Resolution 1995-340 n~1 t. J ~~~ RESOLUTIOB RO. 95-340 IlBSOLUTIOR OF THE: BOAJU) OF COUBTY COHKISSIOBBRB, COLLID COtJJITY, FLORIDA APPROVIliIG GRAJrl' APPLICATIOlil FOK US. 01' CA'RGORY C TOURIST DZVBLOPJUD1't TAX Rlliv.ult'lU I'OR A VBTDAJlS' PAUJ)E: COHKJ:HORATIRa THB 501'8 ~JI..n.u.BAJlY 01' THB SIGHIBa OF DoctJXEB'1'S DDIBa WORLD 1mR II A1iID nIVIBa 1'8B GUIDZLI" nICH IlBQtJD1E8 A 50% CASS COBTRIBUTIOB TOWARDS '1'BB ~v~'1' ~EA8, Hlrb Luntz, as event coordinator, ap~lied for a grant in the amount of $10,000.00 for a Veterans' parade honorinq and . -~orating the 50th anniversary of the signing of documents endinq World Wtr II; and ... WHZaBAS, the Board of County Commissioners a~p~oved the grant on May 23, 1995; and PnBAS, t'le Board of Cocnty Commissioners !lgreed to act as sponsor to satisfy the TDC quiJeline which requhes a governmental entity or not-l~or-profit organ' zation to apply fo: the funds; and WHZaBAS, various orqanizations have conc.ributed in-kind services valued at over $5,000.00 for the holdi \q of this event; and W'JU:JlD8, the Board of COUll r.y Commissioners a'-'cepts the in-kind contribution in lieu of the (,Ish contributions ,:,urrently required by the TDC quid~lines. BOW, ~I'ORB, BB IT RBSOLVED BY THB BOARD OF COtJJITY COJOaSSIOBBRB, COLLIER COtJJITY, FLORIDA, that I 1. The County shall act ~s applicant on be"alf of Herb Luntz tor the holdinq of this e\ nt and all vendo "S shall be paid directly trOll t he County. 2. The sot cash contri~ tion is hereby waived and the Board accepts a 50t in-kind contribution in full saticfaction of allot the TDC quidel!nes and requirements. DATED: May 23 1995 ATTEST : DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk ..) BOARD OF COUNTY CO~ISSI HERS CO Y' A '- /l MA'l;t'HEWS, Chairman .e and ., .....~..(dU--- ae .or As p: 1 Asalstan.t...(:our' .y HPNb19939 . ,:.... Attorney~ qD A ~o 0'