Resolution 1993-198 MAY 11,1.993 contained in Subsections 18 (7) (a-n). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Petition FDPO-92-6 is hereby granted subject to the following conditions: 1. The variance shall be for the reduction of the Minimum Base Flood Elevation required by ordinance No. 87-80 ~ 13 feet NGVD t2 7. feet NGVD. 2. The Chief Administrative Official shall mail a copy of this Resolution to the pe~itioner by certified mail return receipt requested and such mailing shall constitute compliance with Section 18, (10) of Ordinance No. 87-80. 3. The granting of this variance by the Board of Zoning Appeals does not make or imply any assurances that the subject property or structures are not subject to flood damages. 4. The granting of this variance shall not create liability on the part of Collier County or by any officer or employee thereof for any flood damages that result from reliance on this variance or any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder. 5. In accepting this variance, the petitioner assumes all responsibility for any property damage resulting from its application. 6. ~pe sanitary facility will be fully'flood proofed to preclude any failure or damage to the sanitary facilities. 7. The toilet facility structure shall be constructed to withstand projected flood surge. 8. The petitioner is hereby placed on notice that the insurance for this facility may be significantly higher as a result of the granting of this variance. 9. This project shall be designed for central water and sewer systems. ~~/93-8 G\J\.F ,BREE1.E AT VANDERBILT . UQaI Description -- - . portion of. Tract' and .. .a".r-carroll 'point. more particularlY described as followS: rro' the south..at corn.r of Tract .. ..rER-C.RROLL POINT a' r.cord.d in plat .ook .. pa.' '2' puhliC R'COrds of col1i.r county. rlorida. run N 11 ,O'OO'W. alon. the N.st.r1y houndary of said ..KER- C.MOLL POlWT. for ". ..1 fc." N 63 ". SO.., fOt 31.03 feet' W'" ,,' 00". for 211." f"to · 00 14' 00". for so.oo f..t I' S ,44 24' 43'" for 205.59 f.'" N 35 12' 0.... for 2l' . 63 fe.t. W 54 ". 52'W. for 13.00 f..t to the POINT or O.Gl""ING' continuiM N 54 .'" 5 rw. for ".33 ftet, N 35 12' 0" E. for ".00' fe'" N 54 41' 52'W. for 32.00 f..t. N 35 12' O. ... for 63.00 f..t, N 5' ,,'52'W. for ".00 f..t, N 35 12.0.... for. 35,.2' f..t"S 5' ,,'52'" for .2.31 f..t, N 35 12.0.... for 3"" <e." S 54 ,,'5'2'" for "..06 f.'to S 00 14'00", for 12..02 f.... S " ". OO'w. for "." f..t' S 35 12' ".W. for. "..6. <eet' W 54 ,"52'W. for 12..00 f..t, S 35 p''''W, for 2" . 00 f.. t to the PO 1 NT or OEG limiNG' containin. 2.14'. acr.s more or lesS. . subject to easements and restrictions of record. A port'ion of Tract A and B, Baker-carroll point, more particularlY described as. follows: From the southwest corner of Tract 'A, BAKER-CARROLL POINT as _ r.cord.d in plat Oook .. .... 'X. pOhlic R.cords of' Colli.r" County. rlorida. run N 11 '0'00", alon. the ..st.rlY boundary of sa i d ....._ C>RROLL PO I NT. for . 39 .91 f.' to N 03 ". SO". for 31.03 f.... N " ".OO.....!-or 211.60 f.'to S 00 14'00". for ".00 ~..tol s 44 24'43'" <ior 611" f.'to. N 35 12'''''' for ,1.33 f..t. .S 54' ". 52 ... for .';0' .f.... s 35 12' "... for 56.14 fe.to s S 4 41' S"Z "E, for 41. 2.~ .feet to the P01~T OF ilEGINNING; . thence N 35'~2~01"E, for .205.06 feet;,N 54 4~'52"W, for 13:00.feet, N 35 12~08"E, for Go.oo'feet; S 54 41'52"E, ~or 12~.OO feet; N..35 12'OS"E, for 31S.6SHeet; 589 46'OO"E, for 11.66 feet; S 00 14'OO"E, for 45S.37 feet; N 89 46'OO"w, for 221.10 feet; S.~, 12.".... for-'5.61 f..t to a ""int on curv" thence 14'." feet along the a~c of a curve, concave to the southeast, having a radius of 100.00 f..t an' subt.nd.. h1 . chord havin. a ,.n9th of 134.46 feet. and bearing S 81 11'41"W; thence N 42 51t'!l1"'N,' for 51.03 fee,t; N 35 12'OS"E, for 28.39 feet; N 54 41'52"'N, for 102.12 feet to the FOINT or BEGINNING; containing 3.454 acres more or lesS. subject to .easements and restrictions of record. /J ' Exhibit "A" ~~ f'13- F It(Ofti4 '" ,..'fI'. ,. O'm'" It(Of4. of COlliE. COIJIITT, F~OatD~ D~l'"t t. &k~, CLl~ . ",.;;:, j~:.t~.:~.~~~~:t,;:;;:,,;:;.;~f~{~;