Resolution 1993-086 MARCH 2, 1993 -. RESOLUTION NO. 93-~ A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FEES FOR: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS, BUILDING PERMITS, ELECTRIC PERMITS, PLUMDING PERMITS, MECHANICAL PERMITS, GAS PERMITS, FIRE PREVENTION PERMITS, MOBILE HOME PERMITS, CHICKEE PERMITS, POOL AND SPA PERMITS, SCREEN ENCLOSURE AND PAN ROOF PERMITS, SIGN PERMITS, REVISION AND AS-BUILT PLAN REVIEWS, PERMIT EXTENSIONS, DEMOLITION PERMITS, CONVENIENCE PERMITS, PRE-MOVING INSPECTIONS, INSPECTIONS, REINSPECTIONS, FAILURE TO OBTAIN PERMIT PENALTY, DUPLICATE PERMIT CARDS, PERMIT REFUNDS, CHANGE OF CONTRACTORS AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Collier County Fire Prevention and Building Construction Codes provide that the Board of County Commissioners shall establish, by resolution, a schedule ot permit and inspection fees; and, WHEREAS, a schedule ot permit and inspection fees was established by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County by Resolution No. 91-642; and WHEREAS, a permit and inspection fee needs to be established by the Board of County Commissioners for a Convenience Permit; and WHEREAS, an administrative fee needs to be established by the Board of County Commissioners for requests of Change of contractors; and WHEREAS, to help insure that proper permits are obtained prior to construction, ths penalty for failure to obtain a permit needs to be established by the Board of County Commissioners at four times the regular permit fee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: 1. This Resoluticn is adopted pursuant to the authority vested in the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, (1) lOOK 000 '1',' 26 MARCH 2. 1993 Florida, by Section 3 of Chapter 67-1233, Laws of Florida, and Sections 125.01(1) and 125.56(2), Florida statutes. 2. The Board hereby declares that the Schedule of Permit and Inspection Fees, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference sets forth fair and reasonable sums to be assessed to those who receive the benefits of plan review, clerical activities, inspections and other benefits provided through the County permitting process. The attached Schedule of Permit and Inspection Fees is hereby adopted and approved in its entirety. 3. Resolution No. 91-642 is hereby superseded by this Resolution. ~. This Resolution shall become effective March 1, 1993 upon its adoption by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. DATr;r}/~~/?/3 ATTESTEb: .' .', ~ Board Of County Commissioners COlli~~county, Florid~ BY: j/4,-I/ #4 BURT L. SAUNDERS, Chairman , -::~n :; B~~""n_' vC ~~~~WIGHT E./B , CLERK f.! _ . ~ '. Approved as to form and l~qal SUfficiency: -I--L--.A a. ~ 2 ~'r Kenneth B. Cuyle , County Attorney (2) IDOl 000 PAC" 27 MARCH 2, 19.93 SCHEDULE OF BUILDING PERMIT AND INSPECTION FEES A) PERMIT APPLICATION FEE A permit application fee ~ill be collected at time of applying for a building permit. The permit application fee will be collected when the plans are submitted for review. The fee will be applied toward the total permit fee. The applicant shall forfeit the application fee if, the application is denied or if the application is approved and the permit is not issued within the time limitation as stated in Section of Collier County Ordinance No. 91-56, as amended. Application fee will he computed as follows: Single family and duplex -$.05 per sq. ft. with minimum of $100.00 Commercial - $.05 per sq. ft. up to 10,000 sq. ft. - $.025 for square footage over 10,000 sq. ft. Maximum fee shall NOT exceed $5,000.00. Minimum fee of $42.00 for each of the fOllowing; plumbing, mechanical (A/C), electrical, fire, and building when applying for additions/alterations. Minimum fee for all other applications = $42.00 The balance of the total permit fee will be collected at the time of issuance of the permit and will include any fee adjustments necessary. B) BUILDING PERMIT FEES The fee for a building permit shall be computed as follows: Such fees shall be either based on the contractor's valuation of construction cost or based on calculated cost of construction as set forth on the attached Building Valuation Data table, whichever is greater. 1) Valuation of construction costs of less than $500.00 _ No permit or fee is required, but construction must comply with all County codes and ordinances. If inspections are required by the Building Official or requested by the applicant, the appropriate fees shall be paid. EXCEPTION: All work .involving structural components and/or fire rated assemblies requires permits and inspections regardless of construction cost, Signs must secure permits as stated in Collier County Ordinance no. 90-114 (SIGN ORDINANCE) 2) Valuation of construction costs of $500.00 through $4,999.99 - A fee of $42.00. (3) 1001 (lOa fA,' 28 MARCH 2, 1993 3) Valuation of construction costs of $5,000.00 through $49,999.99 - A tee ot $19.41 plus $7.76 per thousand dollars, or fraction thereof, of building valuation in excess of $2,000.00. 4) Valuation of construction costs of $50,000.00 through $1,000,000.00 - A fee of $392.01 plus $3.89 per thousand dollars, or fraction thereof, of building valuation in excess of $50,000.00. 5) Valuation of construction costs over $1,000,000.00 _ A fee of $4,087.51 plus $3.11 per thousand dollars, or fraction thereof, of building valuation in excess of $1,000,000.00. C) ELECTRICAL PERKIT FEES The fees for electrical permits for new structures or placement or relocation of structures shall be computed as folloW's: 1) $0.47 per ampere rating of all single phase panelboards. 2) $0.16 per ampere rating for switch or circuit whichever is greater, if item 11 above does not apply. 3) When not a complete installation, all switch and circuit breakers ahead of panelboards shall be computed at $0.16 per ampere. 4) Permit fees for any change in electrical installation shall be computed at the above rates for that portion of new and/or increased fees in existing electrical facilities. 5) The minimum for any electrical permit shall be $42.00 per unit or tenant space. 6) Fifty percent (50\) in additional fee costs shall be added to all above fees for three phase installations. EXCEPTION: Ordinary repairs limited to a $200 value or less may be made without a permit. Repairs must comply with all County Codes and Ordinances. If inspections are required by the Building Official or requested by the applicant the appropriate fees shall be paid. D) PLUMBING PERMIT FEES The following fee calculations shall be applied separately when the permit involves mixed occupancies 1) Residential occupancies: The fee for a plumbing permit shall be computed at the rate of $42.00 to be charged for each living unit with one to three bathrooms. An additional fee of $12.00 will be assessed for each additional bathroom. 2) Nonresidential occupancies: The fee for a plumbing permit shall be computed by the following methods, whichever is (4 ) lOOK 000 Cl" 20 MARCH 2, 1993 calculated to be the greatest fee: a) The rate ot $4.00 per 425 square feet of floor area, or fraction thereof; or b) Institutional facilities, hospital, schools, restaurants and repairs in any occupancy classification shall be charged at the rate of $0.68 per fixture unit; or c) Minimum of $42.00 for each occupancy or tenant space. 3} Grease traps: An additional fee of $42.00 shall be assessed for each grease trap. 4) The cost for retrofit piping shall be computed at the minimum fee of $42.00 per floor for each main riser. 5) The cost of a permit for lawn sprinkler systems shall be computed using the dollar valuation as shown under Section A of this Resolution. 6) The minimum plumbing permit fee shall be $42.00. E) XECHANICAL PERMIT PEES The following fee calculations shall be applied separately when the permit involves mixed occupancies. 1) Residential occupancies: The mechanical permit fees shall be computed at the rate of $42.00 for each living unit up to three tons of air conditioning. Each additional ton or part thereof shall be $4.00 per ton. 2) Nonresidential occupancies: The mechanical permit fees shall be computed by one of the following methods, whichever is calculated to be the greatest fee: a) The rate of $42.00 for the first three tons of air conditioning per tenant space, each additional ton of air conditioning or horsepower shall be $4.00; or b) The rate of $4.00 per 425 square feet of floor area, or fraction thereof. 3) A permit for the change out of components shall be calculated at the above mechanical permit fee rate or the minimum fee whichever is greater. 4) The cost for retrofit piping shall be computed at the minimum fee of $42.00 per floor for each Cooling tower, or $42.00 for the first 3 horsepower and $4.00 for each additional horsepower, whichever is greater. 5) The minimum mechani.:al permit fee shall be $42.00. P) PLAHHABLE COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID STORAGE TANK/GAS PERMIT PEES 1) FLAMMABLE OR COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID TANKS The fee for each flammable or combustible liquid tank shall be calculated at thirty-nine dollars ($39.00) for the first 5,000 gallons of gross water capacity of the (5) 1 lOOK 000 PI,! 30 MARCH 2, 1993 tank and an additional sixteen dollars ($16.00) for each additional 20,000 gallons of gross water capacity of the tank or fraction thereof. 2) LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM (L.P.) GAS _ The permit fee for tanks or tank systems greater than 24 gallon capacity or 100 pounds liquefied petroleum (L.P.) gas capacity shall be $42.00 with an additional sixteen dollars ($16.00) for each additional 20,000 gallons of capacity or fraction thereof. 3) The minimum gas permit fee shall be forty-two dollars ($42.00) . EXCE?TION: Permitted installations that use a tank exchange service need not apply tor additional permits to exchange empty tanks for full tanks if the tank size or system capacity is not increased. G) FIRE paZVENTION PERMIT FEES The following fees shall be applicable to each permit: 1) For buildings less than 75 feet in height at the eaves, the fee shall he $0.012 per square foot of gross floor area. 2) For buildings 75 feet in height at the eaves or higher, the fee shall be $0.017 per square foot of gross floor area. 3) For Fire Sprinkler Systems, the fee shall be $0.58 per sprinkler head. 4) For exhaust hoods a minimum fee of $32.00 shall be assessed per hood. 5) For Hood Suppression Systems/Spray Extinguishing Systems, the fee shall be $5.00 per sprinkler or spray head. 6) For Fire Hydrants the fee shall be $23.00 for each initial installation. 7) The minimum fire prevention permit fee shall be $32.00. EXCEPTIONS: I) Detached one and two family dwellings are exempt from fire prevention permit fees. 2) Permits that do not present a fire protection concern, i.e., swimming pools, concrete decks, radio transmission towers, etc., are exempt from fire pr lvention permit fees. H) KOBILE HOKE/OFFICE TRAILER AND OTHER TRAILER PERMIT FEES 1) The permit fee shall be $43.00 to set-up a single-wide trailer or mobile home on an approved site plus (6) IDOl 000 CAI' 31 MARCH 2, 1993 electrical, plumbing, mechanical and fire protection fees as applicable. The permit fee shall be $62.00 to set-up a double wide or larger mobile home on an approved site plus electrical, plumbing, mechanical and fire prutection fees as applicable. I) CJIICltEES AHD SIMILAR STRt:lCTORES The permit fee will be based upon a calculated cost of construction of $5.00 per square foot under roof or the contractor's estimated cost of construction, whichever is greater. The fee will then be calculated in accordance with Section B ot this Resolution. Additional permit fees for electric, plumbing, mechanical, fire, etc., will be charged when applicable. 2 ) J) POOL OR SPA PERMIT FEES 1) The fee shall be $93.00 for construction of each public pool or spa. 2) The fee shall be $62.00 for construction of each private pool or spa. K) SCREElI ElICLOSORE PERHIT , PAN ROOF FEES Construction costs shall be calculated as follows: 1) Screen ROof $2.75 per sq. ft. of floor area. 2) Pan Roof $4.00 per sq. ft. of floor area. J) Existing Roof--- $2.50 per sq. ft. of floor area. (Screen Walls Only) The screen enclosure or roof fee will then be calculated in accordance with Section A of this Resolution. L) Sign Parait Faa. Sign permit fees will be calculated in accordance with both; Section A) Building Permit Fees and Section 5) Electrical Permit Fees (if applicable) The minimum sign permit fee shall be $42.00. K) "CONVENIENCE PERMIT :FEES" Convenience Permits are issued in blocks of 10 each. Only licensed contractors are eligible to purchase Convenience permits. Convenience Permits are limited to the use specified on the permit. The fee for a book of 10 Convenience Permits is $300.00 X) "REVISION" AND liAS BUILT" PLAN REVIEW FEES 1) PERMIT AND PLAN REVISIONS The fee for each permit revision submitted after permit issuance shall be calculated using fee schedules outlined in Sections A through :F above. The minimum permi.t fee for revisions to permitted projects shall be $42.00. 2) AS BUILT PLANS (7) ODO Pl'" 32 1001 MARCH 2, 1993 The fee for "As Built" plan review shall be ten (10) percent of the original building permit fee or $150.00, whichever is greater, but shall not exceed $500.00. The fee is intended to cover the cost of reviewing amended building plans in the office to determine that change orders and various field changes are in compliance with. the minimum construction and fire codes of Collier County. The following are required for As-Built drawings review: a) An it~mized list of all changes made after permit plan approval. b) AS-Built plans that have all changes made after permit plan approval "clouded", c) As-Built plans and changes shall be signed and sealed by the engineer and/or architect of record. 3) PERMITS REQUIRED Permits will be required to make corrections to any deficiencies found. This fee shall be paid prior to plan review. 0) PERMIT EXTENSION The filing fee for each permit extension shall be equal to 10\ of the original ~uilding permit fee or $100.00, whichever is greater. but shall not exceed $500.00. The filing fee is intended to cover the cost of reviewing existing or amended building plans to determine and verify code compliance. P) DEMOLITION OF BUILDING OR STRUCTURE PERMIT FEES The permit fee shall be $42.00 for the demolition of any building or structure. Q) PRE-MOVING INSPECTION FEES The fee shall be $150.00 for the Pre-Moving inspection of any building or structure. R) INSPECTION FEES A charge of $23.00 per inspection shall be assessed for inspections for which a permit is not necessary. S) REINSPECTION FEES Reinspections of any type shall result in an additional fee of $16.00 per inspection for the first reinspectian, $31.00 for the second reinspection and $39.00 f r the third and each successive reinspection. T) FAILURE TO _'BTAIN A .?ERMIT Where work for whict-I a permit is required is started or proceeded with pri~r to obtaining said permit, the fees herein specified Ehall be four times the regular fee not to exceed $1000.00 fer permits costing $250.00 and less. The penalty for fuilure to obtain a permit when one is required (8) IOOl 000 'j'" 33 MARCH 2, 1993 having a cost greater than $250.00 shall be two times the regular amount. The payment of such fee shall not relieve any person from fully complying with the requirements of any applicable construction code or ordinance in the execution of the work, or from any penalty prescribed within any construction code, law or ordinance of Collier County. U) DUPLICATE PERMIT CARDS The fee shall be $42.00 for the issuance of a duplicate permit card for whatever reason. V) CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTORS To record a change of contractor or subcontractor, on a permit that has been issued, the fee shall be $42.00, this fee includes the issuance of a new permit card. W) PERMIT FEE REFUNDS 50% of the fees charged other than the application fee under this Resolution may be refunded if so requested, in writing, by the owner or his authorized agent provided that a permit was issued and construction was never started and the refund is applied for prior to the cancellation of the permit. ;~O! UOU'I;, 34 (9)