Resolution 1997-47912(;1 12-16-97 RESOLUTION NUMBER DEVELOPMENT ORDER 97-479 97-5 A RESOLUTION AMENDING DEVELOPMENT ORDER 87-1, AS AMENDED, FOR THE TWELVE LAKES DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT {DRI), BY PROVIDING FOR; SECTION ONE A, AMENDING THE PHASING SCHEDULE BY EXTENDING THE TIMES FOR COMPLETION OF EACH PHASE AND REDUCING THE NUMBER OF UNITS IN EACH PHASE; SECTION ONE B, AMENDING OTHER SECTIONS WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT ORDER RELATING TO THE REQUIRED DATE FOR COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION AND PERIOD OF TIME EXEMPT FROM DOWN-ZONING; SECTION ONE C, AMENDING SECTION 3, TRANSPORTATION, TO UPDATE ITS PROVISIONS; SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT WHICH INCLUDES A REDUCTION IN COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT INTENSITY; SECTION THREE, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW; SECTION FOUR, EFFECT OF PREVIOUSLY ISSUED DEVELOPMENT ORDER, TRANSMITTAL TO DCA AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, approved development Order 87-1, which approved a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) known as Twelve Lakes on February 10, 1987; and WHEREAS, as a result of changes requested by the Department of Community Affairs, the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution Number 87-110, which amended the Twelve lakes Development Order, on May 19, 1987; and WHEREAS, the Application for Development Approval (ADA) was incorporated into and by reference made a part of the Development Order; and WHEREAS, the real property which is the subject of the Development Order is legally described and set forth in Exhibit "A" to the Development Order; and WHEREAS, the owners of the DRI property desire to: 1. Extend the date by which physical development is to begin. 2. Modify the proiect phase dates. 3. Extend the dates until which down-zoning, density reduction, or intensity reduction shall not occur 4. Reduce the permitted residential and commercial development intensity, and to 5. Update the Transportation Conditions; and WHEREAS, William R. Vines, of Vines and Associates, Inc., representing Words ~h'~ are additions; Words ~t~ .... ~-- - u,.,. ~,,,uu~h are deletions. Richard K. Bennett, Trustee, NationsBank Land Trust #5222, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida to amend the Development Order; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Planning Commission has reviewed and considered the report and recommendations of the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (SWFRPC) and held public hearings on the petition on September 4, 1997 and November 20, 1997, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County has reviewed and considered the reports of the SWFRPC and the Collier County Planning Commission and held a public hearing on the petition on December 16, 1997. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that: ~ECTION ONE: AMENDMENT OF DEVELOPMENT ORDER A. The Phasing Schedule of the Application for Development Approval, Exhibit "B" to the Development Order 87-1, as amended, for Twelve Lakes is hereby amended to read as follows: Total Please D_uca/JoJ3 Dwelling Units C&~:t~F, JA[_ALP~ I ~'~Q2~ 2G~25.0 0 H ~2,0103~2.0~ --2e-725o o III ~~Q05~2006 ~012'Q0 11.25 v ~2009~20.~0 ~O~ !50 0 Buildout Total ;,31CT;0~ 11.25 Note: Each of the above listed phase end dates terminate on D~-ntmf-SeMaY.i~3 8, of the listed year. B. Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 7 of an untitled Section of Development Words ~i~_ are additions; Words st~ are deletions. Order 87-1, as amended, for Twelve Lakes is hereby amended to read as follows: 3. The Development Order shall remain in effect for the duration of the proioct. However, in the event that significant physical development has not commenced within Collier County within ten {10}thirteen [13) years, development approval will terminate and this Development Order shall no longer be effective. For purposes of this requirement "significant physical development" does not include roads, drainage or landscaping but does include construction of buildings or installation of utilities and facilities such as sewer and water lines. This time period may be extended by the Board of County Commissioners upon request by the Developer in the event that uncontrollable circumstances delay the commencement of development. 7. The Board of County Commissioners agrees that this project shall not be subiect to down-zoning, until density reduction or intensity reduction for a period of ten {10)thittee'n'ii!(!3) years from the date of approval of this proiect, unless the local government can demonstrate that substantial changes in the conditions underlying the approval of the Development Order was based on substantially inaccurate information provided by the Developer, or that the change is clearly established by local government to be essential to the public health, safety or welfare. C. Section 3, "Transportation", of Development Order 87-1, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: 3. TRANSPORTATION: Traffic generated by Twelve Lakes DRI, when combined with other growth in the area, will necessitate improvements to SR 84 (Davis Boulevard)j Rai~liO:RO'~id, Saiita;Ba'rbara Boulevard and County Barn Rbad if adopted level of service "C" conditions are to be maintained. The County has adopted a Ruad,,,,~a~.t .... ;'~ Ordinance ~u,u.,a,..~ ,,uu-,.,u~ and any amendment thereto, foeo,, ........... u~v.,u~,,~ent at Twelve ...... ~o~. Thase impact f~o, tooetheF v.,th that ~u, uu,, ~, ~a$o',i~e taxes and genecatod from the proiect, and programmed for road ;mprovements, together with .............. ' ........... coc, U,~ut~ons ~pecified ~ - a transpo~at~on ' ,,,,po~,~ reasonablyo,,, .......... ,~,au,~'- to the development. ...................... pp:~t successors, ~,,o,FFo~ ,[, proportionateo,,a,~ u,-' the improvement5 c, eed~d to male, rain ................. segmec, t~ of State Road 04 ~qulred by t,he developer; Regional Conditions: The:aPplicant or his successors or assigns shall be fully responsible for site~telated roadway and3ritersection! improvements required within.the ~Welve;!Lakes::.DRI; The applicant shall be required to pay ItS p:op'ortiOnate:/sharelof~:;:.the 'COst for any intersection improvements (including but not limited to signalization, turn lanes and additional Words ~haded are additions; Words ~t,u-~k through are deletions. through lanes) found to be necessary by the Collier County Transportation Department or the Florida Department of Transportation for the project's access intersections onto Davis Boulevard ani:[;Radib Road throughout all phases of the development. The site acces~!j:)'bih't~ Shall.be IdcateSand developed c6nslstent,wlth Coll[erlCountY'S';br:tli~ Fldrlsa Departi~ient of:TransPbrtatlon's',access management starida'rd~ a nd 'pe rrnit '~e ~ul ri~e'nts; Adequate commitments shall be made b'~.;COlller CountYior~theaj3'pl~i".rit a$;~peCifi~d:h~i;~in to provide the total improvements, including limtted ~o right-of-way, signalization, turn lanes, and other improvements deemed necessary bY~COllle~/~C~U~?0~;:the :Florida,' Depa~'~t'~ .... h' ~ ............. ~,~ ~ah'~portatioh to maintain t e;~-;ad0pted Level of Service "C", uo,,~ on the roadways and intersections significantly impacted by this DRI development through its buildout. d ' pact .............. g 'f' ~'-= ~- DOT -- ...... the a~rr,[Gg .~,,,=u ~6 3~ ~,,u~u.,~= [The following roadways and intersections are expected to be ~~ignifiCaQtly impacted by this development { %~:Of~t e;~8op[8~::ieWl'of se~ ce capa'cl~ ;'of tSe adopted level ~t~'da~d~prlor to ProJebt~ ;t'~ buildout. ~Roadways: SR84 fDavis Boulevard] Airport-Pulling Road to Kings Way Kings Way to County Barn Road County Barn Road to Santa Barbara Boulevard Santa Barbara Boulevard to Twelve Lakes south entrance Twelve Lakes south entrance to TWelve Lakes north entrancec-R Radio Road to (CR 951) Isles of Capri Road CR 856 (Radio Road) Akpor~ '" , ~, ..... u ,,'~o,~ ~o K~rigs Way I~"IU.~ ''oy to .Santa Oarbara~,~.~,~ ~ .......... Santa Barbara Boulevard to Twelve Lakes Entrance County Barn Road Davis Boulevard to Rattlesnake Hammock Road Words ~§~de'd. are additions; Words ............... ~L,u~. LJ.UU.~,, are deletions. 4 Santa Barbara Boulevard GOlden. Gate Parkwa~.'ito .Ri~ll0'ROad Intersections: Davis Boulevard at CR 951 Davis Boulevard at Radio Road Davis Boulevard at Santa Barbara Davis Boulevard at County Barn Road Davis Boulevard at Kings Way Davis Boulevard at Airport-Pulling Road Airport-Pulling Road at Radio Road Radio Road at Kings Way Radio Road at Santa Barbara Sahta~ {Conifer Co~,~ty} Met~opo;;tar, P~ar,~n~ Orgar,~za~or,. ~DOT. DCA. and co~,m;tt~d fur, d~r,~, or p:~r,r, ed ........................ assur~ ........ .... ~h ~,., Phase5 Il t,,rou V. ~-,,,~ report .,,,--'" b~ equ,valent to ar, uFu~o t,he applic~,t's ADA ~soess,,~ent of Quest;on 31 ~n the q~est;onn~ffes, documec, t;~ cobb, it.,er, ts ;n approved p,u~,o,,,~ tu ,u,,u ,utu[~ ,uau,,av i~,prove~ef, ts requ;red ~ -'-- Phasea " gh V. :PrreTiming for the initiation of the improvements outlined in recommendations "b" above shall be made at the time that a road segment/intersection is found to exceed the level of service standard adOpted, in the local comprehe'ns[ve Plan"C" o,-, a,-, averaoe da;:¢ basis. Service level determination shall be made by the appropriate County Department or FDOT. To determine the existing levels of service on regional facilities and the need for the improvements in a timely manner. the applicant shall submit an annual monitoring report to the Collier County Transportation Department, th~Flbtida Department of Comi'nunity Aff~irs.i.'{DCA)0: FDOT and the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council for review. The first monitoring report shall be submitted one year after the issuance of the amende'diD.eVelopment Orderfirst peCn-,i[s for Twelve Lakes. Reports shall be submitted annually until buildout of the project. At a minimum, this report shall contain: trafffc counts and turn;n~ n~oven-,er, ts 'to~=,"--, a~ the access poic,~5 to t,%e $;[~ aL each of the ',,,t=, a=,.t,u,,~' .... ,,~tou? .... above in recom~-,er, da[ion PM:peakJhour tu!:nln~ mo~bmbrit.i:c0unts at all site access points OntiS?.,.!.Dii'~l~:..E!6o!e~a'[di.~'hd!;i~iRedio''. Road:; and'i, the off,site inta'rsectlohs' !dent!fled itn:dOndit[ori. 3. b; abOVe. ii: Estimated existlng levels of service'at the Intersections and on the road segments' identified in C0ndition 3:b. above. Words ~!~'~ide'd are additions; Words ~ are deletions. 5 iii. Estimated future.levels, bf ser~lceat the intersections and on the road segments- identified In ~C0nd[tion 3.b. above, based on'a one year pt0]ectlon of fbtU~elv'010rne~~. iv. An estimate of the prolect~s existing trip generation. The ArinUal Update end InVent0~. R~port (AUIR) referenced in condition 3;g~haU bo subsflfuled, fof f, he-e~mafe' of ex~stlng ~els of sea;on the ~n~red roadW~ In the event thatno residential dwelling units are occupied within.the DRl,~.~'a".'~l~tt~i~:~doddi~ieh'ti~g~'~h'e~i'd(~g~l~pment i' status', on'~site ~nSl'de'red an"§~C~l~table~'~'epl~'e~nt~it'5~'the 'above traffic:'monit0rlng.f0r that ~ear: The 'a hove traffic, monit0i~i~f~"i teport;~.ih.'.cOmbination with UPdatelend IhVento'r~ Re~O'rt"'(AtJ!R) ?(~fe'fe"nced in C0hditlon rePreSent~ thO"annual tr§ffi~~i~'bhit~rii~'g3~e,qulrements for TWelve LaE~'~ The purpose of the monitoring report shall be to indicate when the adopted LOS "C" is expected to be exceeded on impacted roadways and/or intersections and to provide updated information to more accurately forecast proiect buildout traffic and total traffic for determination of proportional share and to show the significance of impact of the DRI on the impacted roadways. Based on the staff transportation assessment, construction of the following road improvements b~Ec'~'e~t~ble alternatives shall be needed prior to, or coincident with, the development of Twelve Lakes DRI if ad0~'~ed level of service "C" conditions are to be maintained throu'l~h b~ildb0t:?(201.0)~!'!0~i~'~Ignlf[~:~ritf~'~?~Irn~acted roadWay segments-!'ahd intersections. Regional Roadways (including intersection improvements) Phase I (1992-200288--~t9~) ~n~a D~rbara No significant improvements due to Twelve Lakes DRI ero anticipated. Phase II (1993-20046-9--1-99-2) No significant ~ improve- ments due to Twelve Lakes DRI are anticipated. Phase III (1994-200691-1gg4) SR 84 (Davis Blvd.) Widen to foursix lanes with a median from Airport-Pulling Road ,,,,,u~ Way; mad;an from ' ..... ;;'ay to County Barn Road. Widen to four lanes with a Words shaded are additions; Words ,~,u,.,~ ~;~uu~j~ are deletions. Phase IV (19~t,~2D08C3-I CCC) SR 84 (Davis Blvd.) Phase V (1 County Barn Road Words l~:r,~ are additions; Words ~ are deletions, median from Radio Road to CGR 951. Widen to four lanes with a median from ~[.~{J~[~ Twelve Lakes entrance to,,ou,u"" from Santa Road may requ;r~ ~E;~i;¢;: R~a ~,. ~,~,, ,,y Darn presently operates at LOG A, ,however w[th a d~gradat;on ;r, LOS on Dav;~ County Dam ,qoad co~:d Radl0 ROad. ............. by FDOT'; --~ ~b) ~f ~uch prog(a,-r,n-,ed lmprovemer, t is de:~ed fforr, sam five yea~ ,,,~ y-ear~ pa~ ......... ,,,,,,u~, the ~tart of construcbon of pr~or t~he cor, strucdo,~ of ~he progra~,~,ed l,,~prove,,~e,~t; ther, - '~ ..... '-' ~ ..... '-- -~-" be ........ have ........ that th6 a~,er, ded develop~,enZ order ~ o~ths ........... that - ~ubsta tJat ~,,a pFOpOFtiOr, aJ 5har6 uf COSt ~fao,u .... ,uauvv~y a=~,~,u,,~ Of address;r,g the sta[u~ of t,he r, eeded road,~ay lmprovemer, t~, arm the step~ r, eeded ,~ ......,,,,~,=,,,=,,, ti,ese ~rr, prove~nt~. The ~vMed that ~he amended deve:opmer, t or, e year of theuat= .... the *uu~ta, .................................. .... b~ ....... C The applicant shall midgate its impacts on the regional and local roadway and lnte'rsections identified herein as follows: The appliCant shall make'the site related improvements specified in 3,a; hereof, ii. Th~ 'aPl~licant'sha'll;~p~aV~!t'S;: P(d~'[on§te share'; of intersection l~l~rovet:nehts af its ~bcess':P0i~t§!te:PObliC"i~da'dwaYs"sPeCtfii~d in iii, The: applicant shall.i.:be:.: subject: to ali lawfUlly adopted transportation ImpaCt fees; iv. The:applicant shall be sub]ect, to:the Concurrency Management System of the COunty as set forth; herein, f. The regional roadWay segments and int~rSeCtlons on which this proiect Words shaded are additions; Words ,,., u. ~ ,., ,, uuu,, are deletions. 8 12{;1 has significant impacts~ a~el Wh011Y,~lthTi~',the jddSdictlon of Collier CountY forP Urpb'Ses Of 'cOni::urreh'dy"~'~a'~i'~g'e'l~l','~i't:~ i.. The CounW has made'the decision to'.'plati for and manag'~"tl~ii!~'~abt~:ii'~f this DRI through its duly adoptedC0m~)rehensive plah';~:.!;~h"ei~.i~'~:~tY~ has' consldered the regiohal roadway Segments and re[ji0r~§! '~6-bdwa~ intersections set forth in 3:b, he~eof, and haS:'determined to?a~qi~ite the Project to be subject to and to c0mp[y With the ConcurrenCy!~Management System (CMS) of Collier County as adOPted in, its GrOWth. Management Plan and implemented bY the'Adequate Public Facllitles:'Ordir~ariCe'.~(APF) Ordinance No. 93-82, 'as amended~'~:~:After.due C0nsldei~atiiSlho'f~tt~'~.'bltematives, the CountY has determined 'thAfto 7eqUire~c~'jJli~i:~b~e i~]tl~'~o'ncurrenCy as ma ndated by the lCMS2in,addi~lon t0' the 0~he~,imitljjatt~ns required in 3.f, hereOf;iS the apP'~optlate.~va¥' t0 accomm'od~ate'.'[he~impacts of this project and to assure that tran~P0rtatlon'fa'Cilltli~ 'ar~ Prisvlded conCurrently wlth"tl-ie transportation impacts of this Proiect. The Adequate Public. Facilities'iOrdinance {APF} requires the GroWth Management Director,.to complete ~'aniAnnual Update and Invehtoi'y RepOrt (AUIR),bYiAugbst,.~lSt',iOfie'ach.~at.!,'on roads and public facilities based 'od ~the~'~do'Pted'le'~el"0f ~'~ici)~Thi~iCoUntyShall provlde'wlthii~ fifteen (15) days Of pUblicatl~h.'eabh:¥e'at~"a copy of said AUIR regionall facilities'.Set ~fOrth in"3ob: !t0~the':SOuthWest FIorlda Regi0'h'~l Planning Council and the Florida l DePartment of Community 'Affairs (DCA). The. Board of County CommisSioners is required by the APF to establish Areas of. Significant. lnfluence!(ASl) around any .road segment interseCtion'which.is Operating at'an~Uhacceptable level of service (LOS) or'IS~p~0]e~ted~t0 0perate"a~,a~'~i'na'~t~[I/I. OS and is inet scheduled~f6r Impi;ov~'ent.{~ih.!i;th~.ic~'p~t'~!i~il~jS't.~b~'~n~ent 'Element. {CIE) 0f?;~'the Comprehensive Plan in e~ manner and fi/~i~ Which would provide facilities Concurrent with the;ImPacts ~{>f?dev~lOpment pursuant to the"APF; Prelects within the boundaries'Of'an ASl:are, with a few excepttonsnot relevant herein, prohibited from obtaining further Certificates of Public Facility Adequacy that would allow impacts to exceed the remaining capacity, if any,' of these road' segments 'or additional impacts to thee deficient or potentially'deficient:~facllity, The applicant shall notify SWFRPC and DCA within five (5) :Worklng days after receipt of notice of a pUblic hearing to determine'the boundaries of any ASI on any facilities listed In Section 3.b. hereof. If any of the road segments identified in this paragraph 3.b. become deficient, the County shall establish an Area of Significant Influence around such segment pursuant to criteria set forth in the APF. j. In addition to the provisions of the Collier County APF Ordinance: The Twelve Lakes Development of Regional Impact is subject to the specified requirements Of:.:the' Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance No. 96-53, as',that O~dinance existed!on.the effective date hereof. Any amend~ent::~O',the transportatt0n;ilportions 'of that' OrdinanCe by COllier c0'unty ~hall not be effectlvi~ or applied to the DRI unless and until this Development Order is amended to incorporate and render applicable'such changes or amendments to the APF Ordinance. ii. in the event that Collier County designates an ASI around a deficient road. segment~that'IsyPredicted to be substantially Words shaded are additions; Words struck through are deletions. 9 Impacted by Twelve LakeSi':end the ASI does not Include this DRI, then'the'applicant Sha!l b~'t'{~(Jlted ~to filea Ndt~c~0f Chaifi~§:5'f this~.~'D~Velopment~ ;-O~d~'~;~it~ii~"COlI[ar County';~,~the"' Sb0thwe-~t FI0rlda~ ::Reglonal ~ pla'i~ning;;~:cbbncil, ? end the '!~ Departrne"~t~.i3~f Community AffairS, putsuant'tO'Subsectlon 380,06{1 StatuteS, The applicant shall file 'a' Noticeof Change within Sixty {60) frb'm.'the!date the'.C0Unwici~e§te~!~n'~ASI for such 'a' cleficieht! seg~h~nt'that eXclude Sil;th'eDRl~l~e:.applrCant'shall ifile'~igith~.t~ii NOtlCO'~0f. Chance a~ Cgti~re'i~t".ti~affi~,iah~lysls~ arid ~0th'er~iinfo'rrh~tl~ii attempting tO: establiSh=r:thati~th~'~DRI Is'~not having: ImpactluPOn the'~artlfferit~.tO~d'i'~g~ffient,"ot other ]uStifiCatib'~f the'Cobr~W's exclbslbri'/i3fl th~ .DRIi from the' ASl.'i~r' If a'n'~AS[~1~ established for any deficient road Segment listed in Paragraph of this Development Oi, derthat'~0eS not include the Twelve [:al(es DRI, the DRI' shall!:n0t aP'j~l?!=:for or be issued any."further Certificates of Public FaClllW Adequacy until: (1).the Change decision is rnadebYColller County, if neither DCA~hor SWFRPC Participates~;iln=.the"~pUblic hearing on this Notice'~of Change.pursuant to,Subsectioh!380.06(19](f}, Florida St~tdtes; and the change isad0pted byCOllier County, as proposed; oE"(2) if a written objection .v~as filed bY' either DCA or SWFRPC,'until the deadline for any appeal of the Collier County decision has expired pursuant to Section 380.07, Florida 'Statutes, and no appeal has been filed. iV. For purposes of this Development Order, the DRI sh~ll be deemed to have a significant impact upon a deficient road segment if its traffic impacts exceed five Percent (5%) of the peak hour, peak season adopted level of service capacity of the roadway. Vo The County shall provide the requisite public notice and hold a public hearing on the Notice of Change as expeditiously as possible. Following a public hearing, Collier County shall amend the DRI Development Order to record its determination whether or not the DRI is having a substantial impact upon the deficient road segment or otherwise should not be included within an ASI for the deficient road segment. In making this determination, the CountY.shall include the impacts resulting from all development to occur pursuant to the Certificates of Public Facility Adequacy previously issued to the::DRl. The amendment of this Development Order is appealable pursuant to Subsection 380.06(19) and Section 380.07, Florida Statutes. vi. If neither DCA nor SWFRPC objects in writing to the Notice of Chance pursuant to Subsection 380.06(19)(f}, Florida Statutes, and the change Is adoPted by. Collier County as proposed, the DRI may be issUed Certificate~ of P~ublic Facility Adequacy following the County's DeVelopment Orde~ decision. If either DCA or SWFRPC submits'a wrltten 0biection to the Notice of Proposed Change prior to the public hearing, the applicant shall not apply for or be issued Certificates of Public Facility Adequacy until the deadline for any appeal of the Collier County decision has expired pursuant to Section 380.07, Florida Statutes, and no appeal has been filed. Collier County and the applicant may consider other options to provide Words shaded are additions; Words s'h'oci~-h'~ are deletions. 10 adequate, commitments '; f0r 'needed i improvements to transportation facilities $'et*~fOrth in 3.b. hereof;~provided that said options meet the following criteria: The transportation impacts to.the.roads and intersections outlln~d herein shall be addressed consistent with SWFRPC policies and said options or mitigative'measures shall be adopted~ln accordance with Sectlons.'163;3220, Florida Statutes;'i'.Which requires a'Local Government' Development Agreement ~and~a commitment by the applicant'and/or the local government?t~i insure concurrency on all significantly impacted regional toads; ii. Any such option shall only be implemented after a Notice of Change procedure as outlined aboVe. Local Conditions: The developer shall be bound by the phasing schedule in the ADA insofar as it calls for the development to proceed ~-thefrom north s~de to south (beginning near Radio RoadRad~o) and not provide access to Davis Boulevard prior to development of ~Phase 3f. bo All parcels abutting the main collector road and having direct access to it shall have self contained turn around areas or circular driveways so as not to require vehicles to be backed into the right-of-way. The residential sites located along the principal street between Davis Boulevard and Radio Road should be limited to the number of driveway access points (maximum of one drive every two hundred feet). (The proposed layout could possibly permit one drive every 40 to 60 feet on a collector street.) Co The main collector road shall be constructed to collector road standards as provided in the Subdivision Regulations. d .e~-. The developer shall provide between 20 and 35 feet of additional right- of-way (the exact amount to be determined when right-of-way permits are applied for) along the south side of Radio Road and the north side of Davis Boulevard for drainage improvements, bike paths and appropriate turn lanes to serve the proiect. These improvements {b-de above) are considered "site related" as defined in Ordinance 85-55-92-22, as amended, and shall not be applied as credits toward any impact fees required by that ordinance. A sidewalk/bike path should be provided along the entire frontage of Davis Boulevard and Radio Road. Subject to FDOT approval, the developer shall provide a sidewalk/bike path within the right-of-way and abutting the south/north boundary of the property. If existing right-of- way is not adequate for construction of said sidewalk/bike path, as determined by the County Engineer and/or FDOT, the developer, his successors or his assigns shall provide such right-of-way or easement as is necessary. Sidewalk/bike path will not be required until a sidewalk/bike path network is existing and provides pedestrian/bicycle transportation to useful places within the area as determined by the Words shaded are additions; Words struck th,-ough are deletions. 11 County Engineer. Construction of the sidewalk/bike path will not be required by the developer if it is constructed as part of FDOT's improvements to Davis Boulevard {SR-84). Prior to approval of the final phase of construction, if the sidewalk/bike path has not been constructed, the developer shall provide the necessary right-of-way or easement and, at his option, construct the sidewalk/bike path, or post a bond in the amount deemed necessary by the County Engineer to insure the sidewalk/bike path will be constructed, or make payment to the County for the cost of sidewalk/bike path improvements at the current cost of construction as determined by the County Engineer. If the latter is chosen~ the County would then be responsible for construction as part of a County-wide program. A street connection shall be provided to the west property line to connect to Sabal Lakes PUD along the north half of the west property line (approximately 1,900 feet south of Radio Road) as shown on the PUD Master Plan. The streets shall be public. A buffer and additional rear-yard setback shall be provided along those lots abutting Davis Boulevard and Radio Road. SECTION TWO: FINDINGS OF FACT A. That the real property which is the subject of the proposed amendment is legally described as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. Statutes. C. The application is in accordance with Section 380.06(19)0 Florida The applicant submitted to the County a Notice of Change to Previously Approved DRI known as Exhibit B, and by reference made a part hereof. D. The applicant proposes the development of Twelve Lakes on 262.33 acres of land for a residential and commercial development which includes 1,000 dwelling units on 110 acres, 112,500 square feet of leasable commercial floor area on 11.25 acres, and approximately 141 acres of other uses, including parks/opon space, golf course and associated facilities, wetland preserve and lakes. E. A comprehensive review of the impact generated by the proposed changes to the previously approved development has been conducted by the County's departments and the SWFRPC. F. The development is not in an area designated an Area of Critical State Words sh~de'~ are additions; Words str,~ck thro,~gh are deletions. 12 concern pursuant to the provisions of Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, as amended. G. The proposed changes to the previously approved Development Order fall within the parameters for extensions of buildout pursuant to Subsection 380.06(1 O) (e)2., Florida Statutes. SECTION THREE: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW A. The proposed changes to the previously approved Development Order do not constitute a substantial deviation pursuant to Section 380.06{19}, Florida Statutes. The scope of the development to be permitted pursuant to this Development Order Amendment includes operations described in the Notice of Change to a Previously Approved DRI, Exhibit B, attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. B. The proposed changes to the previously approved development are consistent with the report and recommendations of the SWFRPC. C. The proposed changes to the previously approved development will not unreasonably interfere with the achievement of the objectives of the adopted State Land Development Plan applicable to the area. D. The proposed changes to the previously approved development are consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan and the Development Regulations adopted pursuant thereto, E. The proposed changes to the previously approved Development Order are consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan. A. Except as amended hereby, Development Order 87-1 shall remain in full force and effect, binding in accordance with its terms on all parties thereto. B. Copies of this Development Order <)7-5 shall be transmitted immediately upon execution to the Department of Community Affairs, Bureau of Land and Water Management; and the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council. C. This Development Order shall take effect as provided by law. Words t~l~'~aU are additions; Words -~[~uc~, [~,~oug:-, are deletions. 13 12Ci ' , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. Done this BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN .;]' ,..:'i,,'A?TEST: ,..... .,' ,, ~;" DWIGHT E,' BROCK,. CLERK · -~."- ! :-,. OV ! F M ND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: MARJORIE M. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Words ~,FJ~I~ are additions; Words ~[,-~ck ;~%r~u~h are deletions° 14