Resolution 1995-010 , i\ .",0- RESOLUTION NO. 95 - 10 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF LIBRARY SYSTEM IMPACT FEES, PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES IMPACT FEES, ROAD I!1PACT FEES, EMERGENCY MEDICI-.L SERVICES IMPACT FEES AND EDUCATIONAL FI\CILITIFS SYSTE'1 1I1P/\CT FEES FOR oln: HOUSE TO BE COjl~;TRUCTED BY Tt'1:.10Kl'.LEE ilOtl-PROFIT HOUSTliG, IIlC. 011 LOT 10, EDEll PARK 1ST I\DDITlmi SUBDIVISIOIl, Tl1MOKALEE. ~- '-~ I~ ~1 \ 2.4 1,>,'HEREf\S, CoIl icr County hus recogn izcd ond attempted to address the lock of adeqlJate and affordable llousing for moderate, 10''';, and vcry-lo'd incor;',e households in the County and the need for crea.tive and innovat,i',;c proqri'1r.ls to aSSist in the provision of such housing by including severa] provisjon~; in the Collier County Gro'dth i'1anagcment Plt:ln, including: objective 1.4, policy 1./..1; objectivr-.; 1.':), policy' 1.5.2, policy 1.5.3, policy 1.5.4, po 1 icy 1. S.5, polICY 1.5.6; objectiv'2 1. G I policy 1.6. J ; objective 2.) polICY ;0.1.1, policy ;0.1.;0, policy ;0.1.3, policy 2.1.5, and policy ~.1_6 cf the I{ousing Element; and ~'lflEREI\S, Collier County ha~-; received fundine; pursuant to the State Houslnq Initiatives Partnership Progr~n set forth in Section ,~20.907 qJ.~,__~,__::~f:lq., Florida Statutes and Chapter 91-37, Florid0 Ad~inistrativ0 Co(lc; ~nd 1,';!lEHE1..S, In ;,ccord,~)nce ','lith Collier County Ordinance No. 93-19, the Count}' l:::~ authorized to use funding fron the State Housing Initiatives Partnership [SHIP] Proqr,H;1 for v/aivers of Callier County impact fees; and i'JHEHEf\S I Im:no~:a lee ;Jon~Prof it Housing, Lnc. is seeking a waiver of impact fees; and h'HEREf\S, ImT<lo~:alee :!on-Profit HOUSing, Inc. v/ill construct one (1) three-bedroom unit (the lID',.;elling Unit") on Lot 10, Eden Park 1st !~ddition Subdi";ision, Immokalef? "t/hich is proposed to sell for Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00); and THE REMAINDER OF THIS RESOLUTION CAN BE FOUND ON MICROFILM IN THE CLERK TO THE BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS OFFICE FOURTH FLOOR ADMINISTRATION BUILDING COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER