Resolution 1995-353 8 I'" t It RESOLUTION NO. 95-~ RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 87-25 ESTABLISHING A PURCHASING POLICY FOR COLLIER COUNTY AND REPEALING AND SUPERSEDING COLLIER COUNTY RESOLUTION 90-53 AND THE PURCHASING POLICY AS REFERENCED AND AMEmJED THEREBY WHEREAS, Collie:r County Ordinance 87-25 provides for the establishment and approval of a purchasing policy to govern all aspects of purchasing administration; and WHEREAS, the Board of County CommissionerB, on February 6, 1990, adopted a purchasing policy by Resolution 90-~j3; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners recognizes the desirability of updating and amending the purohasing policy to incorporate statutory changes and provide for greater operational efficiencies in the County's purchasing procedures; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has determinated that it is in the best i,nterest of Collier County that the attached policy be established as the official rules and regulations governing the Collier County purchasing administration. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: " Resolution No. 90-53 and the purchasing policy attached thereto and incorporated therein are hereby repealed and superseded by this Resolution and the purchasing policy attached hereto and incorporated , , ,,' ,"'1'1 herein by reference and said policy is hereby established and app.roved :::-~,.}: : ~ ;"'''' ,~\t as the purchasing policy for the Board of County Commissioners ag~hcy <~ . t~:' of Collier County, Florida, pursuant to Collier County ordinance now"'.' 87-25, PAGE 1 . r.,~-. ~I< .fo, 8 E This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote, favoring same. DATE: ~? , 1995 Deputy Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORB AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY, v}/)/LL- !,-~I;~ Ifl;} 4./, ({ /JJ) I Kenneth B. Cuyler Collier County Attorney PAGE 2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: It- Bettye J. Matthews, Chairman PURCHASING POLICY OF COLLIER COUhLY I. ESTABLISHMENT OF PURCHASING POLICY Ordinance ho. E 7 - 2 5 provides for Purchasing Policy. Collier County establishes the following Purchasing the adoption Resolution No. Policy. of 95- II. PURCHASING DEP~TMENT RESPONSIBILITIES A. The Purchasing Department shall be responsible for: 1. SeekinG Minimurl Expenditure: Act to County the highest quality in contractu.'ll services at least expense procure for the suppl iea and to the County. 2. EnCOUraQlnq cOffiDetition: Endeavor to obt~in as full and open ':ompetition as possible on all purchases and sales. 3. Procedure~; Establish and amend, when necessary, operational procedures for the implementation of the Purchasing Policy provided by ordinance. Said procedures shall become effective only when approved in writing by the County Manager. Copies of the procedures shall be maintained on file in the office of the Purchasing Director. .;. Purchasinq____.Analvsis: Keep informed of current developments in the field of purchasing, prices, market condi t ions and new products, and secure for the County the benefits of research conducted in the field of purchasing by other governmental jurisdictions, national technical societies, trade associations having national recogr,iticn, and by private b\lsin~ss and organizations. 5. Purchasinq Manual: Prescribe and maintain a standard Purchasin9 Manual for all using agencies. The content of said milnual will be governed by this Pc'licy. 6. Forms; Prescribe and maintain such forms as shall be found reasonably necessary to the operation of this Policy. 7. Vendor Certification: Document that vendors doing bU!Jiness with the County have acknowledged their understanding and acceptance of th(~ terms and condition!) of the County's Purchasing Policy and have agreed to abide by those terms. 8. Bulk Purc.ha.ses: "in bulk" so as Exploit the possibilities of buying to take full advantage of discount. 9. Vendors' CataloG File: Prepare, adopt and maintain a vendor's catalog file. Said catalog shall be organized according to materials and/or services and shall contain descriptions of vendors' cormnodities, prices and discount. 10, Tax Exemotions: Act so as County tax exemptions to which the to procure for it is entitled. 11. CooDerati~n: Cooperate with secure for the County the budgeting and accounting. using agencies so as maximum efficiency a to in 8 E 1 III. IV. page 2 12. Disaualification of Bidders: Have the l~esponsibility to ascertain the identity of all vendors who default their q\.lotations or bids to the County or fail to prOVi(:'fl commodities and services required under contract. Further, to determine if said vendors shall be removed from purchasing consideration for a period of three years unless this prohibition is expressly waived b:{ th~ Board of County Commissioners. 13. Inquiry _and Control: Have full authority to question the quality, quantity, and kinds of items requisitloned in order that the best interests of the County are served. FIELD PtJPCB..ASE ORDERS (PURCHASES OF $500 OR LESS) A, Field Purchase Orders, with the approval of the department' :3 authorized signatory, will be used by department!;; for immediate purchase of commodities, out-of-town t:-avel expenditures and services not to exceed the maximum value of $500, QUOTATIONS (PW<CHASES BETWEEN $500-$15,000 A. All purchases of commodities and contractual services of a total estimated value in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000) an1 less than or equal to the fonnal Bid Limit of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) may bo!! made in the open market without formal public anno~ncement and ....ithout formal bid. All purchases not requiring formal competition shall be awarded by the Purchaning Director to the qualified and responsive vendor submitting the lowest or be8t overall quote which meets all specifications. 1. r-linimum Number Ouotes. Purchases between $500.01 and $1,000 may be procured with one quote wi.th the prior revie'... and approval of the Purcha!Jing Dep,irtment. Open market purchases or sales in exceSB of $1,000 but lesa than or equal to the formal competitive threshold shall be based on at least three (3) competitive quotes and shall be awarded to the lowef1t, qualified and resp:msive quote in accordance with the standards oet fortll in this Policy. 2. SolicitaJ:ion of Quotes: The Director may solicit either o:["al or written quotes for open ma,rket pricing or sale, using available bidders' and sUI~lier lists. The Director shall determine in which instances quotations shall be solicited in writing. Further the Director shall determine which age'ncy (e.g. ; purchasing or the using agency) shall obtain the quotations. All oral quotes in excess cf seven thousand, five hundred dollars $7, son shall be confirmed in writing by the vendor prior to purchase. 3. Public R-ecorq: all open market shall be open to been madE~. The Director shall keep a record of quotes submitted and !Iuch records public inspection after award has B. The requirements for requesting quotes from :hree (3) or more sourcen are waived and do not require :8oard action for: 8 E 1 Page 3 1. Purchase of library books, Personnel tests, similar audio periodicals, printed library cards, education and/or visual materials. etc. 2. Professional services; and, in inst.ances when au~horized by the Purchasing Director where commocities or services are purchased directly from the owner of a copyright or patent, a governmental agency, a recognized educational institution, or when there are no other identifiable sources available. 3. Purchases legitimate that the Director has single source purchases. determined to 4. Valid public the Director County. emergencies Or other instances deemed by to be in the best interests of the V. FORMAL COMPETITIVE THRESHOLD (Purchases in excess of $15,000) A. It is the intent of the Board of County commissioners to establish an amount of Fifteen Thousand ($15,000) dollars as the County's formal competitive threshold for purchases. The established limit shall be applied to all methods of purc.hase by agencies under thn purview of the Board of County Commissioners, including but not limited to competitive sealed bids, competitive proposals and competitive selection and negotiation. The requirement for formal competition may be waived by the Board of County Commissioners where permitLed by law, under the following circumstances: 1. Single source purchases (pursuant to subse~ction C) 2. Valid public emergencies (pursuant to Section XX) J. where it is determined to be in the best interests of the County to do so. B, All purcha5~s subject awarded by the Board otherwise delegated by action. to formal competition shall be of County Commissioners unless the Board via formal public C. Exempt ion For Sinqle Source Commodi ties: Purchases of commodities and services from a single source may be exempted frc'ffi formal competition upon certification by the purchasing Director of both of the following conditions: 1. The item(s) is properly perform the only one available the intended function(s); that 2. The recor1mended vendor/contractor ready, willing and able to meet the requireme~lts . is th!~ only County's All Single Source purchases in excess of the formal competitive threshold shall be exempted from formal competition by the Board. Purchases less th"ln or equal to the formal competitive threshold may be exempted from competi tion by the Purchasing Director, as p'~rmi t ted by law. be can one 8 E 1 page 4 VI. COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS Any pur~hase of commodities or services costing in excess of the formal competitive threshold shall be accomplished by competitive scaled bid, by competitive selection and negotiation (per section VII) or by competitive proposals (per section VIII) Award of Bid Contract shall be made by the Board to the lowest, qualified and responsive bidder except where othenlise provided for in this poli.cy or unless an exception is granted by the Board. Bid limits for requirements utilizing federal or state funds will be those required by said agency granting the funds or the County's requirements, whichever takes precedence. A. Notice Invitinq Bids: 1. Announcement; Hotice inviting bids shall be publicly posted by the purchasing Department in a consistent public location at least ten (10) days preceding the last day established for the receipt of proposals. 2. ~De of Notice: The public notice required he~ein shall include a general description of the commodities/services to be purchased or sold, shall state where bid instructions and specifications may be secured, and the time and place for opening bids. 3. Bidders~i8t. The Director shall also solicit oealed bids from qualified prospective vendors/contractors who have requested their names be placed on a "bidders' list", which the Director shall maintain, by sending them a copy of such a notice as will acquaint them with the proposed purchase or sale. Invitations sent to the vendors/contractors on the bidders' list shall be 1 imi ted to commodi ties or services tha tare similar in character and ordinarily handled by the trade group to which the invitations are sent. Vendors/co:-1tractors may be removed from the bidders' list by th,~ Director for continual non-response to bid requests. 4. Bid DeDosi~; when deemed necessary by the Director, bid deposits shall be prescribed in the public notices inviting bids. Said deposits shall be in the amount equal to five percent of the bid submitted. The Director nhall have the authority to return the deposits ot all bidders prior to award of bid contract by the Board of County Commissioners. A succe!lsful bidder shall forfeit any deposit required by the Director upon failure on the vendor's part to enter into a contract within ten (10) working days after written notice of award. 5. Bid Addenda: An addendum to a specification shall be defined as an addition or change in the already prepared specifications for which an invitation has been mailed for formal quotations or an announcement has been posted for a formal sealed bid. a. Any addendum to a request for formal sealed bids shall be approved by the Department Director or designee and the Purchasing Director. The addendum shall clearly point out any addition or change to the invitation for bids. b. The Purchasing Department shall be responsible for innuring that all prospective bidders who have received specifications are notified of the addendum in writing prior to opening of bids. 8 E ] .. , . Pilg~ 5 B. Procedure for Bids: 1. ~..l.f;.sLJli..Sg~: Sealed bids shall be submitted to the Director ar,d shall be clearly identified a9 bide on the outRide of the sealed envelope. 2.~q: and place witnessed Elids shall be opened publicly at the time ntated in the public notices and shall be and certified by the Purchasing Department. 3.. Tabulation: A tabulation of all bids received ahall be m03de by the Purchasing Department and shall be available for public inspection. C. Tie Bids: Where there are low tie bids, the award process shall first be subject to Section 287.. 017, F. S. Should a tie still exist among two or more b:_ddere and anyone of thp. low qualified vendors has a principal place of business located in Collier County, the bid shall be awarded to the local bidder. D. Re;ection Of E:ids And Neqotiation: 1. The Board of County Commissioners ahall have the authority to reject any and all bids. 2. If the lo'...est and most responsive bid exceeds the budgeted ali'lOunt the Purchasing Director may negotiate changes .....ith the apparent lowest qualified and responsive bidder that .....ill bring prices int.o budgeted limits subject to the final approval and acceptance of the Board. 3. If no bid ia received, the Board of County Commissionp.rs may authoriz.e the Purchasing Director to purchas~ by negotiation under conditions most favorable to the public interest and when said purchase ....ill result in the lowest ultimate cost of the commodLties or services obtained. E. Waiver Of Irreqularities: Commissioners shall have the all irregularities in any and The Board of authority to .....aive all formal bids. County any and F. Award Of Bid Contract: The Chairman, when au't.horized by majority vote of the Board or as otherwise p:rovided for in this policy, shall execute formal contracts having a binding effect upon the County. Formal, bilateral contracts shall not be required where a purchase order is sufficient. A formal contract shall be a.....arded by the Board of County Commissioners to the lowest qualified and responsive bidder. In addition to the price shall be considered the following: 1. The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the contract. 2. The ability of the bidder to perform the contract within tht! time required or the least time, if appropriate, .....ithout delay or interference. 3. The experience and efficiency of the bidde:r. 4. The quality and performance of previous contracts awarded to the bidder. 8 E 1 VII. Page 6 s. The previous with laws and and existing compliance by the bidder ordinances relating to the contract. 6. The quali~y, commodities or particular UDe availability and adaptability contractual services to the required. of 7. The ability of the maintenanc~ and service bidder to provide (where applicable) . future All recommendations for award for bid contract will be reviewed and .:'lpproved by the Purchasing Director prior to presentation ~o the Board at County Commissioners. Bidders competing for a prospective bid award will not be permitted to address the Board regarding a prospective purchase prior to the time of award unless requested to do 80 by the Purchasing Director or by a majority vote of the Board. PROCUREMENT OF PHOFESSIONAL SERVICES A. Because diffe:rences in price may only be a minor concern compared to qualitative considerations, professional services may be exempted by the Purchasing Director from the competitive bidding process. Instead, professional services will be typically acquired through one of the following methods: 1. Competitiv(~ Selection and Negotiation. 2. Competitiv(! Proposals (pursuant to Section VIII) . B. A professional service obtained 1,n support independent cont.ractor professional fields: shall be defined as of County operationfl in one or more of thll assistance from an following 1. Appraisal Services appraisers. real and personal property 2. An;hitectuI'e, professional engineering, landscape architectuI'e, or registered land surveyir..g services (as per Section 287.055, F.S.l. 3. Audit and Accounting Services accountants (excepting the selection auditor which shall be conducted as per F. S.) . auditors and of the annual Section 11.45, 4. Consul tants planning, management, techncllogical or scientific advisors. S. Financial Services underwriting, financial services. bond counsel, advisor, and I'a t ing and investment 6. Legal Services - attorneya and legal profesl3ionals. 7. Medical Services medicine, psychiatry, hospital, and other health professionals. dental, C. Requests exclusively for services defined under VII.B.2 will be procured in a rrWoinner consistent with Section 287.055, F.S., known as "The Consultant's Competitive Negotiation Act" as required by said statute. Projects may include the following: the 8 E 1 ~ Page 7 1. Minor, fixed asaiqnment contracts: A grouping of minor professional service (including c:mstruction inBpec~ion services) assignments. Procurement of these contracts Ilhall be further subject to thn following conditions: a. Each MHlignment must be specifically id'~ntified in the public notice. b. Contracts for a grouping of minor, fixed assignments shall have a maximum initial contract amount Limit of $500,000. Each assigr_rnent shall have a maximum initial amount of $90,000. Any contract and/or aS9ignment that exc~ed8 that amount subsequent to award and prior to complel:ion of the work shall be subject to the provisions of Section XIV.C of thie resolution. projects Sh.lll not be sub-divided to circumvent the dollar thresholds established herein. 2. Minor. fix(ld term: Cou!1.tywide agreements for various and miscellaneous minor professional services (including construction inspection servic<.!tl) on an as needed basis. Procurements of these contracts shall be further subject to the following: a. These a9rcements shall have a maximum initial term of two years. However, said time provisi:m shall in no way, prohibit the completion of tasks or assignm!!nts properly initiated prior t::J, but not completed until after the contract term. b. These a'3"reements shall be eligible for extension, or renewal subject to the provisions of Sections XIV.D and E, reApectively. c. All minor, fixed term contracts and all assignments made in accordance with said agreements shall be subject to the same. dollar limits set forth for minor, fixed assignment contracts under Section XII.C.1.b. 3. ~~~d aSBiqnmen~: A grouping of substantially similar construction, renovation or rehabilitation activities. Procurements of these contracts shall be further subject to the following: a. Each assignment must be specifically id'~ntified in the public notice. b. Cont~act8 for a grouping of major, fixed aS8ignm'~nts shall have a maximum initial contract amount limit of $3,000,000. Any contract and/or aBsignm~nt that exceeds that amount subsequent to award and prior to completion of the work shall be subject to the provisions of B~ction XIV.C of this resolut ion. proj ects shall not be sub..cti vided to circumv.ent the dollar thresholds established herein. 4 . ~J Professional Services: Includes administration, support and management of engineering, architectural, surveying and planning activities. These agreements shall have a maximum initial contract period of five years. However, Baid timl! provision shall in no way, prohibit the completion '::If tasks or assignments properly initiated prior tc" but not completed until after the contract term. 8 E 1 VIlr. page 8 s. Continuinq Contracts: These contracts shall be defined in accordance ......i th Subsection 287. ass (1) (':J) and shall be subject to the provisions of this resolution. D. For all service procurements in excess of the formal competitive threshold under the Competitive Selection and Negotiation method, authority to announce and distribute Requests for Proposals or Letters of Interest and Qualifications and to appoint and empower a selection committee shall be pursuant to Section VIII.B.3 hereof. E. Final selection of (a......ard of contract) Commissioners. the shall professional service be made by the Boa:rd provider of County F. Purchases fol' all professional services esti.mated to be equal to or less than the formal competitive threshold may be approved by the purchasing Director, ;IS permitted by law. G. Requests for outside legal services will be referred to the. County Manager and the County Attorney fo:r review and comment as to whether said services are necensary and/or appropriate. Requests for outside legal services may be exempted from formal competition by the Boar'd of County Commissioners at the request of the County Manager or County Attorney. COMPETITIVE PRO?~SAL~ A. The Competitive proposals process is a method of contract selection that may be utilized by the Purchasing Director under circumstances where one or more of the following conditions exist: 1. Where qualitative considerations are of equal or greater concern than pricing consideration!!. 2. 'o'lhere the themselves award of a cond.:..tions of to the formal firm, fixed fee the purchase do not sealed bid process or contract. lend the 3. Where the County is incapable of specifically defining the scope of work for which the commodity(s) or service (s) is required and where the qualified offeror is asked to propose a commodity(s) or service(s) to meet the needs of the County. 4. Where the County desires to enter into a contract frn the design and construction of a construction project (s) . single public B. For purchaser! in excess of the formal competitive threshold and where appropriate or required by law, the competitive proposals process will be utilized. The process will be conducted in a manner similar to the sealed bid process as set forth undE:r Section VI except where otherwise stated in this section. The competitive propoaals process shall proceed as follows: 1. A Request for Proposals (RFP) will be prepared and distributed in a manner consistent with the definition of said term found in Section 2 of Collier County Ordinance No. 87-25. Notice of said request(s) shall be publicly posted by the Purchasing Department at least 21 calendar days preceding tho last day established. for the receipt of proposals. 8 E 1 t Page 9 2. Each Request for Proposals shall identify the appropriate evaluation procedures and cri teria to be applied to the selection of the best proposal among the respondents. For each RFP pertaining to the award of !1 design/build contract (8), critl!ria for the qualificat:ion and selection of firms aI'~d proposals shall inc~ude, but not be limited to the criteria set forth under Section 287.055, (10) (c), F.B., weighted for each j)roject. 3. Prior to the announcement and distribution of the RFP, a selection committee shall be appointed by the County Manager to evaluate the proposals received. For all purchases made under the Competitive Proposals method, the County Manager may empower the selection committee to designate and rank the top three proposals prior to the commencement of negotiations and to negotiate a tentative agreement, subject to award by the Board. 4. Proposals may be solicited and/or received in one or more steps as permitted by law and deemed appropriate by the Purchasing Director. C. For purchases in excess of the formal competitive threshold, final selection of the awardee will be made by the Board of County Commissioners. D. Purchases l€:ss than or equal to the formal competitive threshold may be authorized by th~ purchasing Director, as permitted by law and shall not require formal solicitation or announcement unless deemed necessary by the Purchasing Director. IX. PROCUREMENT OF DESIGN/BUILD CONTRACTS A. Procurements for the design and constructic'n of public construction projects may be obtained through a single contract with a firm selected in a manner permitted under Section 287" 055, F. S. and the procedures set forth in this section. B. For the purpose of this definitions shall apply: section, the following 1. A "design/build firm" means a partnership, corporation, or other legal entity which is: a. Certified under Section 489.119, F.S., to engage in contracting through a certified or registered genera.l contractor or a certified o:r registered building contractor as the qualifying algent: and, b. Certified under Section 471.023, F.S., to practice or to offer to practice engineering; or cel"tified under Section 481.219 F.S., to practice or to offer to practice architecture; or certified under Section 481.319 F.S., t:o practice or to offer to practice landscape architecture. 2. A "design-build contract" meanS a single contract with a design-build firm for the design and construction of a public construction project. 8 E 1 Page 10 3. A "denign criteria package" means concise performance-oriented drawings or specificntions of the public construction project. The purpose of the design criteria package is to furnish sufficient information so as to permit design-build firms to prepare a bid or a response to an agency'n request for proposal, or to permit an agency to enter into a negoti"lted design-build contract. The deldgn criteria package shall specify such performance-based criteria for the public construction project, including, but not limited to, the legal description clf the site, survey information concerning the site, interior space requirements, material quality standardn, schematic layouts and conceptual design criteria of the project, cost or budget estimates, design and construction schedules, site development requirements, provisions for utilities, storm water retention and disposal, and parking requirements, as may be applicable to the project. 4. A "design criteria professional" means a firm that holds a current c~rtificate of registJ.-ation under Section 481 to practice architecture or landocape architecture or a firm who holds a current certificate as a registered engineer under Section 471 to practice engineering and who ia e~ployed by or under contract to the agency to provide professional architect services, landscape architect services, or engineerin~ services in connection with the preparation of the design criteria package. C. The dcsign criteria package shall be prepared and sealed by a design criteria professional employed or retained by the agency. If the agcncy elects to enter into a professional services contract for the preparation of the design criteria package, then the desi'3'n criteria professional shall be selected and contracted with in accordance with the requirements of Section 287.055, F.S. The design criteria services of a firm under continuing contract may also be utilized if the project construction costs are estimated to be less than $500,000 and provisions for design criteria services clre included within or added to such contracts. All solicitations for professional services to prepare a design criteria package(s) shall inform the recipient firms of the following informa tion: 1. A description of the project; 2. The work to be performed; 3. Written notification that the desi9n criteria professional who has been selected to prepare the design criteria package ahall not be eligible to render services under a design-build contract executed pursuant to the design criteria package. D. Upon completion of the Design Criteria Package, procurements of Design/Build services shall be processed in a manner conoistent with Section VIII., hereof entitled "Competitive Proposals". E. Administrative procedures shall be established by the County Mana~rer or his designee for utiliu.tion of the design criteria professional concerning the ~valuation of the proposals s~bmitted by the design/build firms, the supervision or the approval by the County of the work drawings of the project and evaluation of the project construction with the design criteria package.. 8 E 1 ~ Page 11 F" The Board of County Commissioners may declal:e a public emergency, where appropriate and authorize the using agency to ne:lotiate an agreement for Board approval with the nest qualified design-build firm available at: that time. x. Small and Disa~.antaqed Business Enterorises A. Policy Stat~: Collier County stands committed to providing equal opportunities to small businesBeB and disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE) as well as to all vendorB, consultants, contractors and subcontractors who seek to do business with the county. Pursuant to '.:.his policy, Collier county will require its vendors, consultants, contractors and subcontractors to provide qualified small businesses and DBE's with an equal OPpol"tunity to participate in the formal competitive processes for the procurement of commodities and services by the County" The Policy is not intended to require or to allow partiality toward or discrimination against any small business or DBE or any other vendor, consultant, contractor aT subcontractor on the basis of srender, race or national ,rigin, or other such factors, but rather to help enSUI," that small businesses and DEE's and all qualified vendors, consultants, contractors and subcontracto~s have an equal opportunity to participate in the County's formal competitive processes. Nothing in this Policy 3hall be construed to provide for or require any preference or set-aside based on gender, race, national oriqin or any other such factor. B. Definitions: For purposes of this policy, the term "small business" shall have the same definition a:3 vet forth under Section 288.703. (1), F.S. The term "DEE" shall include any "small business" as defined pursuant to Section 288.703(1) that is at least 51 percent owned or controlled by a person or persons defined as "socially and economically dLsadvantaged" individuals pursuant to Section 14-78.602(18), F.A.C. Reference to these definitions, however, shall in no way be construed to provide that the County has adopted or is subject to the provisions of the Statute or Code referenced herein. c" Imolementinq Measures: policy, the County may In an effort to implement this undertake the followin'3" measures: 1. Designate the Purchasing Director to perform duties 98 small business and DEE Coordinator to effectuate this policy. 2. Utilize outreach programs to identify, register and educate 11mall businesses and DBE's to participate in the procurement/contract process includi::1g, but not limited to: a. Attending trade fairs businesses and DBE's. which small include b. Attending meetings businesses and DBE's social whnrein identified. small and may be 8 E 1 8 Page 12 c. Utilizing publications aimed at reaching small bUS1.neflSeS and DBE's. d. Utilizing directories and other reference sources that list small businesses and D8E's. e. Publicizing this Policy to encourage small businesses and DBE's to participate in the County's procurement procesA. f, Other actions designed to to identify small bu~inesDe8 and DBE's who seek to provide commodities and services to the County. 3. Maintain a list of small businesses and DBE's. 4. Disseminate information regarding competitive opportunities with the County in order to allow qualified small businesses and DBE's to participate in the County's procurement process. D. Q2n.formitv \lith Aoolicable Law: The provis:.ons of this small businesses and DBE policy shall be :onstrued in conformity ....ith applicable state and federal law. To the extent that state law conflicts with federal law, federal law ahall supersede such state law. XI. PAYMENT OF INVOICES A. It is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners that all ag€~ncies under its purview be in compliance with Section 218.70 F.S., otherwise known as the "Florida prompt Pa)'TT'lent Act". Pursuant to this, the requirements of this section shall apply to the following transaction8: 1. The purchase of commodities and services; 2. The purchase or lease of personal property; 3. The leas~ of real property. B. It shall be the responsibility of the Collier county Finance Director, in consultation with the PurchafJing Director and using agencies, to establish, distribute and administer procedures for the timely payment of all transactions as defined under XI.A hereof. Such procedures shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1. Formally defining the County' B req-..1irements for the content and submission of a proper invoice, codifying the County' B payment requirements and formally notifyir.g each vendor of their availability. 2. Steps re~quired for the receipt of all invoices and the prompt return of improper invoices. 3. Steps rl~quired for the resolution of payment disputes between the County and a vendor. C. Each December, the Finance Director and t.he Purchasing Director shall submit a joint report to the Board listing the number and total dollar amount of interest penalty payments made during the preceding fiscal y.!ar. E 1 Page 13 XII. PAYMENT OF DUES FOR MEr-mERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS County funds may be used to pay for dues for membership professional or other organization provided that expenditure meet!l the following criteria: in a such 1. Such memb<:rship is deemed necessary to meet duties and responsibilities required by Federal, State or local mandate or to facilitate proper professional development. C 2. The organization of membership is of a non-prof:it nature. 3. Sufficient funds are available appropriation unit/summary code. within the proper XIII. STANDARDIZATION. COOPERATIVE PURCHJl..SING AND GOVERl-IMF.:NTAL CONTRACTS A. Where standardization io determined to be desirable by the Director, the purchase of commodities may be made by negotiation ",ith the approval of the Board of County Commis,e-.ioncrs if more than the competitive bid limit or by the Cotmty Purchasing Director if less than or equal to th,~ competitive bid or negotiation threshold. B. The Director shall have the authority to join with other units of government in cooperative purchasing ventures prior or subsequent to award when in the best interests of the County. If funds have already been budgeted, no further Board action will be required. C. Purchases made under the State of Florida and Federal GSA contracts will be governed as follows: Above $25,000: Require Board approval. $25,000 or less Require the prior approval of the Purchasing Department. $1,000 or less: Require the prior approval of the authorized signatory. XIV. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION A. Contract Docume~: Every procurement of ccntractual services or commodities shall be evidencE~d by a written document containing all provisions and conditions of the procurement. Said document shall include, but net be limited to: 1. A listing of the scope of services to be performed or commodities to be purchased. 2. A provision specifying the'criteria and the final date by which Buch criteria must be met for completion of the contract. 3. A provision specifying the terms of cancellation by the County and where applicable, a :provision specifying the terms of renewal. 4.. Where applicable, a provision establish,ing the appropriate types and levels of insuranc.! to be carried by the vendor. Said provision llhall be employed in a manner consistent with minimum insurance standards approved by the Board of County Commissioners. 8 E 1 It page 14 s. Where applicable, pursuant to Section 287.:12 F.S., a provision I'cquiring the contractor/vendor to inform the County if he/she has been convicted oj: a public entity crim!!! subsequent to July 1, 1989. A purchase order that embodies these provisions shall be sufficient documentation of the procurement. B. Contract Manaaer: Every procurement of servicEls shall be administered by the using agency (requesting department) . C. Contract Chanqtl: Change orders/supplemental agreements to a Boat"d approved purchase or contract may be approved by the County Manager or his designee provided that the change (or the sum of the changes); 1. Amounts to 10 percent or less of the current Board approved amount and, 2. Does not exceed S50,000. These provis:.ons shall not be applicable to term contracts or blanket purchase orders where the County desires to procure commodities and/or services on an as needed basis without having to obligate itself to a total contract amount. Rather, such purchases shall be based on fixed unit prices or other predetermined pricing methods and shall be limited in quantity by the amowlt of funds ap?ropriated in the budget of the using agcncy(ies}. Such purchases shall be subject to all other provisions of this policy. Change orders/supplemental agreements that exceed the limits set forth above shall re~ire the approval of the Board of County Commissioners or as otherwi:3e provided for in this policy. The Board shall have broad authority, within the limits of the law, to evaluate and approve any recommended change order /supplemental agreemo~nt wi thout requiring fur~her competition. Procedures further delineating the definition change orders and supplemental agreements included in the standard Purchasing Manual. and use of shall be D. Contract Extens ion: Extension of a contract for commodities or services may be requested by t~he contract manager to the Purchasing Director in writing for a period net to exceed six (6) months and shall be subject to the same terms and conditions set forth in the initial contract. The ini tial extennion of a contract may be authorized b"( the County Manager or his designee. Any subsequent e)~tensions shall be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. E. Contract Renewal: The Purchasing Director shall be authorized to renew contracts for commodities and/or services subject to the following conditions: 1. That the Contractor has performed in a satisfactory manner and that the Director has received a request to renew from the Contract Manager verifying the Contractor's satisfactory performance. 2. That the agreement is renewed subject to the terms and condition.s set forth in the initial con.tract. Costs and terms of any contemplated renewals are included in the invitation to bid or request for propc.sals. 8 E 1 :?age 15 3. That the r'~newal ia done on an annual basis, and any auch contracts shall not be renewed faT more than 3 years unlee:s competitively procured. Proposed reneh'ala that fail to meet one or Irore of the conditionE' set forth herein will require the approval of the Board of County Commissioners. F. Contract ADDroval.: All formal, bilateral contracto for commodities ar.d nervices shall be authorized b:r the Board of County Comrnis!lioners. XV. PERFORMANCE AND PA Y}tENT BONDS A contractor or vendor shall provide a surety bond from a surety company to guarantee full and faithful per::ormance of a contract obligatil)n and the payment of labor and material expend~d pursuant to a contract whenever, and in Buch amounts, as required by statute or otherwise as deemed necessary by the Purchasing Director. An irrevocable letter of credit from a financial institution operating within the State of Florida may be sufficient in place of the performance bond if so provided for in the bid and contract documents, All Bueh b-:Jncts or letters of credit shall be approved as to fClrTn by the County Attorney. XVI. UNAUTHORI ZED PURCHASES No County officer or employee shall intentionally ordel.-, other than by Field Purchase Order, the pUI.chnse of any commodities or !1ervices, or make any contract within the purview of this policy other than through the Purchasing Director. Any purchase order or contract made c:ontrary to the provisions hereof shall not be approved and the County shall not be bound thereby. All purchases made within the provisions of this Policy ahal] be made with a Field or Regular Purchase Order I whichever is appJ:opriate_ A, ExcePtions: "A'his section shall not apply to the payment of premiums for insurance policies that have been acquired through prior Board action. This section ahall not apply to j10r supersede Resolution Nos. 86..30, 86-209 and 87-16. XVII. PROHI8ITION AGAINST SlJ1lDIVISION No contract or purchase shall be subdivided to avoid the requirements of this Policy. XVI I I. PROTEST OF B In OF'. PROPOSAL AWARD The purpose of :.hi9 section protests concerning formal recommended contract awards proposal thresholds prior to of County Commissioners. is to accommodate legitimate competitive invitlltions and above the compet!ttve bid or a-Nard of contract by the Board A. Any actual OJ~ prospective bidder or respondent to an Invitation for Bids or a Request for Prop~sa18. who alleges to be aggrieved in connection with the solicitation (lr award of a contract, (hereaft~lr referred to as "the protesting party") may protef::t to the purchasing D:.rector, who shall serve as the sole recipient of any and all notices of intent to protest and all formal prc.tests. 8 E 1 Page 16 B. All formal protests with respect to an Invitation for Bids or a Request for Proposals shall be submitted to the Purchasing Director in writing not less than four hours prior to the opening of bids or the closing t:im(~ for acceptance of proposals. The Purchasing Director, in consultation with the contract manager, shall have the authority to address all such protests rec,~ived under subsection B and to determine whether postpone:ment of the bid opening or proposal closing time is apprcpriate. The Purchasing Director's decision shall be considered final and conclusive unless the proteating party files a subsequent formal protest of the recommend,ed contract award as described under this section. C. Any actual or prospective bidder or respondent to an invitation f':Jr bids or a Request for pr'Jposals who desires to fClrmally protest a recommended contract award shall submit a notice of intent to protest to the Purchasing Director within two (2) cal~!ndar days, excluding weekends and County holidays, from the date of the initial ~osting of the recommended award. D. All formal protests with respect to a recommended contract award shall be submitted in writing to the Purchasing Ol.rector for a decision. Said protests shall be 9ubmitted within five (5) calendar dayu, excluding weekends and County holidays. from the date that the notice of intent to protest is received by the purchasing Director. The formal protest shall contain, but not be limited to the following information: 1. Name and address of County agency affected and the bid number and title. 2. The name and address of the protesting party. 3. Statement of disputed there are no disputed letter must so indicate. issues of material material fact. If facts, the written 4. A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged and of any relevant rules, regulations, statutes, and constitutional provisions entitling the protesting party to relief. 5. A demand for the relief to which the protesting party deems himself entitled. 6. Such other information as the protesting party deems to be material to the issue. E. In the event of a timely protest of ccmtract award consistent \..ith the requirements of this section, the Purchasing Director shall not proceed further with the a.....ard of the contract until all appropriate administrative remedies as delineated under this section have been exhausted or until the Board of County Commissioner's makes a determination on thn record that the award of a contract without delay is in the best interests of the County. F. The purchasing Director shall review the merits of each timely protest and in consultation with the contract manager, issue a decision stating the reasons for the decision and the protesting party's rights of appeal 8 E 1 XIX. Page 17 under section XVIII. Said decision shall be in writing and mai::'ed or otherwise furnished to the protesting party. The decision of the Purchasing Director shall be final and conclusive unless the protesting party delivers a subsequent written objection to the Purchasing Director within two (2) calendar days, excluding weekends and County holidays from the date of receipt of the decision. G. In the event of d subsequent objection pursuant to subsection F, the County Manager shall have the discretion to appoint an independent hearing officer to review the facts relevant to the protest. The appointed officer will have a maximum of 60 days to schedule and conduct a hearing into the matter and issue a finding of fact and a opinion in writing to the County Manager for submission to the Board of County Commissioners. Prior to commencement ot the hearing, the protesting party shall be re-quired to post a cash surety in an amount equal to on'~ (1) percent of the using agency's estimate of the cont=act amount or one-thousand dollars (Sl,OOO), whichever is less. Should the Hearing Officer find in favor of th-~ County, the protesting party shall forfeit the surety as partial payment for \U1due delay. Otherwise, t:he surety will be returned to the protesting party. H. In the event thn.t the protest cannot be reaol ved by mutual consent, ~he matter will be referred to the Board of County Commissioners for final resolution. I. Failure to file a formal protest within the time and manner prescribed by Section XVIII shall constitute a waiver of the right to protest t.y any protellting party as defined by subsection A of this section. CONTAACT CLAIMt~ The purpose of this section is to establish procedures for the resolution of claims against the County :relating to a contract awarded by the Board of County Commisnioners. A. Any party (herein referred to as the "contractor") that has entere.j into an agreement with the Board of County Commissioners for the provision of commodities and/or services and alleges to be aggrieved in the performance of said agreement may file a contract claim with the Contract Manager responsibJ.e for the administration of the agreement. B. All claimu by a contractor against the County relating to a contract shall be submitted in writing to the Contract Manager for a decision. Claims include (but are not limited to) disputes arising under (l contract and those based upon breach of contract, mistake, misrepre- sensation, or other cause for contract modification or rescission. The claim shall contain, but not be limited to the following information: 1. Name and address of the County agency affected and the contract number and title. 2. The name and address of the contractor. 3. Statement of disputed there are no disputed letter must so indicate. issues of material material fact. If facts, the written 8 E 1 Page 18 4. A concise statement of the ultimate factEI alleged and of any relevant contractual provisions, rules, regulations, statutes, and constitutional provisions entitlin3' the contractor to relief. S. A demand for the relief to which the contractor deems himself ~ntitled. 6. Such other information as the contractor deems to be material to the issup.. C. The deciaion of the Contract Manager shall be issued in writing and shall be mailed or otherwise furnished to the contractor. The decision shall state the reason(s) for the decisiorl. reached and specify the contractor's rights of appeal under Subsection C of this section. D. If the Contract Manager does not issue a written decision regarding any contract diepute within thirty (30) days after written request for a decision, or within such longer period as may be agreed upon between the contractor ,"lnd the contract manager, the contractor may proceed as if an adverse decision had been r.E~ceived. E. The Contrac:t Manager's conclusive tmless, within date of the contractor's contractor delivers a County Manager. decision shall be, final five (5) calendar cays from receipt of the d(~cision, written appea:. to F. In the eVlmt of a subsequent appeal 'pursuant to Subsection E, the County Manager shal) have the discretion to appoint an independent hearin~r officer to review the facts relevant to the claim. The appointed officer wil] have a maximum of 60 days to ;:;chedule and conduct a hearing into the matter and issue a finding of fact and a opinion in writing to the County Manager for submission to the Board of County Commissioners. G. In the event that the claim has not been resolved by mutual consent, the matter will be referred to the Board of County Commissioners for final reaolution. H. Failure to time and constitute defined by E ile any formal claim or appeal wi thin the manner prescribed by this section shall .:t waiver of the right to file sa.id claim as subsection A of this section. xx. EMERGENCY PURCR~SES A. Bv County l-1anaaer: In case of an emer';1ency which requires immediate purchase of commodities or services in excess of the formal competitive threshold, the County Manager shall be empowered to authorize the Director to secure by open market procedure as herein set forth, any commodities or services. The County Manager shall have the authority to act in the case of any emerg.ancy including the issuance of emergp.nr:y change orders/supplemental agreements. Any emerg!~ncy action shall be reported at the first available regular or special meeting of the Board of County Commis:3!oners. The County Manager shall further be authorized to approve payment (s) to vendors at the time of or sr..ortly after purchase should the circumstances warrant. and the the the 8 -_..._.._------"'......._.--""-~,.,.,.~....- E 1 Page 19 i3. Bv P'.lrchasinq Director: In case of any eme:rgency which requires imnediate purchase of commodities or services equal to or less than the formal competiti'/e threshold, the purchasing Director shall be empowered to secure such services and commodities by open market procedure as herein set forth. Su..:h action shall be reported immediately to the County Manager when appropriate. This section in no way constrains the provisions of ~ollier County Ordinance No. 84-37. XXI. INSPECTION AND TESTING The Director shall inspect, or cause to b.;:: inspected, services to determine specifications set forth in or supervise the i~spection of, all deliveries of supplies or their conformance with the an order or contract. A. InsDection by Usinq Aqency: The Director shall have the authority to authorize using agencies having the staff and facilities for adequate inspection to inspect all deliveries made to such using agencies under rules and regulations which the Director shall prescribe. B. Testinq: The Director shall have the authority to require chemical and physical tests of samples submitted with bids and :3amples of deliveries which are necessary to determine their quality and conformance with specifications. In the performance of such tests, the Directcr shall have the authority to make use of laboratory facilities of any agency of the County or of any outside laboratory. XXII. SURPLUS SUPPLIES ~~ TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY All using agen::::ies shall submit to the Director, at such times and in such form as shall be prescribed, reports showing stocks of all tangible personal property which are no longer used or which have become obsolete, worn out or scrapped. A. Transfer: The Director shall have the authority to transfer surplus stock to other using agencil~s. B. Sale: The Director shall have authority to sell all supplies of a value less than the limits proncribed under Chapter 271 F.S., .....hich have become unlluitable for County use, or to exchange, or trade-in the name, for new supplies. Sales under this section shall b(~ made to the highest responsible bid and in conformance ...,ith Chapters 125 and 274, F.S. All such sales are to be recorded in official Board minutes, as required by statute. Sales equal to or in excess of the referenced statutory limits shall require prior approval of the Board of County Commissioners. XXIII. CENTRAL STORES The Director .!;:hall control and supervise storerooms and shall administer the same. A. Accountinq Procedure: Requisitions for supplies from Central Stores will be credited by the Purchasing Department to the storeroom's revolving fund by a charge against the appropriation of the using agency, or by Invoice. 8 E 1 Page 20 B. Inventorv: The Director shall maintain inventory record of all materials, equipment stored in storerooms. a perpetual flupplies or XXIV. COPIER PROGRAM All common photocopying functions will be under the direction of the Purchasing Director. The purchasing Department shall carry out the responsibilities of the purchasing ec~ipment and supplies, regulations, service and maintenance, maintaining records and furnishing the Finance Department with necessary data to equitably charge using departments for copying services. Copiers used ~o benefit a sole user are exempted and are the responsibili~y of the using department. XXV. SEVERABILITY If anyone or more of the provisions of this P~licy should be held contrary to any provision of law or contrary to express law, though not expressly prohibited, or against public policy, or ahall for any reason whatso(lver be held invalid, then such provision{s) shall be null and void and shall be deemed severable from the remaining provisions of this Policy and in no way shall affect the validity of all other provi6io~s of this Policy. XXVI. REPEAL PRIOR ~~ CONFLICTING All resolutions and policies or parts of resolutions and policies, in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. XXVII. EFFECTIVE DATE An official copy of this Policy office of the Clerk to the Board immediately after enactment and effect at that time. shall be filed in the of County Commissioners this Policy shall take ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIEa COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY RESOLUTION, IN OPEN SESSION SC:tb 5/25/95 8 E '1 ---_...~~-,_.~-,..,. ,~"--_,_--,"~",,'._---'-'"