Resolution 1995-186 RESOLUTION NO. 95- 136 16 H 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE B'JARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLCRIDA APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE ONE (1) DECLARATION OF EASEMENT FOR PROPERTY OWNED BY COLLIER COUNTY WHICH WILL BE UTILIZED FOR ROAD RIGHT-JF-WAY, DRAINAGE, UTILITY, AND MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 94-8 authorizing staff to acquire the right-of-way necessary to construct intersection improvements at U. S. 41 and Vanderbilt Beach Road under CIE proj ect No. 42 (from the intersection of U. S. 41 to the western limits of the Pavilion Shopping Center); and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 94-761 authorizing staff to acquire the right-of-way necessary to construct the Vanderbilt Beach Road improvements under CIE Project No. 23 {from U.S. 41 to Airport-pulling Road (:.R. 31)); and WHEREAS, Collier County owns in fee simple the North Collier Library Branch located on Vanderbilt Beach Road; and WHEREAS, Coral Ridge-collier Properties, Inc. previously conveyed the North Collier Library Branch by Quit Claim Deed recorded in the O.R. Book 909, Page 1081, et seq., in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, for use as a library, with no reference to a portion of the property being utilized as road right-of-way; and WHEREAS, the legal description and sketch for Parcels III is for road right-of-way, drainage, utility and ~aintenance purposes for the portion of property known as the Collier North Branch Library; and WHEREAS, the above-stated uses are not identi f ied in the Publ ic Records of Collier County, Florida; and WHEREAS, Collier County wants to identify those above-stated uses in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of Collier County to reflect that Parcel 111 shall be utilized for the above-stated purposes when any portion of the road and associated improvements on Vanderbilt Beaoh (from junction Gulf Shore Drive to junction U.S. 41) may be approved by the Board of County Commissioners for construction; and WHEREAS, the recordation of the Declaration of Easement in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida .'ill place the pUblic and all interested parties on notice as to the stated uses of the County-owned properties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLCRIDA, that: BOARD OF COUNTY 1. The Declaration of Easement shown in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof, for the uses stated herein is hereby approved. 2. The Chairman of the Board of County Conmission,-rs has been authorized to execute the Declaration of Easement. 3. Staff has been authorized to record same in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. ')' i 16 H 8' second and majority vote. This Resolution adopted after motion, DATED: ~/~q('""' '.' ~~~;:~. ~ ~~6<;~ CLERK . .,. P 1;~'/_/~' -,>:iSh 0~. .... ,t", T ..' '. . ~ . ~', ," It.. '. BOARD OF COUNTY COLLIER COUNT , BY: . r . , , '1, '. . . _' " ~'Q ,u.'\' J. ~ ~ I"" . Approved'as'to form and legal SUfficif~cy: Jj0_ri ,1 j{yk.-- He~d~ F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney Project: Parcels: 16 H 8 Vanderbilt Beach Road 111 EXHiBiT Pa!=Je J. "A" of :~ DECLARATION OF EASEMENT THIS DECLARATION is made this -1 day of ~ ~ _ 199,5': by COLLIER COUNTY, a political "ubdivision of the State of Florida, having a mailing address of 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida 33962, hereinafter referred to as "Declarant." Declarant is the owner of certain real situated in Collier County, Florida, more fully below, hereinafter referred to as the "Property." property described See Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Declarant hereby declares that the Property is and shall be held, transferred, sold, convmyed, used, and occupied in accordance with and subject to a non-exclusive easement and privilege to enter upon, construct, and maintain roadway, drainage and utility facilities on the Property as contained in this Declaration and described in Exhibit "A", hereinafter referred to as the "Easement. II The Easement, as set forth in this DeClaration, shall bind, and the benefits thereof shall inure to Declarant and its representatives, agents, successors, and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has caused these presents to"be,Ejxecuted the date and year first above written. . ,I', . '// ~~ , ATTEST: , :DWIGHT E. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER OF COLLIER COUNTY BY: Lr=- ~eJ. J BRaCK, Clerk :~ ,BY~//~/~~ ~/. . /" '. Dep er . -.7;.'1, ".. "'10'';''\' Approved as to legal form and sufficiency: Nw-L -jA~~j1 Heidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney '. "A" of .3. EXHIBI T Page .~ EXHIBIT "A" Page 1 of' 2 u 16 H 8 PROJECT: NO, ~ PROJECT PARCEL NO: TAX PARCEL NO. SECTION JJ, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL: SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 SKETCH OF RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL (NOT A SURVEY) LINE DATA L1 N 80'08'20"W JOO, 00 L2 5 09'51'40"W 17,50 LJ S 80'08'20'[ 10J,S9 L4 5 09'SI'40.W 5,00 LS 5 80'08'20"[ 19S,JI LS N 09'51'40"[ 22,50 -r--- c -- Iii ::.... piS ~~ l5;:s 8: Q,R. 73J8, ~ PGS. 50-64 P,O,C. [AST f CORN[R SECTION JJ C " 7'OIINSHIP 48 soum ''T. C-S62 ~ RAIIGE 25 EAST /J~ (100 R,O Iv. LI -=~., 2 L"J: ;';oupnUIY L OSeO eASeMeNT TRACT 'c' OU1PARCa IS' COUNTY UTlUTY o SEMEN T OR. 1695, PG. 14~A. '" '0 '" 0< "'''' ~~" i51~.. 002 ~aS! .,,>:_ V1~- ~'< . L5 (j ~"," <00. !:l"'o. tli3. THE INN AT tJ~~ tJi3~ PEUCAN BAY ~;:; ~ ~ ~ - (P.B. 21, PG. 3J) -'0<0: bi5o: ~~d ~l...d LOT 7 ~ N o SCALF:: 1. - 200' '"' .. ~ '"' -:to ~o ~<>:: "". ......0 to ~C @ '" ~~ :;,0 0<>:: ca. -,0 _co g 80' r- ~ 1" '" i!l... '0", r= i-,...... u ."'", I: !'l'" fSN 8:: c'" '" ",- >: ~ >- -' ~ ." ;:s 150 80' BfARlNGS AR[ BASED ON m[ SDUm[RLY RIGHT-Or-WAY UNE OF VA'NOfRBILT B[ACH ROAD B[ING S BO'OB'20' [ AS SHOIIN ON mE Pu'T or PEUCA UNIT TF:N, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 15, PAGES 64-67 PUBUC RECOROS. COW TY, FLORIDA, P,O,B, = POINT OF BEGINNING ' PREPARED BY: P.O,C, - PDINT OF COMMENCEMENT RIGHT-OF-WAY .... :=:- NOU .... :n:: n Ie ..... In::: UNDAGE... Prof~~.~_~.efW: !1a~~~: ~.1a.~ ~UJ'W~ '.... ....._~.,' BY: CH J. OUNBAR, P.L.S. NO. 4096 SCALE: ' . DRAWN 8 DATE: SFPT ,:\ 19Q4 (";HFT1<F[') Y CJO PROJECT NO.: -H5_9_ ~ EXHiBi T P .'l age ., "A" of Y. .16 H EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 2 PROJECT: NO, :W:: PROJECT PARCEL NO: TAX PARCEL NO, SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTrI, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT OF WA Y PARCEL: ALL THAT PART OF SECTION JJ, TOWSHIP 48 SCUTH, RANCE 25 EAST, COWER COUNTY. FLORIDA. BEING MORE PARTlCULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMME:NCING A T THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SE:CTloN JJ; THENCE SOUTH 00'J7'J8" EAST ALONG THE EASTERL Y LINE OF SAID SECTION J3, A DISTANCE OF 119.47 FE:ET TO AN INTERSE:CTlON WITH THE E:ASTERL Y PROLONGA TlON OF THE: SOUTHERL Y RIGHT-OF - WA Y LINE: OF C.R, 862 (VANDERBILT BEACH ROAD); THENCE NORTH 80'08'20" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY PROLONGA TlON A DISTANCE OF 152.55 FE:ET TO AN INTERSE:CTlON WITH THE: WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WA Y LINE OF U,S, 41 (TAMIAMI mAIL) SR. 45; THE:NCE: NORTH 80'08'20" WEST ALONG THE: SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE: OF C,R, 862 (VANDE:RBILT BE:ACH ROAD) A DISTANCE: OF 960.00 FE:ET TO THE: NORTHE:ASTERL Y CORNER OF THOSE: LANDS oE:SCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RE:CoRo BOOK 909, PAGE:S 10Bl-10BB. PUBLIC RE:CORDS OF COWER COUNTY. FLORIDA, SAID CORNER BE:ING THE: POINT OF BE:GINNING OF THE: PARCEL HE:RE:IN BEING DESCRIBED; THE:NCE CONTINUE: ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE NORTH 80'08'20" WEST 300.00 FEET TO THE: NoRTHWESTERl. Y CORNER OF SAID LANDS; THENCE LE:AVlNG SAID SOUTHE:RLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE SOUTH 09'51'40" WEST ALONG THE: WESTERLY LINE: OF SAID LANDS A DISTANCE OF 17.50 FE:ET; THENCE LE:A VlNG SAID WESTERLY LINE: SOUTH 80'08'20" E:AST 103.69 FE:ET; THE:NCE SOUTH 09'51'40" WEST 5,00 FE:ET; THENCE: SOUTH 80'08'20" E:AST 196,31 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE E:ASTERL Y LINE: OF SAID LANDS; THENCE NORTH 09'51'40" EAST ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE: A DISTANCE: OF 22,50 FEET TO THE: POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PARCEL HERE:IN oE:SCRIBEo; CONTAINING 6,232 SQUARE: FEET OF LAND MORE: OR LESS; SUBJE:CT TO E:ASE:ME:NTS AND RE:SmICTlONS OF RE:CORo. BEARINGS ARE BASED 01/ THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF'-WAY UNE OF VANDERBilT BEACH ROAD BEING S 80'08'20. E AS SHO'ItN ON 'THE Pl.A T OF PEt/CAN SAY. UNIT TEN, AS RECORDED IN PI-loT BOOK 15, PACES 6~-67 PUBUC RECOROS, COWER OUNTY, FlORIDA. PREP AREa BY: .... .... .n .... ..... ..... :UII. ...... UNDACJ:.... rror..,1oII&l 'Dfl-~ p~n. If lad .-,..n ... oca... ,... ,-... ,.,...." lIeoUc ~ n. .... lun '''~111I LM c-.,.~ mJ::I:Wl SHEET 2 or 2 BY: CHAR J, OUNBAR., P.L.S. NO. ~096 SCALE: ORA\\N BY:."lt,1L CHECKED BY:.Llll. nLE NO:~ DATE: SF1'T ,,, tgqi PROJECT NO,:~ ACAO NO: .4135-'. 8 16 H 8 COT ,T .1l<':R COUNTY GOVERNMENT DMSION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 3301 E. TAMIAMI TR. NAPLES. FL 339~----_;;;' (813) 774.8991 .' January 25, 1995 A CERTIFIED BLUE CHIP COMMUNITY Mr. Louis H. Hoegsted Executive Vice President WCN Communities, Inc. 810 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 500 Naples, Florida 33963-2797 Re: Collier North Branch Library O. R. Book 909, Page 1081, et seq Dear Mr. Hoegsted: On March 13, 1981, Coral Ridge-collier Properties, Inc. (n/k/a WCN Communities, Inc.), a Florida c:orporation, conveyed to Collier County, a political subdivision of the state of Florida, approximately 1.69 acres for the operation of a public library. The Quit Claim Deed states that if the property is to be used for such other public purpose, this purpose must be approved in writing by WCN Communities, Inc. , , . " ;! . '<; . ; Therefore, Collier County requests your written approval to utilize a portion of the property referenced above for road right-of-way, drainage, utility and maintenance purposes. In addition, I will be submitting an agenda item to the Board of County Commissioners obtaining its approval and authorization to record a Declaration of Easement in the PUblic Records of Collier County, Florida. (A copy of the recorded Declaration of Easement will be forwarded to you.) " --;.f. :> I have attached a copy of a proposed legal description and sketch reflecting the portion of the property to be utilized for the above-stated purposes. Please sign where indicated below approving the utilization of the property for road right-of-way, drainage, utility and maintenance purposes. f i , '~ i ;i' Mr. Louis H. Hoegsted Vice President WCll Communities, Inc. January 25, 1995 Page Two 16 H 8 Date Approved: ~ - /0 - ~5" , r-'" JW1^A~ U '''l~~ W~tness (S~g~~r~- (,.A-l-lR FLY. s'rrrE::i?L\! (Pr~nt Name) , Inc., a Florida Ctuu.~ Q.. (i A ~ I '" It. lU=_U? \/ (Print Name) I Please return this letter as soon as convenient in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope. Thank you. ( ,SinCerelY yours '-;(::' ,~---- ---<-<~.,-(~~", Deena L. Quinn Real Property Supervisor Attachments: Legal Description and SkE,tch - Collier North Branch Library Self-Addressed Envelope " ? ~. 'I J ~~ " cc: Valdimir A. Ryziw, P.E., P.M.P., Project Manager, Office of Capital Projects Management Lois Nichols, Real Property Specialist ~.~. ~ i ~~ . :t ~.. ij , " u EXHIBIT "A" Page 1 of! 2 '16 H 8 PROJECT: NO. ~72 PROJECT PARCEL NO: L TAX PARCEl NO, SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA DESCRIPTION or RIGHT-Dr-WAY PARCEh_ S~E ~HEET}, gr 2 ..'_i;.;:}~~ ';. ~:.:{~~;;~,S'~:.:._" .. ", " .~..~ ...;- ", i . ~; .' SKETCH or RIGHT-Dr-WAY PARCEL (NOT A SURVEY) .- ....., "-. .- LINE DA TA L1 N 80'08'20"W JOO,OO L2 S 09'5I'40"W 17.50 LJ S BO'OB'20"E IOJ,59 L4 S 09'5f'40"W 5.00 L5 S 80'OB'20"E: 195,JI L6 N 09'51'40"E: 22,50 -r- >--'" .... ",'" [I{ L.J~ f'O '" bjt:S ..a.. '" . ~~ ::>- bo; -0 -r-- -- -- t ~ ::>>-- ~~ ~~ a: Q,R. lJJ8, g PGS. 50-64- ~ N o SCALE:: l' - 200' (2 C.R. C-862 u"'Z, (/ Q,C. EAST f CORNER SECTION JJ TOI\NSHIP 48 SOUTH RANGE: 25 E:AST _/00 R,o.w, ~ -;;)' ~ ...... -:l: ::!;. -':0 ~ci ~. ,-,0 Ii) -- ...'-' "" ?-"" '" is , '" 0", '" ~~ ,IX 0'" "- .,- 0 '" 150 80' Cl el: " ~~ ::>~ oel: OJ. --,0 -'" ~ 8:)' '1 <.' ~"' ;...."'. :')01 8:: '" '" 5 >- n! ~ '" ~ BE:ARfNGS ARE: BASED ON THE: SOUTHE:RLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE: Of' VANOERBILT SE:ACH ROAO BE:ING S 80'08'20" E: AS SHOI\N ON THE: PLA T OF PELlCA A UNIT TEN, AS RE:COROE:O IN PLAT BOOK 15. PAGE:S 64-67 PUBUC RE:COROS, COLLI C TY, FlORIOA. P.O,B, = POINT OF BEGINNING PREPARED BY: P.O,C. = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT RIGHT-OF-WAY ....;\. .... .... r.~mu (J: 5'U PRon nUT'Y r ~OS[O ."'5[/,([/</7 O.R. 909, PGS. 1081-1088 ffiACT .c. OUTPARCU 15' COUNTY UTILlTf EASEMENT OR, 1895. PG, 1484 '" "I ....~ '" cl lul.J... ~Cl~ ~:~ ~ '" '" '" LOT 1 ~1t: ": THE INN AT tJ ei ~ PELICAN SA Y !;i'; - (p,s. 21, PC, JJ) , Q: 0: ~~~o ~WJ" ~o~ "''''- ~<<3 V)~a.. "'''' . tJelrt ",,,," ..-- , ' ll: 0: ~~o -, ;:i. pv, ~ EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of ? '016 H 8 PROJECT: NO, ~ PROJECT PARCEL NO: I TAX PARCEL NO, SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA DESCRIPTION or RIGHT-Or-WAY PARCEl.:- ALL THAT PART Or SE:C710N JJ, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE: 25 E:AST, COLLiE:R COUNTY, rLORIDA, BE:1NG MORE: PAR71CULARL Y DE:SCRIBm AS F'OLLOWS: COMME:NCING A T THE: E:AST QUARTE:R CORNER Or SAID SE:CTlON 33; THENCE: SOUTH 00'J7'38" E:AST ALONG THE: E:ASTE:RL Y LINE: Or SAID SE:CTlON JJ, A DISTANCE: Or 119.47 rE:ET TO AN INTE:RSE:CTlON WITH THE: E:ASTE:RL Y PROLONGA TlON Or THE: SOUTHERLY RIGHT-Or - WA Y LINE: Or C,R, 862 (VANDERBILT BE:ACH ROAD); THE:NCE: NORTH 80'08'20" WEST ALONG SAID E:ASTE:RL Y PROLONGA TlON A DISTANCE: OF 152.55 rE:ET TO AN INTE:RSE:CTlON WITH THE: WESTE:RLY RIGHT-Or-WAY LINE: OF U,S. 41 (TAMIAMI TRAIL) S.R, 45; THE:NCE: NORTH 80'08'20" WEST ALONG THE: SOUTHERLY RIGHT-Or-WAY LINE: Or C.R. 862 (VANDERBILT BE:ACH ROAD) A DISTANCE: Or 960.00 rE:ET TO THE: NORTHE:ASTE:RL Y CORNER OF THOSE: LANDS DE:SCRIBm IN OrFlCIAL RE:CORD BOOK 909, PAGE:S 1081-1088, PUBLIC RE:CORDS Or COLLlE:R COUNTY, -rLORIDA, SAID CORNE:R BE:1NG THE: POINT Or BE:GINNING Or THE: PARCE:L HERE:IN BE:ING DE:SCRIBED; THE:NCE: CON71NUE: ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT-,')r-WAY LINE: NORTH 80'08'20. WE:ST JOO,OO rE:ET TO THE: NOR THWE:S TE:lIL Y CORNER Or SAID LANDS; THENCE: LE:AViNGSAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT-Or-WAY LINE: SOUTH 09'51'40. WEST ALONG THE: WESTE:RL Y LINE: OF SAID LANDS A DISTANCE: Or 17.50 rE:ET; THE:NCE: LE:A ViNG SAID WESTE:RL Y LINE: SOUTH 80'08'20. E:AST 10J.69 rE:ET; THE:NCE: SOUTH 09'51'40. WEST 5,00 rE:ET; THE:NCE: SOUTH 80'08'20. E:AST 196.Jl rE:E:T TO AN INTE:RSE:CTlON WITH THE: E:ASTE:RL Y LINE: OF SAID LANDS; THE:NCE: NORTH 09'51'40. E:AST ALONG SAID E:ASTE:RL Y LINE: A OISTANCE: OF 22.50 rE:ET TO THE: POINT OF BE:GINNING OF THE: PARCE:L HERE:1N DE:SCRIBm; CONTAINING 6,232 SQUARE: rE:ET OF LAND MORE: OR LE:SS; SUBJE:CT TO E:ASE:ME:NTS AND RE:STRICTlONS OF RE:CORD, '.' .:' ..... ,.'., . BEARINGS ARE BASEO ON mE SO\ImERLY RIGHT-OF"-WAY LINE OF VANOERBILT BEACH ROAO BEING S 80'08'20. E AS SHOIlN ON mE PLAT OF POL/CAN BA Yo UNIT TEN, AS RECORDEO IN PLAT BOOK IS, PAGES 6~-67 PUBUC RECORDS, COWER O\INTY, flORIDA, PREPARED BY: .... I::: NOU .... I:::: IR k ..... ::11:: UN'DAG!:.-. Prof...1oW n,mM". p1a.nDen. It land tuntyvn w..la om- '''00 T-'-' Trd. ~ 1kf;I-. _no ~ 1!!?1 ~!!.!!!! ev: CHAR SCALE: DR^\\N eV:-->l&L OATE: SfPT ?J 1994 CHECKED ev: ~ PROJECT NO,: 6459 ~---- .~.~ \'" '~~'''', Project: Parcels: Vanderbilt Beach Road 111 16H 8 4 DECLARATION OF EASEMENT Z~ VI! THIS DECLARATION is made this _ day of //I~ 1995, by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having a mailing address of 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida 33962, hereinafter referred to as "Declarant." Declarant is the owner of certain real situated in Collier County, Florida, more fully below, hereinafter referred to as the "Property." property described See Exhibit "A", attach eel hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Declarant hereby declares that the Property is and shall be held, transferred, sold, con'lE!yed, used, and occupied in accordance with and subject to a non-exclusive easement and privilege to enter upon, construct, and maintain roadway, drainage and utility facilities on the Property as contained in this Declaration and described in E>:hibit "A", hereinafter referred to as the "Easement." The Easement, as set forth in this DeClaration, shall bind, and the benefits thereof shall inure to Declarant and its representatives, agents, successors, and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has caused these presents to be executed the date and year first above written, '.! ATTEsn:;/) _ DWIGHT E. JSROCK, Clerk , '.."'~~ Bi~n~o : ~. / . " ,c. De ,:,ty lerk - BOARD OF' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER UNTY BY:...L- ~'eJ, ",.," c\'-' : \I ~ ;: .... Approved' as to legal' form and sufficiency: / (LIlt -jA~'{I,i1 Heidi F, Ashton Assistant County Attorney