Resolution 1995-336 leU: CUU TO m BOAlD IITIIO'fICI 5TH fLOOI m 7240 u* 1940971 OR: 2062 PG: 1811 u* HAY 2 31995 IICORDID in tbe OffICIAL IICORDS of COLLIII COOXTY fL RIC PII 5.00 OS/25/95 at 01:5". DIIGB7 I. 810CI, CLIII ' COP lIS i.OO RESOLUTION NO. 95~ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF HARRINGTON SOUND UNIT TWO A REPLAT OF A PORTION OF A PREVIOUSLY RECORDED PLAT KNOWN AS WINDSTAR WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, on Decp.mber 17, 1985, approved the plat of windstar for recording; and WHEREAS, WS Realty, Inc. is replatting all of Tract K, and a portion of Tract'J "In and "J" of windstar and has filed for a replat of said lands; and WHEREAS, '.:his replat doel, not extinguish or in anyway affect " the dedications contained in the previous plat of t:lese lands unless said dedications are formally vacated simultan~ously with the acceptance of ttis replati and WHEREAS, this parcel, the approved plat of Harrington Sound Unit Two, is a part of a previously approved ar i recorded plat, Windstar, and the filing and recording of this apt.roved plat shall not affect access to lots previously conveyed ur ler the Windstar plat. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R' ;,;OLVED AND ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF COUHTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIEl COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the plat of Harrington Sound Unit Two, a )art of a previously approved and recorded plat, Windstar, is heleby approved for recording and the dedications contained on the plat of Harrington Sound Unit Two are hereby accepted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that ~,~ he Clerk of the Circuit Court shall make prope~. notation of this action upon the previous plat and record this replat resolution in the Official Records of Collie.: County. This Resolution adopted after motion, secund and majority vote favoring same. DATED: ~~.s4 ATTEST: , : DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk · r-~ _~..f' . -x<"".~ ~'- ,V- ~. Attorney