Resolution 1997-406 RE~OLUTION NO. 97-406 A KE$OLUTION I~APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE LELY GOLF ESTATE8 BEAUTIFICA~ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE WttEREAS, Collier Cotmty ~ No. 87-69 created the Lely Golf Estates Beatification Advisory Committee and provides tl~ thc committee shall be composed of five (5) memlx ; and WHEREAS, the term~ of two (2) ~ expired on October 1, 1997; and WHEREAS. the Board of Cotmty Commi~ioners previously provided public notice NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COU'NTY, FLOKIDA. that: 1. Robert C. COlc i~ hereby ~ to the Lely Golf Eg, ates Beautification Advisory Comm~tt~ fora fo~ year tta-m, ~aid lta'm to ~ October 1, 2001. 2. George C. Peat~on ia hereby n~point~d to the Lely Golf Estates Beautification Advisory Committ~ for a four ymx ~ ~aid t~m to ex'pitt October 1, 2001. BE IT FURTHER RF3OLVBD that tho Board of County Conuni~oncr~ of Collier County berry waives thc provisions of ,~'tion ~zv~n (bXl) of Ordinance No. 86-41, as amended, r~lating to a limitation of two comecu~e tem~ of office, for the ~ of rcappointment of George C. Pear~n to this Committ~. This Re~olution adopted a/k"r motion, ~ and unanimous vote. DATED: October 28, 1997 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ADV. BDfra