Resolution 1995-001 I/-' /,' 16A 2 RESOLUTIOII 110. 95 -~_ RESOLUTIon OF TilE BOARD OF COUnTY COMMISSIonERS, COLLIER COUnTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORI ZWG PAYI1f:iJT OF LIBRARY SYSTHl IMPACT FEES, PARKS AnD RECREATIonAL FACILITIES IMPACT FEES, ROAD IMPACT FEES, EMERGEnCY MEDICAL SERVICES H1PACT FEES !,IW EDUCATIOn,\L FP.CILITIES SYSTEI-l II1PACT FEES FOR OilE 1I0USE TO BE conSTRUCTED BY IMMOKALEE non-PROFIT 1I0USING, IIIC. on LOT 1, EDEN PARK 1ST ADDITIon SUBDIVI S IOil, Ir1110KALEE. VnfERE!\S, Collier County has recognized and attempted to address the lack of adequate and affordable housing for moderate, 10'..;, and very-lo"d incone households In the County and the need for creative and innovative prograns to assist in the provisi.on of such housing b" , including several prO'/lSlons in the Collier County Gro'~,'th r'1anager.tent Plan, including: objective 1.4, policy 1.,.1.1; objective 1.5, policy 1.5.2, policy 1.5.3, policy 1.5.4, policy 1. '). '), policy 1.5. G; objective 1. 6, policy 1.6. J ; objective 2.1, policy /.1.1, policy 2.1.2, policy 2.1.], policy 2.1.5, and policy 2.1.G of the Housinq ElcrLlcnt; .'1nd W~iER[^S, Callier CO\Jnty h~s received fllnding pursuant to the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program set forth in Section ';20.S07 ".t.,.,.seC!., Florida Statutes and Chapter 91-37, Florida Aclninistrative Code; and \,',:jlEREAS, In accordance '~/ith Collier County Ordinance No. 93-19/ the County 1.S authorized to use fundincj from the State HOlJsinq Initiatives Pat"'t.ncrship [SHIP] proqram for waivers of Collier County iDpilct fC0S; and i';HEHE/....S, Im::lo}:alee !lon-Profit Housing, Inc. lS seeking a waiver of impact fees; dnd wHEREf\S, Imr:lOkalee l;on~Profit Housinq, Inc. 'dill construct one (1) three-ncdroo;-r, unit (the lID'dellinq Unitll) on Lot 1, Eden Pi1r}: 1st t\rJdit"ion Subcli'Ji~,:;ion, IT71T:lokalee '~:hich is proposed to sell for Farty Thousand DollClTs ($40,000.00); Clnd THE REMAINDER OF THIS RESOLUTION AND ACCOMPANYING AGREEMENT CAN BE FOUND ON MICROFILM IN THE CLERK'S MINUTES AND RECORDS DEPARTMENT