Resolution 1995-276 RIlS0IollTIOII 110. 95-276 10 A RIlS0IollTIOII 01' TIll IOUIl 01' COlJJlTY COIIXISIIOXDS 01' COUlD COllJlTY, n.oJlIDA, RIlCOIIXIXDIIICI TO TllII STATII IoIClISIoATllUI THAT JIAl[I1lUJI DISCllllTIOII BI GIVIIII '1'0 TIIII I.OCAI. ~S 1'011 TIIII 17811 01' TOURIS'l' DIIVIII.OPXIlJl'l' 'l'UIIS 1'011 BDCK RIlIIOURISIlIIDl'l' WBIIRDS, Florida Statute, Section 125.0104(5) (A) providee for the use of tourist development taxes for the financing of beach improvement, maintenance, renourishment, restoration and erosion control, including shore line protection, enhancement clean-up or restoration of inland lakee and rivers to which there ie public access. WBIIRDS, the County's Tourist Development Plan adopted by County Ordinance No. 92-60 allocates the use of touriet development tax.. as tollows: 1. Sixty percent (60t) to finance beach improvement, maintenance, renourishment, restoration and erosion control, including pase and inlet maintenance; and 2. Forty percent (40t) to promote and advertise County tourism within the state of Florida, nationally end internationally, which encourages tourism with an emphaeie on off-sea eon visitors to Collier County; and WBIIRDS, the State Legislature is considering amending the statute concerning the use of tourist development taxes. IIOW, TIlIIRII'ORI, BII IT RIlSOIoVllD BY 'l'B1l BOARD 01' COllJlTY COIIXISSIOIIDS .e fOllo.e, 1. Collier County recommends and urges that local governments be afforded maximum diecretion in the uee of touriet development taxes for the purposes set forth in Section 125.0104(5) of the Florida statutes and that no cap be placed on the amount of tourist tax funde that can be used for any of euch renourishment. r';~ 1995 by the on County Attorney