Resolution 1997-446RESOLUTION NO.97- 446 RESOLUTION APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS PETITION CCSL-97-3, REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM TIlE COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SETBACK LINE TO ALLOW FOR MAINTENANCE DREDGING OF WIGGINS PASS AND FOR THE PLACEMENT OF BEACH COMPATIBLE SAND ON THE BEACH AT LELY BAREFOOT BEACH AND DELNOR WIGGINS PASS STATE RECREATION AREAS WHEREAS, llarry Huber, from the Collier County Office of Capital Projects Management. representing the Collier County Board of County Commissioners, requests a variance from the Coastal Construction Setback Line (CCSL) as required by Collier County Ordinance No. 91-102. Division 3.13. as amended to allow for maintenance dredging of Wiggins Pass and to place beach compatible sand, obtained from maintenance dredging, on the beach at Lely Barefoot Beach and Delnor Wiggins Pass Stale Recreation Areas seaward of the CCSL; and WHEREAS, dredging of the channel for Wiggins Pass will extend up to approximately fifteen hundred { 1500) feet seaward of the adopted CCSL; and WHEREAS, sand deposited on the beach will extend up to approximately five hundred (500) feet seaward of the adopted CCSL; and WHEREAS, the petition is consistent with the Collier County Land Development Code. Division 3.13, as amended; and WHEREAS, the petition is consistent with the Collier County Gro,,vah Management Plan - Conservation and Coastal Management Element. NOW, T}tEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF C'OLLIER COUNTY, FI.ORIDA, that: Variance Petition CCSL-97-3 be approved, subject to the following condition*.: All proposed improvements shall be designed in accordance with the standards of thc Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FT)EP), Division of Beaches and Shores. and an approved FDEP permit shall be obtained, and copies provided, prior to the start of construction. Construction activities shall not occur within one hundred (100) feet of the sea turtle nesting zone. defined by Collier County [.and Development Code, Division 3.10, between May I - October 3 I. sea tt,rtle nesting season, without first submitting and obtaining FDEP and Collier County Construction in Sea Turtle Nesting Area Permits. If it is necessary for vehicles to be on the beach during construction, a Collier County Vehicle on the Beach Permi! shall be required, subject to review and approval by Current Planning Environmental Staff. Vehicle on the Beach Permits will not be issued during sea turtle nesting season per Collier County I.and Development Code Section 3.14.6. In the event protected species, burrows or nests are encountered dunng construction, v,'ork shall cease. and Current Planning Environmental Staff shall be contacted immediately. Petitioner shall notify Current Planning Environmental Staff one weck prior to commencing work seaward of the CCSL and shall again contact Staff within one week following completInn of work seaward of thc CCSL. Petitioner shall utilize only native coastal dune vegetation for all on-site landscaping beyond the 1974 Coastal Construction Control Line. --;-= ...... ~ I£Jllllll ..... III IIII I IIIII ........ IIIII - '111 ..... -1 7. Minor revi~tiom to Co~tal Co~tn~ion S~tback Line Variance CCSL-97-3 may be approved, in writing, by the Planning Service~ Director or his&er designee. This Remlution adopted after motion, second and rmjority vote favoring ~ame. DONE AND ORDERED this ..-.,) .3'-" · ATTEST:' DW1GtlT E. BRC~, ' A~oved ~ to Fora ~ A~is~ant C~n~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ccfl-97.3 RESOLUTION