Resolution 1987-287 I I \ , - - - DEe 1 1987 RESOLUTION NO. 87-~ RESOLUTION ORDERIllG AND ClILLING 11 COUNTY-WIDE REFERENDUM ELECTION TO BE HELD ON M!\RCH 8, 1988, TO DETERMINE IF THE QUlILIFIED ELECTORS OF COLLIER COUNTY liP PROVE THlIT THE BOllRD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BE ELECTED TO OFFICE FROM SINGLE-MEMBER DISTRICTS BY ELECTORS RESIDING IN EliCH OF THE DISTRICTS ONLY. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOllRD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDlI, that: SECTION ONE: Referendum Election Called A referendum election be and is hereby ordered and called to be held on March 8, 1988, for the purpose of SUbmitting to the qualified electors of Collier County the fOllowing question: Shall the five members of the board of county commissioners of C~11icr County, Florida, be elec~ed to office from single-member districts by electors residing in each )f those districts only? SECTION TWO: Pollinq Places. Hours of Election and Election Officials. The election shall be held at the pOlling places designated in each precinct in Collier County and be conducted by election officials appointed by the Supervisor of Elections pursuant to applicable general law. The polls will be open at the voting places from 7:00 lI.M. to 7:00 P.M. on the day of the election. SECTION THREE: Form of Ballot. a) The ballots to be used in said election shall be in substantially the following form: OFFICIlIL BlILLOT SINGLE-MEMBER DISTRICT REFERENDUM SHlILL THE FIVE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDlI, BE ELECTED TO OFFICE FROM SINGLE-MEMBER DISTRICTS BY ELECTORS RESIDING IN EliCH OF THOSE DISTRICTS ONLY? YES NO b) The Supervisor of Elections shall include on all ballots and absentee ballots such instructions to voters as are necessary. SECTION FOUR: Notice of Election. The Clerk of this Board shall publish a notice of the referendum in the Naples Daily News, a newspaper of general circulation published in Collier County, Florida. There shall be 1001 110 Pl'.t 611 I 1 J 1 f I I j I j j I l , ! I ~j: .6,.>" .~; i! & ;; {'1" " , 1;: , l'"~' .?:': Itl' ..; ~ ., ~~ {, .~~~ . , (. it, > t~ I' ; t I ,~" 1 :,fi'" t ;, BOOK 110 PI', G2 DEG 1 1987 at least thirty (30) days notice of said referendum, with publication to be made at least twice, once in the fifth week and once in the third week prior to the week in which the referendum is to be held. Said notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE CF REFERENDUM ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a county-wide referendum election will be held on March 8, 1988, to determine if the qualified electors of Collier County approve that the board of county commissioners be elected to office from single-member districts by electors residir.g in each of those districts unly. The polls will be open at ~he palling places on the date of said referendum election from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. on,the same day. lIll qualified electors of Callier County may vote in said election. Absentee voting may be permitted upon compliance with applicable provisions of State law. JAMES C. GILES, CLERK By: Deputy Clerk This ResoJution adopted after motion, second and roll call vote as follows: Commissioner Sa~rs M:ltioned and aye Seconded and aye Absen t an::1 rot voting Commissioner G:xxlnight Commissioner Pister Corranissioner Hasse lIye Commissioner Glass lIye DlITED: D=ceI1tJer I, 1987 JAMES C. GILES, Clerk , '""l;i~!'{" ';:'. '. " , ' " f(~:'~~ .., "'. Approved as to form and ~ ".legal sufficiency: .' . BOllRD OF ComiTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDlI By: 0-.. -d ..-L- ~ ARNOLD LEE GLlISS, Chairman ,..,...,' I ~. /1 .. ~v ~-b;- Kenneth B. Cuyle County lIttorney 2 - I , I ! I ! I I , I