Resolution 1997-260 168 - 4 RESOLUTION NO. 97-~ RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COliNrY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COlINTY. FLORlOA. AUTHORIZING TIlE DECLARATION OF A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT. A..'lD A SIDEWALK. DRAINAGE. AND UTILl1Y EASEMENT. WHEREAS, Cullier County is desirous of encumbering property currently owned by Collier County with easements described in Exhibit" A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; ,nd WHEREAS, the described casements are a necessary eicmcnt of the Airport Road Expansion Project (Approved Dy Resolution Number 97-198); :mo WHEREAS. the ea5cmcnls will allow Collier County to proceed with the expansion project in i! timely fashion. NOW. TIIEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. that: 1. The Board of County Commis.~ioners, hereby approves the DeclaratIOns of Easement described in Exhibit "A". This Rosolution adoptod th" .? -<{.y ~~ 1997. aIk< motinn. seoond and majority. BOARD OF COUNrY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COU1'm', FLORIDA AOTEST: . ". Dwight E. Broc,k, Clerk ~~-4~~ By~ '~P6 ?//C) ---- TImothy L) ancock, Chairman .~..,. - , -+/- - By: ' Jd.<.-r-cl // / -- / .' /tJeput)' crk:' iJ .C 2i91035 OR: 2320 PG: 0094 UCORDID III 01ljCIA~ RlCCiDS of COLL!Jl counT, 1L 06/0\/~7 at ll:?lPK DWIGHT I. BRaCt, CLUI RlC In COPIlS . i C ~",..... \ 24.GO 5.00 Approvc:d ::s to legal fom, and sufficienc/: RHo: nUl 10 Till BOUD mUOHlC! 4TaPLOoR In 1BO ctt, r/, j ii l'L Heidi F. Ashton Assistant COL.:nty Attorney ----..-- .'._...~'.~~M" -, .,. ,,"~'" '_"_"~ ,....""'....._... .. "_"""~~~,~"_',_''''''~~'",~,,""_,,,~,,,V,_'~_~'_'.,.. "".~,..",........", "'.'~,,_,'''''M'___.~__'.'''~''_','_'_' ,. -......-- - , 168- 4 OR: 2320 PG: 0095 , PR'oJECT: Airport Road PARCEL: Animal Contr01l810 DECLARATION OF EASEMENT J ~ THIS DECLARATION is made 'his 3 day or ~. 1997. by Collier County, a political subdivision the State of Florida, having ailing address of 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter rcrerreu to as" Declarant." Declarant is the owner of certain real property situated in Collier County, Florida, more fully described below, hereinal1er referred (0 as the "Property." See Exhibit "A" which is incorporated hereto by reference. Declarant hereby declares that the Property is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed, used and occupied in accordance with and subject to a non-exclusive casement and privilege to enter I.~pon, construct and maintain lOad right-or-way, sidewalk, drainage and utility facilities on the Property, hereinafter referred to as the "Easement." The Easement, 3S set forth in this Declaration, shall bind, and the benefits (hereof shall inure to the Or;clarant and its representatives, agents, successors and assigns. 11'\ WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has caused these presents to be execllted the date and year above written. ATTEST: ])WIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk _ I .. ~ c' f BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Of COLLIER COUNTY. FLORiDA By: COpy ~-~" - : '. . . .- I BY !;-.}/..Jd(><-<-!-1ti~ . .' D~uty Clerk " Timothy L. Hancock, Chainnan ". ~ 4 ",'" ~:.. ' .' " Approved as to legal fOilll and sufficiency: _~c( I )(i~ Heidi F. Ashton A ,sl!'tant County Attorney - \-\ .\ c:. ~'-...'o_ "" ~~:-:,e.... 1\" :, r\ \ <:::-...( ~, I 111Io,_ _, , ~"~'~~._"'-"'~'"-""~<__.~ ''''_~'"'''. .." _~.""~o",_,_.._,,'~~, ,~_,~'O,'_ ,',__.~, ",' OR: 2320 PG: 0096 168-4 PROJECT NO. 10203/ PROJECT PARCEL NO. f3/0 FOLIO NO. SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) Dl,SCRiPTION OF PART OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH. RANGE 25 EAST. COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA ThE EAST FIFTEEN (15) FEET OF THE FOl.LOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 955, PAGE 849. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, Fl.ORIDA. FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTH HAl.F (112) OF THE NORTH Hfl.LF (1f2) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUf,RTER (1/4) OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, RUN NORTH 60 FEET FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE WEST 1,320 FEET; THENCE NORTH 330 FEET; THENCE EAST 1,320 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 330 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS THE EAST 100 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA FOR ROAD PURPOSES, COLliER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND LESS THE SOUTH 24 FEET THEREOF DEDICATED TO THE PERPETUAL USE OF THE PUBLIC FOR ROft,D RIGHT-OF-WAY, DRAINAGE AND UTILITIES BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN OR BOOK 1388, PAGE 0163. SUBJECT TO ALL RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD COpy East Une or Section 2 100' RNI (AIrport Road) .~ ; 125' Unrecorded United Telephone Compl.:;Y Easemont SUBJECT 15' EASEMENT ----" j 24' RJW Dedication (OR 13SS, PO 0163) 10' Utility Easement ...._C(.?~.1.~~:.~?..~~.~.). . ........... ..... ~< EXHIBiT "A" Page. \ of .\. Southeast Corner of Ihe North ~ of the North';; 01 the Southeasl Y- of Section 2, T ~9-S, R-25-E 'L '" \:. \,~ ~~<. ll~" ~~'i .--......".""""',.,,-- .' 168-4' ;. PICOJECT: Airpnrt Road PARCf::L: /\nirml Conlrol/7! 0 DECLARATION OF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THIS DECLARATION is made this 5,d Jay of L-_. 1997, by Collier Cmnly, a political subdivi5ion the State of Florida, havillg {a'tnading-;ddrcss of :nol East T;\miami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter referred to as..! Declarant." Dcclarar.t is the owner of certain real property situated in Collier County, Florida, morc fL'lly Jescrit'cd below, hereinafier refcrred to as the "Property." See Exhibit "A" which is incorporated hereto by reference. Declarant hereby declares that the Property is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed, used and occupied in accordance with and subject to a non-exclusive temporary clJnslruction easement and privilege to enter upa!1 and construct public facilities on the Property, h~reinafier referred to as the "Easemen!." The Easement, as set forth in this Declaration, shall hind, and the benefits thereof shall inure to the Declarant and its representatives, agents, successors and assigns. The Easement shall expire upon completion of the construction of the public facilities in the area described in Exhibit "1\", or 011 or before December I, 2002. IN WrrnESS WHEREOF, Declarant has caused these presents to be executed the date and year above written. 1\ TTEST: )lWIGl:lJ E. BROCK. Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA COpy , ',' '/ ' BY' {~{<V_ ~7'//:~ . r.~ Deputy Clerk By: Timothy L. Hancock, Chairman '1, I, .).f",' q Approved as to legal fonn and sufficiency: dwJ. f )rLV1. Heidi F. Ashton As.:;islant County Attorney /~ ~t\; \. I'r\" ~"-\ ?S3e>\ ,.,"">---------.-...~-.'-,-,~ .,..-,_...... "".~...., ~.;>""~','",.__==,.,"'__....."__._'M'__~_____..._.,__~__~__'^..~_.." Ut OR: 2320 PG: 0098 ttt 16B-4 I I I , PROJECT NO. ~ 2.031 PROJECT PARCEL NO. 710 FOLIO NO. SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) e'ESCRIPTION OF PART OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH. RANGE 25 EAST. COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA THE WEST TEN (10) FEET OF THE EAST TWENTY FIVE (25) FEET, LESS THE SOUTH 24 FEET, AND THE NORTH TEN FEET OF THE SOUTH 34 FEET, LESS THE EAST TWENTY FIVE (25) FEET OF THE FOLLOWI~IG DESCRIBED PARCEL, P.S RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 965, PAGE 849, OF THE PUBLIC F:ECORDS OF COlliER COUNTY, FLORIDA. FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTH HALF (112) OF THE NORTH HALF (112) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (114) OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 49 ~;OUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, RUN NORTH 60 FEET FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING; "HENCE WEST 1,320 FEET; THENCE NORTH 330 FEET; THENCE EAST 1,320 FEET; "HENCE SOUTH 330 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS THE EAST 100 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA FOR ROAD PURPOSES, ';OLlIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. SUBJECT TO ALL RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD East lin~ of Section 2 Airport Road (lOO'RNI) 125' Unrecorded Enement (United T elephane Co.) COpy f Proposed ---W :--- 15' Easement : I ~ Proposed 10' Temporary Construction Ea~ement j . _.i. _, .::~::=::~,:~:~r;~:~:~::~.~t1'::~::~:~:~::::::::::~:~~:~::=::~:::L::.'..l - '['O~'~::8"~'~'~ D'~: :~.:;; -.. -.. _.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. Soull',east Corner or the North 112 or the North 112 or tMe Soulhnst 1/4 of S.ct;on 2, T -49-5, R-25-E t:7"1.\~\ "M' ~~ '-'\~"1 EXHiBiT "A" Page .1, of \. ^-..----..--~--~.~..-.-.~.~..~.....,""""""''''.".-...,.;''''_.__._.~'''''''""'_..~,."~__.....,_.___~~_~~.~,___o___.______~,_ ." ""______0"'" _"'_','"~"_" PROJECT: AirpM Road PARCEL: Animal ControV810 2191036 OR: 2320 PG: 00991 6 B - 4 UCOIDIO in om:u.L UCOlDS cf COUI1I COUlTT. n O~/g~/'J It 12:0l~1 DVlGiT 1. noct, CUll IIC111 lUO COPUS UO leU: CUll YO T1I1 loue InnOlllCl na l~OOI 1111210 DECLARA TlON OF EASEMENT THIS DECLARATION is made this ------5~ day of ;--',,~ , ]997, by Collier County, a political subdivision the State of Florida, having a 'mailing address of 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter referred to as" Declarant." Declarant is the owner of certain real property sitU<lfcd in Collier County, Florida. morc fully described below, hereinafter referred to as the "Property." See Exhibit "A" which is incorporated hereto by reference. Declarant hereby declares that the Property is and shall be held, transferred. sold, convcYl.:d, used anJ occupied in accordance with and subject to a non-exclusive easement and privilege to enter upon, construct and maintain road right-of-way, sidewalk, drainage and utility facilities on the Property, hereinafter referred to a..<; the "Easement." The Easement, as set forth in this Declaration, shall bind, and the benefits thereof shall ini.lre 10 the Declarant and its representatives, agents, successors and assigns. IN WlT!'lESS Vr'HEREOF, Declarant has caused these presents to be exc(:utcd the date and year above written. A TrEST: DW1GHT E. BROCK. Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMM!SSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA B;2li ~ 7/; . G - Deputy Clef.( , , I .: I . '\". Approved as to legal fonn and sufficiency: tJ4A l.k~ Heidi F. Ashton Assistznt County Attorney ~"__''''''''''4'__. __ """',,_,'4~,'_"'."_~_''''___~<~''''_''''''~'' "'_~.'~~"_'_~'" _~~,...., _>'. .... .','__,~.. ,....~,,~_"__~_ ::..;:..... ....-. ,. ......'iIMa:!r- - .~ - 'F ".: ttt OR: 2320 PG: 0100 ttt 168 - 4 PROJECT NO to 203/ PROJECT PARCEL NO. 8 J 0 FOLIO NO. SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) DESCRIPTIDN OF PART OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA THE EAST FIFTEEN (15) FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL AS RECORDED IN OFFICiAl RECORDS BOOK 965, PAGE 849. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTH HALF (112) OF THE NORTH HAlF (112) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (114) OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, RUN NORTH 60 FEET FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE WEST 1,320 FEET; THENCE NORTH 330 FEET; THENCE EAST 1,320 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 330 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS THE EAST 100 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA FOR ROAD PURPOSES. COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND LESS THE SOUTH 24 FEET THEREOF DEDICATED TO THE PERPETUAL USE OF THE PUBLIC FOR ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY, DRAINAGE AND UTILITIES BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN OR BOOK 1388, PAGE 0163. SUBJECT TO ALL RESTRICTIONS. RESERVA nONS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD Eut Line of SectIon 2 100' RNJ (Airvort Road) ~- 125' Unf'lCOrdtld Unit;~ Teltilhcnt Comptl/'lY Enern."t SUBJECT 15' EASEMENT ---" j 1 rJ lJtility Euement 2.' WW o.dbtlofl (OR 1388. PGOHI3) L{OR 1005, POOO35j ...::E:.::f::::.............................. ----. l Qran:.lO P.lo<<..v-.m Ddy ( , L Sovtha,t Comer or ~t North 'h of tht North 'A. of tht Sovthust y., 01 S~(:Hon 2, T ,"",a-8, R.25-E EXHIBiT /FA'\ Page. \ of \. o-;..__~.____. ~'__.~_r~~..'.._.,__'>_.."'''''''''''""'''-....._._~'''''_~_.~....._~~,..,"~..~~.~~,-""'_C"_'_ ..',..."." __<"~',~_~_M ~",'_~_'__'_'", .,. 2191037 OR: 2320 PG: 0101 lICOmDieOmCI.\LlICOlDSofCOLLIIRCQUl'rl, PL O~/Oi 11 J at 12: OJPK on GKl I. S~OCt, CLll1 RIeHl 10.50 coms 2.00 ---~-='-'~--'~-~'-----"-- --;."'____~",.,""""....,,~~,'"'..,.~,""""..,",..,__..""_..~_~_.~.~~~.,,' ....__. ___"._~ < '_,M_,' ~.,___,._ ",~," '.~'__"_~"."_~,m.,~ ~ PROJECT: Airport Road PARCEL: Animal Control/7] 0 Retn: CUll 10f1l1 BaUD Ul110mCI 4TlIlLCY.l1 IIT1W 168-4 DECLARATION OF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT d ;1 THIS DECLARATION is made this? day Of\f~' 1997, by Collier County, a political $ubdivision the State of Florida, having a iling address of 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter referred to as" eclarant." Declarant is the owner of certain real property situated in CoUier County, Florida. morc fully described below, hereinafter referred to as the "Property." See Exhibit "A" which is incorporated hereto by reference. Declarant hereby declares that the Property is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed, used and occupied in accordance with and subject 10 a non.exclusivc tempora....y construction easement and privilege to enter upon and construct public facilities on the Property, hereinafter referred to as the "Easemen!." The Easement, as set forth in this Declaration, shall bind, and the benefits thereof shall inure to the Declarant and its representatives, agents, successors and assigns. The Easement shall expire UpO!1 completion of the construction of the public facilities in the area described in ExhiLil "A", or on or beJore December 1,2002. TN VvlTNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has caused these presents to be executed the date and year aoove written. ATTEST: [J'.V1QWT.I'. BROCK, Clerk . l.,' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 'l]>~-~ (. " . . -- I -i--J :B'(:_ '~ .~'4AL-ILL+-- ~ - ~ Deputy Cktk " By;J~-<4;~ Timothy L.)1ancock, Chainnan . ,,~ I, : ~ : 'i- r,,' . ApproveJ as to I~gal form and sufficiency: _ tj~--L_____ lleidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney ~'~~':3~' <'.:::-:/ ......: .,' ~J_:r"'~ .~,~ _.~_.._- '.M_'~~__~' --- ._~ .~__"_n'~__,>_~"__.,_...._~._,,,.__........,--=_____~____.,.__.___~~________,~__~~..._ ._..__.,'._.,._..... J , - tU OR: 2320 PG: 0102 ttt 168-4 PROJECT NO. G 203 ( PROJECT PARCEL NO. 7/0 FOLIO NO. SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) DI,SCRIPTION OF PART OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA THE WEST TEN (10) FEET OF THE EAST TWENTY FIVE (25) FEET, lESS THE SOUTH 24 FEET, AND THE NORTH TEN FEET OF THE SOUTH 34 FEET, lESS THE EAST TWENTY FIVE (25) FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL, AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 965, PAGE 849, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTH Ht,LF (1/2) OF THE NORTH HAlF (112) OF HiE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, RUN NORTH 60 FEET FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE WEST 1,320 FEET; THENCE NORTH 330 FEET; THENCE EAST 1.320 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 330 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS THE EAST 100 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA FOR ROAD PURPOSES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. SUS."jECT TO ALL RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD East Un. 01 S~ction 2 Airport R~d (100' RtW) 125' Ur.rKOrdod Eesemtnt (Un;~td TelephOM Co.) ..L.. ~~ ,.-- I . Proposed 10' Temporary Con'Wellen Easemonl . , ...LJ:.::.~'.~;~~""."~~~:.m_m______-j---_J i --l-" -.. -.. -.. . - -.. -. - -.. -. - -.. _.. -. - -.. -.. - - -----.---- L Oranlio BlolSom Drlve (00' MV) South..,t CorMl' of Uwl North 1/2 oflhe North 1/2 of the ~ V4 of S6dJon 2, T .o4G-S, R.:zs-.E EXHiBiT "A" Page .\_ of .\. .~: ~~'~:.'~~~.:'/-._\:' .~l~:~:,:~.~':. ",':