Resolution 1995-246 ". 12C 2 RESOLUTION NO. 95-~ RESOLUTION FOR PETITION AV 95-002 TO VACATE, RENOUNCE AND DISClAIM THE RICHTS OF THE COUNTY AND PUBLIC EASEMENT INTERESTS TO A PORTION OF A DRAINAGE EASEKE1IT AS RECORDED IN DEED BOCK 28. PAGES 120-121, AND ROAD PLAT BOCK 2, PAGE 55, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. __no,. =:3 &:: I; ::!=.. ~::C! as \lHEREAS. pursuant to Section 336.09 and 336.10, Florida Statutes. Bess .... g ., Eriksson, as agent for owner Dale P. Beatty, does hereby request that the Board ~ vacate. renounce and disclaim the rights of the County and Public to a portion - of . drainage ea.ement, known .s Haldeman Creek, as recorded In Deed Book 28, Pages 120.121 and Road Plat Book 2, Page 55, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; and WEREAS. the Board has thb day held a public hearing to consider such action regarding that portion of a drainage easement as recorded In Deed Book 28. Pages 120-121 and Road Plat Book 2. Page 55. of the Public Recorda of Collier County. Florida being lIore fully described below, and notice of said public hearing to vacate, renounce and disclaim the drainage easement was given a. required by law; and WHEREAS, the granting of the vacation will not adversely affect the ownership or right of convenient access of other property owners. WHEREAS, the vacation and abandonment of a portion of the drainage easement interests, as recorded in need Book 28, Pages 120.121 and Road Plat Book 2, Page 55, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, would benefit the general public welfare and is in the best interest of the public in the following particulars: The owner and all future owners will be able to transfer unclouded title, but general public benefit 1s undetermined. NOli', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, n..oRIDA, that the following be and is hereby vacated: See Exhibit ftAft attached to and incorporated herein BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to record thb Resolution in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to publish, one time, notice of the adoption of this Resolution within 30 days of the date of the Resolution, In a newspaper of general circulation published In the County; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proof of publication of notice of the public hearing, the proof of publication of the notice of the adoption of this Resolution and this Resolution shall be recorded by the Clerk in the Official -= "'-2 ::l;l -- -- ~_..... ~ . "" ~ '" = i -..J ~ c:t t;:; iI3rv n -- C> ~~ :=:t:J Sc -- _8", :. Ii'! <::> !:::.~ . B ,,_ "'d ~=Q ~= .. ~~ - <::> ;0 BC _n ::::s - - ~- o,c. -- '. OR: 2048 PG: 2301 12C 2 Recorda of Collier County, Florida, and make the proper notations of this vacation on said Road Plat. Thi. resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring , ...e. .' - II ,1 r " DAbo:3Izifr;-';-. A.TTEST: ' ' ..;: " DI/l'CHT E. BROCK. cterk :: :.I.?h rPt. -j~1 h.__ -;X.",;;k!" qJ#' Appro.ed .s . to. (orm and' 1.'81 sufficiency: J.J'A flL ) fMv(!A- BellM F. A.ohton ~.l.tant County Attorney By: RDK/im/22295/25S0 , . C".lI c;:, C'? C".lI ~ """ ex>> ..,. c;:, C".lI ~ C) '. 12C 2 El<~'6Ir A p~&I.FI SKETCH ONLY THIS IS NOT A SURVEY .. A A V V " lI"l - ~ 0 z 80.00- 8 SOUTH 35' OF THE NO~ 150' ~OF ntE EAST I!O' OF ntE 1090' OF LOT 42 LOT 42, NAPLES GRO' ES AND TRUCK COMPAMY'S LI1 ~ fARMS NO.2 , EAST 80" OF THE WEST 1090' . A V V 1'1 ~ ~ i DESCRIPTION: THE SOUTH .35 FEET OF THE NORTH 150 FEET OF THE EAST 80 FEET OF THE WEST 1090 FEET NAPLES GROVES AND TRUCK COMPANY'S L1TILE PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 27-A COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA '.' ' ,'r;' ",,~., FARMS NO.2,: ... . ~.~:' '.. . ,.' ~'r:' :~,: t.':.. -: ':.. '.~... . ".... '-,_,.r_, ", ~ t\" ',,, <;:fI <>~:~,;~",~""..\~f}:"" '~] AR I :-::. f~~~' .:;.,~ . .. , INC. BRUCE CRF.F.JrI um A...CfSOCl,lTr.S me ~08 nCHANcl': AV!:Nl.1'r: NAPLES, fLORIDA 33942 (813) 282-7525 , .I:~'l'~ .., 00/., .,..,.......-. U.D 3u.'II:IUIIS P. ER~;. 1>.1:.'5:",. EGlSTRAnp"~'\~~~f73