Resolution 1997-377 RESOLUTION No. 97 - ..:J1L RESOLUTION SUPERSEDING RESOlUTION 11&-443 AND ESTABLISHING THE FEES TO BE CHARGED FOR USE OF COLLIER COUNTY SOLID WASTE FACILmES PURSUANT TO COLLIER COUNn' ORDINANCE NO. 84-31. WHEREAS. The Bœrd of County CœuniIlioner1 through County Ordinance No 84-31 bas implemenled the user fee system for IOlid waste to ell public: and priVItc users, NOW. TIŒREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY 11Œ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Of COlLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. that SEcrlON I: Resolulion No. 96-443 ís berdJy superseded in its entirety, SEcrlON 2: The followins fee scbedule is approved for ell users or the Collier Cœnty Solid Waste facihties: Landfi II fees All fees are baed on certified acaIe wci&ht. per cubic yard fee. or per tire fee. No rounding. Mi:,<ed loeds or biomass (!and cleann&. plant lrimminp and grass cuttings) and other wastc shall nOl be accepted Gcncrnl WasIes: $26,32/ton Special Wasles: $2I,06/ton for Consuuct.ionlDcmolition Debris, $26,32/1on for tires cut into S equal pieca. $89,SOtton for wbole tires. CM or Irudt IÎrca: S4.001tire 16" or larger IÍZC (no cbanJC from FY97). Car or Irudt tirca: SI.OOltire IS"or JDJaIler IÍZC (no cbanJC from FY97), Large tractor or heavy equipment tires on per ton basis only. $14.22/lon for Biomass. S7,lllton for prcceøed Biomass 2" minus in IÍZC. No charge for clean fill material suitable as daily CXI\'Cr less than 6 inches in size. $4, 21/lon for clean material suitable for use as baddill areaie!' than 6 inches In size, ~ß$ of SDCCial Wastes: Special Wa.~e I: DifficuJt-to-handle material requiring pre-acœpta.ncc site preparation (example: asbestos. ash. powders), $131.61Iincident. plus 2IÎmes applicable base rate. Special Waste II: Waste requiring special acceptaDCe proœdures, but no special site preparation. Two limes applicable base rate. except sludge @ S26.32/ton for Collier County Utilities, Special Wasle Ill: Wastes !hat are prohibited by law or regulation for tbe landfill, but are deposited at Landfill working area and must be removed by contractor (example: whole tires, wbite goods. lead-ecid balteries) $ 10.53 per ilem. 12C 8 ,«.'".....^~.,."_..w".,,......__·,·,,___ 12C 8 Transfer Station Fees (No ChanK from FY97 R"t""": S4.2SluseJautomobiles and station wagons both full-si7.e and compacts Oesa than ~ cubic yard) S8.S0/cubic yard/trucks. trailers, vans (volume rounded to nearest yard) (more than 'h cubic yard) Car or trUCk úm: $4,OOlûrc 16" or larger rim size. Car or truck úres: $I,OO/tirc I'" or sma.Uc:r rim size. Large tractor or heavy equipment tirce accepted only at1andfitl. RESIDENTIAL COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL FEES {Jncludcs Collection of Rccvclablcs} Service Area Nllmber Oue: Curbside ~ $ 78.03 .1W $ 107.96 Backdoor 0nœJweek S 90.26 ~ $ 120.19 Bac:kdoor 'tWi~ $ 115,37 29,93 S 14S.30 Collection Fee +Di$pO&11 Fee: =Annual Fee ~nice Area Number Two: Curbside 'tWicelweck $ 8O.S9 .12.fi $ 110.52 BacItyanI TwiœJweeIt 5 107.43 l2.2l S 137.36 Collection Fee +Disoosal Fee =Annual Fee Rcçvclinlt Bin Fees: Each residential unil is provided an initial biD at DO charge by the County. Replacement of bins due to normal wear will be provided by the Franchisee at no charge to the residential unit Unserviceable bins must be presented in exchange for replacement bins. Reptaocmcnt ofbin. due to loss or negligence of the residenúal unit. to be paid for by the custolDCf at a COOl of 5S ,00 per bin. COMMERCIAL COLLEcrION AND DISPOSAL RES Service Area Number One: - Mandatory multi-family recycling collection fee is $.92 per-unit per-month. Serviçe Area Number TWQ: - Mandatory multi-family recycling collection fee is $.95 pcr-unit per-month, Commercial Disposal Fee: See Attached Schedules (4 pages) - Attachment No. I SECTION 3~ The effective dale of this Resolution shall be October 1,1997, . Thi~ ~Iution adopted this'? 5 J day ~ ~k ~ , 1997 after motion. second ~ótï1#' "le. ¡ '.:. .' , 'fO '" .... ." ," . ,: . ~ ..'. ,(?, .:' " '·.·AT.œ~1/;¡ .." ~ ", ' ", . . ;' .n~i~p,.b~ CLERK ::' : '~~~Æ'~f~" '~f ~.~ 7' ": . h·..2 '"If ,:(; C;J -~ Å ... '. -ã; , ,,- <.... ' // / .u ~ .. / '., ',' , .. . , , " ", .... " .~ ~~Il'" s'1~"~ \.. Äppióved as to fonn and legal sufficiency: BOARD OF COUNI'Y COMMISSIONERS ~n=, ' ~~ By' . TIM L. AlCP, œAIRMAN ~~ David C, Weigel, eo¡¡ ty A .~.."',.."'---- AaåIDellt No. I Pq,e t 014 " EmC'l1VE DAn: RATZ SCIIDUL& FOR SERVICE AR&A NO. I 10/1/97 ,vAS'ft MA!lfAGEMtNT OF CO', HR COUNTY. me. B1JLK CONTAIlUR COMMZKCIAL RATIS (O.2SIJd .« w-' Is CoIIecdoa ... Eåra Pkbp) RATE PER. MONTH EXTRA CONTAINER SIZE FREQ. COLLEC11ON DISPOSAL TOTAL SERVICE PER WEEK 2 CU.YD, 1 S 67.00 12.62 79.62 2 107.62 25.24 132.86 $17.33 3 141.39 37.86 179.25 PER PICKUP 4 202.64 50.48 253.12 S 211.21 63.10 274.31 6 247.27 75.72 322.99 ~, 4 CU.YD, 1 S 15.86 25.24 111.1 0 I:, 2 159.14 50.48 209.62 $34.64 , 3 211.77 75.72 217.49 PER PICKUP 4 274.72 100.97 375.69 S 333.10 126.20 459.30 6 404.07 151.45 555.52 6 CU.YD, 1 S 124.20 37.86 162.06 2 196.89 75.72 272.61 $51.95 3 305.06 113.59 418.65 PER PICKUP 4 373.16 151.45 524.61 S 482.47 119.31 671.71 6 560.87 227.16 m.O] 8 CU,YD. 1 S 140.83 50.41 191.31 2 251.13 100.97 352.10 169.26 3 354.85 151.45 506.30 PER PICKUP 4 467.01 201.92 661.93 S 561.86 252.42 821.28 6 689.04 302.89 991.93 Restart Fcc: $57.26 " , " ., 12C 8 12C 8' AuacÞ-t No. J 'ace 2 øU \' RATE SCJßDUU fOR SERVICE ADA NO. J ". IFnCTlV¥ DA 1"1 10/1/97 , y;ASn MAMAGEæNT or COII.ß.1t COUNTY. me. ~ f, BULK COMPACI'OR COMMKaCJAL RATES ('.2S1y4 .... .. CoDectIcMI'" Estra PkIuIp) RATE IÐ. MON'IH EXTRA CONTAINER SIZE FREQ. COLlECTION DISPOSAL TOTAL SERVICE PER WEEK 2 CU. YO I S 117.J.4 69.40 186.74 " 2 112.20 138.85 321.05 $41.86 3 299.14 208.24 S07 .31 PER PICKUP 4 297.74 277 .65 S75.39 S 297 .2-4 347.10 644.34 6 3S6,49 416.49 m.98 4 CU.YD, 1 S 207.62 138.85 346.47 2 374.62 277 .65 652.27 $74.80 3 506.44 416.49 922.93 PER PICKUP 4 639.69 555.34 1195.03 5 m.41 694.13 1466.54 6 906.86 832.98 1739.34 6 CU. YD. 1 $ 302.74 208.2-4 510.93 2 436.60 416.49 153.09 S112.18 3 704.61 624.74 1329.3' PER PICKUP 4 122.09 132.98 16'5.07 5 1102.98 1041.22 1144.20 6 1308.66 12-49.47 2551.13 8 CU.YD, 1 S 330.05 177.65 607.70 2 559.18 555.34 1114.52 $138.11 3 787.31 832.98 1620.29 PER PICKUP 4 1016.90 1110.63 2127.53 5 1244.83 1383.32 2633.15 6 1475.67 1665.97 3141.64 Restart Fee: $57.26 12C 8 AUåeellt No. I ... 3 oU r ~- .. , ~ . . RATE SClŒD1JL& FOR SERVICE ADA NO.1 EFncnv~DAn 1011/97 WASTE MANAGRMnIT 0' COI~.HR COUNTY. INC. ~ ,.~ . ,. F( ROLL-OFI' SERVICE - UGULAR COMMJ,BCIAL CUSTOMERS F.lXJIPME1'([' SJZe b«>NmL Y p.nr.JIPMENT CHARGE UAULCHARGE 20 CUBIC YARD S ".89ICONTAINER $85.89 - 137.41/LOAD· 30 CUBIC YARDS S 97.WCONT AINER $85.19 - t37.4t/LOAD· 40 CUBIC YARDS SIOS.79/CONT AINER $85.19 -137.41/LOAD· COMPACfOR V ARIES WITH EQUIPMENT $200.4OILOAD . Varies depending on ~ from dilpØlAllÍtC. Roll~ rateS do not include díIpoal cbarpI. Reinstatemcut charge for ~ IC'I'Viœ due to aoo-paymcut - $57.26 per upeosion. R.ccrcational vehicle perU. mobile bomc perU and mobile home IUbdivisiooI that contraCt to n::c::cM:: curbside servicc shall pay the coøuneráa1l1aDdanS CI011tIincr raIC mu1tipUed by the number of rented or individually-ownc:d recreational \'dúdca or mobile boJDI".a within IUCb pedI;(.) or 1UbdivisionI. Attxlullellt So. I Pap .. ot .. r.mCTIVE DATI: RAn SClØDUU FOR SERVICE ARIA NO.2 10/1/97 IMMOKALEE DtSPOSAL SI:RVlCK COMPA.'O' ~. ,. BUI..K CONTAINER COMMERCIAL RATES r. ~ RATE PER MON11i EXTRA CONTAINER SIZE FREQ. COLLECTION DISPOSAL TOTAL SERVICE PER WEEK 2 CU.YD. 1 S 51.53 12.27 63.80 2 100.77 24.54 125.31 S17.14 3 125.97 36.11 162.71 PER PICKUP 4 1 s.4.5S 49.03 203.66 5 177.48 61.35 231.13 6 194.66 73.62 261.21 .. CU,YD, 1 S 10.17 24.54 104.71 2 141.17 49.03 197.95 S35.66 3 211.13 73.62 2S5.4S PER PICKUP 4 269.07 91.17 367.24 5 320.60 122.70 4-43.30 6 366.40 147.25 513.65 6 CU,YD. I S 143.14 36.11 179.95 2 211.13 13.62 215.45 S53.49 3 274.10 110..... 315.24 PER PICKUP 4 332.05 147.25 419.30 5 333.51 114.06 567.64 6 429.36 220.86 650.22 Restart Fee: $57.26 12C Q '.J