1992-319 Update & Comments paae: ParaqraDh: i 1 Hi xii xvii II-2 4 11-23 Title 11-23 11-24 4 11-46 4 11-47 5 COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE AND ERRATA DECEMBER 31, 1991 Comments: First line: U'I'he the "CoastaL.. After line 6 (3.9, etc.), insert: 3.10 FDNR Coastal Armorinq Policv.. IV -69- Line 1: ...1983-i989 1991 Add: 17 FDNR Coastal Armorinq Policv........ IV -72- Last line, insert space between 2) and recreation. TABLE 1-1: CZM TECHNICAL REPORTS, 1983-i989 1991 Add to end of TABLE 1-1: NR-SP-91-01 Marco Island Sea Turtle Monitorinq NR-B-91-01 Collier County Seaqrass Protection Plan NR-SP-91-02 Coastal Barriers and Growth Manaqement Planninq at the County Level 1st Sentence: ...County Coastal Construction ee"~~el Setback Line... E. 3rd line: insert space between public and health. After last paragraph, insert the following: In December of 1991. Conqress enacted the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990 (CBIA) (Public Law 101-591\. This act revises the CBRA bv the addition of secondary coastal barriers. fastlands. and wetlands. A substantial number of islands in the Cape Romano area are now included in "Cape Romano unit P16". includinq Fred Kev. Marqaret Kev. Curry Kev. Helen Kev. and much of Horrs Island. Included in "Keewavdin Island unit P15" are parts of Hideawav Beach and Isles of Capri. as well as the entire Rookerv Bav area. extendinq north to Gordon Pass. Other areas that are -1- Paqe: ParaqraDh: Comments: unit FL-65P. Clam Pass unit FL-64P. and Tiqertail unit FL-63P: these are some of the areas that were identified as "otherwise unprotected" in 1985. Also refer to P'iqures 3-1. 3-2A. and 3-2B. ...Protection Act of 1985 (CZPA)~. (F.S. 161.52-161.58\ . II-49 4 II-50 1 First line:... ieft 2n barrier islands... II-52 3 last sentence: ...except where authorized by the local government (F.S. 161.58\. II-58 1 ...beaches south of Marco Island. On October 30. 1991 the CCSL Ordinance (Ord. 75-19. as amended\ was repealed. and placed in the Collier County Land DeveloDment Code. as "DIVISION 3.13 COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SETBACK LINE VARIANCE". 11-60 1 ...may be obtained by following variance procedures. On October 30. 1991 the Vehicle on the Beach Ordinance (Ord. 74-8. as amended \ was repealed. and placed in the Collier County Land Development Code. as "DIVISION 3.14 VEHICLE ON THE BEACH REGULATIONS". 11-68 4 3 . 9 RBeeMMBHBA":EeNB P'DNR COASTAL ARMORING POLICY This policy. which became effective December 18. 1990. was a result of the Governor and Cabinet's direction to the FDNR to devise a policy for reviewinq Dermit applications for riqid costal protection structures (i.e.. armorinq\. It states that (pursuant to F.S. 161.041 and 161.053\ the FDNR shall not issue permits for new coastal armorinq except as a last resort. and on Iv in accordance with specific criteria. It includes information on armorinq criteria and protection of sea turtles and their habitat. Refer to ADDendix 17 for specific details of this policy. 11-68-69 3.10 RECOMMENDATIONS.... II-75 3 Add to end of paragraph: Sea turtle nest screeninq techniques should be imDlemented due to hiqh raccoon predation. 1I-75 5 Add to beginning of paragraph: Barefoot Beach -2- paqe: ParaqraDh: comments: Preserve is currentlY manaqed bY the Collier County Parks and Recreation Department. It is also requlated bv the Coastal Barrier Resource Act (16 U.S.C. 3502). as Wiqqins Pass unit FL-65P. II-76 1 Add to end of paragraph: Sea turtle nest screeninq techniques should be implemented due to hiqh raccoon Dredation. II-76 2 Compared to adjacent areas, the Vanderbilt Beach ~~arrier ~unit whas experienced... 11-77 Title Beach segment #6. DELNOR WIGGINS PASS STATE RECREATION AREA PARK II-77 3 Beach Access: Belfter-Wi~~ift~-6~a~e-ParK Delnor Wiqqins Pass State Recreation Area 11-77 4 Add to beginning of paragraph: Delnor Wiqqins Pass State Recreation Area is currentlY manaqed bY the Florida Decartment of Natural Resources. It is also requlated by the Coastal Barrier Resource Act (16 U.S.C. 3502). as Wiqqins Pass unit FL-65P. 11-78 5 Add to beginning of paragraph: This beach seament is requlated by the Coastal Barrier Resource Act (16 U.S.C. 3502) as Clam Pass Unit FL-64P. II-79 4 Add to beginning of paragraph: This beach seament is requlated by the Coastal Barrier Resource Act (16 U.S.C. 3502) as Clam Pass unit FL-64P. II-79 4 Add to end of paragraph: Sea turtle nest screeninq techniques should be imclemented due to hiqh raccoon predation. II-84 4 Beach Segment #15. OLDE NAPLES Add to end of paragraph (new paragraph): This Unit has been classified as an Undeveloced Coastal Barrier under the 1982 Federal Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA). 16 U.S.C. 3502. It is included in KeewaYdin Island unit P16. The CBRA. as amended bv the Coastal Barrier Imcrovement Act of 1990 (16 U.S.C. 3501). crohibits the use of most federal funds for proiects on desiqnated undeveloced coastal barriers. Prohibitions include financial 11-83 Title -3- Paqe: Paraqraph: Comments: assistance for new utility and transportation facilities. federallY subsidized flood insurance coveraqe. HUD. any contract. loan. qrant. cooperative aqreement. or insurance or quarantee of a loan. mortqaqe. or pool of mortqaqes. 11-85 3 ...~hi~-~e~eft~-ha~-~eeft-ela~~iriea-a~-aft gftaeve%epea-eea~~a%-Barrier-~~aer-P~~~-9T-~48T ~fte-i982-Peaera%-eea~~a%-Barrier-Re~e~ree~-Ae~t i~-i~-ifte%~aea-ift-gfti~-Pi6T-*eewayaift-%~%afta~ 'l'fti~-Ae~-prefti~i~~-~fte-~~e-er-me~~-reae~a% r~fta~-te~~~T-riftafteia%-a~~i~~aftee-rer-~ew ~~ili~y-afta-~raft~per~a~ieft-raei%i~ie~T-rer pre;ee~~-eft-ae~i~fta~ea-~ftaevelepea-eea~~a% ~a~~ier~~-%ft-aaai~ieftT-a~-er-ee~e~er-iT-i984T fte-reaeral%Y-~H~~iai~ea-r%eea-ift~~raftee eeve~a~e-i~-avai%a~%e-re~-afty-eea~~a%-~a~~ie~s elas~iriea-a~-~~eh~ 11-86 2 'I'his-~e~eft~-ha~-~eeft-ela~~iriea-a~-aft gftaevelepea-eea~~a%-Bar~ie~-Hftae~-P~~~-9T-~48T ~he-i982-Peaeral-eea~~al-Ba~~ier-Re~e~~ee~-Ae~t i~-is-ifte%~aea-ift-gfti~-Pi6T-*eewayaift-%~%afta~ 'I'hi~-Ae~-prehi~i~~-~he-~~e-er-me~~-reaeral r~fta~-te~~~T-riftafteial-a~~i~~aftee-rer-ftew ~~ili~y-afta-~~aft~pe~~a~ieft-raei%i~ie~T-re~ p~e;ee~~-eft-ae~i~fta~ea-~ftaevelepea-eea~~a% ~a~~ie~~~-%ft-aaai~ieftT-a~-er-ee~e~e~-iT-i984T fte-reaeral%y-~~~~iai~ea-r%eea-ift~~~aftee eevera~e-i~-avai%a~le-re~-afty-eea~~a%-~a~~ier~ ela~~iriea-a~-~~eh~ 11-86 5 'I'hi~-~e~eft~-fta~-~eeft-e%a~~iriea-a~-aft gftaeve%epea-eea~~a%-Ba~rie~-~ftae~-P~~~-9T-~48T ~he-i982-Peae~al-eea~~al-Ba~~ie~-Re~e~~ee~-Ae~t i~-i~-iftel~aea-ift-Bfti~-Pi6T-*eewayaift-%~lafta~ 'I'hi~-Ae~-p~ehi~i~s-~he-Hse-er-me~~-reae~al rHfta~-te~~~T-riftafteial-assi~~aftee-re~-ftew H~i%i~y-afta-~~aft~pe~~a~ieft-raeili~ie~T-re~ p~e;ee~s-eft-aesi~fta~ea-Hftaevelepea-eea~~al ~a~~ie~~~-%ft-aaai~ieftT-a~-er-ee~e~e~-iT-i984T fte-reae~allY-~H~~iai~ea-r%eea-ift~~~aftee eeve~a~e-i~-avai%a~%e-re~-afty-eea~~a%-~a~rie~~ e%a~~iriea-a~-~~eh~ 11-87 4 'I'hi~-~e~eft~-ha~-~eeft-e%a~~iriea-a~-aft gftaevelepea-eea~~a%-Ba~~ier-~ftaer-P~~~-9T-~48T ~he-i982-Peae~a%-eea~~a%-Ba~rie~-Re~e~ree~-Ae~t i~-i~-ifte%~aea-ift-gfti~-Pi6T-*eewayaift-%~lafta~ 'I'hi~-Ae~-p~ehi~i~~-~he-~~e-er-me~~-reaeral r~fta~-te~~~T-riftafteia%-a~sis~aftee-re~-ftew -4- paae: Paraqraph: Comments: H~i%i~y-afta-~~aft~pe~~a~ieft-raeili~ie~T-re~ pre;ee~~-eft-ae~i~fta~ea-~ftaeve%epea-eea~~al ~ar~ier~~-%ft-aaai~ieftT-a~-er-ee~e~e~-iT-i984T fte-reae~a%ly-~~~~iai~ea-r%eea-ift~~~aftee eeve~a~e-ie-avai%a~le-rer-afty-eeae~a%-~arrier~ ela~~iriea-a~-~~eh~ II-88 2 'I'hi~-~e~eft~-ha~-~eeft-ela~~iriea-a~-aft gftaeve%epea-eea~~a%-Ba~rie~-~ftae~-P~~~-9T-~48T ~he-i982-Peae~a%~eea~~a%-Bar~ie~-Re~e~~ee~-Ae~t i~-i~-iftel~aea-ift-gfti~-Pi6T-*eewayaift-%~lafta~ 'I'hie-Ae~-prefti~i~e-~he-H~e-er-me~~-reae~a% r~fta~-te~~~T-riftafteia%-a~~i~~aftee-rer-ftew ~~ili~y-afta-~raft~per~a~ieft-raei%i~ie~T-re~ pre;ee~~-eft-ae~i~fta~ea-~ftaevelepea-eea~~a% ~a~rie~e~-%ft-aaai~ieftT-a~-er-ee~e~er-iT~i984T fte-reae~ally-~~~~iai~ea-r.leea-ift~~~aftee eevera~e-ie-availa~%e-re~-afty-eeae~a%-~a~~ie~s ela~~iriea-a~-s~eh~ II-89 1 Add to end of paragraph (new paragraph): This unit has been classified as an Undeveloped Coastal Barrier under the 1982 Federal Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA\. 16 U.S.C. 3502. It is included in Keewavdin Island unit P16. The CBRA. as amended bv the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990 (16 U.S.C. 3501\. prohibits the use of most federal funds for proiects on desiqnated undeveloped coastal barriers. Prohibitions include financial assistance for new utility and transportation facilities. federal Iv subsidized flood insurance coveraqe. HUD. any contract. loan. qrant. cooperative aqreement. or insurance or quarantee of a loan. mortqaqe. or pool of mortqaqes. II-89 2 2~-'I'hie-eea~~al-~a~~ie~-~fti~-ha~-~eeft ela~~iriea-a~-aft-Bftaevelepea-eeae~a%-Ba~~ie~ ~ftae~-P~~~-9T-~48T-~he-i982-Peaeral-eea~~al Ba~~ier-Re~e~~ee~-Ae~t-i~-ie-ifte%~aea-ift-efti~ Pi6T-*eewayaift-%elafta~-'I'his-Ae~-p~ehi~i~~-~he ~~e-er-mee~-reae~a%-r~ftae-te~~~T-riftafteial ae~ie~aftee-re~-fteW-H~ili~y-afta-~~aft~pe~~a~ieft raei%i~ieeT-rer-p~e;ee~s-eft-aesi~fta~ea ~ftaevelepea-eea~~a%-~a~rie~~~-%ft-aaai~ieftT-a~ er-ee~e~er-iT-i984T-fte-reae~ally-~~~~iai~ea r%eea-ifte~raftee-eeve~a~e-is-avai%a~%e-rer-afty eea~~a%-~ar~ier~-e%a~~iriea-a~-~~eh~ II-89 4 'I'hi~-~e~eft~-ha~-~eeft-elas~iriea-a~-aft eftaevelepea-eeas~al-Ba~~ie~-~ftae~-P~~~-9T-~48T -5- paae: Paraqraph: comments: ~fte-i982-Peae~a%-eeae~al-Ba~rier-Re~e~ree~-Ae~t i~-i~-ifte%~aea-ift-gfti~-Pi6T-*eewayaift-%elafta~ 'I'fti~-Ae~-prefti~i~e-~he-~~e-er-mes~-reaeral r~fta~-te~~~T-riftafteial-a~~i~~aftee-rer-ftew ~~i%i~y-afta-~raft~per~a~ieft-raei%i~ieeT-re~ pre;ee~~-eft-ae~i~fta~ea-~ftaeve%epea-eea~~a% ~a~~ie~~~-%ft-aaai~ieftT-a~-er-ee~e~er-iT-i984T fte-reae~a%%y-e~~~iai~ea-rleea-ift~~~aftee eeve~a~e-is-avai%a~%e-re~-afty-eeae~a%-~a~~ie~~ e%a~~iriea-a~-~~eh~ 11-91 1 Add to end of paragraph (new paragraph): In 1990-1991. the Marco Island beach front was nourished with sand obtained from borrow sources located in the vicinity of Bia Marco Pass and Caxambas Pass. The nourishment was divided into 3 main proiect areas. leavinq one section of natural beach between each area. The north fill area was located at Hideawav Beach. approximate Iv 4.000 feet northeast of DNR monument T-128. extendinq southwest to DNR monument T-128. The central fill area was located between DNR monument R-134 and DNR monument R-139. The south fill area was located between DNR monument R-142 and the southern tip of Marco Island at Caxambas Pass (Refer to Appendix 16 for monument locations). The desiqn width of the proiect was anticipated to create 100 feet of additional beach. Included in the beach nourishment desiqn was the construction of a veqetated dune and 24 dune walkovers. A terminal qroin was installed at Caxambas Pass to prevent loss of the beach fill to Caxambas Pass. 11-91 4 To date. the natural post-nourishment adiustment of the filled areas on Marco Island reveal that the beach is conforminq to its oriqional desiqn template. Monitorinq of the beach profile. benthic fauna. sea turtle nestinq and beach sand compaction will continue throuah 1993. Add to beginning of paragraph (new paragraph): This seament was the north proiect area of the Marco Island beach nourishment (1990-1991). The seaward portion of the fill eroded rapidlv with subsequent scarp formation. continued monitorinq of this area will provide valuable -6- Paqe: Paraqraph: Comments: data on beach nourishments within tidal passes. 11-91 4 Add to end of paragraph (new paragraph) : Portions of this Seament have been classified as an Undeveloped Coastal Barrier under the 1982 Federal Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA). 16 U.S.C. 3502. It is included in Keewavdin Island unit P16. The CBRA. as amended bv the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990 (16 U.S.C. 3501). prohibits the use of most federal funds for proiects on desiqnated undeveloped coastal barriers. Prohibitions include financial assistance for new utility and transportation facilities. federallv subsidized flood insurance coveraqe. MUD. any contract. loan. qrant. cooperative aqreement. or insurance or quarantee of a loan. mortqaqe. or pool of mortqaqes. Sea turtle nest screeninq techniques should be implemented due to hiqh raccoon predation. II-91 Title Beach Segment # 25. HIDEAWAY BEACH WEST (TIGERTAIL BEACH) II-92 2 Add to end of paragraph: Sea turtle nest screeninq techniques should be implemented due to hiqh raccoon predation. 11-92 4 Add to beginning of paragraph: This area was included in the 1990-1991 Marco Island beach nourishment as the central proiect area. 11-92 6 Add to beginning of paragraph: Much of this beach seament was included in the 1990-1991 Marco Island beach nourishment. as the central proiect area. 11-93 4 Add to beginning of paragraph: This area was included in the 1990-1991 Marco Island beach nourishment as the south proiect area. 11-93 6 i~-'I'hie-eea~~al-~a~rie~-~fti~-ha~-~eeft e%ae~iriea-a~-aft-eftaeve%epea-eea~~a%-Ba~rie~ ~ftaer-P~~~-9T-~48T-~he-i982-Peae~al-eea~~a% Bar~ie~-Re~e~ree~-Ae~t-i~-ie-iftel~aea-ift-efti~ pi5T-eape-Remafte~-~hi~-ae~-p~ehi~i~~-~fte-~~e-er me~~-reaeral-r~fta~-te~~~T-riftafteia%-a~~i~~aftee re~-ftew-~~i%i~y-afta-~~aft~per~a~ieft-raei%i~ie~T re~-pre;ee~~-eft-ae~i~fta~ea-~ftaeve%epea-eea~~al ~a~rie~~~-%ft-aaai~ieftT-ae-er-ee~e~e~-iT-i984T -7- paae: Paraqraph: ' Comments: fte-reae~a%%y-~~~~iai~ea-r%eea-ift~~raftee eevera~e-ie-avai%a~%e-re~-afty-eeas~a%-~a~~ie~~ e%a~~iriea-a~-~~eft~ This Coastal Barrier unit has been classified as an Undeveloped Coastal Barrier under the 1982 Federal Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA). 16 U.S.C. 3502. It is included in Cape Romano unit P15. The CBRA. as amended bv the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990 (16 U.S.C. 3501). prohibits the use of most federal funds for proiects on desiqnated undeveloped coastal barriers. Prohibitions include financial assistance for new utility and transportation facilities. federal Iv subsidized flood insurance coveraqe. HUD. any contract. loan. qrant. cooperative aqreement. or insurance or quarantee of a loan. mortqaqe. or pool of mortqaqes. 11-94 Title 4.9 COASTAL BARRIER UNIT 9. MORGAN ISLAND 11-94 4 i~-'I'hi~-eea~~al-~a~rie~-~fti~-has-~eeft e%a~~iriea-ae-aft-gftaeve%epea-eeae~a%-Ba~rier ~ftaer-P~~~-9T-~48T-~fte-i982-Peae~a%-eea~~a% Ba~~ier-Re~eH~eee-Ae~t-i~-i~-ifte%~aea-ift-efti~ pi5T-eape-Remafte~-~hie-ae~-prehi~i~~-~he-~~e-er me~~-reaeral-r~ftas-te~~~T-riftafteia%-a~~is~aftee rer-ftew-H~ili~y-afta-~~aftepe~~a~ieft-raeili~ieeT re~-p~e;ee~~-eft-ae~i~fta~ea-~ftaevelepea-eea~~a% ~a~~ie~~~-%ft-aaai~ieftT-a~-er-ee~e~e~-iT-i984T fte-reae~al%y-eH~eiai~ea-r%eea-ift~~raftee eeve~a~e-i~-availa~%e-re~-afty-eea~~al-~a~~ie~e elas~iriea-a~-s~eh~ 1. This Coastal Barrier Unit has been classified as an Undeveloped Coastal Barrier under the 1982 Federal Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA). 16 U.S.C. 3502. It is included in Cape Romano Unit P15. The CBRA. as amended bv the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990 (16 U.S.C. 3501). prohibits the use of most federal funds for proiects on desiqnated undeveloped coastal barriers. Prohibitions include financial assistance for new utility and transportation facilities. federal Iv subsidized flood insurance coveraqe. HUD. any contract. loan. qrant. cooperative aqreement. or insurance or quarantee of a loan. mortaaqe. or pool of mortqaqes. 11-95 3 'I'hi~-~e~eft~-has-~eeft-e%a~~iriea-a~-aft -8- Paqe: paraaraph: Comments: ~ftaeve%epea-eeae~a%-Barrie~-~ftaer-P~~~-9T-~48T ~he-i982-Peaera%-eea~~a%-Ba~~ie~-Re~e~rees-Ae~t i~-ie-ifte%~aea-ift-efti~-p%5T-eape-Remafte~-~fti~ ae~-p~ehi~i~~-~he-~~e-er-mes~-reae~a%-r~fta~ te~~~T-riftafteial-a~~*~~aftee-re~-ftew-~~ili~y-afta ~~aft~per~a~ieft-raeili~ie~T-re~-pre;ee~~-eft ae~i~fta~ea-~ftaevelepea-eea~~a%-~arrier~~-%ft aaai~ieftT-a~-er-ee~e~er-iT-i984T-fte-reae~a%%y ~~~~iai~ea-r%eea-*ft~~~aftee-eeve~a~e-i~ avai%a~le-rer-afty-eea~~a%-~a~~ie~~-e%ae~iriea a~-~~eh~ II-96 1 'I'hi~-~e~eft~-ha~-~eeft-e%a~eiriea-a~-aft eftaeve%epea-eeae~a%-Ba~~ie~-~ftaer-P~~~-9T-~48T ~fte-i982-Peaera%-eea~~a%-Bar~ie~-Re~e~ree~-Ae~t i~-*e-ifte%~aea-ift-efti~-pi5T-eape-Remafte~-~fti~ ae~-prehi~i~~-~he-~~e-er-mee~-reae~a%-r~fta~ te~~~T-riftafteial-a~~i~~aftee-re~-ftew-~~i%i~y-afta ~~aft~pe~~a~ieft-raei%i~ie~T-re~-p~e;ee~~-eft ae~i~fta~ea-~ftaevelepea-eeae~al-~a~~ier~~-%ft aaai~ieftT-a~-er-ee~e~e~-iT-i984T-fte-reaera%%y e~~~ia*Bea-rleea-ift~~raftee-eevera~e-is availa~le-rer-afty-eea~~al-ea~~ie~s-ela~siriea a~-~~eh~ 11-96 3 'I'fti~-~e~eft~-fta~-~eeft-e%ae~iriea-a~-aft eftaevelepea-eea~~al-Ba~~ie~-~ftaer-P~~~-9T-~48T ~he-i982-Peae~a%-eea~~al-Ba~~ie~-Re~eHree~-Ae~t i~-i~-ifte%~aea-ift-efti~-pi5T-eape-Remafte~-~ftie ae~-prehi~*~~-~he-~~e-er-mes~-reae~a%-r~fta~ te~~~T-riftafteia%-a~~is~aftee-re~-ftew-~~i%i~y-afta ~raft~per~a~ieft-raei%i~ie~T-rer-p~e;ee~~-eft ae~i~fta~ea-~ftaevelepea-eeae~a%-~a~r*er~~-%ft aaai~ieftT-a~-er-ee~e~e~-iT-i984T-fte-reae~a%%y ~~~~iai~ea-r%eea-ift~~~aftee-eeve~a~e-i~ availa~%e-re~-afty-eeas~a%-ea~~ie~s-elassiriea a~-~~eh~ 11-97 2 i~-'I'hi~-ee~eft~-ha~-~eeft-ela~eiriea-ae-aft eftaevelepea-eea~~a%-Bar~ie~-Hftae~-P~~~-9T-~48T ~he-i982-Peaera%-eea~~a%-Ba~~ier-Re~e~ree~-Ae~t i~-i~-ifte%~aea-ift-efti~-pi5T-eape-Remafte~-~hi~ ae~-p~ehi~i~s-~fte-~~e-er-me~~-reae~a%-r~fta~ te~~~T-riftafteia%-a~~i~~aftee-re~-ftew-~~i%*~y-afta ~~aft~pe~~a~ieft-raeili~ie~T-rer-p~e;ee~~-eft ae~i~fta~ea-~ftaevelepea-eeae~al-~a~~ier~~-%ft aaai~ieftT-a~-er-ee~e~er-iT-i984T-fte-reae~ally e~~~iai~ea-rleea-ift~~~aftee-eeve~a~e-i~ availa~le-rer-afty-eea~~al-~a~rier~-e%a~~iriea ae-~~eh~ 1. This Coastal Barrier unit has been -9- Paqe: Paraqraph: Comments: 11-97 11-98 11-112 11-113 11-113 11-113 classified as an Undeveloped Coastal Barrier under the 1982 Federal Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA). 16 U.S.C. 3502. It is included in Cape Romano Unit P15. The CBRA. as amended bv the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990 (16 U.S.C. 3501). prohibits the use of most federal funds for proiects on desiqnated undeveloped coastal barriers. Prohibitions include financial assistance for new utility and transportation facilities. federallY subsidized flood insurance coveraqe. HUD. any contract. loan. qrant. cooperative aqreement. or insurance or quarantee of a loan. mortqaae. or pool of mortqaaes. 4 'I'hi~-~e~eft~-ha~-~eeft-ela~~iriea-ae-aft eftaeve%epea-eea~~a%-Ba~~ie~-~ftae~-P~~~-9T-~48T ~fte-i982-Peaera%-eea~~a%-Barrie~-Re~e~ree~-Ae~t i~-i~-iftel~aea-ift-efti~-pi5T-eape-Remafte~-~hi~ ae~-prefti~i~~-~fte-~~e-er-me~~-reae~al-r~fta~ te~~~T-riftafteial-a~~ie~aftee-re~-ftew-~~ili~y-afta ~~aftepe~~a~ieft-raei%i~ieeT-re~-p~e;ee~e-eft ae~i~fta~ea-~ftaevelepea-eeas~al-~ar~ie~~~-%ft aaai~ieftT-a~-er-ee~e~e~-iT-i984T-fte-reae~a%%y e~~~iai8ea-rleea-ift~~~aftee-eeve~a~e-ie avai%a~le-re~-afty-eea~~al-~a~~ie~~-ela~~iriea a~-~~eh~ 3 'I'hi~-ee~eft~-ha~-~eeft-e%a~~iriea-ae-aft eftaeve%epea-eeae~a%-Barrier-~ftaer-P~~~-9T-~48T ~he-i982-Peae~al-eea~~al-Bar~ie~-Rese~ree~-Ae~t i~-i~-ifte%~aea-ift-efti~-pi5T-eape-Remafte~-~hi~ ae~-p~ehi~i~~-~he-~se-er-me~~-reaera%-r~fta~ te~~~T-riftafteia%-a~~i~~aftee-re~-ftew-~~ili~y-afta ~~afte~e~~a~ieft-raeili~ie~T-re~-p~e;ee~~-eft aesi~fta~ea-~ftaevelepea-eeas~al-ba~~ie~s~-%ft aaai~ieftT-aS-er-ee~e~e~-iT-i984T-fte-reae~a%ly e~~~iai~ea-rleea-ifts~raftee-eeve~a~e-i~ avai%a~le-re~-afty-eeae~al-~a~~ie~s-e%assiriea ae-~~eh~ 5 Last line: Appendix 11 15. 1 First sentence: ...Collier County Coastal B~ilaift~ Construction Setback Line (CCSL). 4 Last sentence: ...the former state CCCL remains as the Collier County ee~ft~y~e-B~i%aift~ Coastal Construction Setback Line... 5 Last sentence: ...per 6ee~ieft-9-er-~he-~eftift~ e~aiftaftee Division 3.13 of the Collier County -10- paae: Paraaraph: Comments: Land Development Code. 11-114 11-118 11-119 11-120 11-121 11-122 11-125 11-126 11-126 11-126 11-127 11-130 4 Last sentence: ...designated as "ST" te~aiftaftee 82-2,-6ee~~eft-9~iT (Division 2.2.24. Collier County Land Development Code)... ...(CCME Policy 6.4.1, eraiftaftee-89-49,-89-S9, 89-Si,-89-S2 Division 3.9. Collier County Land Development Code)... Last line: ...the dune and strand... 2 6 5 ...county B~ilaift~ Coastal Construction Setback Line (CCSL) ,... 5 3. ...(iT-~~822, 17-301. F.A.C.)... 3 Last sentence: ...designated as "ST" te~aiftaftee 82-2,-See~ieft-9~iT (Division 2.2.24. Collier County Land Development Code)... 5 Last sentence: ...(CCME Policy 6.4.1, 9raiftaftee 89-49,-89-S8,-89-Si,-89-S2 Division 3.9. Collier County Land Development Code)... 1 Last sentence: There are approximately 8T2 873 acres.. . 3 line 6: ...see Appendix 11 15). 3 ...Development services Division under the Special Treatment section ~eftift~-e~aiftaftee te~aiftaftee-82-2,-6ee~ieft-9~iT, (Div. 2.2.24), 'I'~ee-P~e~ee~ieft-eraiftaftee-te~a~-TS-2iT Veaetation Removal. Protection. and Preservation Division (Diy. 3.9) and the Environmental Impact Statement e~aiftaftee-te~a~ TT-66T Division (Diy. 3.8) of the Collier County Land Deyelopment Code (CCLDC). Coastal hammocks seaward of the state of Florida Depart~ent of Natural Resources (FDNR) Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) and the Collier County Coastal B~ilaift~ Construction Setback Line (Div. 3.13 of the CCLDC)... 4 ...designated "ST" te~aiftaftee-82-2,-See~ieft 9~iT (Division 2.2.24. Collier County Land Development Code)... 3 ... landscape elements is a preferred~ ~ype-er ae~ivi~y~ -11- I .---- Paqe: Paraqraph: comments: 11-131 11-131 11-132 11-132 11-132 11-133 11-136 11-136 11-137 II-137 2 (CCME Policy 6.4.1, e~aiftaftee-89-49,-89-58, 89-5i,-89-52 Division 3.9. Collier County Land Development Code)... 3 There are approximately 546 665 acres of xeric scrub habitat making up 8~e4% 0.05% of the total land area of the County (Table 5-5). 1 ...the Special Treatment section Beftift~ eraiftaftee-teraiftaftee-82-2,-6ee~ieft-9~iT, (Div. 2.2.24), 'I'~ee-pre~ee~ieft-e~aiftaftee-te~a~-T5-ziT Veqetation Removal. Protection. and Preservation Division (Div. 3.9) and the Environmental Impact Statement eraiftaftee-te~a~ TT-66T Division (Div. 3.8) of the Collier County Land Development Code (CCLDC). Xeric scrub ~reas that may exist seaward of the FONR CCCL and the Collier County Coastal B~i%aift~ Construction Setback Line (Div. 3.13 of the CCLDC)... 4 line 2, move line left to margin. 5 B. ...designated "ST" te~aiftaftee-82-2,-6ee~ieft 9~iT (Division 2.2.24. Collier County Land Development Code)... Number 1 under paragraph C, change Habitat restoration to Habitat preservation. 3 ... (CCME Policy 6.4.1, eraiftaftee-89-49,-89-5e, 89-5i,-89-52 Division 3.9. Collier County Land Development Code) . 4 Last sentence: There area approximately 8~,6i4 86.265 acres of mangrove wetlands, making up 6~e8% 6.27%... 2 line 7, change Appendix A to Appendix 15. 2 ...Development Services Division under the ST Section er-~he-Beftift~-e~aiftaftee-te~aiftaftee 82-2,-See~ieft-9~iT, (Div. 2.2.24), 'I'ree P~e~ee~ieft-e~aiftaftee-te~a~-T5-2iT Veqetation Removal. Protection. and Preservation Division (Div. 3.9) and the Environmental Impact Statement eraiftaftee-te~a~-TT-66T Division (Div. 3.8) of the Collier County Land Development Code (CCLDC). Coastal mangrove wetlands seaward of the FDNR CCCL and the Collier County Coastal BHi%aift~ Construction Setback Line (Div. 3.13 of the CCLDC)... -12- paae: Paraqraph: Comments: 11-138 3 ...designated "ST" te~aiftaftee-82-2,-6ee~ieft 9~iT (Division 2.2.24. Collier County Land Development Code)... 11-142 Last sentence: ...(CCME policy 6.4.1, e~aiftaftee 89-49,-89-59,-89-5i,-89-52 Division 3.9. Collier County Land Development Code). 3 Last sentence: ...under the 6'1'-Beftift~-eraiftaftee tera~-82~2,-6ee~ieft-9~iT-afta-~he-Bftvi~eftmeft~al %mpae~-6~a~emeft~-e~aiftaftee-tera~-TT-66T Collier County Land Development Code ST Division (Div. 2.2.24) and the Environmental Impact statement Division (Div. 3.8). II-143 1 II-144 3 B. ...designated "ST" te~aiftaftee-82-2,-6ee~ieft 9~iT (Division 2.2.24. Collier County Land Development Code) ... 11-146 Replace existing "TABLE 5-1" with the following: TABLE 5-1. SOME COUNTY ORDINANCES SPECIFIC TO COASTAL HABITATS Habitats Affected ordinance LDC (91-102) Provisions 74-8 DIV. 3.14 Prohibits driving on sand dunes or beach 75-19 DIV. 3.13 Adopts state CCCL as building setback line 80-19 DIV. 3.13 Allows exotic removal from beaches 82-2 DIV. 2.2 "special Treatment" SEC. 2.2.24 zoning on many areas 88-52 DIV. 3.10 Protection of sea turtles 89-11 Regulation of specific activities on pUblic beaches 91-70 DIV. 2.2 SEC. 2.2.25 Regulations for preservation of historical and archaeological sites -13- Beach, strand Beach, strand, some hammocks Beach, strand, some hammocks Some beach & strand, many hammocks, all mangroves Beach, some strand Beach Many hammocks paae: Paraqraph: Comments: -------------------------------------------------------------------- II-147 TABLE 5-2 Replace data in table with the following data: VEGETATION COVER IN COLLIER COUNTY * VALUE DESCRIPTION ACRES % 1 Coastal strand 47 0.00 6 xeric oak scrub 665 0.05 9 Tropical hardwood hammock 873 0.06 10 Coastal salt marsh 26342 1. 91 11 Freshwater marsh & wet prairie 228878 16.64 12 Cypress swamp 389473 28.31 13 Hardwood swamp 52907 3.85 15 Shrub swamp 18391 1. 34 16 Mangrove swamp 86265 6.27 18 Open water 82454 5.99 19 Grassland (agriculture) 93808 6.82 20 Shrub and brush land 52188 3.79 21 Exotic plant communities 564 0.04 22 Barren 87748 6.38 Total: 1375593 * Includes habitat types found in the Coastal Zone Source: Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission, Landsat Habitat Mapping. August - September 1991. II-l77 2 add 2nd paragraph as follows: The Collier County Sea Turtle Ordinance (Ord.88-52) was superseded upon the adoption of the Collier County Land Development Code. 1991. Division -14- paae: Paraqraph: Comments: 3.10 Sea Turtle Protection (CCLDC. 1991) includes all requirements of Ordinance 88-52 in addition to more clearlY defined requirements for County Turtle Handlinq Permits ( and and Nest Relocation ( II-182 II-199 11-220 11-221 11-222 11-223 3 add new paragraph as follows: Chapter 16B-41 (FAC) Rules and Procedures for Application for Coastal construction Permits of the DNR has been revised and will be presented to the Florida Leqislature in 1992. The new rulinqs will have a direct impact on construction reauirements durina sea turtle nestinq season. Local qovernments and those involved in coastal construction proiects (includinq beach nourishment) should be aware of recent and proposed leqislation chanqes at the State level. 3 The most important existing County ordinance that addresses protection of threatened and endangered bird species is e~aiftaftee-TT-66 the Environmental Impact Statement Division (Div. 3.8) of the CCLDC. This e~aiftaftee rule... 3 Last sentence: ...is amonq the last viable population of this species in the world. 3 Last sentence: ...which proposes to amend~ Chapter 327, Florida statutes, "Vessels: Registration and Safety". To date. these proposed chanqes have not vet amended F.S. 327. 4 ...with site specific modifications. A wide shoreline buffer slow-speed zone. includinq marked naviqational channels. also desiqnated (Resolution 89-416). 300' not was 1 A further modification includes the implementation of u~%ew--speeaU---~efte~--ift va~ie~~---wa~er~eaie~--ae~i~fta~ea--a~--mafta~ee pre~ee~ieft--area~~ an idle speed zone in the portion of Caxambas Bav located between the southern shore of Marco Island and the central shoal area of the bay and its desianation as a manatee protection area. 'I'fte-eft%y--e~~~eft~ly ae~i~fta~ea---wa~e~~eay--i~---~he--per~ieft---er eaKam~ae--Bay--leea~ea--~e~weeft--~fte--ee~~herft ~fte~e--er-Maree-%~%afta--afta-~he-eeft~ra%--~ftea% a~ea---er--~he--~ay~ Other p~epe~ea--manatee -15- paae: Paraqraph: Comments: protection areas that are beinq proposed in the draft Collier County Manatee Protection Plan are located in the vicinity of Coon Key Pass, Isles of Capri Pass, and Wiggins Pass. Previous Iv desiqnated idle speed zones include the Port of the Islands area and all "residential east-west canals and north-south canals to the souther Iv extent of the intersectinq east-west canals which lie souther Iv of the centerline of U.S. Hiahwav 41" (Florida statutes 370.12 (2) (f) 11.). Gulf of Mexico waters within 500' of sandv and/or bathinq beaches (Ordinance 89-11). portions of Caxambas Waterway. Goodland. Isles of Capri. Rock Creek. Vanderbilt Waterway. Gulf Harbor. and the Marco River (Resolution Nos. 79-165 and 86-1). Vanderbilt Laqoon (Resolution No. 85-146). and the portion of Henderson Creek east of S.R. 951 (Resolution No. 81-199). II-225 1 The current minimum population estimate in the state is i,289 1.465 individuals tMa~ifte Mammal-eemmis~ieft,-i988T (Rose. 1991). 11-226 4 ...From the ~ime-er-~he onset of the manatee carcass salvage program by the EDNR, in 1974, ~e--6ep~ember,-i989 through December, 1991, a total of i,422 1,912 dead manatees have been recovered from the state. In 1991. 174 recorded manatee mortalities occurred state-wide (FDNR. 1991). 11-227 3 First sentence: ...i22 145 known manatee deaths in Collier county from ee~e~e~,-i9T9 Januarv. 1976 to Beeem~e~,-i989 September. 1991. Collisions with ~ea~~ watercraft accounted for 42 52 of these mortalities. The other causes of death were: i6 23 from perinatal (dependent calf), 3 from other human-related causes, T ~ from natural causes, 5 from undetermined causes because the carcasses were not recovered. 17 from undetermined causes due to decomposition for the carcasses. and 54 36 from other undetermined causes. In 1991. 14 recorded manatee mortalities occurred county-wide. (FDNR. 1991). II-227 3 Last sentence: ...(FDNR, 1990 and FDNR. 1991). -16- Paqe: Paraaraph: Comments: II-228 II-229 11-233 11-234 11-234 II-240 II-249 4 Last sentence: ...under the Special Treatment (ST) section Seftift~-eraiftaftee-teraiftaftee-82-2, 6ee~ieft----9~iT (Div. 2.2.24) and the Environmental Impact Statement e~aiftaftee-tera~ TT-66T Division (Div. 3.8) of the CCLDC. 4 ...AIl areas where manatees have been found to congregate will be evaluated for the adoption of slow or idle speed zones, with channel exemptions, where appropriate. Where heavy boat traffic and manatee concentrations overlap, slow or idle speed zones without channel exemption should be instated. 4 ...posted areas contain shallow, environmentally sensitive seagrass beds afta ~fta~---~heee--a~e--mafta~ee--reeaift~--a~ea~~--A pie~~~e--er-a-mafta~ee-reeaift~--eft-~ea~~aese~ A diaqram of a propeller in a red circle and slash "No" symbol will be featured on the siqn. As of Dec. 30. 1991. all appropriate qovernmental permits and authorizations have been obtained. and the biddinq process is in proqress. 1 Color photographs and/or drawinqs of the sign.. . 2 Pe~mi~~ift~-Re~Hi~emeft~~~-epeft-appreva%-er-~hie prepe~al-~e-~he-BER,-a-;eift~-We~%afta~-ReSe~~ee Re~~%a~ieft~---pe~mi~---app%iea~ieft---wi%%---~e ~~~mi~~ea-~y-ee%lier-ee~ft~y-~e-~fte-apprepria~e a~efteie~~--'I'he--appliea~ieft--will--iftel~ae--aft eKae~--aia~~am--er--~he--p~epesea--ei~ft,--wi~h aimeft~ieft~t-~he-leea~ieft~-er-~he-~ea~ra~~-~ea~ afta--p~epe~ea--si~e~--rer--~i~ft--pe~~ift~-eft--a e~~~eft~-ftavi~a~iefta%-eha~~t-~he-eempe~i~ieft-er ~he---~~~me~~ea--~~~~~~a~e--where---~i~ft~--are p~epe~ea---~e--~e---p%aeeat---~he--me~fteae--er ift~~a%la~ieft--afta-~~r~iai~y--eeft~re%t-afta--~he ma~e~ia%~-~e-~e-~sea-ift-~fte-~i~ft-pe~~~~ 5 Last sentence: Appendix e 16. 3 ...to begin dredge operations November 1, 1990; hewever,-a~e-~e-e~~ipmeft~-p~e~%em~,-~fte epe~a~ieft--hae-ye~-~e-~e~--~ftae~-way~ however. due to equipment problems the dredqina was -17- paae: Paraqraph: Comments: never completed to specifications. and the dredqe company was declared in default bv the County. In September 1991 a new dredqe company was hired to complete the proiect. The new proiect qot underway in November 1991 and is expected to be completed in Januarv 1992. 11-250 2 line 5: ...property owners within the Reyal Ha~~er subdivision~ to finance... II-253 TABLE Bottom of page, delete line "Source: K. Dugan, NRD, 1990." 11-256 3 Last sentence: ...approximately one-half mile from the pass. 11-258 1 Third line: ...with vertical seaw Several multi-family hiqh-rises are the...adjacent uplands. seawalls. located on 11-259 4 Last line: ...to begin the following November. However. due to equipment problems the dredqinq was never completed to specifications. and the dredqe companv was declared in default bv the County. In September 1991 a new dredqe company was hired to complete the proiect. The new proiect qot underway in November 1991 and is expected to be completed in Januarv 1992. II-260 3 line 6: ...er to Little HiCkory... II-261 1 The northern barrier beaches are Barefoot Beach Preserve (County owned/County managed), and Barefoot Beach State Preserve (State owned/County managed). The County recently p~~eha~ea acquired the 3100 linear feet of beachfront south of the Lely Barefoot Beach PUD for development into a new park,--whieh wili--~eeft--~e--epeft--~e--~he--p~~iie (Figure 7.5-5). Collier County has also entered into an agreement with the FDNR Division of State Lands Department to manage the 5100 linear feet immediately south of their new property, known as Barefoot Beach State Preserve. The combining of the parks,-~e-~e--ftamea known as "Barefoot Beach Preserve", wili--aiiew allows access to previously inaccessible beaches. Agreement stipulations for the 50 year lease of the State Preserve call for an exotic vegetation removal program and for the County -18- Paqe: paraqraph: Comments: to develop a beach management plan within the first year of acquisition. Barefoot Beach state Preserve contains a total of approximately 156 acres, which may be broken down into 95 acres of mangrove wetland, 7 acres of white sandy beach and approximately 54 acres of upland vegetation. The combined park-site consists of approximate Iv 342 acres. of which of one-third is coastal strand and two-thirds are estuarine. 11-261 2 A--eefteep~~a%-ei~e--plaft--rer-~fte-reerea~iefta% aeve%epmeft~--er--Ba~eree~--Beaeft-Preee~ve--wa~ aevelepea--~y--~he--eeft~ervaftey,-%fte~--afta-~fte ee%%ie~----ee~ft~y----ParKe----afta---Ree~ea~ieft Bepar~meft~~----'I'he--Plaft--eal%~--re~--~he The northern area has been ~e-~e developed into a "nature park" or passive recreational area providing for activities such as nature trails, canoe trails, boardwalks to the bays and bay overlooks, wetland boardwalks and observation towers, and scattered picnic tables. The southern end wil% has basically been left in its nearly pristine state, with only back-packing type trails accessible through designated upland pathways. -'I'he eefteep~~al--~i~e--p%aft,--re~--~he--me~~--pa~~, ~~i%i~ee--aft--eftvi~eftmeft~a%ly--se~fta--raei%i~y pa~Kift~--eefteep~~--Al~he~~h--a--pavea-reaa-fta~ al~eaay--~eeft-e~~a~%i~hea-~h~e~~ft-~fte-fte~~fterft pa~K--a~ea,--pa~kift~--raei%i~ie~-wi%l--eeft~aift re~~--imp~evea-tpaveaT-pa~Kift~-le~~,-afta-~ft~ee ~ftimp~evea--t~ftpaVeaT--pa~Kift~--%e~~-~ea~~erea ~h~e~~h--~he--eKi~~ift~--~p%afta~~--'I'fte--pa~Kift~ a~ea~,--whieh-will--aeeemmeaa~e-288--vehie%es, we~e--ehe~eft-ift--aeee~aaftee--wi~h-~he-ae~ivi~y eeft~e~~-tPi~~re-~y5-5T-a~-rel%ews~ i~-eaftee-~~ai%~---Hftimp~evea-le~~ a~-Ne~~h-eaftee-~rai%-pa~Kift~-ti2-~paee~T ~~-se~~h-eaftee-~rail-pa~kift~-t28-spaee~T 2~-Na~~~e-~rai%e---~ftimprevea-%e~~ a~-Ner~h-~~ai%-pa~kift~-ti8-epaee~T ~~-6e~~h-~~ai%-pa~Kift~-t~8-~paee~T 3~---Beaeh--ae~ivi~y--afta---pieftieKift~--- imprevea-%e~~ a~-Ne~~h-parkift~-t~8-spaeesT ~~-eeft~~a%-parKift~-t~8-epaeesT e~-6e~~h-parKift~-t44-~paee~T Access to Barefoot Beach Preserve is provided bv an easement (Countv/state) throuah the Lelv -19- paae: paraqraph: Comments: 11-263 11-266 11-287 11-311 11-311 II-315 11-319 11-319 11-348 11-354 Barefoot Beach PUD. The entrance to Lelv Barefoot Beach is located on Bonita Beach Road. in Lee County. Boat and canoe access is possible from the back bays and tidal creeks to Wiqqins Pass. The Preserve currentlY contains parkina to accommodate 109 vehicles. with future expansions not to exceed 154 total spaces. Future expansions will also include a bath house. ranaer station. dune boardwalk and an additional dune walkover. Accordina to the Land Manaaement Plan for Barefoot Beach Preserve (Collier County Parks and Recreation Department. 1991). all future park improvements will be located in areas current Iv disturbed bv exotic veqetation (Fiqure 7.5-5). All other exotics will be removed and replaced with appropriate native veqetation. 3 line 10: In the next fiscal year ti998-i99iT (1991-1992) . 7 Navigation: Item 3: ...er to Little HiCkory... line 2: ...Mexico with the Clam Pass Bav System... 3 2 Line 27: ...according to Florida Administrative Code Rule iT~~ 17.302. 2 Add to last sentence: Durinq water quality testinq studies conducted bv the Collier County Pollution Control Department. Pfecal 1 2nd line: ...~eeep~eft reception... 1 8th line: ...wii will... 2 Add to end: The PD has been challenqed bv several conservation and private interest qroups. with ensuinq leqal battles. At this time. there are no plans for settinq a start date for construction (Personal communication with Jon steiqer. Natural Resources Director for the city of Naples) . 1 line 4: ...black fteea%e~~eh (needle) rush... 2 1st sentence: ...eae~ west of S.R. 951... -20- paae: Paraqraph: Comments: 11-358 11-363 II-374 II-379 11-379 11-382 II-385 II-386 11-387 11-411 II-418 4 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 Figure 3 line 6: papay~ papaya Add after 2nd sentence: The CBRA was reauthorized and amended bv the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990 (CBIA). The CBIA expanded requlated areas and included an "otherwise protected" cateqorv to the Coastal Barrier Resource System (16 USC 3501). Caxambas Pass should be idle speed rather than slow speed. line 5: Appendix i4 15. Add to end of paragraph: A DER permit application to allow the dredaina of a flushinq channel throuqh Sand Dollar Island was denied. 'I'he-pe~mi~-app%iea~ieft~-~e-~fte-PBER,-PBNR,-afta ee%%ie~-ee~ft~y-Beve%epmeft~-6e~vieee-9ivieieft a~e-~~i%%-peftaift~-a~-~fte-~ime-er-~fti~-w~i~ift~~ The final permit allows for the removal of 1.5 acres (65.340 square feet) of dune veaetation from Tiqertail Beach. Up-front mitiqation was required bv the FDER. This consisted of the removal of 3.2 acres of spoil from Rookerv Bav. returninq that area to natural wetland elevations. and the plantinq of 1.6 acres on the site with 14" red manqrove seedlinqs. 8th line: ...this requirement was ~eeeft~%y waived due to... Last sentence: ...work ha~-fte~-ye~-~e~~ft-a~ ~he-~ime-er-~his-w~i~ift~-tee~e~e~-i5,-i999T did not beqin until mid-October. 1990. 1st sentence: Reeeft~iy, Between Julv and October of 1990. aerial surveys... Legend was not included. Add: A - Rhizophora manqle and Chara sp. B - Eleocharis cellulosa C - Unvegetated/sand D - Juncus roemerianus E - Spartina spartinae Delete last sentence: Ma~Ke~s-ae~i~fta~ift~-~hi~ a~ea-a~-~~eh-wi%%-~e-ift~~a%%ea-ift-~he-ftea~ rH~~re~ -21- Paae: Paraqraph: Comments: 11-419 11-419 II-419 11-421 1I-421 II-431 11-439 11-482 11-482 111-4 111-13 111-16 5 First sentence: ...Collier County applied for, and was qranted. state and federal... 5 The a~ea-~e-~e-fte~~i~hea nourishment area... 5 The post-nourished shoreline wiil-~e is located up to 405' seaward of the p~e~eft~ previous MHW line. The average dune width wii% ~e is approximate Iv 70'...Approximately 560,000 cubic yards of fill a~e-prepe~ea were used.. . 3 First sentence: Two terminal groins and a breakwater system are were proposed... 3 The breakwater system wiil was desiqned to consist of... 5 add new paragraph: Portions of Horrs Island are included in the Coastal Barrier Resources System. Future developments on this Island should be aware of the CBRA and CBIA amendments. 1 2nd line: ...these are smaller in ae~iai areal extent. . . 3 line 1: add after first sentence: Such plans shall include topoqraphic. hvdroqraphic. bioloqical and other data collection as deemed necessary. 3 insert after last sentence: Also to be included in all beach nourishment proiect proposals is the provision for overfill. The extra material is necessary for the reconstruction of the dune system. No proposal will be considered complete unless it provides for the inclusion of a reveqetated dune svstem. 5 Add: Collier County Board of County Commissioners. October. 30. 1991. Collier County Land Development Code. Naples. FL. 636 PP. 10 Add: Mvers. R.L. and J.J. Ewel. 1991. Ecosvstems of Florida. University of Central Florida Press. Orlando. Florida. 765 PP. 11 Add: Rose. P.M.. Environmental Administrator. Office of Protected Species Manaqement. Florida -22- Paqe: Paraqraph: Comments: III-19 IV-1 IV-1 IV-2 IV-2 IV-3 IV-3 IV-3 IV-4 IV-4 IV-4 IV-4 Department of Natural Resources. Auqust. 1991. Letter to Ilene J. Barnett reqardinq draft manatee protection plan. Tallahassee. Florida. 3 Add: state of Florida Department of Natural Resources. 1991. Database of Manatee Deaths in Collier County. VAX printout. Tallahassee. Florida. 22 PP. Under "1972", 3rd sentence, insert "Repeals Ordinance 70-7:" prior to "Prohibits the operation of........" Under "1973", 2nd para (Ord. 73-5), change "April 1973" to "April 3, 1973"; delete "Amendment to Ordinance 73-5: Provides for an additional variance regarding the Coastal Construction Setback Line." and replace with: "Established Coastal Construction Setback Line." 1st para, change "August 12" to "August 6"; change "Amends" to "Amendment to". 2nd para, change "September 6" to "August 26"; change "Environmental Impact Statement requirements" to "Requires an Environmental Impact Statement to be filed prior to certain activities". Under "1976", change "Amended by Ordinance 74-50" to "Amendment to Ordinance 76-30". Under "1977", change "December 16" to "December 13". Under "1979", last para, change "August 28" to "September 25"; change "Amending" to "Amendment to". 1st para (Ord. 80-19), change "Amending" to "Amendment to". Under "1982", 2nd para (Ord. 82-88), change "Amending" to "Amendment to". 4th para, delete "1983"; change "Ordinance 83-113" to "Ordinance 82-113"; change "Amending" to "Amendment to". Prior to "1988" (5th para), insert the following: 1985 Ordinance 85-2 Adopted January 8, 1985 Relates to construction, reconstruction, repair, alteration, projection and prolongation of seawalls and revetments. -23- 1.--..-'.~- paae: Paraqraph: Comments: Ordinance 85-26 Adopted June 4, 1985 Amends Ordinance 85-2: Declares that it is unlawful and a public nuisance to fail to remove debris and rubble of a failed seawall or revetment. 1986 Ordinance 86-5 Adopted January 21, 1986 Amends Ordinance 85-2: Amends technical specifications for and revetments. Ordinance 86-15 Adopted April 8, 1986 Coastal Zone Protection Ordinance, which establishes building code requirements for construction in the coastal building in Collier County, including requirements for major non-habitable major structures and minor structures. 1987 Ordinance 87-20 Adopted April 21, 1987 Repeals 86-15: Constitutes the Coastal Construction Code, for construction within the coastal building zone and coastal barrier islands in Collier County. IV-4 5th para, last sentence, change "injure" to "injury". IV-4 After end of 5th para, prior to "STATE LEGISLATION", insert the following: 1989 Ordinance 89-5 Adopted January 17, 1989 Enacts and establishes the Collier County Growth Management Plan, which includes the Conservation and Coastal Management and its associated goals, objectives, and policies. Ordinance 89-11 Adopted February 28, 1989 Provides for regulation of use and conduct on the beach, provides for vessel regulation, provides for the regulation of concession operations, equipment rentals and vendors on the beach and adjoining waters. Ordinance 89-52 Adopted July 25, 1989 -24- paae: Paraqraph: Comments: Amends Ordinance 77-66: Adds the requirement (to the EIS) that native habitats and their boundaries be identified on an aerial photograph. Ordinance 89-58 Adopted August 1, 1989 Amends Ordinance 75-21: Provides for the preservation of an appropriate amount of native habitat, depending on the location of the development in the County. 1991 Ordinance 91-47 Adopted Relates to the control of the unlawful accumulation of litter, weeds, and exotics. Ordinance 91-102 Adopted October 30, 1991 Formulation of Collier County Land Development Code (LDC), which repeals the zoning code and certain county ordinances. Applicable parts of the LDC include: DIVISION 3.14 SECTION 2.2.24: SPECIAL TREATMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT (ST) LANDSCAPING AND BUFFERING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENTS (EIS) VEGETATION REMOVAL, PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION SEA TURTLE PROTECTION ENDANGERED, THREATENED OR LISTED SPECIES PROTECTION COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SETBACK LINE VARIANCE VEHICLE ON THE BEACH REGULATIONS DIVISION 2.2, DIVISION 2.4 DIVISION 3.8 DIVISION 3.9 DIVISION 3.10 DIVISION 3.11 DIVISION 3.12 DIVISION 3.13 IV-5 Last Para, insert the following paragraph prior to "COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES ACT", under FEDERAL LEGISLATION: COASTAL BARRIER IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1990 P.L. 101-591 (16 U.S.C. 3501) This act revises the Coastal Barrier Resources Act by the addition of secondary barriers, fastlands and wetlands to the Coastal Barrier Resources System. IV-5 Last Para: line 1, after "ACT", add "OF 1982"; line 2, change "PUB. L." to "P.L."; line 2, after "97-348" insert "(16 U.S.C. 3503)"; line 5, after "System." insert the following: -25- Paqe: Paraqraph: Comments: This act was expanded in 1985 to include other coastlines, protected barriers, secondary barriers and associated aquatic habitats. -26-