Resolution 1995-333 M~r . 0 ~~a RESOLUTION NO. 95-~ A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE COLLIER COUNTY LANDFJLL CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN SELECTING THE FUTURE LANDFILL SITE FOR COLLIER COUNTY; PROVIDING FOR COMPOSITION; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS; PROVIDING FOR REMOVi-.L FROM OFFICE AND FAILURE TO ATTEND MEETInGS; PROVIDING FOR ELECTION OF OFFICERS; PROVI~ING FOR QUORUM AND REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES; PROVIDING FOR FUNCTIONS, POWERS AND DUTIE;~ . WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners ha: I authorized County staff to proceed with th=l RFP process for c~msulting services to recommend locations for the Collier CO'tnty Landfill; and WHEREAS, the Board desires the study and recommendation of an ad-hoc advisory committee with regard to various ] Jcations for the siting of a future landfill. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESC . NED BY THE BOARD OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTi. FLORIDA, that: SECTION ONE. Creation of th. Cc!li.r county Landfill Citi..ns Advisory Committ... Pursuant to the provisions of Collier County )rdinance No. 86-41, as amended, the Board of County CommissionE'rs hereby creates the Collier County Lan ~ill Citizens AdviE' ~ry Committee as an ad-hoc advisory committee f. t" a period not to . 'Kceed one (1) year from the date of this Res. lution. SECTION TWO. composition of th. citizens Advisory Committe.. The Collie'. County Landfill citizens Advisory Committee shall be comprised of eleven (11) mer,bers. The Citizene Advisory Committee shall be composed of: one representative from each of the five (5) County Commission districts, one rep::esentative each from the Golden Gate Estates Civic Association, tte Golden Gate Chamber of Commerce, the Audubon Society, The Cont'ervancy, and the Florida Wildli1 1 Federation; a~d one member of the Board of County Commissioners. SECTION THREE. Appointment of Members and Failure to Attend Meetinqa. The following members are hereby appointed to the Collier County Landfill citizens Advisory Committee: County COlunission District No. 1 County COTumission District No. 2 County Commission District No. 3 County Co.umission District No. 4 County COlumission District No. 5 Golden Ga~e Estates Civic Assn. Golden Gate Chamber of Commerce AUdubon S?ciety The Conservancy Florida Wildlife FederatiQn County Ccmmissioner David Carpenter Russell Priddy Tom Henninq Dr. Jon staiger Barbara Jenkins Nancy llisbee Jim st~wart Bradley Cornell David Addison E. F. <Fran) stallings Timothy J. Constantine If any mtmber of the Collier County Landfill Advisory Committee is absent from two (2) or more consecutive meetings without a satisfactory excuse, such member's posicion may be declared vacant by the Board of County Commissio~ers. SBCTION POOR. Officers; QUorum; Compensation. The officers of the Coll~er County Landfill Advisory Committee shall be elected by the membership of ~he Committee and shall include a Chairman and 'fice-Chairman. The presence of six (6) or more members shall constitute a quorum. The Collier County Landfill Advisory Committee may adopt rules of procedures for the transaction of business and shall keep records of meetings, findings and determinations. The members of the Committee shall serve without compensation, tl:t may be reimburse,l for travel, mileage and/or per diem expen 'es only if approver', in advance, by the Board of County Commissioners. SECTION PIVE. Functions, Powers and Duties of tbe Collier County Landfill Advisory Committee. The functions, powers ani duties of the Collier County Landfill Advisory Committee s~lall be to provide public participation and community input concerning the location of the future Collier County landfill site. The Commit~ee shall review the advantages and disadvantages of various loca' .ions throughout Collier Count~ to determine t~le best site for the future Collier County landfill. The Commit' .ee shall provide thn Board of County .... -:. !~ ,;1 MAY 1 6 1995 '1 commissioners with preliminary and final reports, findings and recommendations. All meetinqs of the Collier County Landfill Advisory Committee shall be open to the public and be governed by the Sunshine Law. All meetinqs shall be held after reasonable public notice is provided as to the l~cation, time and subject matter of the meetings. ) ';(" ~ :~ j'; .' " " ." This Resolution adopted tLis d-day of ~:V--- ", ~~~~~'motlon, second and :w.ajority vote. ;/ ..., '. ~ , i . -19-95 .~. - ATTEST:' :'. " .;;: DWIGHT E. B~C?~, CLERK " .~. ( ;. ,i A\ ,.Ai / 1i ::1 \.1 . ...( j ~.~ ,~\ '1 I