Resolution 2008-154 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-154 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE REVISED GUIDELINES AND RULES OF THE GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, on February 4, 2008, the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Committee voted unanimously to approve revisions to the guidelines and rules of its Board; and WHEREAS, the proposed revisions to those guidelines and rules include changing the name from the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Committee to the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Board, extending the terms of its membership, and adding an alternate member position; and WHEREAS, on May 27, 2008, at the direction of the Board of County Commissioners, paragraphs numbered 2 and 5 of the Section entitled "Advisory Board Appointments, Terms of Office, Etc." of the Revised Guidelines and Rules of the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Board were revised to remove consideration of an alternate member position to the Board and to amend to the attendance requirements to conform to Section Eight of Collier County Ordinance No. 2001-55, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby approves, as modified, the attached Revised Guidelines and Rules of the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Committee, now known as the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Board. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same this 27th day of May, 2008. A HE:?!> DW18~;;aROCK, Clerk ,," ... t, ,.. ~ fbfrqlL; k i~ At.lt ..;to IM1r:'IMplty Clerk " ;., 'lten~'OG'l. ' Ap ~o'~ii:das to form an lega su iency: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER-ITY, FL RIDA. By: "---.J TOM HENNING, Chairman Golden Gate Community Center Advisorv Board Revised Guidelines and Rules May 27,2008 Operation: I. The operation of the Center will be under the direct control and responsibility of the Center's Supervisor, who will be an employee of Collier County and a resident of the MSTD within six months from the date of hiring and administratively responsible to the County Manager or his designee, and will be governed by the Personnel Rules and Policies of Collier County. 2. All rules for the operation and maintenance of the Center shall require the approval of the Board of County Commissioners. 3. The budget and resulting expenditures of the Center will be established in accordance with the laws and regulations of the State of Florida and Collier County and within the confines of the legal millage established for the taxing district and other revenues of the taxing district derived from the operation of the Center or other sources. Advisory Board: I. It is the responsibility and obligation of the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Board to serve the interests of the taxpayers and residents of the district as defined by Ordinance 75-4, as amended. Pursuant thereto, the Advisory Board shall: A. Annually review the proposed budget for the coming fiscal year as prepared by the Center's Supervisor and reviewed by the County Commissioners within the millage limits established for the district. B. Make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners on matters relating to proposed budgetary adjustments during the fiscal year. C. Review unbudgeted expenditures exceeding $1000 and all budget amendments requiring BCC approval. D. Recommend changes in the rules governing the use of the building to the Board of County Commissioners. E. Recommend the employment of the Center Supervisor as determined by a selection committee composed of the Advi~ory Board Chairman, a representative from Parks and Recreation and a representative from the Collier County Human Resources Department. The selection will be presented to the full advisory Board for approval prior to recommendation to the BCC. F. The Advisory Board will have the discretion to advise the Director of Parks and Recreation, in writing, on the contents and proposed changes of the job descriptions for those Center employees authorized in the district budget. G. Receive and review monthly reports (and special reports as requested) prepared by the Center's Supervisor, on the actual and planned activities of the Center and its employees, the status of budgeted expenditures and revenues, the status of special projects and programs, and similar matters of concern in carrying out the duties of the Advisory Board. H. The Center Supervisor and staff shall schedule building use. Any organization wishing to reserve a room on a yearly basis must submit an application. The application will be reviewed by the Advisory Board at the discretion of the Center Supervisor. 2. Regular meetings of the Advisory Board shall be held monthly and announced in advance complying with the current County policy. Special meetings may be called if approved by the majority vote of the Advisory Board members in attendance at the regular scheduled meeting, and by posting notice of such called special meeting, identifying such meeting as "Special" with such posing to be made at least (24) hours prior to the meeting. Emergency meetings may be called by the chairman or by a majority of the members provided a (24) hour notice is posted and given as provided above for special meetings. Official meeting minutes and other necessary records will be kept. All meetings will be open to the public and will be held in the Community Center building. Advisorv Board Appointments, Terms of Office, ETC: I. The Advisory Board shall be comprised of three (3) to five (5) members, who will appoint from within the group, annually, by majority vote, a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman. Rules governing the responsibilities of the officers of the Advisory Board may be established by the Advisory Board consistent with these guidelines, subject to approval by the Board of County Commissioners. 2. The Advisory Board members will be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners for staggered three (3) year terms of office to commence on the I st day of January. See attached ordinance 2001-55 as referenced. The Board of County Commissioners shall make the final decision on appointments taking into consideration the recommendation from the Advisory Board. See attached resolution 2006-83 as reference. 2 3. A majority of the total membership of the Advisory Board constitutes a quorum. 4. ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS: Attendance requirements shall be In accordance with Section Eight of Ordinance No. 2001-55, as amended. 5. Copies of the minutes will be made available to each member of the Advisory Board, County Manager or his designee and Board of County Commissioners to be filed with the Clerk to the BCC and a copy will be available at the Golden Gate Community Center. Center Supervisor's Responsibilities: 1. Responsibilities of the Center Supervisor will be those contained in that position's job description, in addition to the following: A. Prepare the annual budget and present same to the Advisory Board for recommendation to the BCC, according to the Collier County Budget Department Policies and Guidelines. B. Operate within the annual budget In accordance with the County's budgetary policies. C. Provide a written monthly report on the financial and operating status of the Center to the Advisory Board. Effective Date: These guidelines shall supersede all guidelines previously in effect and shall become effective on the date they are approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Approved by the Advisory Board Approved by the Board of County Commissioners 3 ~,:..' ';'."",:;:.," ",";"'. -----.-.-- .--- \'1-".'''7 J1 / ...... "0" I JJi~) '<> ~ _.~~ ~ i \ - iii \\\~ ; RDINAHCe ESTABUSHING STANDARDS FOR CREAlUlN ~~ W +.~ AND REVIEW OF COUNTY BOARDS AND PROVIDING FOR 'l!-e;".., :r.of,."'- A POUCY DEClARAnON; PROVIDING DEI'INllONSj . , PROVIDING FOR CRJiAnON OF NEW 8OARDS, PROVIDING I!XEMPTtONj PROYmING QUAUFICAnDNS AND REQUIRE"EN'IS FOR HE"IIERSHlP, PROVl:DING PROCI:SS OF 4PPOINTMENTi PROVIDING TERMs OF OFFICE; PROVl:DING 4TTEflDANCE REQUIREJfENT; PROVIDING SCHEDUlJ! FOR IlEVIl!:W OF BOARDS; PROVIDING FOR IU!PEAL OF ORDINANCE NO. 86-41, AS AMENDI1O, PROVIDING FOR . CONfUcr AND SEvERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INa.U5ION IN CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCESi AND PROVIDING FOR AN EfFECTl\/1: DATE. OROINANCI! NO. 2001. " ;;!~ m F;~ 0 -n ::':;:. ~ ..,.-. IlOI\RD ~;' ~ ,~!,~ i'n t:;.::: :s t J. -;.,,~~ - 0 SECTION ONE: PoUcy Ded;lll'iltlon. G~' of.' . '::P~ ~ It Is hereby dedamd to be the policy of the Boan:! or COunIv ~ of CollIer Olunly, Aorlda, In pmmote e<xmomy, eftIcIency and irnprow! 5erVice In the . transaction of lhe publle buslt'le5S by COUnty Boards. NotI1ing In IhIs On:III1al103 shaD be c:cnstnJed to prohlblt or rcosb1c::t the County COmmi$oion frnm amending or aboIfshlng, at any lime, any Board wrrenlly in -...... or It-.atler created. SECTION 1WO: DefIniIioa.. The term "llcard" Is defined In Indude ~ agency, advisory board, regulirtoly board, quasl-judida' board, cwnmltlee, _ force or any oIfJer group oeatI!d 2IIlI1 funded In _.. or In part by It1& Board of COUnty O>o........one.s. The IErm 'Commission" Is df!IIned as the Boan:I of Q>unty CommIssioners of cOllIer- Coonly, Florida. SI:CTION THREE.: Crealloll of...... Boa...... . A. Aft Boards aeated aftI!r the eIfedMI dale at lIIIs Ordinance shiIII be af!8Ied by ordinallCll! only, e.a:ept for Ad-Hll(: or Task Fonz Committees. SudI orclklaooe shldl set forth the Board's """"",,"i IUnc:IIons; powtonlj .........-lIes, jurtodIdfon; membership requi~ and I'f!SIl1dlons; IIums and condIIlons at appoinlmellt to ~ ""hOY\l1 from the Board; and the spodftc stall' S<lppOIt .... 'Y 10 prepme 1m ann"'" report, either oral or wrllten, In be ~ In the CoonmlsslorL s. . Prior to the adl/ertl!;ed ptlbIlc heatfng held !'or the adoption of said ordJnanoe, Ihe COUnty Manager shall submit to the Cllmr' ~'n a report ...wng forth following Information conaomJng the pnlpClSed new Soard: 1) Wheth.... tfle escablJohment of the board w8I aeate SUIIIclMl: beUertnf!nt to the COIIlIIlIinlly In juSIIl'y the CommlssIon's deIegatIoo or a porIfon of Its authorily. 2) WhetlJer anotllel" Board, ellher pub//C or pnvale, already In ~ could serve, or Is serving the same purpose. NOW, THEReFORE, BE IT ORlWNED BY TIft: COMMISSIONERS OF COUlER COUN'IY, FLORIDA, that: ;,., ~.'""",~,,,;,<';'':,ih',,',;-.I''''':~'''',,r'~:;"1.-',,,,,,. ~ ___ ----- ----- 3) The rosts, both direct and Indirect, of establishing and malnlalnlng the new Board. 4) Whether Cl"eallon of the new Board Is nec:essa.y In enable the County to obtain stale or federal grants or other finandng. 5) Whether tile Board should have bonding authority. 6) Whelf1er creation of a new Board Is ll1e best method to ad1Ieve the benetlt desired. SECTION FOUR: l!xemplion m OrdImlIlCll Requirement: All Hoc Coll1llJlttee8 ilnd Task Foc-ce Committees. The Commission may, by resolutlon, appoint an Ad-~ or Task Foroe Cornr,nIttee lOr illijIIld/Ic project, It ll1e duration of ll1e C".ommlI!lle does not e><aoed ltlnoe (3) years duration. The resolutlon II1lJ5t set lilrth lfle <UIes and respo. oslblllties of the Cc:lmmItt8e and contain language that autDmatIcalIy dl55oNe$ the Commlltee WItbIn the s:pedfted year from the date of adoplIao of Ille CommItt8e rnernbeI5 by the Col,., - I:'L SI!CnON FIVE: Qualifiadfoos and Requirements fOr Memb6."'''p on IlaMU.. A. AD members of County Boards shall be lleI1IJaner1I: resldenls and ~edIors of COl&er County and should be repWble and adfve In <nmmunIty &esvia!. The foregoing . requ/r'eml!flt may be ellen1plec!, howeIler, If an Ol'dinance aeaIIng a board spedfIe$ the need fiIr membership outside Oll!ier Courtly's bwldarIes. In addlIon. all Board members should have demonstrated an Ir'tIInsl: In the lIclIvit.y or Sl!nItce, which Is 1M lUJlO$Ie ct ItIe Board. The provisions ct this paragraph may be -'JIlIled, """""""", If an ordinance lNiIIlng a board Spedftes the need fiIr membership outside con.... CaunI.y's bowldaries. Il. Nr( member of a CllunIv Board wllo <ases to be a 1esi1t.d: at CollIer County dtnlg his or her term of oma. shall imI!ledIaIaIy advise the Comrni$sion ct such change in slalus. Upon such noUce, the CUh.'.......l shall dol<:lasl! the posiIion to be ~ and ~ promptly fin _ PLrSuallt to the provIslons of SectIon ~ hen:in. C. The eoc"ntls..:oo'S prmary ~ In appointing Board members 5halI be to provide lI1e brd with the l:el:l'lrlbl, Pia( . goal, llnanclaI, business or lldmInlstnlIlve expertise O'Y-~ "Y to 8II'ectIveIv ilCDlInpjIsh the BOard's' IU'\lOSe. ClIlegortes ct expeItIse reI'ererlced by County Iloanfs' Ontnana;s as qua/iflcaIlons for fllwd membership are COll&ldeoad to be primarIv dIreclnIy and not mandilti:lry. D. No person shaU seNe on mORl than two County Boards sImuIIaneousIy. Jl app/lcallan Is made for """,lee an a ItIIrd Board, the applicant must resign s1mul1aMous1y from one of his or her C1JITeI'It Boanl positions, or the 8PP'''aljon for a third Board shall be dIsqualItled.. TI1ls pr'OII(slon, hawewr, may be waived to allow for seI"ila!o an addIaonaI Boards PfO\IIded 1l'le CommlssIon VOleS unanimously to WlIM: sud1 provision.. E. No member of lIfll' COunty BOard shal bec:ome a candidate fiIr an eIecttve poIl1lcalofllce and "'mtlnue In _ on sl.lCh Board during hls or her canr:lIlIal:y. Should llny COunty IlOiInI member become a l3nd1dalll for lln e/edive poUtlcaI. otftce, such 2 ""_. .",..;:_:~.,,,. ." .'. ,. U.', '~.~. . ,.,-,....' ..... ., ",...;:r.~:"""".:',~..~':"'.;J,,",' --'-'--.- '-- candidacy shall be dtll!med a tender of resignation from SUCh Board and the Board shall Immediately advise the Commlsslon In writing of sald reslgnatJon. The Commission shall deem the posftion vacant upon receipt of written notice of said reslQnaIlM. The Board member shall not serve at any meellngs alter his or her posltlon becomes vacant pursuant to this Ordinance. F. The mmmencement of a legal challenge by a Board member as a plaintiff In a IawSIJIt against CoNIer County shall CllnstIt1Ite a conlll<:t of Interest wlth Collier County and shaM be deemed a tender .of resignation from such Board. The County Board member's posltfon shall autllmat1ca1ly be mnsIderad YilCant and the CommIssion shaM promptly nil same pursuant to the PI"O\I!sIons of Sectlcn S-... IleRJIn. G. No member of any County Board, as defined herein, shall print or a-eaIe, or haw printed or creaIEQ, Of use Of dlstr1bute any business or lIlfolmlll:ional Qrd depicIlng the County logo or in any W1!tY representiiJg such Board member as a ~ of Collier Cot.rltv or as a County 8oardll1e/llber. The Coul1ty Mal1illl"f or his or her deslgnee may, upon request and pr10r approvaJ In wrll!ng, authorize the Counly Board members to oblaln a County p/IOlD identlflcatlon ""rd IdentflYing SUCh members as a County acMsoly Board member. SSClION SIX: P........ of ApPOintment. A. Vacandes ocn.ocrIng on any Board shall be publidzed. but need net be adIIertised, In a publication of !lenend dra.dllllon Within the ColJl'lty. and vac,ncy I1OIil:e; are to be posted in the County IIbfaries and the County Government Center. B. Prior to maJd(lg appointments lo Boards. sllllf shall provlde the Commission with a list oulIInlng the qualIIIcations and demographic background of each <;and/dctte lOr Board membership, along 1NIlh a 1st detaIIng the quaflfic:"allons and dernographK; badcgrounds of present membel's seeli:ing reappointment on each board Ii> WhId1 an ~t Is being made. SECTION'SEVEN: Teml ofOffia=. A. Terms of olllce shall be sboggered. B. Tenns of ofIiQ, for fIoard mernbe:rs snail be IIm1led lo two consecutlve Ienns of 5e/\IiCe on any one Board; provided, '-wr, ~ /lppOlntment of a Board niember III an initial tenn of one year maa net be CllI"I5Idel eel a "term of office. for purpose of the IImIlaIlons _ forIIl In this 5ecIlon, and such member.; shall be enIJtlecllo seNe bNo addilionalll!!rn>o If so appolilted; C. AppOlnlments to nn a vacancy for the remainder or balantll of a ~ or Qfllce shall be constclered a term of oIIlce for the purpose of the ImItallons set' forth In Sectfon Seven 8, above, only If the l'I!llllllnder of the Iem1 to be served exceeds ftfty per<:ent (50%) of ltle I\lll term. D. By ul1il1llmous votIo at the OxnmlssIon, In.. Ilmitatfons set forill in SectIon Sellen 8 above may bet waNed. E. NoIIlIng set fi>Ith In lIlls SectIon shall proI1lbit any IndlViduill trom being reappoil)l8d lo a Board llfb!r a hiatus of two (2) years. 3 'F'-" '.'<_"A'::';~..~..~. .' ,.,. , ".' '.'u ,'_.~.,;i.:.:>. ,'. '.....,._,..,~"..-- ... -- --~--'._..- F. All members of lloards aeaIed by the Comrnlsolon shall 5et'V'l at the pleasure of the Commission and may automatlcllliy be removed by a majortty vote of the quorum of the CommIssion. Sf!CTION EIGHT: Attendance Requirement. It Is the intent and strong deslre of the Commission tI1at 1f1ere be fun attendance of acM.sory Board memller$ at all meetings of the Boarlfs, reaJgnl2fng, however, that It may be """""""oy fOr Boam members II) be absent from a meeting due In unusual or emergency dram5Iances. NeIIeItt. ,full atll!n(1Mce at Board 'meeungs Is, encoU<aged and necessary for the proper operation of the Boards and In furtllerance thereof the following requlrements are eottlblished: A. Arrv Board member who is absent for more tI1an one-half of the Board's meetlngs In iI given fiscal year shall be deemed to have tendert>d hls or her resignation from such Board. The Commission shall, as soon as practicatJfe after such resignation, dedare the position II) be vacant and shall promptly fill same put'SUliInt II) the provtslons of SectIon Sb: herein. The Baaal members shall not <eM! at ""Y meetings after hIS or her position is <Iedared \Ia(iIfll: by the 0:lmmlssI0n. B. In the event that any Board ItIllIllbe:r is iIb5ent from two consecuuva meetings , without a satisfacInry exaJSe ",. "1tdtJ/e In the Board chairperson, tile Board chairpernan sha8 state such l'act at the next regularly sd1eduled Board rneeIlng and shaH thereatb!r notIIV, In wrltlng, the ElIecutlw Manager II) the CommIssion of the Board member'!; Iilllure In alt!!nd WIthout a satisf.ilcInry excuse. The Commission shall - the Board chai....,.,,1'S .~ at the CommISSion meeting lIncJ shall declare the Board member's p<l5Won \l) be IIlICllIt It the CommIssion CllIIClr.i that the Board rnl!Olber was lIbsent from two CDnseallI\/e Board meetlngs without .. satlsfadDry e><l:USIO, and _U pro"lPllr fiB same f'Ir.O,IBnt II) the llRI\IISIIlnS cI SecIfan Sbc: herein. The!lollrd member 5l1al1 not 5eIW iIt BIf/ meeIlngs after his or her posllIon Is dedlIn!d vacant. C. A nv:mber of 1I Board sI1alI be deell1ed absent from 1I meeting when he or she Is not present during at lealt sewnly live pen:ent (75%) of 1f1e meeIing, SI!CtlON NINE; RevIew of Boards. t:ach BOarlI shall be revleWeclln the lbIlolMng manner: A. All BoardS shall be - -V four (<I) years from the year !he Board was llrsc_lshed. B. The County MiI/lIl!jer or hili deslgnee SIliIU priMde notice In \:he Board prior In It>> date of _. On or belbre Jimuaoy 15'" Of the year In which 1I Board Is to be 11'\IleWecf, It>> ClaIrpeBon shall submit In the COUnty Managl!r 1I report setting forth the MOWIng InfonnaIIon ragardlng the Iloard: 1.) WIl_!he Board Is servIn!Ilhe purpose ro.- which It was created. 2.) Whether !he Soard Is adequatloIy oefVIng current community needs. 3.) A list of!he Board's major ~Ishm""ts ro.- the preceding l:weIvll month periOd. 4 ,',".."',;,,,' '.,' ',' ., ... '-','. ",,-,,~,..,;~' - ~ ",-'.:, ~.............'..... ... .-.-.--...-.....-.- [, 4.} Whettler there Is any 0ItIer Board or agency, eltI1er public or private, which is setvlng or would better serve the purpose for which tile Board was created. 5.) Whether the ordinance creating the Board should be amended,lll allow the board tD more adequately 5eIVe the purpose for w/1k:h It was created. 6.} Whether the Board's membership requlrements should be modified. 7.} The cost, both direct and Indirect. of malntalnlng the Board. C. On or before February 15'" Gf the year 'n which a Board is III be reviewed, llIe County Manager shall deliver to the Comml.sslon the report submitted by the Olalrperson of each Board, pursuant to Section Nine (B) of this Ordinance, together with any recommendallon or comments the County Manager may have. In order to assist the COunty Manager and llIe COmmission In the evaluation of the Olalrperson's report, the COunty Manager and COmmIsslon may review applicable minutes of meetings of the Boards. ,~ Boallls Shall be tl!QuJred to forward the mlnums of aU Board meetlngs to the CornmIsslon in a llmely manner. D. During March of the YlI'Ir In which a Board Is III be /'e\IIewEd, Itte Chairperson shall make an oral presenl3tlon to the Commissfon. Said pl"'Se,lliltion sh'all be based upon the report submitted to the COunty Manager pursuant to Sl!Cdon Nine (8) of ItlIs Ordinance. M. the <XII1duslon of ""k! oral presentation any COmmi>islonet may request the fotmatlon of a subcommittee cons!sllng of three (3) members of the COmmission. SaId subcomml~ shaI eYlIluate the O\aIrper.ion's report, the County Manager's remmmendatlons and any other Infi:JnnalIon It deems relevant to detem1ine whether the Board shall mnllnUe In Its present fotm. The subcomml~ shall report to the Commission not later than wIhIn ninety (90) days atl2r their Inltlal meeting. E. At the mnduslao of this ll!II/ew process, the Commission shall determine wheIher to aboHsl>, continue, mnsofIdate or modllY the Board for the ensuing four }'eaI5. SECTlON TEN. Repeal otOrdinanao No. 86-41, As Amended. Collier County Ordlnance No. 86-41, as amended by OrdInance No. 92-44, 99-46, and2DOO-24, Is hereby f"l ~iIIe:d In Its enIIrety. SI:CTION eLEVEN: COIIIIIct and SeIlerabIlIty. In llIe event Ittls Ordlnance alIlIlias wlth any other ordinance of CollIer County or other applicable law, the more restr1ctIve shall apply. Ir any phrase or portion of tria OrdInance Is hekl Invalid or unconsIltuIlona by any CDurt of cmnpetent julfsdk:lton, SUCh portion shall be deemed a separatl!, dl$tlntt and Independent provlslon and such haIdIng $haU not IlIfElct the valtdltv of the 1lImiI!nIng portion. 5ECn:ON 1WI:LVI!I rnc:lllSlon In tile COde of...._ and Ordinances. ihe provIslons of this Ordinance shall bec:ome and be made a part of the Code of laws and DrdInances of COllier County, AoJ1d!l. ihe sections of the Ordinances may be renumbered or releUered to lICCOOlpl/sll such, and the word .ordlnance" may be changed to "section," "arUde," or any other ilJlP<'Oprtate word. AU references In the 5 ',"" ,~'''''-, :(:,",),. Code of LllWS and Onlinanceo ID OrdInance No. 86-41 and Its amendments shaH be Changed lD reflect the number assfgned ID lIlls Ordinance. SECTION THIRTEI:N: I!ll'ec:tive Dati!. This Or<IInance shall became efl'ectlYe upon rea>lpt of IlOlice from the SecretlIry of Slal>! that lhJs Ordll1at1Ce has been filed With the s..:retary of State. PASsED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Bollrd of County CommIs5loners of Collier County, F1Ol1da ttJ....;z~ day of October, 2001. j~,t"llllif'jlf~ .,~'~.. ,." 1"3' t., '''I" ,..- ,,\,\,u "~'!." ......... " " AII~flt-.:...-.....:;,..\. ': " BOARD OfCOUNlYCOMMlSSIONERS, OW!Gm ."'" . 'l;(,.....'. COWERCOUNlY, RDRlDA. ....~J,f:..,\.., .~.,.. =:(.r ~.~.:U'I .~ By;~.~J!Q, "l)~. By; CJz ............. Deputy6erk 'JAMES R'~ Ph.D., 0laInnan App;tMld as to furm andlegalsufflQency: Thill ~ m(">d with d't.e ~::~~f~ end tKknowI.~ of char fi"'llL ......... _ iil""* da<t of u7.)l1~~~1" . By -- rlUN~ ~~~~/ DaVlll C. Weigel County Attorney h:puIlIItIkayf___ 6 ,-~,-".. . '. '. . ,...,....."......;... .......,..u.~~.;..~: ~wnoN NO. 2006-83 RECEIVED APR B 6 2lOi lSoatdllClClunar~ A RESOl.llTION OF TltE IlO<UtD OF COUNtY (X)M"ISSIONERS OF COWER COUNTY, R.OIUDA. TO ADOPT A FOIlMAL POUCY ESrAJIUSHING G'UIDeUNES FOR RECImIDIG RECOMHEN- DAnONS FOR APPOINTMENT ANP ReAPPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO Al)VlSORY COMMITTCI:S; AND TO SUPERSEDE RESOlUTION NO. 94-136. WHERfAS, on Mllrdl 1, 1994, Ule Boan;J or County Commissioners adopIBd Resolullan No. 94-136 In provide guidelines and JltO<Edu= for apP<Jlntlng and reappoinllng member.; to advisory committees; and WHEREAs, en December 13, 200S, the Board or County Commlssioners requesllld revisions to these guidelines to assure they are _110 tile best qualiflecf candl(fates for appointment as rectlmmended by their advtso.y comtnil!l!es. NOW, 1HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE/} BY 1liE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COWER rotJNlY, FLDRlDA, th211: tile guidelines 5et forth beloW are hereby estllblislled for tile Board of County Q)mmlssfoners ("Boardj for receipt anc/ aa;eptara of teoornrnendalions from !he various ~ commltlees. 1. A<Msory commII:tees shaH be 'alIo<ab!d 41 dayo -.. notifk:aUon from the Board's office In submt in writing their recomm~ In the Roan:I for the appointmenl: or reappointment of members. If an acMsory commIIlee cannot <ictlleve a quonJm WIthin lI1e 41-day lime pertod reft!renced above, l/pllr1 Sllbmlsslon of nolIaI to lI1e Soard the deadline for submission of recomrnenclallon$ by lI1e advisory rorTIlT1lItee may be exII!nded by the brd's ooordlnator to all acMsory tommlttees. All. qUllSl- juclcial advIsoty commII:tees are eilCl!mpI: from lI1e reQtJirernents of providing l'eCOl1lrnendatlOl\S for appointments or ieappoIntments to Ule Beanl but shan adhere to lI1e gul(feUnes ~ In panographs 2 and 4, where such guidelines are appliCable IXl au oomml\:f.lles.. 2. During INs lime PEirloc:t, II1e Cola1ly stall' IIaIsan for each acMsory wmmlttee shan Inlllillly rew.w tl1e categories of app/kanI$ In areas of flICIlllom..: to assure thal: tl1e applicants POSSess tl1e minimum ~ for II1e positjons they are seeking. Non- quasl-juclidal advisory commil!l.>es may IIlIi!nIfeW such appkants at a scheduled public rnoetIng. 3. p,aopt where a nonoquasl-jUdic:ial acl\li$ory commIllee is unable to raacI1 a quorum, all nM-qUIlSi judIclal advtsQry committees shall c:onslder all applicants and shall determine by a majority 1IOIe or the quorum which appUcant(s) meeI5 the prerequisites for appointment or reappointment: to suctI committee. 4. '1'he IraJson for an adlrisofy axnmittBe shaH provlcle the Board Wl1b altendance I'I!l:nrds or all appUCZll>l$:;oekJng ~ IXl SUCh committee. c. Ell: IT FUR'THE:R RE:SOLVE:D BY 'THE BOAAO OF COUNtY COMMISSIONERS that this ResoIutlon supersedes Resolullon No. 94-135 In "" ""tlrety. This Resolutlon lIdop\;!d after motion, sa:ond and majOrity VOle. DATED: March 28, 2005 ,..,.'........,.. ATTE~iJ'"' . ~'::l t.-.. DWI~~rt: .' !Q:/.~.;~--:~ \\\\ .. :t: ~,"I, :-..~I..~..("I'!:~ 1 ~ i. U'...?i~.~LjO .J!? ~ te.~ It...&..' 01110 Approved as tn ronn and legal ....ffitlency: AI"I~rdt~ ~dJ David c. Weigel County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COHMlSSIONl:RS COl.I.IER alUNTY, FlORIDA ~ 61': -~/ ~....- fRANK HALAS, Cha""""n