BCC Minutes 03/27/2009 W (w/Airport Authority) March 27,2009 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ AIRPORT AUTHORITY WORKSHOP Naples, Florida, March 27, 2009 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Board of County Commissioners, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met in a WORKSHOP SESSION on this date at 9:00 AM, at the Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor Collier County Government Complex, Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Commissioner Donna Fiala Commissioner Frank Halas Commissioner Jim Coletta Commissioner Tom Henning Airport Authority Board Members Chairman: Byron Meade Vice Chairman: Michael Klein Stephen Price Frank Secrest Lloyd Byerhof James Murray ALSO PRESENT: JeffKlatzkow, County Attorney Sue Filson, BCC Executive Manager Winona Stone, Assistant to the County Manager Theresa Cook, Executive Director, Airport Authority Co~.,. County -- ~ - .s:...'1~ q~", f , " ... Collier County Board of Commissioners Collier County Airport Authority WORKSHOP March 27, 2009 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. I. Opening Comments II. Organization III. Fiscal Year 2009 Grant Funding IV. Fiscal Year 2009 Projects a. Everglades Airpark b. Marco Island Executive Airport - Master Plan c. Immokalee Regional Airport/Florida Tradeport - Master Plan/Planned Unit Development (PUD) V. Collier County Airport Authority Operating Budget VI. Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Proposal VII. Five-Year Capital Improvement Projects a. Everglades Airpark b. Marco Island Executive Airport c. Immokalee Regional Airport/Florida Tradeport VIII. Closing Remarks March 27, 2009 I. Opening Comments Chairman Fiala called the Workshop to order at 9:00 AM and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Theresa Cook, Executive Director of the Airport Authority provided a publication "Board o/County Commissioners and Collier County Airport Authority March 27. 2009 Workshop" for review by the attendees. II. Organization Theresa Cook provided an overview of the Airport Authority noting the following: · There are 7 Airport Authority Board Members with 3 Airports under their jurisdiction (located in Immokalee, Everglades City and Marco Island) · There are 4 active runways with 16 full time employees within the Authority. · Many employees are cross-trained in many areas to promote economic efficiency. · The Airports provide a vital service as well as create positive environmental impacts to the region. · Funding sources include grants, aviation fuel taxes and matching funds from the County. III. Fiscal Year 2009 Grant Funding Theresa Cook provided an overview of the FY 2009 Grant Funding Projects. IV. Fiscal Year 2009 Projects Theresa Cook provided an overview of the FY 2009 Projects and highlighted the following: a. Everglades Airpark · T-Hangar Facility Reconstruction . Security Facility Reconstruction · South Taxiway Mitigation Complete · South Taxiway Design Complete b. Marco Island Executive Airport Master Plan · On-site Vegetation Management is now being completed "in house" resulting in substantial cost savings to the Authority. · Marco Island Executive Airport Master Plan Completed · Design Phase of a new Taxiway with required mitigation to be at Rookery Bay. c. Immokalee Regional Airport/Florida Tradeport Master Plan/Planned Unit Development · Immokalee Regional Airport Master Plan completed. · Planned Unit Development under review by County Boards. · Apron Expansion 2 ~'._-'-"-'-'-"'-~-"- March 27, 2009 · USDA building designed completed with permit processing underway. · Florida Army National Guard Center tentatively scheduled for completion in 3 years. V. Collier County Airport Authority Operating Budget Theresa Cook noted the Operating Budget which includes the Administration and Operations of the 3 Airports. VI. Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Proposal Theresa Cook provided two budget proposals for FY 2010: - a 3% decrease based on a tax neutral proposal and a 25% reduction based on a millage neutral proposal. There are no capital expenditures planned for this budget year. She noted the Authority is not seeking a deviation from the Board of County Commissioners guidelines on their proposed FY 2010 budget Commissioner Halas arrived at 9:22AM VII. Five-Year Capital Improvement Projects Theresa Cook highlighted the Capital Improvements planned at the various facilities including: a. Everglades Airpark · Reconstruction of T Hangars · Reconstruction of Security Building · South Taxiway Construction . Apron North . New Terminal Building b. Marco Island Executive Airport · Taxiway Mitigation · Construct Apron & Relocate Parking Lot · Taxiway and Apron Design · Taxiway and Apron Construction . Terminal Design . New Terminal c. Immokalee Regional Airport/Florida Tradeport · Completion of the PUD · Runway Land Acquisition · Air Traffic Control Tower Permitting and Construction . Hangar Construction · Apron Construction 3 March 27, 2009 Individual Authority members provided comments with the following highlighted: · Critical to ensure any required budget cuts do not have a negative impact on the safety of airport operations. · The hangars at Everglade City and the Taxiway at Marco Island should remain high priority items. · The Immokalee Airport provides maximum opportunity for the location of agriculture, commercial and industrial based businesses. · Staff has the full support of the Airport Authority Board. · The public should not lose sight of the economic benefit provided by the Airpo rts. · The need for the public to understand the funding for construction of most airports facilities is primarily provided by Grants from Federal Agencies and other organizations outside Collier County. Commissioner Henning left at 9:32AM Commissioner Coletta stated the progress in the development at the Immokalee Airport has been positive; however the projects are still behind schedule. He is requesting the EDC conduct an evaluation on the progress of the related developments which should include recommendations. Commissioner Halas requested clarification on the available funding for the construction of the taxiway at Marco Island Executive Airport. Theresa Cook noted there was no funding provided in the recent Federal Stimulus Package. Based on the history of the FAA's involvement in funding various aspects of development of the taxiway (design and permitting, etc.), she believes they will ultimately participate in funding the construction of the project. VIII. Closing Remarks - none ***** 4 March 27, 2009 Being no further business for the good of the County, the Workshop concluded by order of the Chair at 9:52 A.M. COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Commis ATTESll" , DWIQHT E, BR()~ CLERK . . ~ . ~~;A.&m';~ (, .. AttA!".t,~,.t~ Chi "-- I SlQnH'.Ir'...,,>, , These Minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented ~ or as amended Lf )()F; 109, , 5