Parcel 144RDUE and 145RDUE PROJECT 620B1 PARCEL Nos. 144RDUE and 145ROUE FOLIO Nos. 38169360006 and 38169400005 EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") IS made and entered into an this :l1_~ day of f1?tlLC# 2009, by and between EDWARD L THOMPSON. AS SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE OF THE EDWARD L. THOMPSON LIVING TRUST UAD FEBRUARY 23. 2006. AND EDWARD L. THOMPSON AS SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE OF THE DOLORES F. THOMPSON FAMILY TRUST VAD FEBRUARY 23, 2006 whose mailing <3ddress IS 1093 Christopher Court, Naples, Flcrida 34014. {hereinaher referred to as "Own~r"') and COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida whose mailing address is 3301 Tamiarnl Trail East. Naples. rlonda 34112 ihereinafter referred fO as "Purchaser"} WHEREAS, Purchaser requires over, under, upon and across the lands described in E)(hlbit . A" WhlCtl is attached !"\ereto and made a pan of thIs Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the ~Easemenn and WHEREAS Owner desires to convey the Easemeni to Purchaser fOf the slated purposes on the terms and conditions set forth herel": and WHEREAS, Purchaser has agreed to compensate Owne-r for conveyance of the Easement NOW THEREFORE., In consideration of these premises, the sum of Ten Dollars (510,00\, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and slJffiClency of Which is hereby mutually acknowledged it is agreed by and between the parties as follows All of the above RECITALS are true ana correct and are hereby expressly Incorporated herein by reference as if set forth tully below and all Exhibits referenced herein are made a pari of this Agreemenl 2 Owner shall convey to Purc~laser the Ea~ement Parcel$ 144RDUE and 145RDUE for :f1(' combined sum of' $92,350. subject 10 the apportionment and distribut.on of proceeds pursuant to Paragraph 9 of thiS Agreement (Said transaction hefeinafter referred to as the "Closmg") County shall also pay Attorney's fees and costs in the amount at $15,150, Said payments shall be made to the Bella Y Patel P A Trust Account. in a single payment of $107500 which shall be full compensation for the Easements conveyed, Including aU landscaping, trees, shrubs improvements, and fixtures located thereon, and shall be in fuJl and final settlement Of any damages resulting to Owner's remaining lanas, costs to cure, Including but not limited to the cost to relocate lhe eXisting Irngalion system and other implOvernenls, and the cost to cuI and cap Irrigation hnes extending into the Easemenl. and to remove aU sprinkler valves and relafed electrical wiring, and all other damages in connection with conveyance of said Easement to Purchaser Including all altomeys' fees, expert witness fees and costs as provided for in Chapter 73, FlOrida Statutes 3 Pnor to CrOSing Owner shall obtain from the holders of any liens exceptions and/or qualifications encumbering the Easement, the execution of such instruments which will remove releiise 0' subordinate such encumbrances trom the Easement upon their recording In the publiC records of Collier County, FlorIda At or prior to Closing, Owner shail provide Purchaser with a copy of any eXisting prior title Insurance poliCies. Owner shall cause 10 be delivered to Purchaser tile items specified herein and Ihe following documents and Instruments duly executed and acknowledged, in recordable form (hereinafter referred to as . Closing Documents") on or before the dale of Closing (a) Easemenl (b) Closing Statement: (el Grantor's Non.roreign, Taxpayer Identification and >-Gap AffidaVit (d) W"9 Form: and //~ Set/ell. INdl/l/~ Page 2 (e) SUCh evidence of authority and capacity of Owner and its representatives to execute and deliver this agreement and all other documents required to consummate this transactlon, as reasonably determined by Purchaser, Purchaser's counsel and/or title company 4 Both Owner and Purchaser agree that time is of the essence Therefore, Closing shall occur within ninety (gO) days from the date of execution of this Agreement by the Purchaser provided, however that Purchaser shall have the undateral fight to extend the term of thIS Agreement pending receipt of such instrlH'lents, properly executed, ,....I'ICh eIther remove or release any and all such liens, encumbrances or quahflca~ions affectfng Purchaser's enjoyment of the Easement At Closing. payment shall be made to Owner In that amoun\ shown on the ClOSing Statement CiS "Net Cash to Seller.~ and Owner shaH deliver the Closing Documents to Purchaser in a form acceptable to Purchaser 5 Owner agrees to relocate any exis1ing irrigallon system located on the Easement including irriga~jon lines electrical wIring and sprinkler valves, etc prior to the construction of the prOject without any further notjficatlon from Purchaser. Owner assumES full responSibility for Ihe relocation of the irrigation system on the remainder property and its performance after relocation Owner holds County harmless for any and all possible damage to the lrriga!ion system In the even! owner fails to relocat€- the irrigatIon system poor 10 constructIOn 01 the prOJect. If Owner elects to retain improvements ao,j/or landscaping (Improvements.) located on ihe Easement. th~ Owner IS responsible for their retrieval pnor to the consfruction of the proJc:t without any further notificatior. from Purchaser. Owner acknowledges that Purchaser has compensated Owner for the value of the Improvements and yet purchaser is willing to permit Owner to salvage [he Improvements as long as theIr retrie....al is performed before construction -and without inteauplion or inconvenience to the Countys contractor All Improvements not removed from the ProP{~rty prior 10 commencement of construction of the prOject shall be deemed abandoned by Owner This provision shall survive Closing and is not deemed satisfied by conveyance of title 6 Owner and P;JrchaSef agree to do all things which may be required to give effest te- th;s Agreement immedIately as such requiremf-nt IS made known fo them Of they are requested to do so whicl1€Ver IS the earlier 7 _ Owner agrees. represents and warrants the following: (a) Owner has full rlghl. pow.er ard authorIty to own and operate the property underlYing the Easement to enter into and to execute thIS Agreement. to execute deliver and perform its obligations under thIS Agreement and the instruments executed in con'lectlon herewith to undertake all actions and to perform all tasks required uf Owner hereundel emu to cunsulllmate the trallsaclion contempla1ed hereby {bj Purchaser"s acceptance of the Easement shall not b€ deemed to be full performance and discharge of every agreement and obligation on the part o~ O~....ner to be performed pursuant to the proviSions of this Agreemeni (c) No party or person other than Purchaser has any nght or option to acquire the Easement or any portion 1hereof (d) Until the date fixed for Closing. so long as this P.greement remains in force and effect. Owner shall not encumber or convey any portion of the property underlymg the EasemHnt or any lights therein. nOf enler into any agreements granhng any person or entity any rights with respect to the Easement without first obtaining the written consent of Purchaser to such conveyance, encumbrance, or agreement which consent may be withheld by Purchaser for any reason whatsoever (e) There are no maintenance construction, advertising, management. leaSing. employment. service or other con!~acts affecting the Easement (f) Owner has no knowledge that there are any Suits acllons or arbitration, adminisrraLive or other proceedings or governmental investigations or requirements. formal Of informal existing or pending or threatened which affect the Easement or which adversely affect Owner"s ability to perform hereunder: nor is there any other charge or expense upon or related to the Easement which has not been disclosed 10 Purchaser in wnhog prior 10 the effeclive dale of Ih'5 Agree?/ ~ - <iz//1Il J.id/;' 1$ Page 3 (9) Purchaser is entering mto this Agreement based upon Owner's representations stated in this Agreement and on the understanding that Owner will not cause the physical condition of the property underlYing the Easement to change from its existing state on the effectlve dale of thIs Agreement up to and including the date of Closing Therefore, Owner agrees nol to enter into any contracts or agreements pertaining to or affecting the property llnderlying the Easement and not to do any act or omit to pertorm any act Whl::.h would adversely affect the phySical condition of the property underlYing ,he Easement or Its intended use by Purch8ser (h) The property underlYing the Easement, and all L1ses of the saId property, have been and presently are In compliance with all Federal, State and Local environmental laws: that no hazardous substances have been generated. stored treated or transferred on the property underlying the Easement except as specifically disclosed to the Purchaser, tha~ the Otmer has no knowledge of any splil or environmental law violation on the property contiguous to or in the 'vicinity of the Easement 10 be sold 10 the Purchaser. that the Owner has nol received notice and othei1Nlse has no knowledge of a) any spill on the property underlYing the Easement b) any eXIsting or tnreatened enVIronmental hen against the property underlying the Easement: or c} any laWSUIt. proceeding or investigation regarding the generation. storage. treatment, spill or transfer of hazardous substances on the property underlying the Easement This proviSIon shall survive Closlng and is not deemed salisfied by conveyance of title 8. Owner st)<idlmdemnlfy, defend. save and hJld harmless the Purchaser against and from. ana reimburse the Purchaser with respect to, any and all damages, claims, liabilities. laws costs and expenses (including Without limitation reasonable paralegal and attorney fees and expenses whether in court, out of court in bankruptcy or admlOistrative proceedIngs or on appeal). penalties or flOes incurred by or asserted against the Purchaser by reason or an sing out of the ureach of any of O"....ner's representations under paragraph 7{hj Tl1is proviSion shall survive Closing and is not deemed satisfied by conveyance of title 9. Purchaser shall pay all fees to record ary curative instrurnents required to clear tille, all Easement recording fees, and any and al! costs andlor fees associated with securing and recording a Release or Subordination of any mortgage. lien or other encumbrance recorded against the property underlying the Easement; pro....ided. however, that any apportionment and distribution of the full compensation amount in Paragraph 2 which may be requ'lred by any mortgagee lienAholder or other encumbrance-holder for the protection of Its security interest, or as consideration due to any diminution In the value of Its property right. shall be the responsibdily of Ihe Owner, and shall be deducted on the Closing Statement from the compeflsatlon payable to the Owner per Paragraph 2_ In accordance with the provisions of Section 201 01, Florida Statutes, related to the exemptions against payment of documentary stamp taxes by Purchaser. Owner shall fur:her pay all documentary stamp taxes required on the instrument{s) of transfer, unless the Easement is acquired under threat::;.f condemnatlorl_ 10 1his Agreement and the terms and provisions hereof shall be effective as of the date thiS Agreemenl is executed by both parties anc shall inure to the t.enefit of and be binding upon the parties !)ereto and their respectIve heirs. execLl1ors. personal representatives, successors, successor [rustees andfor assignees, whenever the conlext so requires Of admits 11 If the Owner holds the property underlYing the Easement In the form of a partnership, limited partnershIp, corporation, trust or any form of representatIve capacity whatsoever for others Owner shall make a wriUen public disclosure. according to Chapter 286 Flonda Statutes under oath of the name and address of every person having a beneficial inlerestin tne property underlying the Easement before the Easement held in such capacity is conveyed to PLlrchaser {If the corporation is registered with the Federal Securities Exchange Commission or registered pursuant to Chapter 517, Florida Slatutes, whose stock is for sale to the general publiC. rt is hereby exelnpl from the pr'ol/lsions of Chapter 286 Florirja Statutes,) 12 Conveyance of the Easement. or any Interest in the property underlYing the Easemen!. by Owner is contingent upon no other proVisions, conditions, or premises other than those so stated herelrl and this wntten Agreement Including all exhrbits attached hereto_ shall constitute the entire Agreement and understanding of the partIes and there are no ether pnor or contemporaneous written or oral agreements, undertakings. promises, walfanties or covenants not contained herem No rrodification amendment or cancellation of ttlis Agreement shall be of any force or effect unless made in writlng and executed and dated by both Owner and Purchaser ~ ~ ~ ~/. ' . $d/e.( 1:V,-f;Jlfr Page 4 13 Should any part of this Agreement be found to be invalid, then such invalid part shall be severed from the Agreement. and the remaimng proVisions of this Agreement shalf remam in full force and effect and not be affected by such invah:My. 14 This Agreement IS governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Flonda IN \,.\IITNESS V\1-lEREOF, the parties hereto have el(eculed this Agreement on the date fIrst above written AS TO PURCHASER NTY COMMIS210N RS TY FLORIDA _ ,..l-t. '" , Chairman AS TO OWNER DATED_~_ k--- Witness (Signature) YAL'i1fA1i /;.(J __ Narne!/,irll.or. T. ~pe) ---1~~~~J~ ~.~s {SIgnature,' - J!l~~~;nl~r.---- THE EDWARD L. THOMPSON LIVING TRUST LJAD FEBRUARY 23. 2006, AND THE DOLORES F THOMPSON FAMll Y TRUST UAD FEBRUARY ::2~/~--- EDWARD L Trk!MPSON ~ as Successor Trustee .-------; l '1Sl I'~e\i' sed 211 9':[:,9 JJUOO' (PLAT) 1 Z I - EXISTING 60' E.45EUIfIT I I ~;"~;Y' 1041 .' SOUTH 180' I NORTH 750 IOF TRACT 104 bF TRACT 104 I I PAACF' ~. /11 ;1 I d ::; I ~~.I NON fJSIIIf: ROAD R.o.lI:. \4GE; ANO 1J1lITY r l' 4'DO nrr ~ y--- ~ C 2! so 100 GRAPHIC SCALE I "" -j 1\0\ I~I I~\ <: Il: 105 S '" .., ::: C/J--: I c ~ 1<:::1.'" \:;J "l I~ I GOLDeN GA TE: eSTA TE:S UNIT 30. PL T BOOK 7. PAGe 58 103.1 '" 'is ~ ~ ;;, '" 'i ~ '" '" Cl 103 I PRoposeD R.r\( fAseMeNT~ "r"-" SANTA BARBARA eAST UNe OF SfC . ON 29 BOULEVARD CORONADO PAKWA Y '\ I 11 I I PAGeS 124-134 eXISTING 53' eAseMeNT (FOR ~o.w. PURPOseS 29 20 (peR PLA T) 28 2/ GOLDfN GATE: UNIT 5. PLAT BOOK 5, PAGeS 124-134 7 BLOCKI'89 GOLDfN GA TE: fSTA TE:S UNIT 5. PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE: 1/7-/23 ",I '4.1 8 9 BLDcJ 225 70 GOLDeN GA TE: CI TY UN! T 5. PLA T BOOK 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION BflNG THe Ilf:ST 54 FeeT OF THe eAST 101 FEU OF THE NORTH 150 FffT OF THE SOUTH 180 Feu OF TRACT 104, GOLDfN GA Te eSTA TE:S UNIT 30. PLA T BOOK 7, PAGe 58, COLLlfR COUNTY, FLORIDA. CONTAINING 8.100 SQUARe Feu MORe OR LfSS. SUBJeCT TO eASfMfNTS &- ReSTRICTIONS OF ReCORD. ... ,NO'I'.,..A suRVEY ... PRfPARrO fJ'f': ItiSWMI ",' II, '\\!('I . . , " LEGEND: f,., "" "" "" "" "" "" '1 ~~~nASEUENT ~ P'OPOSCD R. O. If. fASO/fNT R.O,IV, .,. RIGHT OF WAY !.ANC r. I{P Oft, FLORIOA IifC!Sf1I~ LS:"5~27 Nor VALID UNLESS SIGNED BY THE SUR~YOR AND SEALED 'NTH TH[ SUR'tf:rrJR'S DiBOSSCO SEAl. CfRnACATr OF AUTHORIZATION I L8;..4J ._<<1ilStD0II_1II AlPIC'V AoI1W (/Ll.D) llV-llIO AD.1m1/D1I$rMr-"'UC'~1f M/DI~J~It(NP.ll{ASTltIIC. lOIlOJW NO.. e~OlJ1 PAJltCtt lD. I '" C1,1(1I'J COUJER COUNTY lRAH.SPMTAnc:w. 1.';~OAn~;'~a,-."~- ,,,,,E1KJIHEERJNO ~~n:-T OIVlSICW ".,~,.r'il'Uj BEING PART OF' THE SOUTH ItJO' OF' TRACT 10.f, 1'lImn. ~. ~. ~. ~NrNtdI . rr-ufm~ GOLDEN GAlC E'~~fR U~~~fy. 7t~,g'f'K 7, PAGE 58. -.11< ....""J4in............n.p oo.le:~" 1'10.: _...,Ln.Urg._I\rMI__...............,.~.............._ f)<f/2002 N5022 002-0'G-WHKP NQV l:S. 2002 - lJ:\4:56 LYILLER!X:\SUR\N6022\Skelch or Ooscripn,;,n$\Submltted\2qg203s144.dwo;! 1 1 Z.? ~ I ~I IS! I ;.. I~ 705 ~ ~ I~ ~ c::'" S! I~I 'r'. I I I <XISTlNG 5.1' EASEMENl7 (FOR f!,o.w. PURPOSES fAST LINE OF SECTION 29 29 20 ,PER PLA T) -r SANTA BARBARA BOULEVARD 28 2/ GOLDEN GATE UNIT 6. ",I CORONADO PAKWAY,\ PLAT BOOK 5. PAGES 124-134 <";1 l [1 ~ \ 1 BLOCK 189 8 9 BLOCi<! 225 10 GOLOEN GA Tf ESTA TfS UNIT 5. GOLOEN GATE CITY UNIT 6. PLAT BOOK 5. PAGES 12:-1.14 PLAT BOOK 5. PAGE /17-123 ~ JJO.OOj!PLA ') l l.-...- [X!snNG 60' fASElJNT l : FOIl R.O. PUI?POSES Po/ PlA' \ 104 i 104.1 i SOUTH 180'~NORTH 150' ior TRACT 104 r TRACT 104 I Ili I ~oa. 145 ~I ' ~ I PROPOSEIJ _AI., '" I I ::;:xa~t;E,RO:J, UTlUTYE:A T 4100 FEU ~ r-- lJ'I I I 0 " " '" "" G~^PHIC SCALE GOWEl GA TE ESTA TES UNIT JO. PL T BOOK 7. PAGf 58 703.1 '" I Sl 't I ~ 703 " OJ I ~ ~POSED iq R. w. E~~EMENTl " '" " t<l LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING THE IIf"ST 54 FrfT OF THE EAST 101 FEfT OF THE NORTH 150 FEfT OF TRACT 104. GOLOEN GATE EST A TfS UNIT 30. PLA T BOOK 7, PAGE 58. COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIOA CON TAINlNG 8.100 SQUARE FEfT MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS <Ie RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. . .' , - . ... NotA. SURJIEY ... ,. (f" ': ','. .' PREPAReD 8'(: KfScWM , . ~ ' , LAN . Off, Ai SU8'Vfrrm ct MAPPER FLORfDA. RE"G!S'T1!'A," , LS:.f5627 Nor VAUO UIVLtSSSlCNaJ BY THE SURVCYOR AND SEALEDlfIlH TH( SURVE:YOR'S D/80SSED SEAL. CE'RFlFfCA.Tf or AUTHORIlAl1ON 11.8-.fJ .....-.s,o//C_,*,_1It =:'~f;tfI.!~rr S'rJrDf(QIIP)nMn.-:wrASrl'Cllf; LEGEND: f-.."""" '->, '1 Eli,s~N'iASEU[NT ~ PROPOSED R. O. W. EASEMENT R,O,IV, - RIGHT OF WAY l"ItGJlliJ /0(1.;: B20B1 ',UClI. 110.: 1~ cutHr: COUJER COUNTY TRANSPORTA7JON. 1.';'61ft...~;'le'-..'w- ~GlNEERlNG =11:=~:'fNT DI'>fS/OH ,.tl~.'''i..t B~ING PART OF THe NORTH ':;0' OF' nrACT 104, ............~.~.~.~NrH.d..~~ COLDtN CATf€SrATCS UNlrJ~ Pt.ATBOOK 7, PACC58. ~h:. COLLJEft COUNTY. FLORIDA .......I\III..................~ ""~ ~M).: $H[(T-..;Jti P1I,.(NO~ ....l.ft...a..............,.........,.,JHHlI'............. 04/2002 N8022-00t-O,o-roHItP '.$ OF xxx 2GC-2OJ l4o~ IJ. 2002 - lJ:15:J2 L~llLERlX:\SUR\N6022\Sk.tc.. 01 OescriPlionl\Submltllld\2qg20JsI4S.d"'g