Resolution 1997-366 RESOLUTION NO. 97-.._2.fi5 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING TIlE FY t997-98 FINAL BUDGET 3' H- V,q-IERE.~S, the Bo~d o~' County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, has held an adverliscd public hearing on September 17, 1997 to finalize the FY 199%98 Budget and adopt · e millage rates in accordance with Sections 129.03 as~d 200.065, Florida S',atutes, as mended by Chapter 96-211, Laws of Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COLINTY, FLORIDA, that the attached list of Budgets by Fund is hereby adoptext for FY 1997-98. This Resolution adopted this /'/ day ot.~.~_~z~r/~/- , 1997, after motion, seci~rld al'id majt:rily vote. DATED: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWiGHT E. BROCK, Clerk COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA ->" ~/4 ;, TIMOTI't,5~ L. HANCOCK, Chairman Approved as to for~n and legal sufficiency Ramiro Maita.~i~'h Cb_icl Ass/slant County Atlamcy f:c~','r~oluli~;ns/,~,dc,p~mg Final [ludgzt F'*" I907-98 (:oilier County, Florida Summary of Budget by Fund Fiscal Year 1997-98 Fund 17xle Ill I1~ General Fund Corss~,ilutional Officer Funds Cicrk Of CircuJt Coral ShchF, Tax Collector Sub(ora! Constitutional Of Tkem General Fund (001 ) I{38.721 ,IqOt> 111q,491.5(}O :(0103 7.645,800 8,058,700 ((14(l/ 50..~7!L900 53.629.800 (060) 2.787.700 2,8§3,400 (07o) 6,425.5?9 7.068.498 (0~) 1,433,800 1,394,900 68,763,779 73,035.298 9.(1% 6.3% 3 10.o% -2.7~, Sperial Revenue Funds Road & Brklge ( 10 l) 7.707.000 7,68g,9OO MSTD P,o,~i Dis( I (1923 ~,(17.131~1 MS~ Ro~ DNI. 2 (1033 4~,~0 ~,7~ MSTD Ro;~ Dist. 3 (1043 1,o4%.2oo 1.1 MS~ Ro~ ~. 5 (1~) 313,~ 389.~ Pollution Clmnup ( 1083 I.()5o.(n~) 514.5(~) Pdi~ Bay ~'~U (1~) 2.5_~,3(~ Pclic~ Bay Sc~ritv ( I 1()) 132.6(~ M~ C~I Fm~ ( t 113 13,3~,2ffi 14.791.7~ Cemm. D~'clopma, { 1133 IIU~l~.9t~l 12.619. Wm~ Poil~ion C~aol ( 1143 I. f~g,~ 1.618,3C~ Sh~hff Grants ( 1151 136.7i~ M~;m~s Gr~t~ (1 lC) 5 i.~ 53,8~ Natural Rcs~t~c~ GnmB (117) 28.6t~} 27.6~ P~s & Rc~ion Cq~n~ ( t 193 215.5(x) 215 U~ h~~ ~m (121~ ~8,~ 626,3~ S~x-ic~s ft~r S~io~ (I 23~ 0 Mare P~a~g~ (t263 I(~,~ I~,~ G. G. Corem Ctmt¢' (13(}) C,62 (~1 Proc Ridge I M. P~ (1323 7i1.1t~ Victoria Pk. Dmi~c (134) 9.(~) 8 G.G. Pkw. 5mudfic~tion (136) 229.4(h) N~d~ P~ P~ 038) 10.~ N~I~ Pa~ Dmb~ge ( 1 ~9) I~ 56.5(~ N~I.~ Prod. P~ M~nt. ( 141 ) 13.81~ ll;.3(X) ~ 9 9% 33.1% 13. 24.2%I -s i.%t 2 o%I 10.4%I 26. 1%j .:I.4%I 4.5% O. 1% 4).2% -~4.4% O.f~ 33.2% - 8. ~/~ -I I 1% 2 ) 2% N/A -23.4% Collie:' County, Florida Summary of Budget by Fund Fiscal Year 1997-98 Isle. of (_'~ri Ochm)ee Fire Colli~ County Firc Radio Road Bmutific.~tion SabM Pahn Roadway Lely B emcdfimtion Hawksridgc Pump System For~, Imkc~ Road & Drain hnn~okzdcc Beautification Marco Beach R~rL~tr~lel'J 8(~) MHz Fund Mt$cetiaroeous Fta, Staeate~ Stale Housing (SItIP) Touris! l)m,'elopme~l! Tourist D~'elepmea~t Tour/st D¢v¢iopment Emnom3c DixaC~ Rec.overy Records Mod~'nization . M ,'ISeUR1 E..91 I Sx,;tcm Special Revenue Funds (Cont'd) ( 144'1 ! 35, 1(×1 163 (146) 859,800 848.300 (148) 304.70~1 281.500 (15O) 0 222,200 ( 15 I) 39,21~O 56.3!R} (152) 103, IO0 132,500 (154) 9. 300 (155) 46,300 63, l O0 (156) ~; 16.5(×) 360.2t~O (159'I 346.400 226,700 / 188) 568,4o0 (190) 15,000 8,41X} ( 191 ) 1.306.4{U) 1.488.400 092) 60,000 0 ( [ 93) 1.785.600 1. 767;, (194) 2,155. I00 2,040,6OO (195) 8.857.600 11).64 7.300 (196) 24 t,900 326,900 I, 197) ,~O0.t){E) 73 (,. (!98) 295,200. 31~2,200 (199) 1.0 ~ 5..$ {~.) I. 209 20.8% -!.3% -7.6°A, N/A 43.6% 28.5% 151% 36.3% -S 16% - 12.0% -44.0% 13.9% -i00.0% - I.{)% -5.3,% 2!}.2% 35.1% -8.0% 12.5%1 Subtotal Special Revenue Funds 63. 167.31X) 68.821, ItR) Debt Service Fuod,q Race Track Bonds (202) 1977 F.n~itlcmcnl Bonds (2t14l 1986 Parl~ G.O. ;Bon& (206) Marco Rcnot::ishmcn{ (207 G~ Tax Bo.ad~ (212) I')9o Special Obligation Bomds (214) Sa~ Tax Botll1's :!: ~213) Nap[~ Pm~ Assessment Bonds (226) .?ir~,'.i RMg~t N~i'~ .L'~d: Park C~;'~ Statiotx Ex-p. (244) H:~hh Ur0! Cflrt'~tt(,,r (255) Spcx:Lal Obhgafion Re/omc Bond 1,291.).', Commerdal :P;!~i- . (2.99,) Subtotal Debt Service Fueds 753,800 6119. 6 !)9,9Cq) 1,108,~ q.(}oo 8.371 33,400 55,3~ 754,1&) 862,700 1.112,500 9,659JY00 218,304) 5,691,51Y0 33,4o0 0 4,468.2o0 : 2,692,9~ 18.'!% 190.3% 0.3% - I oo.o% 15,4% N/A O.O% -51 24.88(1.30o 2~q,215. I(Rx. 13.5%' [Fund Title Collier County, Florida Summary of Budget by Fund Fiscal Year 1997-98 Fl' 9~98 7 % Capital projects/Expenditur~ Funds (301) 29,'M8,800 33,115,¢)00 (304) 59.9Ofl 93. I (306) 1,955,400 1,494,700 (307) 250.(~)() (313) 13.185,100 18,784,400 (314) 1 I, 100 79,600 (318) 101,100 47,000 (320) 526.7tX) 1.537,(g)0 (321) 0 0 (325) 2,475,200 6,239,200 (326) 365,000 0 (331) 6.355.400 8.899.800 (333) 3,226,60~ 5,865,600 (334 ) 984. I t)O 1.804.0OO (336) 1,993,600 2,623,000 (3314) 1. I 17. l[XI 1.443,400 (339) 278,100 532,000 ( 34t~) 53.5t×) 58.700 (341) 806,800 ~59,900 (345) 1.344. lb~ 1.686. :(3~)) 592,300 779,4f~ (355) 2.627.4(X) 2,055,2tX) ~361) O 0 (362) 0 (36.'1) 0 0 (364) o (36:5) 70,O60 11,500 (366) 0 O (36~ 0 0 ~3614) 2.~(,9.c~ 6.3os. 94.343.7O9 Fac. Mgmt. Ce-Wide Wiggins Parks Capital improve Libra.fy Cap. i~mve ROad Co~o~ M~scum CIP Clm~ Bay Re~o~fion W'a:~ Managcmcm CIP Road Impa,~ Dist~ct 1 ]Ro~ tn~a~ Div~ 2 Road Impact Di~cl 3 Road I~ D~ 4 Road Impact Dist~c:~ 6 R~ ~t:D~t~ Road Impacl Dis~c~ Regiomd P~g LibmD' Co-Wsdc Dist 2. N. N~I~ P~ D~ ~, G.G. Dist 4~ E. N~i~ Pks Dh~ 5;: ~~:P~ O~st 6. S. Na~g~/Utbm~ Comm. Pk Subtotzl Capka[ Fund.~ 12.8% 55.4% -24.2% -4 617.1% 43.5% 191 N/A1 152.1% -I00.~ g 1.8% 83.3% 31.6% 29.2°A 91:3% 9.7 %'. ~ 5.4% 3 I -21 N, A N/A N/A Na'A 33 9% 3 H Collier County, Florida SummmT of Budget by Fund Fiscal Yenr 199%98 :'::::~::~'::':.".,' .:&::~::~",2::~::,3'¢:::47.~: .?:::.::'::::...:~:":N:::::.?.~::~:::~¢);:?%~.~.:~: 2.:~.~ ,, ~ ~¢~.~ · ~.~ ..= ~...~.,:~:~...:~s~>~::.:, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .: :=:: .. Entente Funds W/S Debl S~ce (410) 20,133,8~ 22,553,300 12.0% Wat~ Capi~l P~j ~ls (412) 12.989.3 O0 13,647.700 5.1% S~ C~i~ ~j~ ~414) 19 602.6~ 9, 591.100 -5 I. 1% -~ ~ ~ ~:~;~??.~::~?:?:~:::~.~ ~.: ?= ..~ ~?.:¢ ~:::~($~ i) ? ~::?~?: :~ ~'~ :~:~ :'~'::: ?~: S =,~;;'~:::~?:7=::~ :~.?~:9;~: ~::~:: ~:~ :~ ~:.g ~.;~ S~vcr Area "B" So. (422) :~'~:~P3:Dig~:'?:: ~!:::. :~::.;ili ~'~:~ ': :~i ;::!(431) Goodland W/S District (441) Sewer Area:. B: ': .:.:i.:i!:!::!i:. .::.:? (443) Solid Waste Dispoml (470) :Lmicifill.Clm ·: ....... :i.?::i ::::i'i: i~ :'''':: : (4'71) Solid Waste. Grants (472) EMS (49O) EMS:Tmsl :: :::;:~ ' :::': .'- ..... . - (491) Ah-pon Authority O~erations (495) Subtota! Enierprisc Funds 0 0 N/A 730,000 :~ .- g17,80Oi:: ': i::12d06t~ 708.101) 652.50¢) -7.9% 5,400 5,700 .... 5.6% 19.933.70~ 20.342,3 O0 2.0% 4,354;600 :.. '..::: 4,630,~: :.:~: 63%1 446 600 250,600 43.9% 7.515.200 8,001.600 6.5% 1.081.7~) 1.327.900 22.8% 1,917,~.:.:: ': :18.2% 150,077,60t) 194,991,300 29.9% Internal Sen'ice Ft,nds L~fCrrm~'fi°n T~ ~!0gYl: ;i i:. :':~:~' ;: i i:). (StJS.~}i ~:~: ~ 1~331~500~: .: ~ I;368.5~ ~' 2 D~ent of R~enue (510) 2.38 I,SG0 2,455,900 3:1% Group H~lff~ (517) 8.330,41X) 7.31,7.11~) -122% F!c~ Maaagement (521) :M~ P~l CaPRal Rec~,,~ . .. : (f22) OCPM (589) '4,667,400 ::i: 3,918,900 -16.0% 2,209.500 2.273,9~) '~ °' 1 .b'03,.10(t 2,282,800 26.6%{ 3,(,61,2(}~ 3,784,3{)0 __ '3.1%] Subtotal ' ,' , ,. mt.l-nM Se~-,'ice Funds 26 962 500 26,134,100 · -' I1 Collier County, Florida Summary of Budget by Fund Fiscal Year 1997-98 Trust and Agency Funds GAC Tp~t-Lsnd (605) 392.6(~ 344,5~ ,-12.3% :,G.~C~.T~~':;?~:::~:;~ :~?::~.,:::~.:.~::?~ ::4: ~:.4:;; (~) ..... '": ":: 91,~::;?;::~:~ ...... : ~ :. 0~:~'~:":::.~::~;;'I~,'~ Law Enfor~mmu Trust (608) 61.300 68,~ 12.4% :A~mal C~."a~Ol:...Tr~t "":': !(fi 10) ' Lib~ Trust Fund (612) O~ce of Ufili~ Regulation (669) C~t~n~t ': - (6~) - Subtotal T~st Funds 88.600 29,200 -67.0% 11.600 :': : 5, i00::'~' ::'.'~56~0~ 62~ 5o~ ~.~4~.~o 8:0% i,ighting District Funds : Collier Cr, ty~Lt~::!:!; :: ':! ,: i(760} 610 .... · 3oo : :: 62,h4oo ,=. Naples Produclion Park (770) 12,900 I 1.300 Pelim'm Bay Lighting (778) 65514'00' 684,;~00 P~en'e~ UiXtl t:i ii:i.i i~ :::i :ii;iill ii i-i ::::?i::'i!! i!:ilill :i i!i::iii!~/al): i:: :i i: i::~! $i~O0'!i: i-: ?.::i; i :i:!i: 19,~ i~ L~Ss: : '"'" ':"':'"":' '-"" '--:= ::::::::::::::::::::::: ~>:::"'"::,: :":: ' ::2 :~:: :.':.', · ,! ======================================================= :: ~a~,/~a~:~r~ ::;:~. :::::::::::::::::::::::: .:. :: ::::.-:::::::~::: :: .: :::.:::: :1~$;]10:~: ~ :::: ~ N~ County Budg~ 392,084.418 467,614,098