Resolution 1997-376 0Jþ ~t :r! 12C- 7 I RESOLUTION NO. 97- 376 RESOLunON FOR PETITION AV 97-009 TO VACATE A PORTION OF AN EIGHIY FOOT (80') WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT ON LOT 17, QUEENS PARK AT LAGO VERDE. PHASE SIX AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 16, PAGES 52 AND 53, OF TIlE PUBUC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUN1Y, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 177.101, Florida Statutes, Charles Rowe does hereby request the vacation of a portion of an 80' wide drainage easement on Lot 17, Queens Park at Lago Verdc, Phase Six as recorded in Plat Book 16, Pages 52 and 53, of the Public Records ofCollicr County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Board has this day held a public hearing to consider vacating a portion of said easement as more fully described below, and notice of said pub1íc hearing to vacate was given as required by law; and WHEREAS, the granting of the vacation win not adversely affect the ownership or right of convenient access of other property owners. NOW, TIlEREFORE., BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUN1Y COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUN1Y, FLORIDA, that the following be and is hereby vacated: See Exhibit "A'" attacbcd hereto and incorporated herein. BE IT FURTIlER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to record a certified copy of this Resolution in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, and to make proper notations of this vacation on the recorded plat. This resolution adopted after motion. second and majority vote favoring same. DATED: ATrEST: DWlGFJ E. BROCK. ~C<k ¿'y.' .du.. ~ ~-p;-- 2> (7 // 0.1'J.;/· Approved as to form :: 7" ) legal sufficiency: JJtl¿ Æ~ Assistant County Attorney :zp~ Timothy L. còCk, 2229752 OR: 2349 PG: 3001 DCOIDJD lD OrrICIAJ. DCOIDS of COUtU covm, n 0'/25/'1 It 02:01PI DfIGBT I. BIOCl, CLIII DC m 60.00 coms 13.01 letll: WII !O m lOW ImlOrrICI 4TH fLOOI lIT 7240 __·'""""·_.7'.~""";-"",'-··'"'^,~~' ~......._,.,_..~.. -..,,__~..- L- 1 1 I -I _.n·-ow DR - ~ - 1 - I _-I I "" .. ..;.. g¡ -' ~ ~- "" ~ @ @! fJ'" ~.,.. .. I.... ç ~ _ I ._ ð! e' @! @ /. .@ ! ,... - - . @' \. ~. "'" _... 10 .- .. ~ ~ - ' ~ 9, '11 @) ¡ · J:;¡\ .. .It I ! ~ . .' ,8" - .. . c"ft1·@ ¡ .... ,~' . " @..;.~" ~~ J.* - ~.u 11 ".~:~' ~ j!_~ y~ @ ! '" , ",""", .m . ...... . - 'ô- '. ,_ II, ~j . ..... ' ~i I ~AJ.CT A ' .,~ _ . r.'\ . . ~. ~iiwuµs pWfI. r..~ 12 \!J ~ "':- "'~. ~ -:.~~@~I"'" -,:'.' ...... .... -AI !,1Im ~:'.' _ ~t:f'- t~'''1I.\!i;lt''~'~ @ . , 12 I 0 ~'-'..." -"'"".,,":~ ø : ~. ~" ~. .-- \~;; _, . Ii¡- 'ff'" .;0-' -~~..~@ . þ ~@ , .. 0 <S:. "m '~. ~ßI2 ""<...~ \ '~'- Ill}. . .:{!j~. . 2' . ;~ .~- r,$:- ., .... D.~. CD . ~.,..;. ! ..,. ~/'ø' . - "-,*,,. · ..... ¡¡p '.' . . · L'ó'< . ..... I·... " .... · · . ~ ~ (¡ ~ . . . 't!s\ @"""' .. 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DøIm Ti~ 11 CCI!'p&II'I ....-: nøo TMlI...t 1'I'.U If. n.. , rrapl.'. Plod-cSt ]"., ~ ",.1_. Jrrtt I_"'u,I...«,.lts ......«.111 UO",'02.0' ""MI.' 1.1,1<., ';1(1 'f."" ;01S 'Lllt ~ MO:tPIIII om __ ,1C'tt nlll LI1II " rat "=Inroc "IA This WlltTlnty DmI, ,.¡, rIw a. ~ .,,, ~r . 19 ,~ . ., a.vn: COImClt.OR. A C1llCt.1 nuon 10111) OUOOIIY OUIOIlI), A MUKI1X1 m:öO:f A<rd'ltlþ",UIIl"'tlwCmrH" roCKMUI .. IOWI All:) 1Í'rn aowl. 1IU2IIA."I!I ArID "In ltIttM""'øfllt'fllll41f1111 JU. KIln' Øf.M, IJAP%.U, "" ]un MmMfr" nrtW "" GnMr« M.,nw _ _.. lit. ,_ "',_.... ..""".... 11111... ell tho ,..,," ,. "',. '".._ .... lite hot.... ,.,., _111_. ... ...1.... ., '''''.1.''1 .... "'" ___ .... ...f"" ., .."...u.... __ "'" __ .. ...lto ... .........) . WJtneøedt, 11tat,/ttr¡-.þ"'¡I,.œMtI"'f/frMllllllofJ 10.00 tI1I4«'ttr ~ ~ '"tlPf ."'mø/It Mrrt, IIdtMottItrll'I. IIt1fII1 ,,-,. ..".",. ,till, ",;¡,. IW"IlsIf, ,.,..... """"" tI1I4""""'" "",. rIw c"""ff/ "" tMt tmttl1t ,~ II_'M COLUIII. Ct1Ml1. Stat. f1/ n.oamr. 11:: I..o~ 17. ~ 'Nile AT I.N:IO~. '1Ia.. 'S (,'ln accordance wit" and .ubjec:t to the ,l.t r~corded in ,l.t ~=o~ lf, ~a~~. 53 &nd '.. tublic Recorda of ColIi.r COunty. 'lor1d",. I, 71JE /'1;1111:':'011' 1fCRU¥ "1.I~rwrr NIÐ 1~P...ør T1QT'fKI AOavl DUana) MtOPIRTY ¡a !lOT, ''''II R:', IT IrVIIIt "11'. rl::1t U IT conTICMXI. TO AllY 01 THnR IICMaTtAD PROPERTY. Tn¡c1l1cr, to ,~ tlll'ttltrfIØIIl, AmJI/iIIIW'IIQ arttI pJIIm-.r rIImIø ....tbr, tIP"''''''''" ~~.~. ~. . ToHa...mltnllold. tIw~III/ff~~. ' ADd dw 0,.""", 1wtW1- 11M Ml4'f8IIIff ",. ",. ,/'ØItt1r " "'"'fwII1l1lt<ll ", ItII4 """" III Iff II""".; dwt "" r-.r"" fMl fI,ltt.", """", rltI/"" II{ all ";.,r,,,--: ",." "1tII1 btrJ I,,,,, at lilt "'QlwI,,-", rzcqr IUt1 cctrfrl". _...." III ,,-*,J1 (1". . In Witøœ Whereof. ,Iu leU 0-. hrIt rI",.," ,MItrI '11", ''''"'* III, Á1 11114 par /fnt ÛØYf """... :) . 1Glna3, .. " .N tS " - ~~ ~~. 1::;'~ ao:;w øomr. 1fULE', "'IM_ ~fb' ", n.oama. 3U.. . inTi o.~~ ~{t 11ItnW:ht1;'" th, .. IIIf. .,. ..,.,. N. ... .,,,.... '-I, ~I_ ,. """'It... ..... .... tilt. COØIIT'l or .\ .' , .....I~'. _II" .......... Q~ COCJIII:.(rmI. A !lßl'lYA....fJIIGII .. : -,... .. ,.. .. .. Ute ,.....,,,. ..,..... tft _ 1M tMCVI.. .,.. '......"1 ''''?ir.:'I. "'" ......,....... Þtfere ::'=I!r~ II... "mr:rtl~il-:.:.:r"",-;.r.:"':"~""::·'::Iir'",'t:"'-·' ,.,.,. !.1lJL.Vrlvwr'a '~'t:~'9..·.·~· ..t'..J. - ~ . ," ...~~.::...~.-..~...~...;:- Å . 1IQ,....,'....u ~;~ ~., ' vt_ ~.~.... "'f'.hl~ c--, ....h_ I, '. . I.., afIreIaf. "'1.1 a.. "tS ~ .t Oectriler .: '':::~:''1'.;:2tX~.;.; .....ft.15, . .~.~~ \it~~~:~:~·:~.:'··" I I'Jo:a.T "~0.'Jj:t'e!)«..~:: -;':~~',:! ,..,!o-~j:.,.:.!~;~.:.~.:; ~:~.. 1.Þ.~.. t~O·"" ~,:~t S~.8t ,=!3G ; ~., 6, l-.t, SO',ð 6Ii:S¿~~9~t8t:tJI 31J. U. mma ~. ",,,.. ._. ~_. .... .~ .".. . - ~....... .. ~~-_.____.____ _~r·_______..._ , 1 1 , I . I I I '17-001 12C- 7 OCCUP ANfS WI11IIN 250 Fr ON KENT DRIVE RUSSELL H &. JOYCE SMI1H 3610 KENT DRIVE NAPLES. FL 34112 moMAS R & JANELLE SMI11I 3612 KENT DRIVE NAPLES. FL 34112 GARY&. KAREN GARNER 3616 KENT DRIVE NAPLES. FL 34112 RICHARD & SHARON BELCHER 3618 KENT DRIVE NAPLES. FL 34112 FROM: CHARLES &. BEITY ROWE 36141ŒNT DRIVE NAPLES, FL 34112 TO: TRANSPORTATION DEPT A1TN: RUSS MULLER <:::) ~ ~ ~ ~ '-0 ""C:I C':It ~ C> C> 0"\ !lli Greg Gittord Jì""1E. Pl.~N ( (J"¡ Q'1-r;otq ) 12C- 7 PROPERTY ADDRESS I )61' Kent Dri.e Raple.. rL ))962 ¿OT /~ 3ð' FouA/D r,g" J'I71U 'pIN ill Ir'3 c.. - - /70,(J(1' t." .... ~ ). ~ l¡,¡ :i \e 4! ~ .. ... If... ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ~ t ~ ...:: ~ ~ II;; ~ . ;¡... 0 I., \I . ..... C) "" ~ v" 3d' .r·irk FOUAI D S"A»' :rrllA/ , 01 {tfl;- OlliE 5TOlrY R,;r ID E!AlCE' fÇ-..,' 28.71" , 1 - ~ I .-ðl-, ~II ,..-- .:, SC':'øeCl ( ~ ~". LO T /7 ~ ,....,-, ... ~.J.. -~,~ ,.., ,. . . .. .. ... :1"'1' "10.0 '--1: N 81· O.f'" 0'" E' - - ...--- rSiTS¡".D'l7p 170.00' 'IAI ""',,. UfJUI LO ï IS Ñ1<IAlD #i.UhIAlUN ~R"" JU¥ I'.C,,q 0 :::ø >0- I'...:Þ c....> .¡:a ~ ÞØ Q ~ c::::Þ c::::Þ ~ DESCRIPTIO/II CEIlTIl'ICATlI I hereb7 cerUt)' \01 Lot 17, Queen. Park at Lago Verde, fbu. S1.x u r.corded 111 Plat Boot 16, Pagla ~2 I S3 or the Public Rlcord. "r ColUlr Count1. norlda. Subject to laa.ments, reatrlctlon and re.erYatlon or rlcord. .) Charlee B. Rove and Beatrice Rove b) Cre..laud Mortpp Corp.. it. nc_.on t.Df4/ or ...ipe a) Dwm 'flUe d) A..ncaa PiOD..r nu. InlflU'UCI CoIIpuq .) Creg Gittord that a IIoun4ar7 Sarrq ot the propert.l llenœ.... -.d. OD JIÜ7 17. 1995. aad that aid .bon pooaJIII tunel and .ketch are accurat.. to the bed ot rq bowled.e aDd lleUet. I turther oert.1l7 Ulat w. IW'Y'" _t. the IUnbll. TechD1cal ltudard. ..t torth in SeOt.1OD 472.0'2:1 nar1c1a It&t&t... aDd Chapt..r 61 G 17-6 nor1da Ada1n1.f.rat.1n Code. Foundat.iOD SurTel 9-7-95. Final Sunel 12-18-95. ~ Be.r1nS Baaed on th. Vest Lot 11ne being S 00· 54' 59w E Ab.\ract not re.ieved Flood Zona AI 7 '.P. I L. . Florida Pever I Licht COIlpaJ11 fi . C.nt..r Line P.C.P. . Peraanent Control Point U.I. . Utility !ale.ent C.P. . Concrlte Ped AIC . Air-conditioner P.B. . Pool Equip..nt .I/~/j~ /~"- DAh¡; B. BRUS. ns Fla. Cert.. 10. 4520 JOt YALID UILI:SS IIGRD AID SD.LID vrm EMBOSSED SEAL. . ~ ,.. t.;~ "0 ~ I "- ~ ¡:., ~ ~ ..., ... -.: I( - .------- w o 0::: 00 ~ w-~ x > 55 ~ ~ ;:ü j Cf) 0 fj~ ~U):; W « 23 ë3 I, CJ) -1 I-- ü !. :i.1I -"" a:::. l ---.... < I-- I"" :r: r-- a.. ~ 1ft Q.. « ~ lL.J W ZN ~ ~ lL.J "" U)" U- -z .-r' > < ---.... -- a::: 0.... ~:I: ::>1-- U)~ CJ) <~ Z 0 W Lf) W => '0 I I . i '.IC Iii .¡~ . ~è:l !~I·i II . i I~ :1;; a::: 2.... o ....J lJ.. 4& . f! @i . r:1 J: ~ll- ~~ I· i -] . z UI C) < a..N to. .. :w: ON 0 G:I ... ...ILI <I.LI < ...J:J: a..cn C) - a. - J: U) z :J: o I-- /..r..':'.:t\;o;:..~ ,,/' 000 --- , I · f! . . I ~ GI ~ ti ".jâ ¡- - -. ~.Jft. - CD CD CD \II CD ... CD I , I ; I 0 ::ø CD .1 ~ " (.A,) ~ '-C) '"Ø ~ c.~ c:::> c:::> '-C) . . .[. n_^<~___r,.. ....""__"""'_~,_...*."~,~....<^·'Æ_..__"'""..._,_.._'"'~···__ '..~..'.""'_'_ ---_._,.._~,,,,..,-,"',,.,.._"'_....""'-,...,-~".,." -~-_..- ---...-.~."~-,--,~---_.",. ".,-<,-'~._- . .' :1 (I' .... å ~ It II., ~ \e :::. ~ - iii,; ~ ~ ( ~ t " ~ - ~ ~ . ~ . ;r. ~ tJ 4 " . ... I:) ..., øewlt "'-1.' I'/( AI""/" E~Rrlll ¡ 'Jð' .J"Q 7.J'J --- FOUIJ D .rID' zrn.l , /1.1 ('11;- ONE .s TO R'y 1IIéS'lD eAlc¡: .J. 1&:7' ~. , ~ ~ ,...,,,-, .. ~.a. -..,. -. ~ ,. . 9ð.O . --I: N 61' or' Ñ?fIAlÞ "/.VI'fIPII17 u,,·~ J'UII I'.C,R DESCRIPTION. Lot. 17, Quoena Perk at. Laco V.rd., Fha.a Six ao rocordod 1D Plat. Book 16, PaC.o 52 I 53 or th. Public Recorda or Collier County, Tlorida. Subject. to a....ont8, root.rict.ion .nd ro.arv.t.ion or r.cord. ~ eurin¡ Baud on th. W..t Lot. 11nlt bein, 8 00' 5" 591 I Abstract not. raylav.ð 11004 Zona AE 7 '.P. I L. . Florida Pov~r I LiCht. Co.p&n7 ~ . Center Line P.C.P. . Peraanent. Cont.rol Point. U.!. . Ut.1l1t7 Ea....nt. c.r. . Concro~a Pad AIC . Air-condit.ion.r P.!. . Pool Equip..nt. lmt!. Gnl CUrord PROPERTY ADDRESS I 1.1.7S" ,." I ~" pðð~; ~ SC':'O~ct ¡" : . " ,. ... ; '10" OR: 2349 PG: 3012 12C-7 3614 hnt. Drin I.pl.., rL )3962 LOT IÇø 170 ,(J(J' LO T 17 - - -- --- 0/' E" G'I"Dr1J1 170,o()' "N '"'' "'l..I1Jl.YI LO ï IS CERTlrICA'B1 I ber.~ c.rt.if,. tot >- a) Charl.. I, Rov. and Beat.ric. !tow b) Cro.elaDeS Mort.caca Corp., ite RCC'''OI'll cð./0f' a.aienl c) Dunn Title d) ,..riM!! PiOll..r Titl. IDllUl'anc. CO.puIl .) Crac CUrord that. a BouncSar7 Sun., or th. propert)' benCID In" MeS. on JuJ,r 17, ,1995. cð. that. Mid abo.,. ¡rouøcI lun.,. aDd eltatch are accurate to th. belt. or fl1 knovledp &rid beli.r. I turt.har ..rUt)' tbat Ws Rn., ...t. the M1DillU. T.clm1ca1 I~ set. torth 1JI Iect1011 472.0'2:1 noricla StatllteS and CMptar 61 Q 17-6 norlc1a A4.1D1strd1YI Cod.. Foundation Sun., 9-7-95. Final Sun.,. 12-18-95. //~/)~ /~"- DAfiii 8. IItOIS. PLS na. Cen. 10. '520 IIOT VALID VILISS 8IGßD AID 8EAL!D WITH 2MBOSSEO SEAL. . i \.; "Q ", .' Il, ~ ~: , ~I ~I SKfTCH OF DESCKIPTION 12C-7-' LOT 17 ') 1_ 80' DlfFH)/II&E F".j~"l!'Nr . ' ~ I II 8'1·0S'" Ol"~ 'JJð' ;.f'i ~ ~ .s O· rY" S<¡'" e- ~ 0 J,.-; .1c.<3' ~ ~~ 1"1 r P.O.tJ oS fj "·OS-'O,... U/ /70.<30' P.O, c: S,E. Co O,Nett LO r /7 l:Qß.i. CHARLIE ROWE J2.UÇRIPTIOH: Co_encinq at the South.a.t corn.r of Lot 17 Qu.ena Park at Lago V.r~., Ph.a. Six .. recorded in Plat Book 16, P.ge. 52 ~ 53 of the Public R.corda of Collier County, Florida: thence South 89· OS' 01" W..t 80.00 f.et 1009 the South lin. of .aid Lot 17 to the W..t line of a 80 foot wide platt.d draina9. .aaeaent¡ thane. North 00· 54' 59" w..t 5.3 f.et al009 ..id W..t .a.eaent line to the Point of Be9innin9: thence continue North 00· 54' 59" w..t 30.00 feet along ..id .....ënt Une; thence Morth 89· OS' 01" Eaat 6.00 f..t; th.nc. South 00· 54' 59" East 30.00 t.et: thence South 89· 05' 01" W.st 6.00 t..t to the Point of Be9innin9. H- H- H- o ::ø ~ ~ ..c:.. \"C) '""'Ø Q tmU..i. "'" c::> ....... "'" H- H- H- Boarln9 baaed on the center line of Kent Drive beln9 8 00· 54' 59" hat P.O.B. . Point of B8'iJ1nnlng P.O.C. " Point of eoa..nc...nt. ,l~~ð'~-e:.- 6(.;ld B. Brun. PLS Fl. Cert. No. 4520 NOT VJU.ID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND 'I'D ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A' FLORIDA LICE1fSED SURVEYOR AND HAPPIR. BRUMS ~ aRUMS, IHC. 1072 811t1:11 A"enue II. Mapl.., Florida 34102 Corp. Mo. La 3241