Resolution 1997-286 RESOLUTION NO. 97-286 B f.. , RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF PELICAN STRAND REPLAT - lA A REPLAT OF A PORTION OF A PREVIOUSLY RECORDED PLAT KNOw'"N AS PELICAN STRAND WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, on June 3, 1997, approved the plat of Pelican Strand for recording; and WHEREAS, Pelican Strand Limited is replatting a protion of Tract F, and has filed for a replat of said lands; and WHEREAS, this replat does the dedications contained in the said dedications are forrnally acceptance of this replat; and not extinguish or in anyway affect previous plat of these lands unless vacated simultaneously with the WHEREAS, Replat - lA, is Pelican Strand, shall not affect Strand plat. this parcel, the approved plat of Pelican Strand a part of a previouoly approved and recorded plat, and the filing and recording of this approved plat access to lots previously conveyed under the Pelican NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED M'D ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the plat of Pelican Strand Replat lA, a part of a previously approved and recorded plat, Pelican Strand, is hereby approved for recording and the dedications contained on the plat of Pelican Strand Replat _ lA are hereby accepted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall make proper notation of this action upon the previous plat and record this replat resolution in the Official Records of Collier County. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. DATED, 96;;!.f/ ATTEST, . .,., DWIGHT"E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA f~ ~..'~/UM";~'/1/ BY'TI~~{f~ CHAI RMAN ttt 2204813 OR: 2330 PG: 3090 ttt UCOlDlD 10 omcm UCOlDS of cmIII CODm, II 01/1I/l7 It OI:J2A1 orrm I. BIOCI,CLIU ucm 1.11 COlliS 1.01 Approved as .to form and legal sUfficiency: iji~ lh1if1v^ ~ Assistant Collier County Attorney ltt.ll: CLIU TOm BOI.lD rmlolPICJ 4T!lLOOI lIT 1m I ~~!m~1IH;;ij!!mmirm1\":i;< ,,:,,, I ; ,.' ~i II.!IJI m~ ~~~r.IJ_~~~ ~~~;~iijl)j~lt~l\i):'1 - ,\' i.. r(jJ I rn......'1."l':!I"id~'\tlt.,F./,...'.,' ,f , Huntington 1,,!)jllilll1'Ii!:l:;~:l; ,~!Jl~~I!l~;;k'", ,-' . B k tl' rfll; t~~4rl'~:rd~~~ii~J!fti~~I~<~~~.,~tfl~i~ ,,::~j..,:',r ~~~~, s i~jlljlJJll~'lt\!;;)lij~!hit~1'rl.~IIIWI~'5U~;, ;',j\ll: '_.": ".~:: " rrB rraj.~n'C!~~H~CA.r1~hJ'~~~ o'i'~ '1{~~r'ix~f:~~7!!n',1~~ .,:~"l \'~ IJ 11!.R~IHU~.';I"U'~RHH' tioo ..lI1~n\j ~r,t 'j'I!}.h,' i r ~l'li.\\i!;: ~ :: i~. ,; .:. '_ q~J(1".i~~~~J~im:~1:fI1\li)111Iillr(I'~IJAlllli1Wi!!t~Jfll~Ull'II'llili*~;l;;;,:\i;,. ..;.0 V:rJWi; Hrr.I'I!OO~qnOOHI ~ III WI III m 1) I n 11l11111~1~.lJ!I n:n I;; ~ !lll~. ! nl1~.h mmr ~tiJ f WJ: : P ;1; lli ~.1.n ~ tl,l.! - Jl t11"ll<MHY""b'll~'1 j'~l;l),'lli\llf" i911'1~Pr"i)~~1 ,.,',' - w, ',l'\", !i!J 'it' pl 1!'1!lIk:II:;! iI"l) '!;i~lq;"II_'I\ i,,~~ ',l\j,':;;~i' 11;:";'\. ;I:';';i~\'. lrmltrt(i!r/'1l(~~lrlff~lmlliiIM11h~lf;1W~i~~;II~:;fmr!,{lff;~IF ,.:; ;( i. 1~', ":' r!.;\~\ HII~1 1,"nli;~~~y:'hth13~ [( ~Jh .91~.knll"ti"V_"lld"J" ~,i'l ~"."n!1I2",,'h..., ': ~. " . (,13: 1I! ~ '(Pr:l'I\):,h" rUl. f tll!~ bn'.r.elJ~o"CI,,~l cf' 1.~ yt ~~.. hr~)f d~ ,ofo ~. UIJt: r.1J ~.1 '~. i ~, ; j ~~ ~ ~.~. , lw.mUb '~r;;p P1t.;t o~,,'!. '= 0 r\, tra;~!n~l,~~.r..:u r .>',to f. ~l.tE-;1 i $ ,E;)J.. vn.~'.6,rt'" t 1, "f; t , .,'. ~,..' , l U~,.tdf~~~)L~~..~Yl1~pridr.....1:o1.ny 'Fllchfnnnfvers~,..y d.!lte. \,,/n notify th~ ~~f H~p.~qt:i~r)', in wrltl.~g,lbrr"Q16te{!ld ITlllll T:hi!lt we elect: not to so ~jII11r'fllJ\.J;Fhh Letter of C red! t ' " ~'~dF.. '~~;,. , . ~ Jl" ,-:, I ;-IIlI~~Pf',).t';antl Pelir:i!In 'Hrend, Ltd.. " Florldo!l l1m1.ted par tnero.;h!p. I ~<' IUl.ale,w:~lfwood. Drive., No!lples. FL 33999, . tif fhq" J. f.... . " ~-, ~lllt!s~r~f.i~~~ry: 'Thlt BOd!"d.'of County Comml'Jsioner~. Colliel' County. ii ~rfl0r:ji.dl\r(h?r.!n~ftflr "BenAflci~ry' ') c/o Office of the County ~1'~J,1pf~:)?fy';~:Cl)llif)rCo.unty ~o','JrthO\Jl;f1 Complex, Nilplcs. Florld~. j! iiii~;~~~~\~\~S[11.323.74'7.97conp, Million Three l-Iundl''3d T\.Jenty Thl"fC ~11[~)iP}J..~i!I.f1ri.1,9()'le!'1 Hundred' F'orr:'j Sflv81"'1,Doll.sr& llnd Ninoty Sev!:ln a. II1;f/t;t:~'ilill~,the~..tI~'Hraq;~tfl:~~hnr:e[l~. '~'; <~".i:~ " ltPI,~~H~~~i~~~,~:~P; ~~I.~:<~(~;':',;~~:.I, .,-:' . '. ,::'" '! ~ !qt~..(v t~~o,vo il ab I'll ',:,1 th ': :;I-IU ~ t1 ~ g.to,~1 'tl ill tIn n e~':6 0 nr. .;4 ~": South HIgh ,iJ_,gttB8it'PICpll~.'TIbLJs....OhlO'.43.'.lS' :. .,,' ".' ," " '1' ,'AJ -."..' .... '.' "..... . ... . '. la"}. tl f., ';. t ~"'. "; ~ ," , , \ "/~~~~.p:ay~~e~t agtl.lnst: ,~d~c1J~tnts rhtlllted het'nln and B"'ne.flcLlry1l'i l!P'lll~P!:f;1 ~~ ;a,.t~ ui 9~ t.. ;d r llwn' n.n .. t:h':- Hun t! ng t on N 11 t i ona 1 Elan k.' j,J ~ ;jl,:;~., J~"" ",'.. . , ;.{i ,o~~~~~n'r..~~'.rIJQU~r~d: 'Benf)flr.iaryls etatement purpottedl!l ~1-g"ed by .1'I~,_.th",/.cOllr.tY ~on1l9lr certifying that: "Pelican Strllnd. Ltd.. II d ~rtFlonidll, ,~11'111tfd pi!lrtnft''lhip h,,!'l hlled to construcT: and or ii'J~~.e~f)tflin.,the, 1mprovementli iusc>cii!ltl'ld "'11th thot certllin rl!'-plllt. "-';j'~o:'.t-A of " subdlVlsiCln i<no\.ln a'!i P"lic!ln Strand or 0 flnllt 1.",1' '. , .'i~Ln."PIl,~ti~n stltlsfllctory tc> Collier County h..,s not bel!'rl pE'l form~d }p..:p,~i"or,'to'thll date'of.expiry, ",no:! sZlUsfactory alternative :!"~!~~'f:f.o,'rlt1i1r'!c(! ,s("curity hilS not br!<;!n pr-evided te and formdl1y iW,:ii,;,>...P l..~ ,b Y" '.th~.. ,8 !r.~!. I C,\.!fY , ',.' : . Ili~!\l;dl,~~:lt I:; i'';->; "'~ ,,.;;;. " . IJ~'lrqf:n":t,.'~~~)':~~'''~n'Yl'\d(lr-,:th.i'',.L.-~t. tar':"f'Credlt mu(;t bE' morked "Dr',HJ('1 .11l'"~~nF(l1r;.J)u.H\Jn.tu'9ton:N.at,l!on"1~ B.~nk LRtter. of CrediT: No. 107003. 11 ij.ljj.,tQd~Ourll',,23t ~1997.,::' d.' .,' '. '11l1~~'liillb;;;'~f ;",. .". ,:" . .' . .' ..... . . 1 ~~~~~~~~Qr~gtnDl,lGttel' '.of Crrdtt lind_aU am&ndmen':~. if lIny. rnuo;t be 11~~~.JjJ;~~tf;;~~\;~~;' p,~~?;e r-. ~ ~~~~ ~ ~_Be_m~~ t. , 1jICI'?~'; ". ..'. ' . . '" " ~ 1 ~ ~ '.1"'.,'" . -- . 8 A 5 "!