Resolution 1997-443RESOLUTION NO. 97- 443 A RESOLUTION ORDERING AND CALLING FOR THE ELECTION OF MEMBERS TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF LELY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT BY QUALIFIED ELECTORS, TO BE HELD BY PAPER BALLOT ON JAN~3ARY 6, 1998, AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 190.006, FLORIDA STATUTES, AS ;.~E~ED. 9 A--,, mq ~EREAS, The Lely Community Development District was established by Rule No. 42K-1, Florida Administrative Code, approved and adopted on Decen%ber 18, 1990 by the Florida Land and Water AdJudicato~f Commission, acting pursuant to the Uniform Community Development District Act of 1980, Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, as amended, and Rule 42-K1, F.A.C.; and 'WHEREAS, as outlined in Section 190.006, Florida Statutes, as amended, a Community Development District of less than 5,000 acres in area must elect members of the Board of Supervisors by qualified electors after a minimum of six years and if there are at least 25,9 ~]alified electors in a district. 'WHEREAS, the area served by the district is approximately 1,538 acres; and WHEREAS, the number of qualified electors has reached and now exceeds 250 mer~ers; and WHERE3~$, the Community Development District has been in existence for six (6} years; and WHEKEAS, two of the memb{~rs of the Board of Supervisors whose terms are expiring are required to be elected by qualified electors, pursuant to Section 190.006, Florida Statutes, as amended; an~ WHEP, EAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, pursuant to general law, herein calls the special paper ballot election for the election of members to the Board of Supervisors for Lely Community Development District by qualified electors as set forth in Section 190.006, Florida Statutes, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T%{E BOA~ OF COb'NTY CO~MISSIO~RS OF COLLIER COUP, FIX)RIDA, that: SECTION O~. ELECTION CALLED The election is hereby ordered and called to be held on January 6, 1998 by paper ballot for the purpose of electing two me~%bers to the Board of Supervisors of the Lely Community Development District by qualified electors as provided for in Section 190.006, Florida Statutes, as amended. Seat No. 3 shall be elected for a 2 year term. Seat No. 4 shall be elected for a 4 year term. ~F,~iIIQI{_~WO. OUA_LIFYING W~{DOW FOR CJ~IDATE~ All candidates shall be qualified electors of the District. The qualifying window for candidates shall be from 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 26, 1997 through 5:00 pm. on Monday, Dece~Lber 1, 1997. ~CTION THREE. PERSONS ENTITLED TO VOTE. The persons entitled to vote in the election shall be all the qualified electors residing within the territorial boundaries of the Lely Community Development District, as described in the metes and bounds legal description of the external boundaries of the District, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit ~CTI~L_FQUR. PAPER BALL~TAND ELECTION OFFICI/LLS. 7'he election shall be held by paper ballot within the territorial boundaries of the Lely Community Development District as described in "A'. The paper ballot election shall be conducted by election officials appointed by the Supervisor of Elections pursuant to applicable general law. SECTION FIVe. FORM Ol~ T~ BALLOT. A. The paper ballot to be used in said election shall be in substantially the following form: QFFICIAL BALLOT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ELECTION FOR LELY COMMUNITY D~VELOPMENT DISTRICT JANUARY 6, 1998 SEAT }UGMBER ( YEAR TERM) [Vote for no more than one (1)] B. The Supervisor of Elections shall include on all paper ballots such instructions to voters as are necessary. The Clerk of this Board shall publish a notice of the election Ly paper ballot in the Naples Daily News, a newspaper of general circulation published in Collier ~'ounty, Florida. There shall be at least thirty (30) days notice of said election, with publicdtion to be made at least twice, once in the fifth week and once in the third week prior to the week in which the election is to be held. Said notice shall be in substantially the following form: ~Q~.QA~D O, SUPm~VI~O~ FOR n~ny_~ DISTRICT ~J~NCTION BY P~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an election by paper ballot will be held on January 6, 1998, within the territorial boundaries cf the Lely Co~nunity Development District as - 3 described in 'A" to elect members to Seats 3 and 4 of the Board o£ Supervisors by qualified electors. /he election shall be conducted by election officials appointed by the Supervisor of Elections pursuant to applicable general law. All qualified electors residing within the territorial boundaries of the Lely Community Development District as described in "A" may vote by paper ballot in said election. Absentee voting may be permitted upon compliance with applicable provisions of general law. This Resolution adopted this ~J day of ........ , 1997 after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. ATTEST: DWIG}{T E. BROCK, Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COU~FPf, FLORIDA TIMOTHY/. HANCOCK, CHAIRPtrGq Ramiro Ma~a~ ~ch ~'"~- Chief Assistant County Attorney 9 A- EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description fo~ LELY CC~.~.~iI~f DgWELO~ME~W DI.~I~RICT I)~'?,C:~[PTI,',:~: A)l that part eof [;,_'cti,jf.c Pl, p/, 2~, 33 ,:nd 34, 'rownnhiD %n ~.'~'~1~, Kanqe ~6 ~ar;~ ~nd Dart 'l ".c-:l'.h, Pa:~,;,, )(, Ea~:t, Cc~l]~r Cout~t,t, l'lorida, and b,?~nq more ~,ar~ ~,'ut,'~rl./ d,."~c~ ~l~cq a~, [al I I:,, '~,':~t ! 'r;~. n,r :,aid rr:] ~.r.:~li,~ t.~ll'e~ {3) des,::~bl~ ('rnlr~Ctq; ] ) ~;o~It'.h al~12'0t~'' East q6q. h4 Fr,.'L ; 2) t/rott/I C,'"4')'40" l<,lnt. 1702.0D ~er?L ; 3} :~ ~t.l h Page I of 6 ~6~i3' ]2" ?~;'. {4~.%] feet; 2) N~)[Jh 32'20';1" wet,',. 7.36.05 feet west line Horlh 02'5~'09" East 1RI .54 fcc%; thence leaving said !inn :,n~th ]3'~3'52" East. 243.49 ~ect; Lhence northoan:er]y ha'~in~ a radius gl 690.00 feet throuah a central 5o:]th 45'19'17" E~ct PRg.04 iu,31 ; Lh,nce South 5'7~24'4/'' East c:~ru':;ar curv~, ,:.3:m;.jv,? northerly havin~ a ra<~u:-; a~ 12~,3.00 fcct '-.'~'~'"~ly t;.~'.'~;l'i ,, ~nrl:~;n c.t ],:%.00 fCC% t~lLr)~}% a cent:al anqlc :'~'',~;' ',9" i'.,:';t : % I.~i5 /c,.'~ ; ~h~,nc.~ :;')s' h (3H"I L' IL" wc:;t 70.00 t'a,!e 2 of c, 0~'ii' 11" '-'c:~ ?O0.0O fnet; thence Nr)r~t~ R]'48'49" F.~'.t !70.00 ~cct thence Louth 0R'[l']l" KAr.~ 100.00 /,~.t: thenr~ R~'48'49" west 35.00 ~ect; thcnc'c 5outh 08'] ] ' 11" ~as% c~nt:dl anqte of 56'15'00" and beill~ ~ubtcnded by a c~d which b.~ ~o~lth !$'56'19" '~eSt. 197 99 ' '~' ' ' " . . ~c_t; thence Soutk 4K 03 49 ~'cut 70 O0 fnet; thenuc South 4 b6'lI Ea~' %El %4 ~uct; '' , ' _. ' ' ~ ' " - ~ ..... .o nort'.ho,~'r~t, ly ,_n~.;,',, ~;~,rtn )~"4; ]0 East 518.58 ~ce~; ............ 4~;~.82 f~:~. ;~1~::,; thc nrc: o~ a circular crc:ye concave nc:rtL'~cst,.riy havir:rI a radius (3f 550.U0 fuel tL[c~u~h a N~>rt~: 33')l 'lO" EA~~ 428.6~ f,...t; , ~ . . . ,,,, 'hence, };,):th 10"41' 3~ Eeoc. 2[38.40 f.nt; thence nort. hcasterly 393.40 fcct along t.h,, arc ctirc~llaz c~lrv, cot~c~vo ~c~t'h~att.r~y h~,/ln~ n radi~n c.[ ~15.00 a c}~<~',l w~ich b~nrr, Hot'th 26'2'/'15" Eat;t ]88,46 ~cct; thence ar:c: :~u::*~wc.'~' ezlky i7 4 { [not. a~(~n~3 the arc of a ~i rcula, c~rvc' ~o::ccve w,~:stc:L,/ ha'.,ir;<; ~ :adl,:% cf 25.00 [~et throu<ih a central ~;ort~, O0'4S' 4 .... ~',~[4t 3,1.O'J f':CL '.O a point o[ lC'vUISC t}~o~,r,, l~.;rth,~.y,, or~'/ ~8. ~ ~.t,' ,,}~t,~3 ~ I~,'. ~lct c~f a r'i r,-,:l,l: conca'/~ r'.<~tthcastcrLy }xaving ~ }a,:)ur. c,f )405.00 fcct throuqh c.~: ~,~I an~;], cf C't'~37'24'' ,:~n~{ ~,,~%:~g ~,',~t,~nded b'/ a ch,:,:':] ['ago 3 of c, 9 A- ",,'a:'. ~;,:r'.~. t,[~4b'3!t" W~nt 88.84 :,'_'ct; thence along a '9 %c~ SI F. 4~;~ 86.6] feet; t,]cn._ sou L~ ~y . _6 feet ~r},.~.%b f,..ct aionq thc arc of n circu]a~ curve concave 23'i1'i]" and bc~nq subtended by a chord which bears ~ou~h ' " , ' ' ' ' r, 16 7,'''~T,'%4 :,,':~ %{~'; 4R f~qt.; '~Ir'ltr'r' 5r~; h P, 9~OR ~O" F;,~. f,2,:', thcncP ~a~tcrly 1'10.84 fe~t. alon~ the a:c cf a cz~uula~ ,.u:v, cr~;:cav,. :~r~,.},,',r]y havinq a zad~:n o~ '/'la. O0 [c,:t thrn:l~h ,'~t~":',~ ~::'v(' ,:'x~:',tv,, ',m:Lher[y k~,/~ng a rad~F, of '/4~.00 feet. H')'q~''O" ~:a:;t ~&.'~ i,'~ ; :L~t:c,: uJ.~l,,r ly ]6~. 3~ ffic~t alonq thc subt,3~d,:(i by a chord w}:lch b~..ar:~ South 82'5~' ] 3" ~la.nt. 163.0b feet to a po~r;t c,f revern~ curv,:t,t:e; thence cast,~zly 1'/0.84 fee: .{1,,:%,; t~c arc c)f a c~:c~,~ar c'~:'vc coIic',lvr~ I~Grthr~rly h,%Vl~g ':;,',lrlc; '';~,t.u;v~crl 1)}' ,~ cNc~rd w~ch bears %rau~ t~ H2'51 ' i 1" Kant ' IG. t,') ' ,.~,t ; ' ~,,r~ ,,. f;,3,a~'..., Rr)'(J~t' 10'' Fiat;'. 7 ~5 . O0 fmr-'.., ' ~ ;I pc~i '~n t~." ;,[r~[~'~SC'5 wr.,':t~t]y riu[~t-hr-way ii[u: ~r c.n. 9LL isle [',,qe '1 ,,[ & 9 A- C,l~,ri Noa¢!; Ih~,nce run along said propon~.d ~ic~ht-or-wa¥ lin,. th~ [o~]c~in~; th~e {]) dl~crib~d c:~i~es t)cinQ par.~]~.~,l with and 25 feet ,~estnrly u~ t.h~ existing riuht-o(-way of C.R. 751; 1) ~;out.t~ 00'51'41" W~nt 7434.47 tee~; 2) southerly 1695.32 feet. a%onG the arc o[ a circular curve concave westerly hav~ng a radius of 2789.93 feet through a central angle of 34'48'58" and beinq ~ubtended by a chord which b,ar~ South 18'16'10" west 1669.36 feet.; 3) 5outh 35"40'39" west 5513.54 feet. t.o ,z point (~n the noIthwcstc~7]y tine of that ]and d~cribed in O. R. Rnok pa,;c 459; thence le~v[ng ~a[d r~ght--of-way line and along the no:t)~castcr]y line of ~a~d ]and, North 54'20'24" West ~94.9R feet.; tkencc along t)~c northwesterly linc .of sn%d ]and, South 35'40'~9" Wc~t 219.95 feet to a po%et on the right-of-way linn n[ U.5. 41, T~Jni~mi Trail; thence a]ong riqht-o[-way i[nc North 54'20'24" Went 325.00 f~[ to ~o'.~therl~ont corner o[ th,zk 1,%nd d,3sc:ibed in O. R. Book 1173, page 789; thence alon~ tho southeasterly line o~ said ]and, 35e40']9'' Enat ~75.00 feet; thence along the northea~%e:iy linc northwesterly lkne of said land, 5ouLh 35'40'39" west 275.00 feet to a point ~)~ the no~the,~;tor ]y r~ght, of-way ]~nn or u.~;. 41, 'l'am=,~:~i Trail; t'h~nc~ along said ri(iht-of-way tine, North 54'2C'24" Went 959.]2 feet; %hence cuntinuc alonq said r-igh~-af- ~ay line North 54'25'09" West 3328.63 feet %o a point on the north and south 1/4 section linc ol said' Section 33; thence ~aid north and souLh 1/4 ~ection line North 02"43'23" 3282.44 fe,.,t to thc, no~th 1/4 cornel o[ said Section 33; thence ,]l~)nq Lhe ~;c)uth I in~ c)f said Section YR, North 89'33'01" 2626.~/ f'n('t to Lhe Poirlt or Be~innin(7; contaLnir~ 153N./'; Psge 5 of 6 9 A° Page 6 of 6 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Board of County Commissioners November 25, 1997 Mary W. Morgan, Supervisor of Elections LELY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT W'rth respect to the Lely Community Development Distdct election of January 6, 1998, I request you make it conditional upon the completion of three additional items: 1. The district will pay for the cost of said election. 2. The district will ensure we are able to use the clubhouse within the distdct as the poll site. 3. The district will pursue a legislat~e act changing the date or its elections to occur simuttaneoush/with regularly scheduled state elections - that is, in even- numbered year~. Thank you for your consideration in this regard. cc: County Attorney's ~ Michael Volpe, District's Attorney AND NON-AD VALOR[Vi ASSESSI','IENTS WILLIAM MARKILIAM, CFA, ASA Broward County Properly ApFal$~' I¢owMd Co~,nt¥ Go.re.nenlal Center. Ro~m ItS $*'>uth Ae, deew$ Aveeme. Fo~t Lsudatcdala, Fl~Idl 33101-~899 29-t6 I LOT 2t,22 BLK e IBBIIlliSBliliBllliB I,,ll,,h,h,,ll,,,ll,ll,,,ll,,I,,,I,,I,l,,ll,,,,ll,,,ll,l,hl MU I VAY THIS IS NOT A BILL The ta=tng authorities which levy pros>aery Sa.es against yo~' ~ope~ will soon ~td P~LIC ~ARINGS tO adopt bud~eh and tax rates f~ ~ ~rt ye~. ~ propose of the P~LIC HEARINGS is to recede ~inlons horn ~e general public ~ to ~ntw~ ~ettions on ~ ~opo~id tax ~a~ a~ ~et PRI~ TO T~I~G F~L ACT~ E~h t.i~ ~oei~ m~ AMENO OR ALFER its ~sals al ~4 ~ing FA~ TO PAY TAXES ~ ~N-AO V~M ASSESSME~S WILL ~S~T IN T~ IS~ ~ A T~ CERTIFICA~ ANO MAY RESET ~ ~ LOSS OF TITLL Pro~sed Ad Valorem Taxes 82~ .?1 g10,74 '~10.41 I 158.43 320. S? )44.1~ ST. tG 79.25 11.73 12.73 4.4~ 6.37 I?G $& 28411 13.0S l e~.l& 2.70383 241.4g 13,64 3.0t0.29 5400 STLRLING RD. HOLLY~3OO. SEPT 15. 7:OO P~ ~ S[ 3 ~V[. FT. LA~., SEPT g. 5:~ ~ PH (5&tlGB&-68~: 3~1 ~N CL~ gO. Bt.~ 9-1 )H (S(t)&2?-338G: C~TY C~tSS[~ CHA~EqS 340 ~ExN DRiVe. ~ eEACH. SEPT 11. 5:30 P~ ~ 765-46~?: ~LL~ HELLS H[~ ~C~L 54~ STI~L]~ ~0J0. SEPT ~, 7:~ p~ eH 355-5675; BROVARO GENERAL HCOICkL CENTEg A~ITQR]~ t~ $ ~R[~ AVE, SEPT ~O. 5:30 P~ )H ?E4-142E: H~LL~O I[A~ T~ ~LL 875. 14 828. 1C 340. 70.5g 12.3 196.57 6a.O7 13.75 155.15 ~[~ ..... RE~I0(NTJAL ~TY VXLL COLLLCT S EESIDr~IAL ~V rILL ~LLECT I t1.1~,3~ IN ASSES~ S ~TY rILL COLLECT ~ 17.176.~98 ''TOTAL ' t S32.32 3.532,~1 997 NOT*ICE Of: PIIOPOSED PROPERTY TAXES ANO NON-AD VALO~ ASSESSIV~?T$