Resolution 1995-062 .. 16 i\ RESOLUTION NO. 95-62 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~1ISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE DEFERRAL OF LIBRARY SYSTEM IMPACT FEES, PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES IMPACT FEES, ROAD IMPACT FEES, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES IMPACT FEES, AND EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES SYSTEM IMPACT FEES FOR TIMBER RIDGE PUD UNIT 2 A 34 UNIT AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING PROJECT. WHEREAS, Collier County has recognized and attempted to address th'? lacY. of <ldcquate and affordable housing for moderate, 1ml, <3nd very 10''; income households in Collier County and the need for cccativc and innovative programs to assist in the provision of such housing by including several provisions ir: the Collier County Gro.....th l1anagcment Plan, including: objectivc 1. <I, pol icy 1. 4.1. objective 1. 5. policy 1. 5.2, policy 1. 5. :3, policy 1. 5.4, pol icy 1. 5.5. pol icy 1. 5.6; objective l.r}, policy 1. 6. }; objective 2.1. policy 2.1.1, policy 2.1./., policy 2.1.3, policy 2.1.5, and policy 2.1.6 ot the Ilousing Element; and WHEREAS, John Hitchger, T. Chairman of Immokalee Hon-Profit HO'Jsing, Inc., a Florida lion-Profit Corporation, undertook the development of Timber Ridge pun Unit 2, a thirty-four (J4) unit affordable rental housing cOr.lmunity on a site located in Collier County, Florida, of ".,.'hich Tmmokalee !lon-Profit HOllsing, Inc. i~; owner; and HHEREAS, on August 13, 1994, an application '....as filed with the Cour:ty f1anager for the deferral of Collier County impact fees for the Timber Ridge Pl'D Unit 2 project consistent '..,ith the n:'Cjuirements of the County impact fee ordinunces; and WHEREAS, in accordance Hith Section 3.0~ of the Library Syster.l Impact Fee Ordinance, Ordinance flo. 88-97, as amended; r [") 16A section 4.05 of the Parks and Recreational facilities Impact Fee Ordinance, Ordinance 110. 88-96, as amended; Section 3.04 of the Road Impact Fee Ordinance, Ordinance 110. 92-22, as amended; Section 3.05 of the Emergency Medical Services System Impact Fee Ordinance, Ordinance ria. 91-71, as amended; and Section 3.05 of the Edllcational Facilities System I~pact Fee Ordinance, Ordinance 110. 92-33, as amended, an applicant may obtain a deferral of one hundred percent (100%) of impact fees for a period of fifteen (15) years by qualifying for said deferral; and tIon-Profit Immokalee Housinq, WHEREAS, Inc. qualified for an impact :ee deferral based upon the following representations made by [mmokalee flon-Profit flousing, Inc.: A. The D~elling Unit shall be the permanent residcJ1Ce of the occupant/tenant. B. The household renting the Dwelling Unit must have very low income level, at the commencement of the leasehold and duration thereof, as th.Jt term is defined in the Appendices to the respective Impact ree Ordinances and the monthly rent must be within the affordable housing quidclines established in Appcndic~s respective the the to Impact Ordinances. C. The D,.lelling Unit shall remain affordable for at fifteen least [rom the date ( 15) years certificate of occupancy was issued. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUrny, fLORIDA, THAT: Collier Commissioners The Board of County hereby 1. authorizes deferral by Collier County of the following impact in the amounts listed below for the fees thirty-four housing units a.;. fordable (34 ) to developed by Immokalee rlon-Profit Housing, Inc., on the Timber Ridge PUD Unit 2 site PUD-93-II as identified in Exhibit "Art: - ? - r lJ h<1s Fee the be .. 16A Each Unit 34 units A. Library System Impact Fees $ 180.52 $ 6,137.68 1.379.00 46,386.00 399.00 13,566.00 179.00 6.086.00 14.00 476.00 1,778.0Q 60,452.00 $3,929.52 $133,603.68 B. Road Impact Fees C. Parks & Recreation Impact Fees a) Community Pary.s b) Regional Parks D. Emergency Services Impact Fees E. School Impact fees Total Impact Fees to be Deferred 2. Deferral of said impact is fees subject to and contingent execution and recordation upon of an Agreement for Deferral of Collier County Impact Fees ......hich shall be entered into bet"ween the applicant and County. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. DATED: ~25f /77.'- ATTEST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk ,~y: )~...LL<.-- ~T.y/ C011M I 5S loti ERS FLORIDA 7~e. BY /Bettye/J. O'lthews, Ch;tirman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: i I I ! i! ' 7"./, (I i '{'. ! , Heidi 'As"hton Assistant County Attorney IIUI/1J3 - 3 - 6 Timber Ridge PUD Unit 2 EXHIBIT "All Legal Description TRACT llA", TIMBER RIDGE - UNIT ONE, AS RECORDED 1:1 PLAT BOOK 24, PAGES 1 ArlO 2 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUfITY, FLORIDA, LOCATED It: SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. 16A 6