Resolution 1997-346WHEREAS, Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, provides the procedure for fixing the millage rates; and WHERffAS, Section 129.03, Florida Statutes, sets forth ~he procedure for prepsration and adoption of the budget; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has received and examined the tentative budgets for each of the County's funds; and WHEREAS, on July 22, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 9'/-291, approving the County's proposed millage rates and setting the public hearings for adoption of the final millage rates; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, an advertised public hesring was held on September 3, 1997, to adopt the tentative budgets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the FY 1997-98 Tentative Bud/ets as amended by the budget summaries alIached here~) and incorporated herein, sre hereby adopted as the Tentative Budgets for FY 1997-98, ~ ~o Sections 129.03 ~ 200.065, Florida Statues, as amended by Chapter 96-211, Laws of Florida. This Resolution adopted this~.~ day of ~ 1997, after motion, second and majority vote. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA EXHIBIT A Collier County, Florida Summary of Budget by Fund Fiscal Year 1997-98 ~eral ~nd .... Con~i~tJonal O~er Fun~ Txx Colle~or {070) 6,425,579 7,~8,498 10.~/~ Subtotal Const~t~nal ~ 6g,763.779 72,457,298 5.4% Special Revenue Funds i~&:]3rldg~:::.: ' ='~(101) .i :' :i~":7,'/07,000 .'/,688,900 .0.2% MSTD Road Dist. I (I02) 607.00{~ g49.300 39.9% MSTD Road DisL.2 :: (103) 486,000 646,700 33.1% MSTD Road Dist 3 (104) 1,043,200 1.186.600 13.7% Pollution C]cnnup (108) 1,050,000 514,50o -5 !.0% Pelican Bay Security (110) 332,600 339, I O0 2.0% Sh~ (115) 136.7~ 194,7~ 42.4% S~c~ ~or S~o~ (123) 0 0 N/A G.G. P~. B~on (136) 229,4~ 292,7~ 23.2% N~I~ P~ D~e (I 39) 0 56,5~ N/A A-I EXHIBIT A Collier County, Florida Summary of Budget by Fund Fiscal Year 1997-98 Subtotal Special Revenue Funds 63,167,300 68,879.600 9.0% Debt Service Funds G.G. Comm. Cu'. B~nds (203) ~ 0 0 N/A i 986 Parks G.O. Bonds (206) 867,400 862,700 -0.5% 19~0 Gns T~x Bonds (2 ! 2) I, ! 0~,000 !, I 12,500 0.4% 1986 Sales Tnx Bonds (215) R,3'/IA00 9,659,000 15.4% C.~ori S~t~on E~. (244) 33.400 33,400 0.0% Health Unit Compute~ (255) 55,300 0 -100.0% Subtotal Debt Ser~e Funds 24,$80,000 26,826,300 ?.8% A-2 EXHIBIT A Collier County, Florida Summary of Budget by Fund Wiggins Pass (304) 59,900 93, IOO 55.4% L~rary Cap. Improve (307) 250,O00 240,000 -4.0e/, Museum C[P (314) l 1,100 79,600 617.1% Clam Bay Resxoraflon (320) 526,700 1,537,000 191.8% Water M,'magement CIP (325) 2,475,200 6,239,200 Road Impact Dt~ct i (33 I) 6,355,400 $,695,200 36.9/. Road Impact lJk~ct 3 (334) 9~4,100 1,804,000 $3.3% Road Impact Disirict 6 (338) 1,117,100 !,443,400 29.2% Road Impact District 8 (340) 53,500 58,700 9.7% Regional Parks (345) 1,344,100 1.686,100 25.4% Library Co-Wide (355) 2,627,400 2,055,200 -21.~% Di~ 2, N. Naple~ Pks (362) 0 0 N/A Dist 4, E. Naples Pks (364) 0 0 N/A Di~ 6, S. Naples Pks (366) 0 0 N/A Naplcs/U~onn Comm. Pk (365) 2,~69,000 6,305,100 I ! 9.~/, Subtotal Capital Funds 70,599,300 94,342,100 33.6% A-3 EXHIBIT A Collier County, Florida Summar~ of Budget by Fund Fiscal Year 1997-98 Internal Sa. vice l~unds Dep~lmenl of Rev~ue (5 ! 0) 2,381,500 2,455,900 3. 1% Group Heallh (517) 8,330,400 7,317,100 -12.2% Fl~ Managing! (521) 2,209,500 2.273,900 2.9% OCPM (589) 3,661,200 3,784,300 3.4% Su btotnl Internal Service I~unds 26,962,500 26,134,100 -3. 1% A-4 EXHIBIT A Collier County, Florida Summary of Budget by Fund Fiscal Year 1997-98 U~hting District Funds N~I~ ~u~on P~ (770) 12,~ I i,3~ -12.4% Peli~ Bay Ling ~) 655,~ ~,2~ 4.4% Fund 516,470,179 565,984,398 9.6% Net County Budget 392,083,618 427,102,798 8.9%