Resolution 1995-014 RESOLUTION NO. 95-_14 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY Cot1l1ISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF LIBRARY SYSTEM IMPACT FEES, PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES IMPACT fEES, ROAD IMPACT FEES, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES IMPACT FEES AND EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES SYSTEl1 I11PACT FEES FOR ONE HOUSE TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY Il1MOKALEE NON-PROFIT HOUSIIIG, INC. ON LOT 14, EDEN PARK 1ST !'.DDITIOII SUBDIVISION, IMMOKALEE. WHEREAS, Collier County has recognized and attempted to address the lack of adequate and affordable housing for moderate, low', and very-Io'd income households in the County and the need for creative and in~ovative programs to assist in the provision of such housing by incJuding several provisions in the Collier County Gro',,/th t1ana.ger:lent Plan, includinq: objective 1.Ij, policy 1.4.1; objective 1.5, policy 1.5.2, policy 1.5.3, policy 1.5.4, policy C 0 . "').:.J, policy 1.5.6; objective 1. 6 I policy 1. 6.3; objective :0.1, policy :0.1.1, policy 2.1.?, polley ?1.3, policy 2.1.5, -3.ncl policy I.l.r) of the !lolJsincj Element; ;lnd \'iHERE!.,S, Co] 1 ier- County hllS received funding pursuant to the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program set forth in Section 420.907 et~_ seC]. , Florida Statutes and Chapter 91-37, Florida Administr~tive Code; and \'lHERE1IS, In clccorc];lncc '/lith Collier County OnJi',ance No. 93-19, the County l~; nuthorizcd to use funding from the State Housing Initiati\/0s PClrt_ncrship [SHIP] ProqraT:1 fer waivers of Collier County inpQct fc~s; and WHEREAS, IT:1moJ.:alee Non-Profit Housing, Inc. is seeking a waiver of impact fees; and \oJHERE1\S, ImmokC'llec :lon~Profit Hou~:;inq, Inc. '~/ill construct one (1) three-bedroom unit (the lIDI,.'elling Unit'l) on Lot 14, Eden Par}: 1st Addition SUbdivision, Immokalee 1..;hich is proposed to sell for Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) i and THE REMAINDER OF THIS RESOLUTION CAN BE FOUND ON MICROFILM IN THE CLERK TO THE BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS OFFICE FOURTH FLOOR ADMINISTRATION BUILDING COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER