Resolution 1995-263 RESOWTIOII NO. 95 -263 16E 3 A RESOWTION APPROVING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR A LUNCHEON TO RECOGNIZE RECAP (REDUCE COSTS OF ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONllEL) EllPLOYEES PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS or COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 87-5 lIBICH ESTABLISHED THAT PERSONNEL RELATED EXPENDITURES ARE VALID AND PROPER FOR COUNTY PURPOSES WIIEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 87-5 states that the Board at County Commissioners shall adopt a Resolution authoriainq the expenditure at County tuneSs tor valid and proper purposes; and WIIEREAS, the Board. ot County Commissioners recoqniz.. the cost etteetiveness at the RECAP (Reduce Coets at Administrative Personnsl) Proqr.... and the positive etteets at the proqrllll in controllinq pereonnel costs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COIIMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby authorizee the expenditure at tunds in an ....ount not to exceed $300.00 tor a luncheon to recoqnize the current RECAP employ.es and the departments utilizinq the RECAP statt. This R.solution adopted arter motion, second and IIBjority vote. DATED: fff/fr ATTEST: DWI~lB\J ~OCK, CLERK ,,'~ ., , t::t,. ... , c/ +, .:: '/ ~ .;~;' .' .-4 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA R~~~ and r-: JJ.jJl:t~1 . eth B. er County Attorney . ,---,.~~- -:..:..~-----