ot County Commissioners ot Collier County, Florida, has received written notitication trom the Acting District Prog~am Supervisor ~~t thAre will be Ole vacancy on this Council in Ma", 1995; and WHEREAS, the Board ot County Commission'!rs has received written notit ication trom th,.;, Acting District ] "roqram Supervisor that the nominating cOlUlitte. ot the Department ot Health and Rehabilitative Services Alcohol, Drug Abuse f'o.,'ld Mental Health Program Ottice ot District Eight recommends thE reappointment ot David ptatt to the District :ight Alcohol, Dru9 Abuse and Mental Health Planning Council; NOW, THER'!FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COKMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby contirms the reappointment of David ptatt to Vie District Eight Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Planning ('vuncil tor a term ot 2 years, said term to expia in May, 1997. This Resclution adopted after motion, sel :md and majority oft . vote. ,.,.... ", .....~.: 1ft.' J '"... 'dl~: M~y 2~, 1995 l .: ATTEST: ~.- .DWIGHTE. : '.- . -: r .. ~..'} . BItO~ '" CLERK BOARD OF COt1N'I { COMMISSION COLLIER C , FLORIDA . . .... and 4.ii\~4 ,,~ Rennet B. CUy. ~ County Attorne:' IIIV. 1O.1kN6372