Resolution 1995-289 10 D RESOLUTION NO. 95-289 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING RICHARD HEALEY McCORJIICK AND CELIA ELLEN DEIFIK TO THE COLLIER COUllTY CODB ENFORCEHEN'l' BOARD. WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 92-80 provides that the Collisr County Code Entorcement Board shall consist of seven (7) Ilembers; and WHEREAS, the terlll of two members expired on Fellruary 14, 1995; and WHEREAS, the Board of County cOlDllisdoners previously provided public notice soliciting applications trom intersstad parties to fill this vacancy; NOW, THEREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COON'l'Y COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUllTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. Richard Healey MCCorlllick is hereby appcinted to ths Collier County Code Enforcement Board for a terlll of three ysars, said terlll expiring on February 14, 1998. 2. Celia Bllen De1tik is hereby appointed to the Collier County Code Enforcement Board for a terlll of three years, said tsra expiring on February 14, 1998. atter motion, BBcond and majority 1995 BOARD OF COUllTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUllTY, FLORIDA .,,~ ;L /"l.....riB. EWS, CHAt IiN. 1d./kn/5916