Resolution 1997-263 RESOLVTION NO, 97- 26) 8 (-14 A RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO COLLIER COUNTY ORDfNANCE NO. 87-5, RATIFYING AND APPROVING THE EXPENDITURE OF COUNTY FUNDS, FOR SPECIFIC EXPENDITURES INCURRED IN THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS FOR 11ft POSITION OF COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR, AS SERVING A VALID PUBLIC PURPOSE. WHEREAS, one of the slated purpose!'; of Collier County Ordinance No. 87.5 is to authorize certain personnel related expenditures and to establish that such expe:nclitures are for valid and proper County purposes; and \VHEREAS, Ordinance No. 87-5 allows for the expenditure of County funds to effect~ate the purposes of the Ordinance provided that said expcndi:ures are approved by the Board throL;gh an implementing resolution setting forth the specific purpose:; ofille expenditures; and WHEREAS. on March 11, 1997, the Collier County Board of County Commissicn~rs approved the requisite bud2et amendment 10 transfer $15,500 from General Fund Re~,er\'~s to the Human Res011rccs Department Cost Center to pay costs of hirin3 a new County Administrator NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY r:OM1YllSSrONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that ]. The expenditures of County funds in the recruitment process for the position of County Administrator are hereby determined to be a valid public purpose 2. The expenditures anticipated in the recruitment process for the position of County Administrator, to conduct reference checks; provide for video t"ped intcf"I;;ews; transport. entertain, and properly host out.of-town candidates; conduct interviews and hold appropriate functions for al] fir.alists; and to pay for miscellaneous expenses such as courier, copy, incidental, a~J mailing costs shall not exceed S 15,500. 3. These expenditures shall include the cost of catering some meals, although most of such costs wiil be borne by private sector sponsors. Costs of Jodging for three nigbts shall be paid fer each Candidate from out of town and direct billed by the Hotel to the COI.lnty. Other costs shall be reimbursed to the Candidates pursuant to Chapter 112.06\ Florida Statutes 4. The following costs are estimated, and shall not exceed: Video Taped Interviews $ 4,600 Reference Checking $ ],500 Interviews. reception, breakfast and lunch meetings $ 1,000 Tr:lVcl and lodging expenses of candidates $ 6,000 Miscd!anwus expenses $ 2,400 TOT AL $15,500 The Board hereby authorizes the disbursement or up to S 15,500 to pay for said expenditurr:s. T ", I" d d I' .3 J d ' !L/>1 hlS ;(e,o "\1on 3 ople IllS _~ 3Y ot --T- 1997, after motion, ~cond and majority vote favoring same. t-~T .' bWIGH'r'E" BROCK, CLERK , . ~'i3x:yL1JkJh Dc. -' , .,. ,.. :. ..... ,: ~., .:: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COL~UNTY' FLO BY ~/ ~ ! IMOT 1... HA COCK, Chainn n " .0, .~ J I .. S ~ \\\'\:.\. Approved as to fonn and legal sufficiency (2 amiro Mao::!.lich Chief As~istant County Attorney 8 [-1 \